Masculinity Is Not Toxic, But It Might Be Diseased

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'The notion that masculinity in some forms might be diseased unsurprisingly pissed a lot of men off, at least initially. Masculinity is an integral part of the male identity that boys learn to perform, protect, and defend at all costs at a young age. Flood’s attempts to pathologize (and to some, even police) masculinity were perceived as a threat. People initially thought he hated men and was trying to emasculate them.

“We think masculinity is a wonderful part of humanity,” Flood, who co-authored the book Mascupathy: Understanding and Healing The Malaise of American Manhood in 2014, says. “We just believe that there is a disease process that goes on when we raise boys to cut off half of their humanity in order to pursue the pinnacle of masculinity.”'

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The Weaponization of ‘Mansplaining’

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'What does mansplaining even mean anymore? Last week, three different women allegedly fell victim to it in our nation’s capital. There was Fiona Hill, career diplomat and former Trump adviser, who was subject to a tirade from a Republican congressman during impeachment hearings. (“I thought that was some epic mansplaining that you were forced to endure by my colleague Mr. Turner, and I want you to know some of us think it was inappropriate,” Democrat Sean Maloney told her afterward.)

Then, elsewhere during impeachment proceedings, there was Republican representative Elise Stefanik, who was “mansplained” the rules of the House Foreign Intelligence Committee by Democrat Adam Schiff, at least according to conservative website the Washington Free Beacon.

And finally Republican senator Joni Ernst told reporters that she did “not need to be mansplained by Chuck Schumer,” after the Democrat declined to support her version of the Violence Against Women Act for failing to contain crucial protections for domestic-violence victims.'

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U.S. Department Of Education To Investigate Georgetown For Giving Women Privileges It Doesn’t Give Men

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'The U.S. Department of Education recently opened an unusual Title IX inquiry against Georgetown University: The DOE’s Office of Civil Rights “will investigate whether the University expresses an unlawful preference for women in its employment and hiring practices.”

In today’s America, diversity bureaucrats control academia (even though they are anything but diverse in politics and sex). Millennial, antinomian hate against the legacy of “dead white men” in the Western canon has become the norm. The political monoculture of American academia is a synthesis of communism and feminism, taught across the nation in temples of nihilism called Women’s Studies.

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Betsy DeVos poised to issue sweeping rules governing campus sexual assault

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'Students accused of sexual assault will win new rights under sweeping rules being finalized by the Trump administration, giving universities clear but controversial guidance on handling these emotionally charged conflicts.

The final regulation will maintain contentious elements of a version proposed a year ago, including a provision requiring universities to allow cross-examination of those alleging sexual harassment or assault, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the rules.

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UN: Millions of boys are deprived of their freedom

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'The latest report from the United Nations (UN) on children and liberty reveals that children lose their liberty in prisons; in police custody; in migrant camps; under duress in homes for the disabled; in welfare institutions; and in war camps. Children may be in prison as a result of their own crime or to stay with their mother. Almost no father-child facilities exist in the world’s prisons.

The authors warn against the consequences of deprivation of liberty: the number of mental illnesses in children can increase tenfold in custody. In addition, those affected die on average much earlier than peers who have lived in freedom.

The lead researcher says that “children under all circumstances have to be protected from the traumatic experiences detention settings inevitably create.”

According to professor and human rights lawyer Manfred Nowak, more needs to happen so that children no longer have to live in bondage. The authors of the report refer to the various forms of deprivation of liberty as “structural violence.”

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Feminism and the war on fatherhood

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'YESTERDAY I explained the process whereby men tamed rough, rambunctious and potentially destructive adolescent males into young men who would make good fathers. My description drew on tribal societies but there was much from which we could learn. Today I want to talk about how this male influence shaped society in ways which might have relevance for us today. Then I will look at how feminism affected this ordering of the world.

I described how, in their efforts to provide for and protect the family, men tried to master the natural environment and defend territory. In this way men cocooned the family and community in an overarching social organisation. They created the public realm which enabled the transcendence of individual families. The particularistic concerns which could tear apart the fabric of society were sublimated to the interests of the greater whole.'

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Students accused of sexual misconduct say Title IX isn't working – and victims agree

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'On a sunny August afternoon, a steady stream of phone calls poured into the small law office of Hathaway Parker. The firm specializes in representing students or faculty involved in a Title IX sexual misconduct investigation on campus. They typically represent respondents, or those who were accused of misconduct, though they have also represented complainants. The lawyers say they don't think the process works very well for anyone involved.

"I don't think anyone ever thought that colleges and universities would be adjudicating and holding court regarding sexual crimes in America," says Mark Hathaway, a partner at the firm. "But that's what it's developed into."'

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Better Man and iCrossing join forces to battle toxic masculinity in the workplace

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'Better Man Conference has launched a new product line promoting an inclusive culture in the workplace and beyond. The line, which includes t-shirts and the iconic Better Man Cards, are aimed to remind men of healthy masculinity traits for inclusive leadership, gain context and language to engage in healthy discussion, and leverage power and authority to elevate women and minorities. The product line was developed in collaboration with iCrossing, a full-service digital marketing agency owned by the global publisher Hearst.

The product line was developed in collaboration with iCrossing, a full-service digital marketing agency owned by the global publisher Hearst.

Kriz Bell, head of strategy and communications at Better Man Conference, said: “First off, I think it is important to know that these cards aren't intended to question anyone’s manhood. They're keeping a pulse-check on workplace bias, putting things in a more mindful, inclusive perspective to make everyone's work lives better.

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First male birth control injection almost ready for penises

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'Would men endure a shot in the penis to prevent pregnancy? Indian researchers think so.

The Indian Council of Medical Research, a government-funded biomedical research agency, has successfully completed a clinical trial on an injectable male contraceptive, the Hindustan Times reported.

“The product is ready, with only regulatory approvals pending [from the government],” Dr. R.S. Sharma, senior scientist with ICMR, told the local news outlet. “The trials are over, including extended, Phase 3 clinical trials for which 303 candidates were recruited with a 97.3% success rate and no reported side effects. The product can safely be called the world’s first male contraceptive.”'

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Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh On Modern Culture Destroying Masculinity

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'On the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee on Tuesday evening, Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh gave a speech on how our modern culture is destroying masculinity.

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Women can now shut down male-only debates in Germany's Green Party

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'Germany's Green Party has placed the power to debate directly into the hands of women.

A new ruling, adopted at the party's conference in Bielefeld, which ran from Friday to Sunday, stipulates that its female members have the right to decide whether a debate continues in the event of gender imbalance among its speakers.

The Greens had previously ruled that women and men were required to speak alternately during party debates.

In the event that only men were available to speak, all members were required to vote on whether the debate should continue, according to the women's statute in the party's constitution.

But the new ruling states that only female members should have the power to decide whether a discussion continues in such an event.

"If the list of female speakers is exhausted, the women of the assembly should be asked if the debate should continue," the ruling states.

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Girls-only science, technology, engineering, math academy to open in Fayette schools

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'One of the next new and innovative programs set to open in Fayette County Public Schools is an all-female science, technology, engineering and math academy for girls in kindergarten through eighth grade.

At Monday night’s school board planning meeting, board members approved a job description for a director of the new program. Human Resources Director Jennifer Dyar said the job opening would be advertised nationally and “high-level” candidates would be recruited.

The fiscal impact for the position is $90,000, board documents said.'

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A libertarian group is suing California for allegedly discriminating against men

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'A libertarian group is suing California for alleged discrimination — against men.

The Pacific Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit Wednesday challenging a new state law that requires California companies to have at least one woman on their board of directors by the end of 2019. The largest California companies will need a total of three female directors by 2022.

In September, California became the first US state to mandate board room gender diversity. About a quarter of the state’s companies don’t have any female directors, and the rest have very few. The law is part of a growing movement to get more women into lucrative positions that have long been held by men.'

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Baltimore Museum of Art will only acquire works by women in 2020

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'Over the past decade, only 11 percent of art acquired by America’s top museums for their permanent collections was by women, according to a recent survey.

One museum is now taking a bold step to shift this persistent trend.

Next year, the Baltimore Museum of Art will only acquire works for its permanent collection that are created by women, chief curator Asma Naeem said.

The push is an attempt by the museum to “truly be radical and emphasize to the arts communities that we are taking this initiative quite seriously,” and “re-correcting the canon,” Naeem said.

It’s part of a year-long series of exhibitions and programs focused on female artists, coinciding with the 100th anniversary next year of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which guaranteed women in the United States the right to vote.'

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Women-only street market opens in London

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'Lady Lane Market, which forms a part of Petticoat Lane Market, features nine stalls although more are due to open in the coming months.

All stallholders have been given council-funded business and social media training.

The project is part of a Tower Hamlets Council and City of London initiative to regenerate the area, at a cost of £2.7m over four years.

"Markets have played a crucial role at the heart of the East End for generations but they have traditionally been male-dominated spaces," Ann Sutcliffe, a corporate director at Tower Hamlets, earlier told the Local Democracy Reporting Service.'

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