West Hollywood’s Community Safety and Well-Being Strategy Excludes straight white men under 55 years old

Article here. Excerpt:

'The only class of people who are not allowed to be in the focus group are straight white men under the age of 55.

From the City of West Hollywood website:
To facilitate engagement and amplify the voices of these groups in West Hollywood, the project team will be hosting 7 focus group sessions in-person and virtually in late October – early November 2022 for the following community groups:

  • Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC)
  • LGBTQ+ community members
  • People with special needs and/or disabilities
  • Russian-speaking community members
  • Seniors (Ages 55+)
  • Transgender, Non-binary, and Gender Non-Conforming community members
  • Women

The only group excluded from the community safety and well being study is straight white men. West Hollywood Prides itself on being ‘inclusive’, but its policies exclude white men under the age of 55 in its community safety and well being strategy."'

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