Did You Know Single Men Cannot Enter This Theme Park?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Comedian Jeff Dye (@thejeffdye) recently posted a TikTok sharing his experience when trying to visit LEGOLAND during his tour. The comedian started the story by asking the audience, “Did you know you can’t go to LEGOLAND if you’re just one man?” before commenting that he found that out the hard way.

Jeff then commented that while on tour in Kansas City, he had twelve hours to kill before a show when he found out that the state has a LEGOLAND, which made him get a car service to go to the Park. However, the experience was nothing like he would’ve expected.

“I walked right up; I go ‘one for LEGOLAND.’ And he goes ‘nope,’” said the comedian before saying that the theme park employee explained that if you don’t have kids or family with you, you’re not allowed to enter the Park. “We don’t let just men into LEGOLAND,” were the words the comedian used.

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Gettysburg College postpones event for people tired of ‘white cis men’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gettysburg College has postponed a painting and writing event hosted by its Gender Sexuality and Resource Center for people who are “Tired of white cis men.”

The private Pennsylvania college offered the event as part of a peace and justice, or “P&J,” senior project but has since postponed it after it was shared online.

The event, originally scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 12, told people to “come paint and write about” how they are tired of straight white men.

The pieces from the event would then be displayed in the school’s dining hall for the campus to view.

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UK: Tech giants will be punished for ‘legal but harmful’ content

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tech giants will be punished for sexism and racism on their platforms despite moves to water down laws on “legal but harmful” content, says the minister who helped draft the new plans.

Damian Collins, who was the digital minister responsible for the bill until last month, said companies would be held to account for “legal but harmful” sexist and racist content through their terms and conditions of service.

This would mean that if they failed to deliver what they promised in their terms of service in protecting people from such abuse, they could face punishment by the regulator Ofcom, which has powers to impose fines worth up to 10 per cent of global turnover.

The crackdown - part of the online safety bill - will remain in the proposed law despite moves by the Government to strip out specific clauses spelling out the legal and harmful content from which adults should be protected.'

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Woman lied that husband raped her because he refused to help around the house

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sharon Taylor, 61, vowed to ‘destroy’ her husband David following the collapse of their 21-year marriage.

He moved out of their semi-detached home in Malvern, Worcestershire, last year after she admitted having an affair.

A court heard Taylor then bombarded her estranged husband with abusive ‘non-stop’ messages demanding he continue to carry out household chores.'

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Court Adopts Narrow Approach to Pseudonymity in Title IX Wrongful-Discipline Cases

Article here. Excerpt:

'On May 13, 2016, Doe was expelled from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) following a Title IX proceeding involving accusations made against him by his ex-girlfriend, Jane Doe, of nonconsensual contact and forced sexual intercourse, and sexual harassment. On December 16, 2021, Doe sued MIT in this court for breach of contract, promissory estoppel, and denial of basic due process. According to Doe's Complaint, MIT's Title IX investigation had been compromised by a "[r]adical feminist anti-male bias on the MIT campus [that] guided the investigation report's conclusions …. MIT presumed the female complainant's story to be true (which it wasn't), and presumed John Doe not to be truthful (which wasn't the case) in order to avoid being found responsible."

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AU: Social Services Minister tells National Press Club of government's pledge to end domestic violence within 'one generation'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth says it's time to "stop shying away" from evidence that shows men are overwhelmingly the perpetrators of domestic, family, and sexual violence.

"The evidence shows there is a clear, gendered nature to family, domestic and sexual violence," she said.

"Ninety-five per cent of people who have experienced physical or sexual violence name a man as the perpetrator.
According to ABS data, one in three women have experienced physical or sexual violence, or both, at the hands of a man they know.

Research from 2017 also shows women accounted for three quarters of the people who experienced intimate partner violence since the age of 15, compared to men who accounted for one quarter.'

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European Council approves directive promoting gender equality

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Monday 17th October 2022, the European Council gave its final approval on EU rules to promote a more balanced gender representation on the boards of listed companies.

The “Women on Boards” Directive was agreed to by the Council of Ministers on Monday 17 October 2022 following a 10 year delay. The European Council finally agreed to take action to ensure the application of equal opportunities and treatment of men and women in matters of employment, which will directly seek to advantage the under-represented sex, which in most instances is women.

The effect of this directive seeks to increase the presence of women among top management positions and on corporate boards.

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Grants to boost Gender Equality and Diversity in Australian Politics

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Minister for Women, Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher has announced $5 million over five years to boost gender equality and diversity in Australian politics.

The Women’s Leadership and Development Program’s (WLDP) Women in Public Office grants will fund projects that support women in Australia to prepare for and enter public office at local, state and federal levels. The grant round acknowledges and seeks to overcome the unique challenges and barriers women face in running for public office.

“There are undeniable benefits from having more women in public office,” the Minister said.

“More women in public office and sitting at the decision-making table, irrespective of which political party they are a member of, improves policy outcomes for the broader community, and also has a positive impact on the culture within Parliament House.”'

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Transforming the Supply Chain Industry With Gender Diversity

Article here. Excerpt;

'In recent years, we have seen supply chain organizations make major changes to become more flexible and resilient to combat the numerous delays, shortages, and bottlenecks the industry has faced. The changes being implemented are bringing more diverse perspectives to the table. In turn, this has enabled companies to challenge legacy-focused mindsets, adapt to the shifting regulatory mandates in the industry, adjust to trends quicker, and embrace innovative automation technologies.

As a woman in the field, I know women have skills that position them to make viable changes in the supply chain. Women supply chain managers and leaders at major organizations, such as Stericycle, UPS, and Johnson & Johnson, are likely to implement more balanced solutions by leading with cooperation, collaboration, and empathy.

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UVa Police Department to hire 30% more women by 2030

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Virginia Police Department is making good on its promise to increase the presence of female officers on the force by 2030.

Women currently account for about 29% of UPD employees—42 of 141 total—putting the department on track to reach its 30x30 goal on time.

Earlier this year, the department enrolled in the national 30x30 initiative, a consortium of police leaders and researchers who are committed to improving the representation and experiences of women in policing agencies.'

The 2019 National Institute of Justice special report states that women in law enforcement face common barriers including discrimination and harassment in a male-dominated industry, sexism, oblique physical assessments and a lack of professional support in the workplace and opportunity.

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‘Game-changing’ gender quotas introduced by Australian research agency

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an attempt to achieve gender equity, Australia’s leading health and medical research funding organization plans to award half of its research grants for its largest funding programme to women and non-binary applicants, starting next year.

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) announced the move last week. It will apply to researchers at the mid-career and senior level applying for the agency’s investigator grants, which fund research and salaries. Grants will also be fixed at Aus$400,000 (US$252,000) each a year for five years. Many countries struggle to achieve gender equity in research funding, and the NHRMC will be one of the first agencies to introduce gender quotas at this scale, say researchers.'

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How Feminism Is Stifling Our Sons

Article here. In places, I wanted to barf. But the overall gist of the article is what's important. Excerpt:

'And it made me think—as the mother of a seven-year-old girl, I had been so consumed with female empowerment in the fight for gender equality that I had overlooked my son. At just three years old, he was already picking up on the saturation of the media’s “girl power” messaging, and was now confused about his own role in the world.

After all, how can we advocate for inclusion if we’re not considering their portrayal in the media too? Are advertisements and corporate brands actually encouraging equality, or perpetuating harmful gender stereotypes when it comes to boys?

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Auckland Feminists Demand Cancellation of Jordan Peterson Event

Article here. Excerpt:

'Auckland Feminist Action (AFA) is calling on Auckland Council for the immediate cancellation of Jordan Peterson's “12 More Rules for Life” event at Spark Arena on the 19th November 2022.

Peterson is a well known figure in the "Manosphere", a group of alt-right communities centred around violent misogyny, transphobia, and white supremacy.

This is especially concerning in light of the rise of extremism and disinformation happening in Aotearoa in recent times.

"By giving Peterson a platform on this scale, the Council is complicit in the radicalisation of young men in Aotearoa." says Dave (they/them pronouns), a member of AFA.

“He appeals to vulnerable guys who are still working out what it means to be a man. Some of his fans just like his books on a superficial level but the stuff his hardcore fans say is honestly quite concerning to me as a transgender person.”'

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Jewish Father and Victim of Domestic Violence Seeks Legal Help against Bias and Unfair Legal Treatment For Child Custody

Article here. Excerpt:

'Maxim Konstantinovski, a Jewish programmer and father, is fighting for the parental rights of Jewish fathers after experiencing domestic violence, discrimination, anti-Semitism, and unfair legal treatment during his three-year child custody battle in New Jersey. A court-appointed tool, OurFamilyWizard, also seems to have been weaponized to direct continuous harassment against him throughout the process.

In his statement, “It is unbelievable that in the U.S. in 2022, Jewish fathers are still being treated by the legal system as second-class citizens. I have repeatedly suffered anti-Semitic attacks and non-stop harassment from my ex-wife, which the court has allowed to take place on a court-ordered communication tool. As a Jewish father in a custody battle, my parental and religious rights and the best interests of my son are considered less important than my ex-wife's interests throughout the process.”'

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Russian mothers are turning deadbeat fathers over to Putin's military draft: 'My ex-husband died as a person a long time ago'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Russian mothers abandoned by their idle husbands have found the silver lining to Vladimir Putin's military draft: turning their exes in for the draft to receive financial compensation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's failing war in Ukraine gave rise to a "partial military mobilization" in which 300,000 new conscripts were called upon to fight. The draft sparked outrage and fear — evidenced by insurmountable protests and Russians attempting to flee the country.

But Russian investigative outlet Verstka reported dozens of women have come together in a ruse to get their exes into the military by giving enlistment offices personal data belonging to the men who abandoned them and their children. There's even an online community in which at least 70 of the women are sharing their experiences and discussing the plot, according to Verstka.'

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