An insane drive for more quotas at the FDNY

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'A new City Council proposal seeks to diversify the Fire Department, “ensuring that the racial, ethnic and gender demographics of the department’s firefighters reflect that of the city’s population as a whole.”

The proposed law is aimed specifically at increasing the number of women in the FDNY; accompanying legislation mandates the upgrading of all firehouses to “establish full integration of a mixed-gender workforce,” with separate bathrooms and sleeping areas.
Consider the demographics of New York City employment generally — and the kind of jobs that attract women, compared to men. Of 400,000 city employees, for example, 59 percent are women. That’s already skewed from the city’s total employment figures, where women comprise less than half of the workforce.

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Europol's 'Crime Has No Gender ' campaign lists 'most wanted' women fugitives

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'Europol, the law enforcement agency of the European Union, released a list of women fugitives on Saturday — from convicted murderers, to human sex traffickers — as part of its new "Crime has No Gender" campaign.

The women-centric campaign drew criticism after Europol spokesperson Claire Georges said the organization "wanted to show that women are just as likely to commit violent crimes as men."

"Even though the discourse is often around 'male fugitives,' women can be just as bad," she said.

The campaign, aimed at driving up web traffic in hopes of catching criminals, shows fugitives with a digital mask, obscuring their gender, which falls away as viewers scroll down the individual bio.'

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‘Toxic’ debate: Shore headmaster takes a stand for boys

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'The outgoing headmaster of one of Australia’s top boys schools has taken aim at the public debate on modern masculinity, describing the growing tendency to ­denounce “male behaviours” as “toxic”, divisive and marginalising of young men.

Timothy Wright, who retires in December after 17 years running the Sydney Church of ­England Grammar School, commonly known as Shore, said he welcomed discussion around what it meant to be a man in the 21st century but not in a manner that unfairly generalised against half the population.

“It’s hard to have a conversation about this issue without people conjuring up issues of sexual harassment or domestic violence or ‘toxic masculinity’,” Dr Wright said of the term popularised by the latest wave of feminism. “Attach that description to any other group in society and people would be outraged.”

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Enough Talk, More Action

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'Bettina's recent presentation to the Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE) conference in Toronto argues the silent majority needs to give politicians the courage to stand up against feminist activists and stop stacking the system to favour women ahead of men.

Bettina is one of the first contributors to Jordan Peterson's new platform, ThinkSpot. Sign-up at: There are over 250,000 people on the waitlist to access the site. If you join the waitlist using this link which contains the promo code "Bettina" you will be given earlier access, as part of the gradual roll-out to take place over the next few months.'

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Liberal Supreme Court Short List Packed With Radical Activists, Short on Actual Judges

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'On Tuesday, hours before the fourth Democratic presidential debate, the liberal group Demand Justice released a short list of Supreme Court nominees for the candidates to adopt. Tragically but unsurprisingly, the list is packed with liberal activists, short on sitting judges, and dangerous for due process, free speech, and other constitutional values. Democrats would be wise to avoid this list and most of the names on it, but it seems likely at least one candidate — perhaps Beto O'Rourke? — will adopt it.

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Jordan Peterson Isn’t Dangerous. Stop Censoring The Movie About Him

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'In recent weeks, venues in three North American cities have cancelled screenings of a new movie, “The Rise of Jordan Peterson.” In each case, from Toronto to Brooklyn to Portland, the decision was made in response to criticism that Peterson, a Canadian psychologist who was thrust into fame in 2015 with a controversy over trans pronouns and a series of viral You Tube videos, is a dangerous far-right fanatic. There were also threats that showings might be protested, perhaps violently.

Lets be clear on one thing right off the bat: this allegation is pure and simple nonsense. First of all, unlike the violent activists who dub themselves “Antifa” and busy themselves throwing milkshakes at people if they aren’t punching them, Peterson spent much of his early career studying the psychological elements at work when populations come to accept fascistic and totalitarian regimes.'

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UK: Outgoing NSW Labor boss denounces 'nasty culture of sexism' after formally resigning

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'The outgoing Labor boss Kaila Murnain has slammed her party’s inability to grapple with its “nasty culture of sexism” and urged it to pursue “real and lasting reform” to improve integrity.

Murnain formally announced her resignation as NSW Labor general secretary on Thursday following explosive evidence heard at an anti-corruption probe that she had kept quiet for almost three years about unlawful donations from the Chinese billionaire Huang Xiangmo.

Murnain was suspended in August from the position she had held since 2016, when, at 29, she became the first woman to hold the top job in NSW Labor.

“The circumstances leading up to my election in 2016 were horrendous,” she said.

“Some of these events were reported in the media at the time, and some of these events have received more recent attention.

“However, I believe it is inarguable that our party has never fully grappled with the nasty culture of sexism which women face in politics.”'

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Civil liberties group launches new searchable database of campus due process litigation

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'Many lawyers and journalists use a spreadsheet maintained by Brooklyn College Prof. KC Johnson and due process advocate Samantha Harris to keep track of lawsuits filed by students accused of sexual misconduct.

Now Harris’s organization, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, has launched an even more comprehensive resource to keep tabs on litigation involving due process in every kind of campus disciplinary proceeding.

The Campus Due Process Litigation Tracker is searchable by school type, state, federal appeals court and several other categories, including judicial decisions “primarily favorable” to either college or student, stage of litigation and common keywords (“cross-examination,” “basic fairness,” etc.).'

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Why does UNC have such a high sexual assault rate? Because it defines nearly everything as sexual assault

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'Colleges and universities that participated in the Association of American Universities’ recent sexual assault survey are sharing their own results this week, and some are even more shocking than the highly misleading “1 in 4” number for women undergraduates nationally.
Like other media outlets, the North Carolina TV station evidently didn’t look at the definitions in the report, which tells students that consent is nullified by “incapacitation” (undefined) and when their partners miss their “cues to stop or slow,” among other qualifiers. It does not specify what level of “cue” is unambiguous, or even define the term.

By telling students that anything that bothered them about their sexual encounter renders it nonconsensual, UNC and the other participating schools are massively inflating their actual sexual assault problem.'

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Kathleen Jamie: 'Nature writing has been colonised by white men'

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'Kathleen Jamie recently spent “valuable minutes” of her life totting up all the books and authors who have been shortlisted for the prestigious Wainwright prize for British nature and travel writing. The tally is 26 books by men and 14 by women. For winners, the ratio is five men to one woman.

Jamie – a poet whose genre-stretching first book of essays, 2005’s Findings, was a much-praised widening of the growing field of nature writing – is aghast at the preponderance of male nature writers. “Only 15 years ago,” she says when I meet her in her home city of Edinburgh, “nature writing was barely there. It seems very strange that this thing that barely existed can suddenly ignite. I hate to say it, but it has been colonised – by middle-class white men. I’m interested in how that’s happened. And if you understand how that’s happened, you understand the whole godforsaken political state of this country.” The cafe table is being softly thumped.'

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The Apprentice sparks controversy as candidate is accused of sexism

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'The groups were tasked with creating an original toy product for children, complete with a promotional video – but first, they had to decide on their project leaders and sub-leaders.

After being voted as team leader for her group, Pamela denied Lewis the opportunity to be sub-team leader, saying: "I want a woman to lead this team... whip you boys into shape."

Lewis immediately took issue with Pamela's comments, arguing that he was the ideal person to be sub-team leader and that she was making her decision based on his gender.

Disgusted viewers soon took to Twitter to accuse Pamela of sexism.'

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MIB author told his 'mansplaining' about his own movie wasn't welcome

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'The writer of Men in Black had a very awkward encounter when he offered his first-hand knowledge to a pair of friends disagreeing over his 1997 film.

Ed Solomon took to Twitter Tuesday to tell how he was sitting in a cafe writing when the two women next to him were disagreeing about the origins of the movie Men in Black, starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.

The 59-year-old turned to them and said: 'If you'd like, I could clear that up for you.'

To which one woman snarkily replied: 'I'm sorry, we do not need an old white male's mansplanation,' clearly not recognizing Solomon.

'So I apologized and that was that,' Solomon said.'

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Liz Warren Once Eulogized A Man By Accusing Him Of Sexual Harassment In Front Of His Children

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'Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren once eulogized a former colleague by accusing him of sexual harassment in front of his ex-wife and children, according to a profile of the presidential candidate in the Washington Post.

Warren, who got her first full-time teaching job at the University of Houston, returned to campus 15 years later to deliver a eulogy for UH law professor Eugene Smith. Smith was a “champion” of Warren, according to WaPo, and specifically requested she speak at his funeral after he passed away from polio complications.
From WaPo:

“With a smile on her face and humor in her voice, Warren described how Smith had invited her to his office one day just a few months after she had been hired. He shut the door and lunged for her, she said, and as she protested, he chased her around his desk before she was able to escape out the door.”

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Army’s New ‘Gender Neutral’ Fitness Test Still Seeing Women Fail More Than Men

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'Women are failing the U.S. Army’s new fitness test at higher rates than men, according to a viral Facebook post that was confirmed by the military Tuesday.

The Facebook page “U.S Army W.T.F! Moments” posted several slides claiming 84% of female candidates were failing the new Army Combat Fitness Test, compared to 30 percent of males, according to Army officials said the slides were not official documents, but they did not deny their accuracy. The slides reportedly show results from 11 battalions, including 2,849 men and 357 women.

Maj. Gen. Lonnie Hibbard, the commander for the Center for Initial Military Training, has also confirmed the military was seeing differing results, but he credited the difference to lack of training.

“We have to learn how to train for this test,” he told reporters at a press conference, according to “As we look at the new Army Combat Fitness Test, it is more of a functional fitness test,” he said. “And we have to change the way we do [physical training].”'

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Rights groups urge Cyprus to drop false rape case against Briton

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'Human rights and feminist groups are calling for Cypriot authorities to drop the case against a British teenager accused of falsely claiming she was raped by 12 Israeli tourists in a hotel room.

The 19-year-old, who reported the alleged assault almost three months ago but was then arrested after revoking her criminal complaint, is due to go on trial on Tuesday on a charge of public mischief. She has pleaded not guilty to fabricating the accusation of rape, but could be imprisoned for up to a year if found guilty.

Forced to relinquish her passport and remain in Nicosia, the island’s capital, she has already spent a month in detention, sharing a cramped cell with nine other women.

A growing number of human rights organisations are demanding her release.

“It’s brutal what she and her family have had to endure,” said Susana Pavlou, the director of the Nicosia-based Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies. “It is totally disproportionate to what she is accused of.”'

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