About Mensactivism.org
Welcome! This is the Men's Activism News Network, a web site which tracks news and information about men's issues from around the world. Our particular focus is on promoting activism in support of men's rights and equality, and providing readers with the latest news stories is one way to inform and empower men's rights activists in their goals to create a more just and fair society.
One distinguishing aspect of Mensactivism.org is that it is a community-based forum for activists. While there are a handful of site administrators who moderate and post news stories, the vast majority of articles posted to this site come directly from you, the reader. You can submit them via our story submissions page. As a result, we tend to cover a wide variety of men's issues and perspectives. Check out our philosophy page for the guidelines we use in selecting news stories from readers.
Mensactivism.org was started in May of 2000 as an experiment. The site slowly gained popularity, and a community of activists offered it incredible support. As of the middle of 2006, over 5,500 articles have been referenced and discussed on Mensactivism.org. Stories posted on this site can come from a variety of sources, but most of them are news reports from mainstream media web sites. Others are feature articles submitted by readers, book reviews, interviews, and announcements from men's rights organizations. New stories are generally posted on a daily basis, so visit us frequently for updates. We'd highly recommend bookmarking the site, or even making it your home page. To search through our database, use the search box on the top right of each page.
Every article posted to Mensactivism.org has a comments section, which readers can access by clicking on the link at the footer of each article blurb. Here, readers can discuss the content of the story, share their activism activity in response to the article, and debate issues to encourage an open dialogue about men's rights.
We're always looking for suggestions on how to improve Mensactivism.org. Feel free to e-mail us and let us know if you're having any problems accessing parts of the site, or if you have an idea you'd like to share. This site has a lot of potential, but you, as a participant, are what makes it successful. Make use of it, and tell others about it. The most important contribution you can make to this site is by submitting quality news stories or posting thoughtful comments on stories. Above all, take advantage of the many features this site offers! We hope people will make use of Mensactivism.org as a resource to promote awareness of men's issues and to create positive change in the world.