17 states, DC sue Betsy DeVos over Trump admin's due process protections

Article here. Excerpt:

'One month after the Department of Education, under the direction of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, released its new guidelines for Title IX revisions campuses, the attorney general’s of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and California have sued to block the department's efforts.

While the attorneys general of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and California are leading the case, the lawsuit is backed by the attorneys general of 14 other states plus the District of Columbia. In early May, DeVos unveiled the new Title IX regulations for sexual harassment on campuses. The biggest takeaways from the new rules are the expansion of due process for those accused of sexual misconduct.'

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‘Don’t Forget the White Women!’: Members Say Racism Ran Rampant at NOW

Article here. Excerpt:

'In interviews with The Daily Beast, nearly a dozen members, employees, and visitors recalled women of color being heckled, silenced, or openly disparaged at NOW meetings and offices. The behavior culminated at the 2017 conference where, witnesses say, members dismissed Fortson-Washington, a black woman, as “angry” and entitled, and accused Weeks of being a “hot-headed Latina.” On the last day of the conference, more than a dozen women marched around a conference room to protest racism inside the organization.

But the problem didn’t stop there. Internal emails, documents and interviews obtained by the Daily Beast reveal that allegations of racism reached the highest levels of the organization after Weeks and Fortson-Washington’s loss. More than a dozen employees at the national headquarters signed onto a letter accusing President Toni Van Pelt of sidelining and disparaging women of color, and the previous vice president has filed a federal racial discrimination suit.'

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What George Floyd and Christian Cooper have in common

Article here. Excerpt:

'One such murder: that of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African-American from Chicago, who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955 after being accused of offending a white woman, Carolyn Bryant, in her parents’ grocery store. The all-white, all-male jury took 67 minutes to acquit the two men accused of the crime. One juror reportedly said, “If we hadn’t stopped to drink pop, it wouldn’t have taken that long.”

According to a news report at the time, one of the defense lawyers, J. W. Kellum, told the jury that they were “custodians of American civilization,” adding, “I want you to tell me where under God’s shining sun is the land of the free and the home of the brave if you don’t turn these boys loose; your forefathers will absolutely turn over in their graves.”

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Nymphotropism in the age of rioting

Article here. This is one to watch. Bets she either walks or gets a slap on the wrist. Excerpt:

'The blurry video shows a woman holding a lighter to an indistinct object on a Brooklyn street. She vanishes off screen for a few seconds, then lurches back, lobbing what authorities say is a Molotov cocktail at a parked police van with four officers inside.

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Prostate cancer is now the most commonly diagnosed form of the disease in the UK

Article here. Excerpt:

'Prostate cancer has become the most commonly diagnosed form of the disease in the UK.

A total of 57,192 men in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales were told they had it in 2018 – a substantial rise from 48,690 the previous year and up from around 24,000 in 1998.

It means diagnosis of prostate cancer has more than doubled in the past 20 years and it has now overtaken breast cancer as the most common form.

Experts attribute the increase to rising numbers of men getting tested as well as the growing and ageing population.'

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No boys allowed: this year’s Chart art fair will only exhibit women artists

Article here. Excerpt:

'The organisers of the Nordic Chart art fair say they plan to show only women artists at this year’s eighth edition (28-30 August) in a bid to “highlight one of the biggest structural barriers in the art scene and art market: gender imbalance”. In another radical move, the fair will adopt a new “de-centred format” this year in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, taking place across five Nordic cities.

The fair's director, Nanna Hjortenberg, tells The Art Newspaper that they “were already planning to present women artists exclusively at Chart 2020 at [the usual venue] Kunsthal Charlottenborg in Copenhagen. With a strong collective statement from the participating galleries, we want to start the debate [around gender inequality] and engage the entire arts sector in developing solutions for a better-balanced art scene. In the Nordics, we know that by pushing collectively we can create a much bigger impact than we can achieve individually.”'

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Woman inherits estate after murdering husband and claiming emotional abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman previously convicted of murdering her husband but successfully appealed down to a lesser charge of manslaughter will now be able to fully inherit his estate instead of the couple’s children.

In 2010, Sally Challen went to visit her estranged husband with a hammer in her purse. As her husband, Richard, ate lunch, Sally beat him to death with the Hammer, leaving a note on his body that said, “I love you.” She then fled the home and was later arrested and convicted for his murder.
The couple had already separated at the time of the murder. Richard moved out and began dating again, while Sally struggled to move on and eventually begged Richard to take her back. Sally told police after the murder, “I wasn’t thinking ‘I’m going to go and kill Richard’. I was thinking I’m going to go there and there’s a possibility, depending on how it panned out.”

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SAVE: Is Your Representative Anti-Due Process?

"No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law" is every American's right under the Fifth Amendment.

Unfortunately, 104 Democratic members of Congress opted to take an opposing stand by signing a letter last week to Secretary DeVos and Assistant Secretary Marcus, decrying the new Title IX Regulation will "jeopardize the civil rights of students."[1]

On the contrary, the Regulations enhance the due process protections for all students, including giving complainants the autonomy to choose to file a formal complaint, an informal resolution, or withdraw their complaint at any point. The previous guidance did not give complainants that option.

All students now have equal protections under the rule.

The inaccurate and unfounded statements in the letter show the "straw-grasping" techniques these elected officials are using to confuse the uninformed public.

SAVE asks you to get involved.

The link to the letter is below. Please click on it and see if your representative is anti-due process.

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SAVE: 145 Universities Under Federal Investigation for Sex Discrimination Against Male Students

Press release here. Excerpt:

'A total of 145 colleges and universities around the country are currently under investigation by the federal Office for Civil Rights (OCR) for allegations of sex discrimination against male students. The investigations are targeting some of the most prestigious and largest institutions of higher education around the country.

On January 7, 2020, OCR opened an investigation against Harvard University for its support of seven sex-discriminatory programs. These programs include the Harvard College Women’s Leadership Awards, Graduate Women in Science and Engineering, and the Women in Global Health LEAD Fellowship. The LEAD Fellowship advertises its program with this uncommon description, “Learn, Engage, Advance, Disrupt.” (1) (OCR Complaint No. 01-19-2203)

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Clementine Ford allowed to keep grant despite backlash over 'coronavirus isn't killing men fast enough' tweet

Article here. Excerpt:

'Clementine Ford has been given the green light to keep a council grant to help her write a new book after it came under review when she declared coronavirus 'isn't killing men fast enough'.

The 39-year-old posted the outrageous statement on Twitter on Saturday in response to an article written about gender disparities in parenting children during the coronavirus crisis.

She shared the story of a woman forced to quit her job during the pandemic because her stay-at-home husband could not cope with full-time parenting - and said the woman 'deserved better'.'

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Search for murder-spree student who denounced gun violence and "toxic masculinity"

Article here. Insane behavior is driven by insanity, not ideologies. In the final analysis, to kill an otherwise physically unoffending fellow human is an act of insanity. A criminal act rightly punished by jail, etc., but an insane one. Crazy is as crazy does. Excerpt:

'The FBI and police in three states are hunting for a University of Connecticut student suspected in a terrifying three-day crime spree that included two murders, a home-invasion robbery, and a kidnapping.

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Law professor falsely accused of rape wins $1.2 million defamation judgment

Article here. Excerpt:

'In what appears to be the largest award of its kind in state history, a University of Minnesota Law School professor has won nearly $1.2 million in his defamation case against a woman whose false rape allegation had him locked up in jail for three weeks and charged with a felony.

Francesco Parisi prevailed Monday in Hennepin County District Court after a bench trial in September. Judge Daniel Moreno ruled that more than $800,000 of the award will go to Parisi for economic losses, along with $325,000 to cover emotional, punitive and reputational damages.'

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Hawaii Proposes ‘Feminist Economic Recovery Plan’ Filled With Sex Discrimination

Article here. Excerpt:

'What’s a “feminist economic recovery plan”? Exactly what you would expect: A document full of policies aimed to help women at the expense of men that will ultimately end up hurting women as well.
Let’s take a look at just one of those proposals: The $24.80 per hour minimum wage for single mothers. What about single fathers? What about merit? How long until stores start hiring anyone but single mothers to avoid having to pay them so much extra simply based on their circumstances and not their performance or skill?
In the actual plan, the minimum wage proposal is touted because it would “work to reduce homelessness, dependency on men, and costs to the state/DHS in terms of benefits to assist women because they comprise the majority of the state’s impoverished.”'

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Kirsten Gillibrand Asked About Biden Allegations, Trashes Education Department And Due Process

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) has continued her reign as one of the most hypocritical alleged feminists in all of politics.

During a recent interview with radio host Evan Dawson, Gillibrand was asked about the differences between the allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and those against de facto Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Gillibrand offered an answer full of misrepresentations about the allegations against Kavanaugh.'

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DeVos' reforms draw challenge

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union, the veteran civil rights organization, filed a lawsuit challenging a newly enacted Trump administration policy change. The twist: The policy change is one that has been praised by numerous civil libertarians as expanding due process for people accused of offenses. The matter at hand is the enforcement of Title IX, the federal statute that bans sex discrimination in education and covers college disciplinary proceedings in cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

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