Former orthopedic surgeon takes on Jefferson in federal court over sexual assault allegations

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a federal civil trial this week, a former Rothman Orthopaedic Institute surgeon is claiming that Thomas Jefferson University engaged in male-gender discrimination when it investigated a female medical resident’s allegations that he raped her after a booze-fueled pool party at his Main Line home.

John Abraham, an orthopedic oncology surgeon and a former Jefferson professor, says Jefferson failed to investigate his allegations that he was also a victim. He claims that Jefferson’s leadership ignored his assertion that then-medical resident Jessica Phillips got him drunk at his June 2018 party and forced herself on him. Instead, Jefferson leaders told him that they believed he would be found responsible, says Abraham, who is seeking at least $5 million in damages from Jefferson for financial losses and professional harm suffered.'

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When inequality is fatal for men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Whether ironically or cynically, progressives can be conservative and hidebound in their assumptions about inequality: They presume that whoever was more-than-equal in the past must still be privileged today, and so the one kind of inequality that doesn’t prick the progressive conscience is whatever harms groups that were formerly better off.
Then again, the last thing men need is to be designated as another victim group.

Right now, the very concept of manhood is under attack from two directions: from those on the left who see masculinity as inherently “toxic” and those on the right who idolize the likes of Andrew Tate—overgrown adolescent hedonists without an ounce of self-control, let alone any traditionally manly moral responsibilities for family or others.

If life is unfair to men, the masculine remedy is not to complain about unfairness but to be tough enough, and mature enough, to endure and prosper despite inequality.'

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STEM gender gap shows no signs of closing with Gen Z

Article here. Excerpt:

'The gender disparity in pursuing STEM careers persists among young people ranging from tweens to recent grads, new data shows.

Why it matters: Like their older counterparts, girls aren't warming to STEM, as diversity in the field is critical for representative and responsible advancements — and despite efforts designed to boost their participation.

More 12- to 26-year-old boys and men were interested in pursuing STEM careers than girls and women, who expressed a high lack of confidence in their abilities, per Gallup-Walton Family Foundation Survey data released Tuesday.'

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UK: Menopausal offenders could be spared jail under new sentencing guidelines

Article here. Excerpt:

'Menopausal female offenders could be spared jail under new sentencing guidelines for judges and magistrates.

The Sentencing Council, which advises the Government and courts, has set out new guidelines encouraging courts to consider more rehabilitative community sentences rather than sending people to jail for short terms.

The council said judges and magistrates should think more about sentences that are proven to reform offenders and think twice about jailing younger women because of the impact on children and older women because of the menopause.

The council is proposing to include guidance to magistrates and judges to consider the impact of the menopause on the behaviour of women typically aged between 45 and 55.'

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Woman who stabbed boyfriend 108 times is a 'do-gooding, mentally well' girl ... according to psychiatrist testimony

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is an unimaginably gruesome crime: an example of human violence at its most extreme.

In May 2018, Bryn Spejcher of Thousand Oaks, California, picked up a bread knife and stabbed her new boyfriend 108 times — killing him — before turning the blade on her dog.

The 32-year-old, who worked as an audiologist, then proceeded to stab herself — only stopping when police hit her nine times with a baton.

On Friday, Spejcher was convicted of killing her boyfriend — Chad O'Melia, then 26 — and awaits sentencing.

However, testimony from an expert witness called by the prosecution, seen exclusively by, paints a vastly different picture of the perpetrator than the story would initially suggest.

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'Skin in the Game' Anti-Circumcision Campaign

Press Release here. Excerpt:

Parents in the U.S. lack a basic understanding of the dangers of circumcision and what the surgical procedure actually entails, according to a new national survey conducted by Intact America, the nation's leading anti-circumcision group. This month, Intact America is launching a new advocacy campaign, "Skin in the Game: Circumcision Cuts Through Us All" to show how circumcision negatively impacts the lives of so many Americans.

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UK motor industry unveils ambitious gender diversity targets

Article here. Excerpt:

'Leading automotive companies in the United Kingdom have committed to ensuring that women constitute 30% of their workforce within the next six years to achieve better gender diversity across all roles and levels.

The initiative, spearheaded by the Automotive Council, whose members account for 99% of British vehicle manufacturing and half of the nation's automotive workforce, addresses the current gender disparity as women make up just under 20% of the sector's workforce.'

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Pittsburgh's percentage of female firefighters falls well short of national average, audit shows

Article here. Excerpt:

'Among the issues with the physical exam was the use of a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) during testing. While that is what firefighters are expected to carry while in the field, “it is both very awkward to carry and not readily available to practice with before the exam.”

It also examined how few women make it from the application process to career firefighter.

In 2021, 406 applicants to the bureau finished the written exam, 6.7% of whom were female. Of those who passed the written exam, 283 completed the physical exam — about 5.3% were women.

Of those 283, 210 made the civil service eligibility list. The other 73 either failed or chose not to continue in the process. Of the 210 who moved on, only 1.9% were women.

“Starting with 5.3% of applicants being female for the physical exam and ending with 1.9% of the female applicants making the eligibility list represents a loss of 64.2%,” the audit pointed out.'

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Brooklyn charter schools aims to redefine masculinity with inaugural men’s summit

Video here.

'A charter school in Brooklyn is aiming to challenge students and change the conversation about masculinity. For the first time, Brooklyn Lab Charter School is kicking off an inaugural men’s summit that will tackle educating young men on how they can become allies in issues of equality and violence. News 12’s Elly Morillo spoke with organizers on why this workshop could potentially change the narrative and stereotypes these young students may face.'

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Tampa woman allegedly posed as 14-year-old to molest middle schoolers

Article here. Bet she gets probation. Excerpt:

'A Florida woman pretended to be a 14-year-old homeschooled child to prey on middle schoolers for sex, police announced Friday.

Alyssa Ann Zinger, 22, was arrested last week for allegedly engaging in at least 30 sexual acts with at least one student and sending explicit videos to several more.

Zinger allegedly crafted her fake persona and communicated with her victims on social media platforms, mainly Snapchat, according to a search warrant obtained by the Tampa Bay Times.

The New York Post reported that multiple victims, who attended Wilson Middle School in Tampa’s Hyde Park neighborhood, told police they believed the Zinger was their age but was homeschooled.'

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Unmarried Ontario couple had no children and no house but man must still pay support, appeal court rules

Article here. Dated but still very relevant. Short version: LTRs in Ontario are dangerous for men. Excerpt:

'A wealthy businessman will have to pay more than $50,000 a month in spousal support for 10 years to a woman with whom he had a long-term romantic relationship even though they kept separate homes and had no children together, Ontario’s top court has ruled.

Under Ontario law, an unmarried couple are considered common-law spouses if they have cohabited — lived together in a conjugal relationship — continuously for at least three years. But that doesn’t necessarily mean living in the same home, the court found.

“Lack of a shared residence is not determinative of the issue of cohabitation,” the Appeal Court said. “There are many cases in which courts have found cohabitation where the parties stayed together only intermittently.”

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Society's war on men

Article here. Excerpt:

'We must begin to grapple with the uncomfortable fact that in today’s world, simply “[b]eing male is the biggest risk factor for suicide.” Many have argued that if men would be more open about their feelings the problem might be mitigated. Perhaps. But if men are biologically disinclined to talk about their feelings, then that cannot be the sole solution. If the so-called “social construct” of masculinity is actually derived from men’s biology or the sex differences in cerebral anatomy, as psychologist John Barry has argued, then urging them to go against it might prove to be counterproductive.

Far too often, John Mac Ghlionn argues, we are using “a female model to treat men’s mental health.”

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Feminist icon Gloria Steinem on 'lethal' desire to control wombs

Article here. Ah, ol' Gloria. Still managing to ignore men's real concerns too even at 89. Never worried a day about being drafted and sent to die for political purposes, among other things. Excerpt:

'During the 1970s, Gloria Steinem was one of the main voices campaigning for women's reproductive rights.

She celebrated the US Supreme Court's 1973 ruling in the case of Roe v Wade, which granted women the constitutional right to abortion.

Nearly half a century later she witnessed the reversal of this decision - the Supreme Court's historic ruling in June last year that ended the nationwide right to abortion.
For Steinem and other pro-choice activists it was a stark reminder of the need to keep campaigning, to achieve changes she says she hopes to see in her lifetime.

"The most obvious and simplest [change] is that we can determine the fate of our own physical selves, so we can decide whether and when to have children, not to have children… whatever it is about our physical selves.

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Pope Francis asks theologians to ‘demasculinize’ the church

Article here. Interesting. The long-running debate over the role of women in the more conservative Chrisian churches looks like it's taking off. Personally, I have mixed feelings on the issue but don't lose sleep over it. Excerpt:

'Speaking to members of the International Theological Commission at the Vatican on Thursday (Nov. 30), Pope Francis asked theologians to “demasculinize” the church in an unscripted remark.

“There is something I don’t like about you, if you excuse my honesty,” said Pope Francis, pointing out that there were only five women among the 30-plus theologians. “We need to move forward on this! Women have a way of reflecting on theology that is different from us men,” he added.
The pope’s words on Thursday underlined “the need to increase the space given to women in positions of authority and decision-making in the Christian community, in order to treasure the sensibility and intelligence that is typical of the feminine genius and experience,” Coda told Religion News Service.

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Australia: Controversy around boys schools going co-ed to address ‘toxic masculinity’

Video here.

'Sky News host Chris Kenny says the “single-sex school debate” has raised its head in Sydney due to some boys schools going co-ed.

“This single-sex school debate, it’s raised its head in Sydney lately because of a couple big boys school going co-ed,” Mr Kenny said.

“Controversy around that, I know the same has happened in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, this is a debate raging around the country.

“It’s all the boys schools that have to let girls in to address the toxic masculinity apparently.”

Mr Kenny sat down with Psychiatrist Doctor Tanveer Ahmed and Child and Adolescent Psychologist Clare Rowe to discuss the push for co-ed schools.'

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