Boys’ clubs under siege

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'Why do so many women have it in for male cyclists? All the jokes about unsightly middle-aged men in Lycra, complaints about tight clothing revealing everything it shouldn’t… It seems there’s growing female irritation with blokes getting up at the crack of dawn, gathering in large packs to go through their paces, and sitting around in coffee shops having a manly chat. How dare they have so much fun?

I’m wondering if this is just one more activity that traditionally attracts men – a boys’ club – which women resent and want to take over. It reminds me of covetous children. Haven’t we all witnessed kids who have no interest in a toy or activity until it attracts the attention of another child, particularly a sibling? Then the battle is on, as the first child seeks what the other one has.

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Women tech execs rejoice as female-only leadership club opens in San Francisco

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'The 8,600 square-foot space features a full-service bar with specialty coffee, open lounge space, meeting rooms, private call booths and a Mothers Room. All the artwork in Chief’s clubhouses comes from the women-led company Uprise Art, founded by member Tze Chun.

Over 300 members attended the launch event at the San Francisco clubhouse. Members flew in for the clubhouse opening night in late October. Some arrived straight from the airport. “So exciting!” one woman rolling a suitcase said as she greeted Childers and Kaplan with hugs. “I’ve f-----g earned this,” Kaplan recalled another saying.'

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Why most men don’t have enough close friends

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'Less than half of men report being satisfied with their friendships, and only about 1 in 5 said they had received emotional support from a friend in the last week, compared with 4 in 10 women, according to a 2021 survey from the Survey Center on American Life.

The falling off of friendships between men begins around middle and late adolescence and grows starker in adulthood, said Judy Yi-Chung Chu, who teaches a class on boys’ psychological development at Stanford University in California. And those who do maintain friendships with other men say they tend to have lower levels of emotional intimacy than women report.

“Boys don’t start emotionally disconnected; they become emotionally disconnected,” said Dr. Niobe Way, a researcher and a professor of applied psychology at New York University.

All humans have the innate capacity and desire for close, emotionally intimate connections with others. We need these relationships for survival as babies and then to thrive as we get older, Chu said.'

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Scholar identifies alarming trends among US men

Video report here. On CNN no less!

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No charges against school girl who ‘joked’ about rape

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'Claims and allegations about the high school girl who allegedly joked about being raped by Grade 11 pupil Bafana Sithole should not be used as leverage to charge her, Mpumalanga police said.

Sithole died by suicide on the school premises last week after he was allegedly accused of raping a fellow pupil.

It is alleged that the girl, who cannot be named or revealed as she is a minor, allegedly later claimed that she did not mean what she said about the rape incident.

Mpumalanga SAPS spokesperson Brigadier Selvy Mohlala said there was still no solid evidence for the SAPS to arrest or charge the schoolgirl.

"In the hands of the police, no one has submitted a statement formally to say that the girl is sorry and that she falsely accused Sithole of such. If there is no one to take ownership, then we cannot say the girl falsely accused the deceased," he said.'

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Julia Fox Says Men ‘Shouldn’t Even Be Allowed To Have Penises’, Describes How She Would Kill Them

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'Julia Fox revealed she doesn’t think men should have penises and got into a conversation about how she would kill off members of the opposite sex during an upcoming interview on Showtime’s “Ziwe,” to be aired Sunday at 11 p.m.
Fox said she would contemplate dating women because of the negative feelings she seems to have toward men. “They all, like, are equally horrible, to be honest. All men,” Fox said in the interview.

Fox then talked about the way she would kill men, saying in the interview she would make it appear to be an overdose. Interviewer Ziwe asked if she was “pro-women killing men.”
Fox went on to compare a penis to “a weapon of mass destruction.” Fox then appeared to stun Ziwe by saying if she was president, she would give every woman a gun and none to men. “I think it equals the playing field,” Fox said. “I think we wouldn’t get f—ed with so much,” Fox said.'

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World cup: Women prepare for increased domestic abuse

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'Many people in relationships with abusive partners dread major footballing competitions like the world cup. This is because they’re linked to an increase in incidents of domestic abuse.

Research by the University of Lancaster shows violent domestic abuse incidents increase by 38% when England loses football matches. Rates are also 26% higher when the team wins or draws.

Domestic abuse consists of a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviours, where one partner seeks to hold power and control over the other’s life. It is a gendered form of abuse, predominantly perpetrated by men against women, which can combine emotional, verbal, psychological, financial, sexual or physical forms of violence.

The severity of domestic abuse can range from consistently critical comments and verbal belittling to physical violence, strangulation and rape.'

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Cornell Earns an “A” in FIRE’s Due Process Ratings

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'The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) conducts an annual rating of 53 major colleges in terms of the due process rights provided to students. In the 2022 rankings, Cornell University was the only one to receive an “A” rating.

The report grades each college’s judicial procedures based upon ten different rights provided to accused students. Because most campuses, including Cornell, have different procedures for Title IX sexual assault violations, non-Title IX Policy 6.4 (covering discrimination and harassment not based upon sex) violations and other non-academic misconduct, a separate grade is assigned to each. Cornell won an “A” for the Student Code of Conduct procedures and “B” for Cornell’s Policy 6.4 procedures.

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A docu-film that portrays sufferings of men falsely accused of rape

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'The suffering that men undergo when they are falsely charged in rape and dowry cases is the central theme of a documentary film, ‘India’s sons: A tale of false rape case survivors’, which was released on on Saturday.

The release was timed for the the International Men’s Day, observed on November 19 every year. The documentary aims to start a dialogue over misuse of rape laws and reveal “the unsaid truth” behind India's tag of a rape capital.

Several topics like consensual sex being labelled as rape by women to collect money and gain false sympathy and registering false dowry cases were debated in an online conference to mark the day.'

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'White men' demonstrating against violence towards women are accused of 'stealing' the occasion from UN anti-abuse day

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''White men' demonstrating against violence towards women on the United Nations' anti-abuse day have been slammed by a campaigner for 'stealing' the occasion and 'erasing an event connected to Hispanic women'.

White Ribbon Day, a protest day created by men to promote ending male violence towards women, is held on November 25.

It was formed by a group of pro-feminist men in Ontario in 1991 after Marc Lépine shot dead 14 female students at the École Polytechnique in Montreal on December 6, 1989.

But the date is also home to the UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women - born out a day of protest for the Mirabal sisters, who were murdered in the Dominican Republic in 1960.

Karen Ingala-Smith, chief executive of domestic violence charity Nia, said: 'That was honouring women of colour, so we've got a bunch of white Canadian men stealing the day, and erasing an event connected to Hispanic women.'

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Black boys show ‘genius every single day but schools suck the life out of them’ says leading Black education expert

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'The panel shared powerful insights about the challenges Black boys and their parents and caregivers face in trying to better Black children’s educational outcomes. Howard, who researches issues tied to race, culture, access and educational opportunity for minoritized student populations, said during the panel Black boys have been among the most “scrutinized, analyzed and criticized subjects in research for centuries.” Black boys are “adultified” and are often presumed to be bigger, older and more aggressive than they are, he said.

Black boys make up 8% of preschoolers but one third of all “babies” who are suspended from preschool, said Howard, who is the author of several best-selling books, including "Why Race & Culture Matters in Schools" and "All Students Must Thrive."'

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Are Michelle Obama and Meghan Markle true feminists... or did they just marry well?

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'Given that Michelle Obama sold 14 million copies of her book Becoming, inevitably she now has a new literary offering.

The Light We Carry is supposedly a guide for all women, everywhere, in their 'ongoing journey to "becoming"'. We must embrace our true potential, she suggests, despite being thwarted by prejudice and, yes, dastardly men.

Michelle offers such sage reflections as 'fear can keep us safe, but fear can keep us stuck'. Eh? 'We practise, we learn, learn and practise, we make mistakes then start over again,' she writes. If we 'recognise our light, we become empowered by it'. She also hails the joys of knitting to find lasting peace.
The point is that Michelle's personal fortune of about $70 million has not been built on her uniqueness, nor her wisdom, but on the fact she is Mrs Barack Obama. She is famous, and is only given such platforms, because she was married to a President.'

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Why is Eventbrite censoring feminists?

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'Not according to the US ticketing giant, Eventbrite which this week deleted the link to the event, and began issuing refunds, claiming the book launch event could promote ‘hateful views’.

Defending Women’s Spaces is a book about the threat to feminism posed by gender ideology. But according to Eventbrite’s trust and safety team, the event is in danger of violating its policy on ‘Hateful, Dangerous, or Violent Content’. Eventbrite have been contacted for comment.

There is nothing hateful, dangerous or violent about promoting female only spaces. What is hateful are the things that men do to women and girls that create the need for single sex services.

When women flee for their lives in the middle of the night to escape fatal domestic violence, they need a women-only domestic violence refuge.'

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Feminism 2.0: The emergence of misandry as a social movement

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'In recent years, there has been a marked increase in misandry—the hatred or dislike of men—in so-called "Feminist 2.0" circles. This trend is concerning for several reasons, not the least of which is that it threatens to undermine the progress that the feminist movement has made. But what is Feminist 2.0?

Feminist 2.0 is a term used to describe a form of feminism that began in the early 2000s and is characterized by its focus on social media and online organizing. One of the critical goals of Feminist 2.0 is to bring about gender equality through the use of digital technologies.

However, there has been a growing trend within Feminist 2.0 circles of what can only be described as misandry—the hatred or dislike of men. This trend manifests itself in several ways, including but not limited to the following:

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Painting of old white men smoking cigars taken down after female scholar complains

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'A painting of old white men smoking cigars by acclaimed contemporary Dutch painter Rein Dool has been taken down at Leiden University in the Netherlands, reportedly the result of a complaint by a female grad student.

Dutch News reported that the painting, which depicts university board members from the mid-1970s, “was taken off the wall following a remark by political scientist Elina Zorina on Twitter, suggesting the painting needed an ‘ironic or critical’ explanatory note.”

Zorina is listed on the university’s website as a PhD candidate at the Institute of Political Science.

The painting’s removal was documented by Joanne van der Leun, a professor of criminology and dean of Leiden Law School.

It “remains in the room facing the wall while a decision is taken about what to do with it. The university has also said the removal was not done officially,” Dutch News reported.

The removal of the painting prompted plenty of pushback.'

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