Boys need to talk more about feelings and fight inequality, report says

Article here. Excerpt:

'A report – The State of UK Boys – has been published to mark the launch of the US initiative in the UK, pulling together findings from a range of academic research over the past 20 years – with insights from 15 researchers in the field of gender, masculinities and boyhood.

One of the report authors and fellow of Equimundo, David Bartlett, said: “How boys and men behave makes an enormous difference to the lives of girls and women, and individuals of all gender identities, in all areas of their lives.

“From sexual harassment and gender-based violence, to the gender pay gap and relationship breakdown, the attitudes and behaviour of boys and men are hugely influential.

“So, we need to raise a generation of boys who are able to build and sustain healthy, respectful, caring relationships with people of all genders, and not be influenced by restrictive gender stereotypes.”

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1 in 6 hiring managers have been told to stop hiring white men, survey finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'A recent survey of 1,000 hiring managers in the United States found that one in six, or about 16%, have been told to stop hiring white men.

Additionally, 14% of hiring managers said they have also been told to deprioritize hiring white women.

The survey, published by Resume Builder and Pollfish on Wednesday, found that 52% of hiring managers believe their company practices “reverse discrimination” – passing over members of racial and gender majorities in order to meet diversity benchmarks.

In addition, the survey found that 48% of hiring managers have been asked to prioritize diversity over qualifications, and 53% believe their job will be in danger if they don’t hire enough diverse employees.'

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Glasgow set to become the UK's first 'feminist city'

Article here. Excerpt:

'On October 27, Glasgow City Council unanimously backed a motion stating that women should be at the heart of all aspect of city planning, becoming the first city in the UK to embrace 'feminist urbanism'.

Feminist urbanism advocates for a type of urban planning that promotes inclusivity and puts the needs of women, non-binary and genderfluid people at the forefront of the way we think of the urban landscape. Because, perhaps unsurprisingly, our cities are far from being gender-neutral.

Scholars of feminist urbanism argue that men have historically been in charge of designing the cities we live in, and they did so thinking of their own needs and habits, often overlooking or sidelining issues of safety and accessibility affecting women and sexual and gender minorities.'

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There is no ‘war on men’ – we now know feminism is good for boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'A narrative has emerged over the last decade in popular culture and politics that portrays men and boys (particularly white, heterosexual ones) as in “crisis”, victimised by feminism and social justice movements, and now “left behind” or suffering so-called “reverse discrimination”. From the misogynistic memes that swirled around the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial, to the male MPs attempting to debunk the “bad press” men have been getting, to the description of #MeToo as a “witch-hunt” on flagship radio programmes, this argument has been steadily building up steam.

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Nashville woman gets probation for shooting homeless man who asked her to lower music, move car

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman convicted of shooting a homeless man who asked her to move her Porsche and allegedly threatened her was sentenced to no jail time in connection with the crime, according to a local affiliate report.

Katie Quackenbush was ordered on Thursday to serve 11 months and 29 days probation for the Aug. 26, 2017, shooting death of Gerald Melton, 54, on Nashville’s famed Music Row, police and FOX 17 Nashville reported. Quackenbush had originally been charged with attempted murder for the early morning shooting, but was instead found guilty of misdemeanor reckless endangerment, the outlet reported.

Melton was initially critically wounded, but survived his injuries. The woman fled the area and later told police she was defending herself when he threatened her life, according to the report.'

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Francis the Feminist: Pope calls fight for women's rights a 'continuous struggle' and condemns male chauvinism as anti-hijab protests sweep Islamic Iran

Article here. No comment. If I start, I'll end up writing a 10-page essay. Excerpt:

'Pope Francis said on Sunday the fight for women's rights was a 'continuous struggle', and condemned male chauvinism as deadly for humanity and female genital mutilation as a crime that must be stopped.

Speaking to reporters on the plane returning from a four-day trip to predominantly Muslim Bahrain, he also praised women he has appointed to managerial jobs in the Vatican, saying they had improved things there.

He made no mention of campaigns to let women move on beyond that and become clergy - the pope and his predecessors have said the question of women priests is closed.

Francis was responding to a question about women protesting in Iran but turned to the topic of women's rights in general.'

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Introducing the ‘manscuse’ – a new blight for women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The phrases “mansplaining”, “manspreading” and “manterruption” all highlight men’s problematic behaviour towards women. These new terms describe institutionalised sexism in action: men patronisingly explaining my own work to me, or taking up personal space on the Underground, or interrupting my talk. By naming the behaviour, we can readily identify with it and call it out.

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Social Isolation: A Modern Plague

Article here. Not an MRA issue per se, more a men's issue. I am sure some percentage of women experience such feelings but I conjecture men have it in greater numbers. Your mental health is very important. It's hard to live life happily much less have the energy to fight feminist excess if you feel lonely/depressed/isolated. There's nothing wrong with seeking out friendships and activity partners deliberately for just the sake of it. Excerpt:

'The best research confirms it: Americans are now perilously isolated. In a recent comprehensive study by scientists at Duke University, researchers have observed a sharp decline in social connectedness over the past 20 years.

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Standoff as Italy stops male migrants from disembarking rescue ship

Article here. Excerpt:

'A migrant rescue ship is refusing to leave an Italian port after authorities prevented 35 men from disembarking.

Children and people with medical issues were allowed to leave the Humanity 1 in Sicily after it spent two weeks requesting port access.

Two other rescue boats remain at sea.

The new Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, has promised to crack down on migrants travelling across the Mediterranean from North Africa.

Italy is one of the main entry points into Europe and since the start of the year 85,000 migrants have arrived on boats, according to the UN.'

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Richard Reeves: Of Boys and Men | Real Time with Bill Maher

Video here.

Brooking Institution Fellow and author Richard Reeves joins Bill to discuss the struggles facing modern males and what can be done about it.

Wikipedia on Reeves:

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Amazon commits $53 million to fast-track innovations by female climate tech entrepreneurs

Article here. Excerpt:

'Amazon and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) are launching a public-private partnership to address the gender inequities that exist for women in the climate finance ecosystem and to support female entrepreneurs with the resources they need to accelerate climate change innovations.

Amazon will commit a total of $53 million to help accelerate women’s climate innovation, including $3 million toward the USAID partnership, and $50 million for Amazon to invest directly in climate tech companies run by women.'

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Bigotry Is On The Rise On College Campuses

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many would agree that sexism and racism remain serious and, in some cases a growing concern. However, those being discriminated against are not the ones that feminists and other alleged advocates for equal rights have traditionally focused their attentions and efforts on. Instead, the group being victimized is straight white men.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that males are being mistreated—and yet, for some strange reason, many seem to find this totally acceptable. Ironically, one such example includes a ban on straight white men at the United Kingdom’s equality conference of the University and College Union, reported by the Daily Mail in June 2016. But this was not an isolated event. Reports suggest that such developments are commonplace, for instance, on college campuses in the U.K., U.S. and elsewhere.

Simply put, white heterosexual men are blameworthy and deserve to be excluded.'

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Men are struggling. A new book explores why and what to do about it

Article here. Excerpt:

'Friday's jobs numbers from the Labor Department showed a continuing worrisome trend among men: A smaller and smaller share of them are working.

Consider men of so-called prime-working age, 25 to 54.

Sixty years ago, close to 97% of men in that group were working or looking for work. Since then, there's been a steady decline. In October, the number was 88.5%, a slight dip from the previous two months.

In a new book, Brookings Institution scholar Richard V. Reeves sounds the alarm about the struggles of men, both in the economy and in society, pleading with policymakers and society at large to pay attention to what's going on and intervene.'

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Boys at the Crossroads: navigating masculinity, anger and incel culture

Article here. Excerpt:

'Boys at the Crossroads: Insights and Innovations in Young Masculinities, a multidisciplinary conference event, was held by Bristol Young Men’s Network, alongside University of Bristol researchers and several other organisations, to discuss the impacts of masculinity, violence and mental health on boys and young men. Encouraging critical and practical responses to young men's experiences, the event focused on approaches to tackling male violence and toxic masculine norms that impact people of all cultures, ages and genders.

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California professor erupts on 'Christian,' 'White men' on PBS: They will cause a 'civil war'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Author and University of California San Diego Professor Barbara F. Walter warned that "Christian," "White men" are primed to start a civil war in America.

Walter, the author of a book titled, "How Civil Wars Start," made her claims on PBS's "Amanpour and Company" Tuesday evening.

She cited observations of over 200 civil wars to decode that these "Christian" White males are the powder keg from which conflict will explode, because they were once "dominant and are in decline."
Getting to her point about White Christian men, the professor declared, "We've seen a significant rise in violent extremism since 2008. Some of it’s been on the left, but the vast majority of it has been on the far-right. And it's been perpetrated almost exclusively by White men."'

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