No man's land

Article here. Excerpt:

'When a gender gap disfavors women, we hear about it. But in his new book, Richard Reeves shows that today, a lot of gender gaps disfavor men. A scholar from the Brookings Institution, Reeves has written a book about how one of the two human sexes is struggling and needs special attention from the government. It’s called Of Boys and Men — and it’s impossible to pigeonhole ideologically.

The tome is too pro-male to fit in with today’s Left, too friendly with “social justice” concepts to belong on the Right, too big-government to be libertarian, and too interesting and unpredictable to qualify as centrist. Reeves’s goal seems to be to force everyone to confront their blind spots while grabbing attention with a "made for cable news interviews" proposal:

Boys, Reeves says, should be "redshirted" in school by default. That is, unless their parents opted out, boys would get an extra “dose” of pre-K while girls of the same age were in kindergarten and then start kindergarten alongside girls one year younger than them.'

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The Boys Feminism Left Behind

Article here. Excerpt:

'If feminists paid more attention to the education of boys, they could help stop the trend to pathologize typically boy behavior. This means opposing the application of the label “toxic masculinity” for any behavior that the user disapproves of. It also means recognizing that there are some differences between males and females that are not just socially determined, but biologically based.

Schools are increasingly structured in ways that frustrate boys. We expect young children to sit still and be quiet—which is harder on boys. We cut back on physical activity and push academics to ever earlier grades, meaning that slower maturing boys start failing in school early. We have eliminated much of the hands-on learning opportunities, such as shop, that used to be standard.

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British OnlyFans model Abigail White found guilty in stabbing death of ex after breakup

Article here. Exceptional. In most cases, she walks away either found not guilty or gets a suspended sentence. Excerpt:

'British OnlyFans model Abigail White, who went by Mitzee Lewis online and styled herself as "Fake Barbie," was sentenced to life in prison Friday for fatally stabbing her ex-boyfriend in late March.

The Bristol Crown Court found the 23-year-old woman guilty of stabbing her ex-boyfriend, Bradley Lewis, 22, in the heart at their South Gloucestershire home hours after he broke up with her.

White, who reportedly made $54,000 a year on OnlyFans, called an ambulance minutes after the stabbing on March 25, but lied and told authorities Lewis stabbed himself.

"I did not stab Bradley," White told police after she was arrested on suspicion of murder, the New York Post reported.'

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Fans slam Laurence Fox for using his sons as 'weapons' after he accused his ex-wife Billie Piper of doing the exact same thing in raging Twitter attack

Article here. Stay quiet, get clobbered. Speak up, and get clobbered. For men in such positions, it's no-win. Excerpt:

'Fans have slammed Laurence Fox for using his children as 'weapons' by sharing a raging Twitter post where he accused his ex-wife Billie Piper of doing the same thing.

The actor, 44, took to Twitter on Thursday evening to share a fuming post, where he claimed his ex-wife Billie, 40, has used his two sons as 'weapons' against him.

But Twitter users were quick to hit back at Laurence and angrily accused him of being a 'complete hypocrite' as they claimed he was doing exactly what he accused Billie of.
But Twitter users were quick to hit back at his allegations and accused him of using his children as 'weapons' - which he accused Billie of - by sharing the ranting post.
Billie's representatives declined to comment when contacted by MailOnline.

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Chief just opened a private club for female execs in SF

Article here. Excerpt:

'Chief finally has a clubhouse in San Francisco, but don’t call it a coworking space. The 8,600 square feet do include conference rooms, one-person Zoom rooms, and open-plan seating, but it also has a bar, lounge seating, and — like Chief’s other clubhouses in New York, L.A., and Chicago — a piano.

“To me, what the piano represents is ‘this is not a coworking space,’” Chief co-founder Lindsay Kaplan told me on a tour of the clubhouse in advance of its official opening Thursday. “This is a place where you can sit back and take meetings in a very laid-back manner.”

Unlike the Wing, the women-focused coworking space and club that shut down this summer after a six-year run, Kaplan and co-founder and CEO Carolyn Childers are still much more interested in building and supporting Chief’s network than boosting its physical amenities.'

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Arizona Governor Candidate Kari Lake: 'There's No Such Thing as Toxic Masculinity'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kari Lake, a former local news anchor and current Republican nominee for governor in Arizona, insisted that “there’s no such thing as toxic masculinity” and that the term is a “bunch of BS” at an event called Black Voices for Kari Lake on Monday, The New Republic reported. At the event, hosted by former NFL player Jack Brewer and where“Power” by Kanye West reportedly played as Lake walked on stage, the candidate also made a number of racist dog whistles about Black families, absent fathers, and the necessity of “strong fathers” for “strong women.” (The comments notably echoed those of Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker, who as we all know isn’t exactly Father of the Year.)

It’s pretty funny to hear a Republican candidate in a state grappling with a near-total abortion ban deny the existence of toxic masculinity, while her party embraces candidates like Herschel Walker, who once held a gun to his wife’s head, and campaigns with incel king Jordan Peterson and platforms Andrew Tate. Just look around, ma’am!'

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West Hollywood’s Community Safety and Well-Being Strategy Excludes straight white men under 55 years old

Article here. Excerpt:

'The only class of people who are not allowed to be in the focus group are straight white men under the age of 55.

From the City of West Hollywood website:
To facilitate engagement and amplify the voices of these groups in West Hollywood, the project team will be hosting 7 focus group sessions in-person and virtually in late October – early November 2022 for the following community groups:

  • Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC)
  • LGBTQ+ community members
  • People with special needs and/or disabilities
  • Russian-speaking community members
  • Seniors (Ages 55+)
  • Transgender, Non-binary, and Gender Non-Conforming community members
  • Women

The only group excluded from the community safety and well being study is straight white men. West Hollywood Prides itself on being ‘inclusive’, but its policies exclude white men under the age of 55 in its community safety and well being strategy."'

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Andrew Reiner: How to help male students stay and succeed in college

Article here. Excerpt:

'The dearth of American males attending college has generated a lot of discussion. But little has been said about another crisis among young males — their struggles to remain buoyant, let alone succeed, once they’re in college.

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Spanish drivers to be fined for shouting sexist insults

Article here. Excerpt:

'Spain has taken a series of measures to stamp out abuse of women recently and now one city is going further by punishing those who are caught insulting female drivers.

The local government of San Fernando, in the southern region of Andalucía, has approved a new municipal regulation imposing fines of up to €100 on those caught making sexist comments aimed at drivers.

The text of the new rule states that “the act of insulting other drivers, especially because of their sexual condition, can be deemed a traffic violation” and it states that people using public spaces “should respect norms of co-existence, with particular consideration when it comes to avoiding behaviour that denigrates drivers because of their sex”.'

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Cheating wife made false rape claim against husband and told him: 'I want to destroy you'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A cheating wife made false rape claims against her husband and bombarded him with abusive messages after she vowed to “destroy” him has been spared jail.

Former town councillor Sharon Taylor’s 21-year marriage to husband David broke down after she admitted having an affair.

Mr Taylor moved out of their semi-detached home in Malvern, Worcestershire, last year but his wife sent “non-stop” abusive messages to her estranged husband that demanded he continue carrying out household chores, as she refused to accept the marriage was over.

The mother-of-two said in one message: ”I want to destroy you.”

Between March and April this year she sent him 216 messages including one branding him a “robotic Nazi”.'

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Why America Needs More Men Working in Health Care and Education

Article here. Excerpt:

'“I didn’t know that men could be doctors,” my son said to me when he was about six. We were driving home from a visit to the pediatrician. I was perplexed. But then I realized that the doctor we’d just seen was the first male physician he’d encountered.

I reassured him that men could indeed be doctors. But I was careful to add, “and nurses, of course.” His observation was a powerful reminder of the feminist mantra: “you have to see it to be it.” If any particular activity, including a job, is seen as being for people of the opposite sex, it is unlikely to feature in your own aspirations.

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Girls routinely get better grades than boys in class - and researchers think they know why

Article here. Excerpt:

'This bias against boys could mean the difference between a pass and a fail, and could have wider consequences in areas such as college admission, job choice and earnings, the researchers warn.

"There is a strong correlation between having higher grades and desirable educational outcomes, such as gaining admission to good colleges or having a lower probability of dropping out of school," said Ilaria Lievore.
In line with previous studies, the girls performed better than the boys in the standardised tests of language, while the boys were ahead at maths.

But the teachers put the girls ahead in both subjects. The girls' average grade in language was 6.6 out of 10, while the boys got 6.2. In maths, the average for the girls was 6.3, while the boys averaged 5.9 - below the pass mark of 6.

The analysis also showed that when a boy and a girl were similarly competent at a subject, the girl would typically receive a higher grade.'

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The Democrats Are Losing Black Men. The Moynihan Report Explains Why

Article here. Excerpt:

'But while this began as a solution to certain problems within these communities, it has had the unintended effect of exacerbating them. The Democratic Party's subversion of male responsibility and authority within the home has made it increasingly antagonistic toward men and the traditional family structure. President Obama was routinely criticized by his liberal Black base whenever he promoted marriage and fatherhood in speeches to Black audiences. And since then, those progressive critics have become the official voice of the party: The 2020 Democratic party platform did not contain a single reference to the importance of marriage and the nuclear family.

The Left's detachment of parenting from marriage is not confined to elected officials. Most people associate Black Lives Matter with criminal justice reform, yet none of its 13 founding principles mention police brutality. The co-founders were clear, however, about their desire to "disrupt" the nuclear family.

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Andrew Tate and the West’s lost boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tate himself says: “I am simply saying things that many men think, believe and feel.” I’m not sure that this is true. It’s unlikely that most his viewers are so passionately anti-feminist. But simply dismissing Tate as a misogynist or an opportunist is not good enough, even though he is both. His appeal should instead be seen as a leading indicator of some of the genuine disorientation being felt by millions of boys and men.

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Where Have All the Men in Moscow Gone?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many men have been staying off the streets out of fear of being handed a draft notice. As Olya came to work last Friday, she said, she witnessed the authorities at each of the four exits of the metro station, checking documents.

Her boyfriend, who was a barber at the salon, has also fled, and the separation is taking a toll.

“Every day is hard,” acknowledged Olya, who like other women interviewed did not want her last name used, fearing retribution. “It is hard for me to know what to do. We always planned as a couple.”

She is hardly alone. While there are still plenty of men in a city of 12 million people, across the capital their presence has thinned out noticeably — in restaurants, in the hipster community and at social gatherings like dinners and parties. This is especially true among the city’s intelligentsia, who often have disposable income and passports for foreign travel.'

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