Boris Johnson Wants World More ‘Feminine’ And ‘Gender Neutral’

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'The agenda set at last week’s Group of 7 summit included British Prime Minister Boris Johnson pining over a world more “feminine” and “gender neutral.”
“They want us to be sure that we’re beating the pandemic together and discussing how we’ll never have a repeat of what we’ve seen, but also that we’re building back better together,” Johnson said. “And building back greener and building back fairer and building back more equal and in a more gender-neutral and perhaps a more feminine way. How about that, apart from everything else. So those are some of the objectives that we have before us at Carbis Bay.”'

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State Rep. Alan Seabaugh talks about the Wednesday's incident on the House floor

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State Rep. Alan Seabaugh talks about the Wednesday's incident on the House floor involving Bogalusa lawmaker Malinda White.

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Lawmaker says colleague threatened him with gun violence, sidetracking domestic abuse bill

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'Legislation that would expand Louisiana's definition of domestic abuse to include behaviors like coercion and control was temporarily sidelined Wednesday after an emotional outburst on the House floor between the bill's chief sponsor and an opposing legislator.

Rep. Malinda White briefly brought the lower chamber to a halt Wednesday after she abruptly began shouting at Rep. Alan Seabaugh, who moments earlier told her she didn't understand the ramifications of her bill. A colleague intervened to physically remove White from the floor.

The public blow-up came amid a one-on-one conversation over language in House Bill 159 — which would allow victims of domestic abuse to obtain protective orders before they experience physical violence.

"When I said you're not a lawyer and you don't understand, she completely lost her mind," Seabaugh said. "As she was dragged away she said either I'm going to get my gun and finish this or let me get my gun and we'll finish this."'

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What’s size got to do with it? Mocking a man’s manhood spurs a reverse #MeToo in South Korea

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'In recent weeks, the hand, once used as a logo by a now-defunct radical feminist group, has become a point of contention in a charged battle over gender and anti-feminist backlash. Men’s rights groups have taken to searching for the image included in various posters and ad campaigns, in a McCarthyistic hunt for companies, organizations or their employees sympathetic to feminism, targeting them with boycotts or a barrage of complaints.
But for them, the sign is proof that hatred of men is pervasive in today’s South Korea and that radical feminism is out of control. And their campaigns have proved effective: Major corporations have disciplined or demoted employees for advertisements that used the pinching hand, government ministries and municipalities have apologized and revamped promotional material, museums have dismantled displays and celebrities have seen their careers threatened.

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Education Department Begins Sweeping Rewrite of Title IX Sexual Misconduct Rules

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'The Education Department began a long slog Monday to rewrite Title IX campus sexual misconduct rules with a week-long hearing that stands to dismantle the Trump administration's regulating on the landmark sex discrimination civil rights law and to potentially expand its scope.

"Students deserve to feel safe from sex discrimination in all learning environments," Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said in a statement Monday. "These Title IX hearings are an important step in the right direction and an opportunity for us to get your input on this important topic."

President Joe Biden campaigned on overturning the Title IX rule finalized under the Trump administration last year – a rule that raised the bar of proof for sexual assault and misconduct, released schools from investigating incidents that occur off campus and bolstered the rights of those accused.

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Lockheed Martin defends employees attending training to address White culture

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'Aerospace and defense company Lockheed Martin acknowledged that thousands of its employees have gone through training courses to bring awareness to White male culture, including a three-day "White Men’s Caucus" in 2020 attended by 13 employees.

The company sent responses to Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton, who heard about the training sessions for white employees and requested additional information.

In its letter to Cotton, Lockheed Martin said the intended audience of the training sessions are "Caucasian male executive leaders based on level and position." The training is mandatory for company leaders, 1,024 of which have attended since 2007.'

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Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to All-Male Military Draft

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'The Supreme Court on Monday said it won’t hear an appeal challenging the all-male military draft requirement.

The National Coalition for Men challenged the male-only military draft arguing it discriminates against men.

Per the Military Selective Service Act every male is required to register for the military draft when they turn 18.

The highest court of the land denied the challenge in an order with no dissents, however Justice Sotomayor said she agreed with the court’s decision.'

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High court asked to review men-only draft registration law

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'The Supreme Court is being asked to decide whether it’s sex discrimination for the government to require only men to register for the draft when they turn 18.

The question of whether it’s unconstitutional to require men but not women to register could be viewed as one with little practical impact. The last time there was a draft was during the Vietnam War, and the military has been all-volunteer since. But the registration requirement is one of the few remaining places where federal law treats men and women differently, and women’s groups are among those arguing that allowing it to stand is harmful.

The justices could say as soon as Monday whether they will hear a case involving the Military Selective Service Act, which requires men to register for the draft.'

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Court revives Gophers football player lawsuit, citing possible sex discrimination in gang-rape punishments

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'An appeals court panel has brought back to life a discrimination lawsuit filed by former University of Minnesota football players who were punished for an alleged 2016 gang rape.

Three judges for the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals found the players have made a credible argument that the U punished them because they are male, citing “external pressures” and detailed allegations of “investigator bias and dubious investigative procedures.”

The case now returns to U.S. District Court, where the players will be able to present their argument that the U discriminated against them because of their sex.

The U suspended several players after a cheerleader reported she was sexually assaulted in September 2016. Following an investigation, a university official recommended that five players be expelled, four suspended and one placed on probation.

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Experts say disaster relief plans need to center women as hurricane season approaches

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'In anticipation of hurricane season, experts like Christian Nunes, president of the National Organization for Women, say Biden needs to orient natural disaster policy and government budgets around the needs of women, who are among the most vulnerable when it comes to climate change and a warming planet.

“When women are displaced due to these disasters, they’re put at more risk for harassment and violence. This is a direct impact in contributing to why we see women having more risk of PTSD, as well as other anxiety and acute distress disorders,” Nunes said.'

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Education and Masculinity—An Interview with Will Knowland

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'“What’s the one thing we’re not talking about but we really should be?” Triggernometry’s Francis Foster asked now-sacked Eton teacher Will Knowland. “I think the crisis of masculinity, especially in all boys’ schools, needs to be addressed urgently,” he replied. “These institutions, many of them are embarrassed to exist and they need to think hard about why that is.”

Masculinity is at the heart of the dispute that led to the English teacher’s dismissal from Eton. When a female colleague complained about Knowland’s Patriarchy Paradox video, the school demanded he remove it from his personal YouTube channel. Knowland’s refusal to do so without being given a reason, eventually resulted in the father of five being removed from his post. Extensively covered by mainstream press, the dispute has brought to light the extent to which Eton has been invaded by ideology, and raised questions about masculinity’s place in society as a whole.'

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AU: Feminism’s new war on men will backfire on us all

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'There is a war going on in Australia, which has spread from other parts of the developed world, and it isn’t the fight against Covid-19. It is a war against men. It is happening on several fronts. The reasons for the war are complex. It is mixture of a power grab by a new generation of feminists who have run out of things to be angry about, the sheer cowardice of politicians and policy makers in the face of new feminism, and misinterpretation of social problems.'

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UK:"Young, Male and Anti-Feminist – The Gen Z Boys Who Hate Women"

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'Half of young men in the UK now believe that feminism has “gone too far and makes it harder for men to succeed”. These are the results of a significant study published in July 2020 by anti-extremism charity HOPE not Hate. The study, Young People in the Time of COVID-19, surveyed 2,076 16- to 24-year-olds on their ideological beliefs.

A growing number of experts across the fields of feminism and anti-extremism were already worried about a young male backlash against young women and their socio-political gains before the pandemic. In fact, HOPE not hate pursued this line of enquiry due to the troubling rise of anti-feminist sentiment they’d noticed among this age group.'

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From ‘A Teacher’ to ‘Shameless,’ the Conversation Around Male Consent Is Evolving on TV

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'Although television — and Hollywood in general — has made great strides in recent years when it comes to depictions of female consent and sexual assault, it still seemed rare to see the same conversations being had on screen when it comes to male characters.

This television season feels different.

In the seventh episode of the fourth season of Hulu’s “The Handmaid’s Tale,” Elisabeth Moss’ June — flush with power after seemingly vanquishing her enemy, Yvonne Strahovski’s Serena — awakens her sleeping husband (O-T Fagbenle’s Luke), mounts him and proceeds to have sex with him. After he tells her to wait, she holds down his hands and covers his mouth.'

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Judge puts breaks on UConn plan to eliminate women's rowing

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'A federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order that will prevent UConn from immediately eliminating its women's rowing team as part of budget cuts in its athletic department.
UConn said last June that it wants to reduce its $42 million athletic deficit by about $10 million a year, cutting the need for a subsidy to the athletic department by 25% over the next three years. The school decided to eliminate women's rowing, men's swimming and diving, men's cross-country and men's tennis at the end of this school year.'

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