Yale Law Professor and Title IX Critic Suspended in Title IX Case

Article here. Excerpt:

'New York magazine reported that Jed Rubenfeld, Robert R. Slaughter Professor of Law at Yale University, was suspended for two years following a sexual harassment investigation. Upon returning to Yale, Rubenfeld will not be allowed to teach small groups or required courses. According to New York, sources said the university found a pattern of sexual harassment by Rubenfeld, such as unwanted touching and attempted kissing, involving several students.

Rubenfeld told the magazine that he never “sexually harassed anyone, whether verbally or otherwise. Yes, I’ve said stupid things that I regret over the course of my 30 years as professor, and no professor who’s taught as long as I have that I know doesn’t have things that they regret that they said.” He added, “Ironically, I have written about the unreliability of the campus Title IX procedures. I never expected to go through one of them myself.”

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Beaufort Co. administrator discriminated against former white male employee, lawsuit says

Article here. Excerpt:

'A lawsuit filed Friday by a former Beaufort County director accuses County Administrator Ashley Jacobs of creating a hostile work environment and discriminating against him for being an “older white male.”

The suit, filed by Eric Larson, the county’s former director of Environmental Engineering & Land Management, says Jacobs violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by discriminating against Larson’s race and age, retaliating against him and creating a hostile work environment. The suit also names Beaufort County as a defendant.

Larson’s attorney, Bonnie Hunt, said she had instructed Larson not to discuss the suit.'

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Dutch University smacked down for banning men from applying for academic jobs

Article here. Excerpt:

'Eindhoven University of Technology banned all men from applying for all academic jobs for 18 months in a blatantly illegal bid to raise the percentage of female academics (in this case, scientists). The Dutch College voor de Rechten van de Mens, an “independent administrative body” that serves as a human rights council, said it violated the country’s law on “equal treatment,” the English-language DutchNews reports.

Though the ruling is not legally binding, it “can be used as evidence in any eventual court case,” according to the news outlet. The Dutch antidiscrimination nongovernmental organization RADAR said last fall it had received nearly 50 complaints about the Eindhoven policy.'

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NOW president steps down after allegations she oversaw a ‘toxic work environment’ and racism claims; cites health reasons for her departure

Article here. Excerpt:

'The head of the National Organization for Women announced Sunday that she would leave her post before Labor Day, citing health issues as the reason.

NOW president Toni Van Pelt sent an email to colleagues stating “very painful health issue” as her reason for stepping away and claimed her doctor had been urging her to take this step for months, according to The Daily Beast.

That political site notes that Van Pelt’s resignation follows an internal investigation that concluded “governance issues and evidence of a toxic work environment.”

The Daily Beast reported in June that there had also been multiple allegations of racism at the senior level of the 54-year-old civil rights organization, but NOW’s internal examination claimed those accusations could not be substantiated.'

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To cripple the abusive campus 'sex bureaucracy,' rein in the Title IX coordinators

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you want to entrench a government policy, make sure someone’s job depends on enforcing it. Even if that person isn’t a true believer in the program initially, she will be by the time her first paycheck arrives — and increasingly after that. That’s certainly the case with the education system’s Title IX coordinators, who are charged with overseeing schools’ compliance with federal sex discrimination statutes and questionable regulatory dictates.

What do Title IX coordinators do? Their core job duty, at least in theory, is to monitor their institution’s compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which helps ensure that institutions receiving federal money do not tolerate sexual harassment that effectively bars the victim’s access to educational opportunity.'

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The Trump Administration’s New Regulations On Campus Sexual Assault Have Just Taken Effect. What Will Biden Do About That If Elected?

Article here. Excerpt:

'While the Trump administration has been awful about following the Administrative Procedure Act (and, as a result, has had many of its policies struck down by the courts) it has been far better than the Obama administration concerning Title IX. It revoked the OCR letters and, as of last Friday, replaced them with a detailed set of rules that were subject to vigorous public comment. Substantively, while imperfect, they are a vast improvement.

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Missouri women accused of luring husband to his death gets probation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Jefferson City woman who was accused of luring her ex-husband to his death has been sentenced to five years of supervised probation.

The Jefferson City News-Tribune reports that Suzanne Ponder, 48, also was sentenced to 60 days in jail but given credit for time served after pleading guilty Friday to an amended felony charge of abandonment of a corpse. She previously was charged with first-degree murder in the Nov. 24, 2015, death of Jon Williams.
Ponder reportedly told the inmate she had lured Williams to a creek in Moniteau County under the guise of using methamphetamine. The inmate said Ponder's then boyfriend, 58-year-old Sandy Gallaspie, who faces a first-degree murder charge, killed Williams when he arrived, according to court records.

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No, the Woke Won’t Debate You. Here’s Why

Essay here. Long but worth it. Excerpt:

'There are a number of points within Critical Social Justice Theory that would see having a debate or conversation with people of opposing views as unacceptable, and they all combine to create a mindset where that wouldn’t be something that adherents to the Theory are likely or even willing to do in general. This reticence, if not unwillingness, to converse with anyone who disagrees actually has a few pretty deep reasons behind it, and they’re interrelated but not quite the same. They combine, however, to produce the first thing everyone needs to understand about this ideology: it is a complete worldview with its own ethics, epistemology, and morality, and theirs is not the same worldview the rest of us use.

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Court axes ‘Save James’ ruling, mom who wants gender ‘transition’ for 8-yr-old regains decision rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yesterday, a Dallas judge took away Jeffrey Younger’s say in his son James’ medical, psychological, and psychiatric care, giving that power to James’ mother, who wants to “transition” him into a “girl.” After receiving national attention in October 2019, the bitter parental dispute had ultimately resulted in both parents getting a say in decisions regarding James and his twin, Jude; this ruling effectively reverses that.

James Younger’s mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, will now be able to enroll the eight-year-old in school as a “girl” named “Luna” and subject him to transgender medical procedures.'

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Leaked Docs Show US Gov Nuclear Facility Held ‘3-Day Reeducation Camps’ For White Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'A federal lab reportedly hosted a three-day mandatory training for its white male executives where they were instructed to apologize for their privilege, along with other tasks such as acknowledging the connection between “white male culture” and mass killings, per leaked documents reported by Christopher Rufo.
A ticket to the event is $3,000. It purports to teach participants to “recognize themselves as individuals and as members of the white male group” and “gain a systematic perspective and understanding of the costs of racism, sexism, heterosexism, oppression and unexamined privilege.”
White male culture is reportedly characterized as “rugged individualism,” “a can-do attitude,” “hard work” and “striving towards success” — all of which are “devastating” to women and people of color.

The men then reportedly apologize for their “privilege” and pledge to become “better [allies].”'

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Democratic Party sets rules for criticizing Biden's VP pick Kamala Harris

Article here. Excerpt:

'Media organizations have just been warned by the Democratic Party machine that they better be very, very careful with how they cover Joe Biden’s vice presidential choice — just revealed to be Kamala Harris. Any criticism of the expected woman will be considered racist and sexist, we are told. Oh, they wrap up that threat in a word salad, but that’s the bottom line: There should be second and even third thoughts about any criticism of Mr. Biden’s VP pick.

An actual memo went out from an ad hoc group of Democratic operatives (pretending to be advocates for women) to media organizations with orders on how to proceed with their coverage. The fact that they expected this partisan missive to be accepted and adhered to by media entities tells you all you need to know about the problem with today’s legacy media.

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A third of House Democrats think destroying an innocent student’s life is like a short-term suspension

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nearly 80 House Democrats, including a constitutional law professor, signed a friend-of-the-court brief in a lawsuit against the Department of Education’s Title IX regulation on campus sexual misconduct investigations, slated to take effect this month.

For anyone educated on the issue, the brief shows either stunning legal ignorance or stunning indifference toward students of all races and genders who may find themselves defenseless against university lawyers seeking to protect the institution’s image.

It begins with an explicitly sexist message, purporting to “promote the safety of women and girls” and equating females with “victims.”'

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Ninth Circuit Adopts ‘Simpler’ Method for Accused Student Claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit delivered a win for students accused of sexual misconduct on July 29, reinforcing the use of a “far simpler standard” for judges to determine whether colleges discriminated against these students based on their gender while investigating them for sexual assault or harassment.

Three federal circuit courts have now adopted the standard of “plausible inference,” as it is called, to rule on cases where a student claims their institution conducted a biased investigation against them using procedures developed under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the law that prohibits such discrimination at federally funded institutions. Under the standard, accused students must only “raise a plausible inference that the university discriminated” against them, which is less demanding than standards used in other circuits for similar claims.'

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Lawsuit Alleges Teen Boy in LA County Juvenile Hall Was Given Female Hormones

Article here. Excerpt:

'A teenage boy alleges he was given the female hormone estrogen after he was diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder while in custody at a Los Angeles County juvenile hall last summer, a complaint filed in Los Angeles Superior Court last month states.

The boy, then 16, was given the medication without his or his parents' consent, but took it anyway because he feared if he didn't, he would face more severe punishment, court documents allege.

He alleges the medication caused him to develop an enlarging of his breast tissue and he suffered from symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia and headaches, among other problems, the complaint states.'

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Alice Coffin: ‘man-hater’ splits French feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'The French feminist movement is split over the rise of an activist who advocates lesbianism and warns that all men are potential predators.

Alice Coffin, 42, is under police protection, having become the target of online insults and death and rape threats after her election in June as a councillor for the Europe Ecology Green Party in Paris.

She is facing anger from other feminists. Some accuse her of importing a man-hating form of feminism that has long been eschewed in France.'

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