Daycare worker arrested for restraining 7-year-old while her daughter hit him — but she says it was a self-defense lesson

Article here. Excerpt:

'A daycare worker has been arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery after video showed her restraining a young boy in her charge while her own 4-year-old daughter hit him, the Miami Herald reports.

Martha Balmaseda Marrero, 31, was fired over the Mar. 1 incident at St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church’s daycare center in Key Largo, Fla., which was reported to the Florida Department of Children and Families. It has since become a criminal matter as the 7-year-old boy’s mother is pressing charges.

Balmaseda Marrero, who was released on $5,000 bond after her arrest last Friday morning, was shown speaking to the two children before holding the boy’s arms behind his back as the girl — later identified as her own daughter — struck him.'

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The Wing, Its ‘Women Only’ Policy Not Flying, May Admit Men in West Hollywood

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Wing, a women-only version of the SoHo House that is set to open its first Southern California location in West Hollywood this spring, may actually let men in the door.

The Insider, a news website, has reported that the private club and co-working space for women earlier this year dropped its ban on men as members or guests after facing a $12 million lawsuit from a man claiming gender discrimination. However, the Insider reports that other factors may have been an investigation into the club’s sexual discrimination policy by the New York City Commission on Human Rights and concerns about the policy expressed by transgender and non-binary members of the club. “Non-binary” is a term used to describe people who identify as neither male nor female.'

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Italy: Infant dies after parents circumcise him at home

Article here. Instead of making it easier to get, why not instead launch a big educational campaign explaining why Italians avoid it and indeed why everyone should? Excerpt:

'An infant boy in Italy has died as the result of a circumcision performed by his parents at home, according to Italian media reports on Sunday.

The ANSA news agency reported that the 5-month-old baby was brought to a hospital in Bologna by helicopter in cardiac arrest on Friday afternoon and died that night.

The prosecutor's office in the northern province of Reggio Emilia has opened a manslaughter investigation, and the infant will undergo an autopsy.

The tragedy follows a botched home circumcision of a 2-year-old who died of severe blood loss in December in Rome. In that case, his twin brother nearly died, too, but survived following intensive care treatment.'

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He molested boys? Meh!

Article here. What would she have said if the victims had been girls instead? Excerpt:

'Barbra Streisand is under fire for comments she made about two men accusing Michael Jackson of sexually assaulting them as children.

The legendary singer and actress said that Wade Robson and James Safechuck — whose allegations against the late King of Pop resurfaced in the recent documentary “Leaving Neverland" — “were thrilled to be there” and that what allegedly happened to them “didn’t kill them."

Streisand, 76, made the strange comments to British newspaper The Times in a piece out Friday, in which she also said that Jackson’s “sexual needs were his sexual needs.”

She says she “absolutely” believes the allegations of abuse by Robson and Safechuck, but puts more blame on their parents than The Gloved One.'

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San Diego woman wins child support from ex-husband nearly 50 years after divorce

Article here. Excerpt:

'A North San Diego County woman was awarded child support from her ex-husband nearly 50 years after she says he left her with a young daughter.

Toni Anderson makes no apologies for going after the man she calls her "deadbeat ex" some 50 years after he left her with their 3-year-old daughter.

Anderson says her ex-husband chose to go to Canada rather than pay court ordered child support in the early 1970s.

"I kind of put it on the back burner and just kind of forgot about it over the years," said Anderson. She supported her daughter while working as an interior designer in Los Angeles at a firm her daughter now runs.

"I'm not negating the fact I was able to send my daughter to college, Paris. We traveled and had a good time. But the money runs out."'

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Violence Against Women Act witness: Title IX is moot ‘because men can be women’

Article here.

'A House Judiciary Committee hearing on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act became a back-and-forth about gender identity politics on Thursday. Testimony from Julia Beck, former co-chair for the Baltimore City LGBTQ Commission, criticized protections for transgender women, saying that men can take advantage of these protections to harm women.

GOP Rep. Debbie Lesko and other Republicans on the panel echoed Beck’s concerns, while Democratic Rep. David Cicilline called the discussion ”offensive.”'

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CNN Panel Dings Former Governor For Saying He Doesn’t Care Whether His Running Mate is Female: ‘That’s Not the World We Live In’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper‘s comments about female running mates didn’t go over well with a CNN panel Friday, as the 2020 presidential hopeful was criticized for saying the gender of running mates shouldn’t be the deciding factor for whether they are chosen by a candidate.

“Governor, some of your male competitors have vowed to put a woman on the ticket. Yes or no, would you do the same?” he was asked at last night’s CNN town hall, to which he responded with his own question: “How comes we’re not asking more often the women, would you be willing to put a man on the ticket?”

CNN’s John King, attempting to make sense of Hickenlooper’s comments, suggested the candidate’s view of the world may be too narrow-minded and unrealistic.'

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Jordan B. Peterson's bestseller pulled from New Zealand bookstore in response to massacre

Article here. Excerpt:

'Whitcoulls, a large New Zealand bookstore, has responded to the Christchurch massacre by banning the work of clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson.

The author of “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” literally has a chapter that covers the dark psychology of mass shooters — and how to create a world with fewer of them — but his words will no longer be found on store shelves.

Independent journalist Tim Pool shared an email by the company Thursday, which described a decision “made in light of some extremely disturbing material being circulated prior, during and after the Christchurch attacks.”

“As a business which takes our responsibilities to our communities very seriously, we believe it would be wrong to support the author at this time,” the email purportedly said.'

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Student sues over inequitable treatment after accusation

Article here. Excerpt:

“A lawsuit on behalf of a Virginia student accused of sexual harassment said Fairfax County Public Schools treated male students “disproportionately harsher” than female students in sexual harassment cases.

The 18-year-old male student, referred to as “John Doe” in the lawsuit, said the district violated his free speech, due process rights and did not investigate the situation properly. Doe was suspended and sent to a different school, according to the lawsuit given to The Daily Caller News Foundation by attorney Jesse Binnall.

A Robinson Secondary School female accused two male students of sexual harassment after her buttocks were allegedly slapped in December 2018. Surveillance video showed Doe did not hit the female student, according to the lawsuit.'

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False convictions, ruined lives

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dreams are crushed on this sunny patch of sand just north of Mexico. Dreams also come true, and the 20 or so young men tackling the beachfront obstacle course at Naval Amphibious Base in Coronado, Calif., hope theirs will. Today is Saturday. On Monday, they will begin Basic Underwater Demolition School, or BUDS, the most demanding mental and physical training in the Navy and, many would argue, the world. These men, some still teenagers, hope to emerge at the end of 24 weeks having earned the right to pin on a gold trident, the iconic emblem of the U.S. Navy SEALs. Looking on, Special Warfare Operator Senior Chief Keith Barry says some of them will quit on Day One.

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To the White Men Running to Be the Democratic Presidential Candidate: Can You Not?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Bernie Sanders announced his 2020 campaign for president the same day Elizabeth Warren released her plan for subsidized childcare and I nearly had an aneurysm.
I have another idea for Bernie, Beto, and Joe Biden, who recently called the gay-hating, anti-abortion Mike Pence “a decent guy:” Don’t.

There are four highly qualified women running in the Democratic primary—across a range of ideologies and experience—but an influx of men have entered the mix without offering a clear rationale for themselves beyond that they can and want to run. That’s not to mention several pathetic hints that they’d make things right by adding one of those woman to the bottom of their ticket, sort of like Geraldine Ferraro, who made history as the first Democratic female nominee for vice president 35 years ago.'

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Letter: Women have gotten tougher on men

Letter here.

To the editor:

This is the most challenging letter that I have ever written because it is probably impossible to say what I want to say without unintentionally offending some people. The bottom line is this:

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Andrew Yang, Upstart Democratic Presidential Candidate, Comes Out Against Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'Outsider presidential hopeful Andrew Yang’s latest idea is both literally and figuratively his most unorthodox yet: He’s taking a strong public stance against circumcision.

The Democratic candidate revealed in a little-noticed tweet last week that he was against the ritualized practice of cutting a newborn’s foreskin. But in an interview with The Daily Beast, he said that if he were elected he would incorporate that view into public policy, mainly by pushing initiatives meant to inform parents that they don’t need to have their infants circumcised for health reasons.

“It’s sort of pushed on parents in many situations,” Yang said, describing pressure to circumcise a child as a “cultural onus” imposed on families.'

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Former police officer admits to having sex while her 3-year-old daughter died alone in a hot car

Article here. Excerpt:

'A 29-year-old former police officer admitted she was having sex with her boss while her young daughter died in her patrol car.

On Monday Cassie Barker, once an officer with the Long Beach, Miss., Police Department, pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the 2016 death of her 3-year-old daughter, Cheyenne Hyer, from heat exposure, according to the (Biloxi) Sun Herald.

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Happiest country in world sees fathers spend more time with kids than mothers

Article here. Excerpt:

'For the second year in a row, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world by the World Happiness Report. What’s more, the Nordic nation has pulled “significantly ahead” of the other top 10 countries in the report, which ranks the happiness levels of 156 countries using data from Gallup World Poll surveys.
It's not hard to understand why Finland is doing so well. The northern European country has a strong social safety net, including a progressive, successful approach to ending homelessness. It also has a high-quality education system, and its commitment to closing the gender gap is paying off. With a population of just over 5.5 million people, it’s the only country in the developed world where fathers spend more time with school-aged children than mothers.'

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