Gillette ‘Shifting The Spotlight’ After Losing $8 Billion Amid ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Backlash

Article here. Excerpt:

'Just a few weeks after Procter & Gamble reported a sobering $8 billion writedown, Gillette has officially called off its war on "toxic masculinity." The embattled brand has announced that it is now "shifting the spotlight from social issues to local heroes."

While the brand is admitting that it's reversing course on the social issues messaging, Gillette is presenting its new focus as simply a return to what it's always done. "We will continue to represent men at their best," Gillette said in a statement reported by News Corp Australia. Instead of the "social issues" focus, the brand will begin to highlight positive portrayals of "heroic" masculinity, as seen in its new ad starring Ben Ziekenheiner, an Australian firefighter and personal trainer.'

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A hotel that only allows women to stay has opened in Spain

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women-only hotel floors have been around for some time but in Spain they're taking the concept even further with the country's first hotel that caters exclusively to women.

The four-star Som Dona hotel opened in the resort of Porto Cristo in Mallorca with 39 rooms catering to female-identifying customers over the age of 14. On announcing the project last year, Som Hotels president, Joan Enric Capellá said they saw a gap in the market that came from a "growing business trend focused on female audience". There are already specialised hotels like adults-only hotels, gay-friendly hotels and even hotels for vegans but Capellá said there was nothing in Spain to cater exclusively for women, despite the rise of female-only gyms and co-working spaces throughout the globe. It conducted a survey across the hotel chain and found that its customers liked the idea of a women-only hotel'

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Do Women-Only STEM Programs Hold Up Legally Under Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women-only STEM programs are being criticized as discriminatory against males.

Computer and science programs and scholarships focused specifically on women aim to bridge the gender gap in STEM fields, but some question the legality under Title IX, which bans sexual discrimination in educational programs.

The U.S Department of Education is investigating several universities and schools that offer women-only scholarships, workshops and other programs. Some legal experts argue the practice of offering female-focused STEM programs is legally sound because there’s still an uneven playing field as a result of historic discrimination against women. But others say things have swung too far the other way, and now males are being negatively impacted by these types of programs.'

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MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt Tees Off: ‘You Don’t Want to Worry About Character? Elect a Woman!’

Article here. Excerpt:

'NBC News correspondent and MSNBC host Kasie Hunt said today that for all the talk of “character” in politics, one solution would be just to elect a woman.

During the panel discussion on the Democratic primary race, Todd asked what Elizabeth Warren needs to do to reassure voters “that probably would prefer to go with her, but believe all of the analysis that says Joe Biden‘s more electable.”

Hunt said Warren’s been able to rebut it successfully, telling Todd, “She has been out-hustling, out-organizing, out-doing basically, outworking every other candidate in the field, and it is showing up… in the crowd’s she’s getting, in the reaction that suddenly instead of thinking about the DNA test people are thinking, ‘Oh, she’s the one that’s got a plan for that.'”'

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What if #MeToo takes down powerful women?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Katy Perry has a #MeToo problem, and she’s the one who’s in trouble.

Perry ignited a discussion around the gender-flipped version of the #MeToo movement last year when she kissed an unsuspecting American Idol contestant. The 19-year-old had just said he’d never been kissed before and wanted to be in a relationship first. So, naturally, Perry translated that to mean he would be thrilled to get his first kiss from a celebrity, which takes quite a degree of hubris.

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Canada: Ottawa kick-starts push to bring men and boys into fight for gender equality

Article here. Excerpt:

'Trumpeting the need for men and boys to enlist in the fight for gender equality, the federal government is awarding $562,000 to four organizations in a bid to lay the foundation for its promised national strategy.

Women and Gender Equality Minister Maryam Monsef is set to announce the funding Friday in Calgary, where she will also hail the release of a report prepared by her department to summarize months of cross-country consultations about how men and boys can “unlearn” what the government deems “outdated gender stereotypes” that harm everyone.

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Women-only STEM college programs under attack for male discrimination

Article here. Excerpt:

'Female-only science programs, launched by many universities to redress gender imbalance in such fields as computer science and engineering, are coming under growing legal attack as sex discrimination against men.

The U.S. Department of Education has opened more than two dozen investigations into universities across the nation — UC Berkeley, UCLA and USC as well as Yale, Princeton and Rice — that offer female-only scholarships, awards, professional development workshops and even science and engineering camps for middle and high school girls. Sex discrimination in educational programs is banned under Title IX, a federal law that applies to all schools, both public and private, that receive federal funding.

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U. Alabama got millions from taxpayer for 'diversity'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The federal government has granted the University of Alabama-Birmingham $1.25 million to help achieve gender equality in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, or STEM, both at the university and beyond.

The grant is part of the National Science Foundation’s ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions initiative to increase “the participation & advancement of women in academic STEM careers.” The government entity seeks to do this by granting money to various institutions, mostly universities, to push said institutions to “develop systemic approaches” to increase the hiring rates, retention, and participation of women in STEM departments.

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Johns Hopkins University Fires Professor Who Defied Campus Protesters

Tangential to the MRM, this story demonstrates the degree to which The Crazies have taken over and now rule over college administrators. Excerpt:

'Johns Hopkins University has fired Daniel Povey, an associate professor of speech and language processing, who used bolt cutters to gain entry to an administration building on campus that was taken over by student protesters who had chained the doors shut.

The university, located in Baltimore, has been attempting to create a private, armed campus police force to deal with crimes on and around campus for months. In April, activists from SAPP (Students Against Private Police), took over Garland Hall, the main administration building. Some chained themselves to railings and fixtures while others chained the building’s doors.
On May 8, Professor Povey went to Garland Hall and used a pair of bolt cutters to cut the chains on the doors, outraging the students inside.

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Boeing concentrates on having diverse staff -- and is failing to build trustworthy airplanes

From a MANN reader:

Boeing is, or was, one of the foremost airplane manufacturers in the world.

Recently, they began to concentrate on diversity hiring. That's not specialisation diversity, which might have led to something completely different in aircraft design. It's just making sure that the identity groups their staff belong to are numerous. It seems that Boeing management think that being able to identify as a Boeing employee is no longer enough for Boeing employees.

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NY Post: It’s masculinity to the rescue

Story here. Excerpt:

'In every story of bloodshed and mayhem, it’s the same. Tales of selfless male heroism and chivalry emerge in the face of mortal danger.

These are men who rush toward danger, risking their lives and even dying in the noble cause of protecting women and children.
We always are quick to point to the dark side of masculinity when violence is committed, but too often we overlook the feats of bravery by men who combat it.

Call it the chivalry instinct, it is what inspires men to run toward danger to protect the weak.

This is the noble side of masculinity that we once would perpetuate in folklore and stories passed down from father to son about what it means to be a real man.'

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College settles anti-male bias lawsuit rather than face a jury

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the longest-running Title IX lawsuits stemming from the Obama administration’s “Dear Colleague” sexual-misconduct guidance has settled.

A federal judge ruled last month that a jury would decide whether Grinnell College violated an accused male student’s Title IX rights and breached his contract by treating him differently than his female accusers.

That apparently prompted the Iowa liberal arts college to settle with “John Doe.” A joint notice of settlement published Friday says they plan to file a stipulation of dismissal next week, preempting the jury trial scheduled to start Sept. 16.

The actions of Grinnell officials were called into question by U.S. District Judge Rebecca Goodgame Ebinger in the July ruling.

One of them is former chief justice of the Iowa Supreme Court, Marsha Ternus, now a lawyer in private practice who specializes in student conduct adjudications.'

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92 percent of sex-specific scholarships are reserved for women, study finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'University of Michigan-Flint economist Mark Perry has company in his one-man crusade to expose scholarships that exclude men from consideration in possible violation of the law.

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, which advocates for the due process rights of accused students, has added fair treatment in scholarships to its earlier agenda of fair treatment in sexual misconduct proceedings for both men and women.

The group analyzed sex-specific scholarships at “115 of the nation’s largest universities” and found fewer than 10 percent reserved for men. To be specific, fewer than 100 out of nearly 1,200. The rest were reserved for women.

It reviewed colleges in 24 states from January to May, but cautions that it only looked for sex-specific scholarships on “publicly available web pages,” so it doesn’t cover all such scholarships.'

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University refuses to readmit football player after he’s exonerated of rape: lawyer

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the eyes of the criminal justice system, as of last week, Quintez Cephus is not guilty of sexual assault.

In the eyes of the University of Wisconsin, which expelled the ex-football player in March, Cephus may have still broken campus regulations that require him to prove he had “enthusiastic, affirmative and ongoing consent” throughout any sexual encounter.

Cephus’s lawyer Stephen Meyer told the Wisconsin State Journal that the administration gave him a “clear message” that they don’t want him returning to Madison “this semester.”

The university has no excuse not to readmit him, the lawyer said, because of everything that came out at the criminal trial.'

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Intact America Proposes Adding Circumcision and Genital Cutting to List of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Intact America announces the launch of, a new website designed to encourage researchers and public health agencies to include child genital cutting in the standard ACEs questionnaire. Together with the simultaneous release of an auto-scoring ACEs quiz mobile app (in Android and iOS), this new tool expands resources available for practitioners who treat victims of childhood trauma.

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