Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2022-08-21 01:22
Article here. There is a double-standard here all right; a married male PM recorded dancing erotically with three different women (none his wife) would have had to resign by now. Excerpt:
'In a leaked video, Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin is seen dancing and singing with friends at a private party. The 36-year-old leader poses for the camera. She sits on her knees, hands behind her head. She’s entangled in a group hug. She’s having a good time.
Countless similar videos are shared daily on social media by young and not-so-young people partying in Finland and all over the world. But the leak has triggered a debate among Finns about what level of reveling is appropriate for a prime minister, especially considering neighboring Russia’s attack on Ukraine, which prompted long-neutral Finland and Sweden to apply for NATO membership.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2022-08-20 09:04
Article here. Excerpt:
'Based on our review of macrosystem and microsystem factors that sustain gender-STEM inequities, we make several recommendations for K-12 STEM policy and practice to optimize success for all children.
Classrooms be designed to promote relational and collaborative learning. Teachers should emphasize gender-inclusive classroom norms that promote positive working relations between girls and boys.
Classes should teach the history of gender inequality and bias so teachers and students can actively work to create equitable and inclusive STEM environments.
STEM should be reframed as helping students achieve communal goals through scientific collaboration. Emphasizing socially-meaningful aspects of STEM can help stimulate STEM interest in girls, because they tend to place more value on communal than dominance goals.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2022-08-20 09:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'The National Science Foundation gave Georgia State a $1 million grant to launch a program supporting women in STEM fields. The program intends to recruit and retain female faculty in STEM, with an eye toward putting women from underrepresented backgrounds in tenured positions. The partnership with Florida International University, called ADVANCE-IMPACT, is being administered through the NSF’s ADVANCE program.
The program will include faculty mentors, leadership training and policy implementation that increases diversity among the university’s faculty. This seems to be the latest in a series of long steps geared toward making the diversity of the university’s faculty come close to that of its students. The university began serious efforts in 2018, and speakers and activists called out STEM as an area in need of progress.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2022-08-20 00:21
Article here. Excerpt:
'While astrology might be in-vogue once again with Gen Z and millennials, women are far more likely to put their faith in the cosmos over their male counterparts.
A recent study found that 37 per cent of women believe that the answers lie within the stars, while only 20 per cent of men believe in astrology.
Psychologist Barbara Santini reckons the belief in the zodiac has shifted to being a 'feminised' pastime.
Santini reckons that some of the more macho men out there choose to reject astrology as they deem any sort of femininity a threat to their hunter/hero/warrior masculine ways.
"To most men, astrology is too girly or immature, which explains why they disagree with it or deny its validity,” Santini told PopSugar.
"This creates a negative perception of astrology and the women who like it."
She added: "For some men, the refusal of astrology is linked to toxic masculinity, which does not allow them to enjoy the same things as women.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2022-08-19 21:06
Article here. Excerpt:
'Most of our contemporary education rhetoric has conflated race-based and sex-based outcomes for decades. Education data that uses race as a demographic without also disaggregating by sex is almost always misleading, and the policies and programs that follow the aforementioned practice are often predicated on a disproportionate understanding of educational data. This practice has done more than hurt particular groups; it has created barriers and entrenched students and their families into an endless cycle of woeful educational outcomes.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2022-08-19 04:04
Article here. Excerpt:
'Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna is currently facing an intense backlash on social media after his recent video went viral where he made derogatory comments on women.
The chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women, Swati Maliwal, has now filed a notice for the Delhi cyber cell seeking registration of an FIR against Mukesh Khanna for his misogynistic comments.
Talking about the video, a 22-second clip of the 7-minute-long video is travelling round the corner, which he shared on his YouTube channel Bheeshm International, in the video 'Shaktimaan' actor, could be seen saying in Hindi, "Those girls who ask for sex from a male are not girls, they are doing 'Dhanda' (business), because a girl from a good society will never do these type of shameless talks, and if she does then she is not from a good society, that's her 'Dhanda' (business), you don't participate in it."'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2022-08-19 04:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'I have a very long script that is really hard for me to make shorter,' she told Variety. 'I’ve been whittling away at it, but it’s like hacking off my limbs. I’ve had an extraordinary life, I must make an extraordinary film.' Madonna went on to explain that she felt strongly about taking the directorial reins on the movie after facing competition from male directors who wanted to control her narrative. 'It was also a preemptive strike because a lot of people were trying to make movies about me,' she said. 'Mostly misogynistic men. So I put my foot in the door and said, "No one’s going to tell my story, but me."
Too right, Madonna! Hollywood still has a sexism problem — especially when it comes to female movie directors. As reported in Forbes - after reaching new highs in 2020, the percentage of women directing top-grossing films declined since 2021, according to the Celluloid Ceiling Report from San Diego State University.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2022-08-19 03:48
Article here. Excerpt:
'Couples psychologist Dr Greg Matos, who authored the article, wrote that women are “increasingly selective” because dating apps offer a vast number of options. “I hear recurring dating themes from women between the ages of 25 and 45,” he wrote. “They prefer men who are emotionally available, good communicators, and share similar values.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2022-08-16 21:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'Job offers to white male recruits of the RAF have effectively been paused to meet diversity targets, defence sources have claimed.
Women and ethnic minorities are reportedly being favoured in recruitment drives to meet 'impossible' targets, which has prompted the Head of Recruitment at the RAF to resign in protest.
The officer, a female herself, left the post amid concerns that hiring restrictions could undermine the strength of the service, according to sources.
Sources claim recruiters within the RAF have been told to temporarily pause offering roles to white male recruits in favour of women and ethnic minorities.
Last year, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Head of the armed forces, spoke publicly about the importance of striving for more diversity and that it was all about 'woeful' statistics.
'The woefulness of too few women,' he said. 'The woefulness of not reflecting the ethnic, religious and cognitive diversity of our nation.''
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2022-08-16 21:25
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Seattle City Council and Mayor are upset that too many “cannabis businesses are owned primarily by White men.” They have a plan to tackle the issue in the name of “cannabis equity.”
The council says white men operate 87% of the city’s pot shops. This stat is supposedly proof of institutional racism. Consequently, the city launched a Racial Equity Toolkit (RET) to “address disproportionate ownership of Seattle cannabis businesses and redress some of the harms caused by the racially unequal enforcement of prior cannabis laws.”
The bill says the Mayor’s Office will “use summer legal interns to participate in and partner with ongoing regional efforts to work on expungement of cannabis convictions handed down prior to 2014.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2022-08-15 18:14
Article here. Excerpt:
'In the wake of two years of on-and-off Wuhan virus lockdowns, white working-class boys are likely to be the biggest losers when it comes to education, with one expert predicting that this year’s state exam results will show the demographic falling even further behind when it comes to university admissions.
White boys from working-class backgrounds already appeared systematically disadvantaged in the British education system, being 50 per cent less likely to earn strong grades in state exams compared to other equally poor children of different ethnicities, while white pupils as a whole in Britain have suffered the lowest entry rate into university institutions since 2007.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2022-08-15 14:55
Article here. Can't say I agree with everything here but it's a good piece no matter. Excerpt:
'Five years after #MeToo dominated the news, anti-feminism is on the rise. In South Korea, anti-feminist coalitions helped tip the recent presidential election; in the United States, young men are pledging allegiance to internet stars who peddle aggressive masculinity. But these discontented young men aren’t maladjusted “incels.” They haven’t arbitrarily adopted a hateful ideology. Their grievances are intelligible and coherent, in part because young men in both countries are facing increasingly daunting prospects in education, employment, and marriage, although in somewhat different ways.
Faced with these conditions, anti-feminist men are adopting one of two strategies, either attacking the systems they deem oppressive, or internalizing the libertine ethos of the men who sit atop the pecking order. These responses will continue to spread, remaking relations between the sexes and disrupting our politics.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2022-08-12 22:03
Article here. Excerpt:
'Let me be clear: I am a committed feminist and a passionate supporter of the Enlightenment and its ideals. Indeed, I have been the beneficiary of those ideals in ways unimaginable to most people in the western world. I travelled from a genuinely patriarchal society poisoned by Islamism to a free, secular society where women, whatever issues we might still have, were equal to men under the law and able to pursue opportunities I could scarcely have dreamed of growing up.
As I have written before, however imperfect western civilisation might be, we haven’t seen anything like it anywhere else in human history. The progress we have made is dizzying. One of western civilisation’s greatest achievements is the emancipation of women. For most of human history, and still across large swaths of the world, women have been, at best, second-class citizens and, at worst, chattel. In the West today, women are freer than they ever have been. Why would a woman want to be born anywhere other than in the modern West?
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2022-08-12 19:36
Article here. Excerpt:
'Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) recently blamed her failed 2020 presidential bid on the fact that she was born without a male appendage.
NBC News correspondent Ali Vitali is out with a new book, “Electable: Why America Hasn’t Put a Woman in the White House … Yet.” Based on an excerpt from the book in Politico, Warren and some in her campaign believe that one of the reasons is because Iowa’s Democratic voting base is filled with a bunch of sexists.
Vitali, who followed Warren along during the 2020 Iowa primary campaign, recounted that after the caucus was over, she discussed the campaign with Warren and why she did not do as well as she had hoped.
“We’d talked about the dynamics of Iowa, her competitors and the pressure she put on herself not ‘to screw this up,'” Vitali wrote.
“Everyone comes up to me and says, ‘I would vote for you, if you had a penis,'” she claimed Warren said.'
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Submitted by sbond2000 on Fri, 2022-08-12 05:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'The following letter was sent to each member of the Washington Post’s Editorial Board after a recent op‑ed that referenced the Post’s “Democracy Dies in Darkness” slogan. The letter addresses the Post’s hypocrisy using the slogan after publishing two hateful articles in 2018, “Why Can’t We Hate Men?” and Amber Heard’s op-ed that sparked Johnny Depp’s defamation lawsuit against her.'
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