Google exec fired after female boss groped him at drunken bash, suit says

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'A Google executive claims he was booted by the tech giant for rejecting a high-ranking female boss’ grabby advances at a posh company dinner.

Ryan Olohan, 48, accuses Google and one of its top executives, Tiffany Miller, of firing him after Miller groped him at a Chelsea restaurant in December 2019 and told him she knew he liked Asian women — which Miller is, according to a blockbuster federal lawsuit filed Nov. 30 in Manhattan.
The HR rep “openly admitted … that if the complaint was ‘in reverse’ — a female accusing a white male of harassment — the complaint would certainly be escalated,” according to the lawsuit. x

Olohan claims Miller began retaliating against him after he made the complaint by criticizing him and reporting him to human resources for “microaggressions,” although the complaint does not specify what Miller accused him of.'

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You asked: How was Scott Yenor able to speak at Eagle High School?

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'Students from Eagle High School pushed back at guest speaker Boise State Professor Scott Yenor during their Thursday school lunch hour for talking about "the effect that feminism has had on our society."

Yenor is a controversial figure in the Treasure Valley -- he has previously received criticism for calling women, "more medicated, meddlesome, and quarrelsome" than they "need to be" and saying "more successful men will mean more happy citizenry and a stronger nation." Yenor said, during a National Conservatism Conference in Orlando, Florida, in 2021 -- that society needs to prepare women to become mothers, not to want careers.

Yenor, a political science professor, also consistently retweets far-right blogs criticizing LGBTQ+ people, women and sex education.

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Why I worry about my sons’ maturity, not their masculinity

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'There seems to be broad agreement across the political spectrum that America has a masculinity problem. For many on the left, men who do not profess sufficiently progressive politics are presumptively “toxic.” For many in the center and on the right, the educational system’s ostensible war on boys and the cultural left’s alleged attack on that so-called “toxic masculinity” are in part to blame for the purposelessness and malaise currently afflicting so many males.

While it’s true that many American boys and men today are struggling (doing less well than girls in school; failing to launch careers or start families; and succumbing to alarming rates of depression, anxiety, drug addiction and suicide), this crisis is not actually about the partial rebranding of masculinity as toxic.

It is, in fact, about the total rebranding of adulthood as offensive.

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UK menopause law change rejected as it ‘could discriminate against men’

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'Proposals to change UK legislation to protect the rights of women experiencing menopause have been in part rejected by the government due to fears such a move would discriminate against men.

The cross-party women and equalities committee last July published a report focusing on menopause and the workplace, which included a recommendation to make menopause a “protected characteristic” under the Equality Act.

Protected characteristics are a specific set of characteristics that it is illegal to discriminate against, and include age, disability and race among others.

But in its official response to the report, published on Tuesday, the government rejected the proposal, warning of “unintended consequences which may inadvertently create new forms of discrimination, for example, discrimination risks towards men suffering from long-term medical conditions”.'

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To resolve Title IX complaint, Northwood University to open women-only awards, scholarships to all

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'A settlement between Northwood University and the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights will end an award program currently limited to women, as well as a woman-only scholarship program. Men will no longer be excluded.

The resolution of the Title IX case will bring changes to an award program that dates back to 1970, predating the Title IX law of 1972.

As a result of the settlement, Northwood University faces a Jan. 30 deadline to make its Distinguished Women Award and Distinguished Women Endowed Scholarship open to all people, regardless of sex. By Feb. 13, it must send updated promotional materials to the Office of Civil Rights, to prove compliance.

Both the award and the scholarships will be made “open to all eligible persons, regardless of sex,” per the settlement, which was signed by Northwood on Jan. 23.'

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Education in the spotlight as watchdog warns of sexist ‘backlash’ sweeping France

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'France’s equality watchdog has called for an “emergency plan” to combat widespread sexism that is affecting youths in particular, amid concern that the country’s education system is failing to foster gender equality from a young and vulnerable age. While online exposure to pornography is cause for particular alarm, experts say the sexist “backlash” is also evidence that feminist themes have made important inroads, stirring vibrant – if often acrimonious – debates.

Five years into the #MeToo movement, and almost six years after President Emmanuel Macron declared gender equality the “Grand Cause” of his first mandate, France’s main equality watchdog has offered a scathing assessment of the country’s progress on the matter.

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California’s First Lady Produces ‘Gender Justice’ Films, Sells to State Public Schools

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'California Governor Gavin Newsom and his wife, “First Partner” Jennifer Siebel Newsom, have quite a money-making scheme going on: “He runs the state and she’s a nonprofit founder, entrepreneur, and filmmaker,” Open the Books reports.

“While her husband attends to state business, Siebel Newsom engages in her passion: advancing ‘gender justice’ through her charitable nonprofit The Representation Project. According to tax documents the organization is ‘committed to building a thriving and inclusive society through films, education, and social activism.’”

Jennifer Siebel Newsom solicited state vendors and the governor’s campaign donors for large gifts to her charity, The Representation Project.

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Circumcision linked to ACEs and violent households, says new study

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'Children from dysfunctional households experience a proportionally greater number of adverse experiences than other children. One such common event is male child genital cutting, or circumcision. This study surveyed five-hundred randomly selected circumcised and intact men concerning their experiences before 18 years of age using the 10-item Adverse Childhood Experiences checklist (ACE). The cumulative scores for men with circumcised penises (2.83) were higher on average compared to those for men with intact penises (2.44). In this cohort, male child genital cutting was more common in dysfunctional, violent households.'

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A terrible loss for women, and another win for toxic masculinity

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'Ardern’s departure is a sore loss for women and girls who had taken heart from seeing a woman run a country with agility, intelligence and humanity, her ethics intact after five-and-a-half years in the job.

It is a terrible blow to women’s rights at a time when the backlash against feminism — no, make that against women — has been brutal and will get worse. Women should never underestimate how much they are hated. Every week, rage and violence against women has been rising like sea levels. Toxic masculinity reigns.'

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OK Lawmaker files ‘Save Men’s Sports Act’

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'This week an Oklahoma lawmaker filed the “Save Men’s Sports Act.”

“Unfortunately, a lot of these sports events are being used as political activism, and it’s very disruptive to the classroom. It’s very disruptive to the sports program,” said State Sen. Shane Jett, R-Shawnee. “Keep your culture wars outside of the classroom.”

Senate Bill 1007 states, “Athletic teams designated for ‘males’, ‘men’, or ‘boys’ shall not be open to students of the female sex.”

The measure comes about a year after Governor Kevin Stitt signed the “Save Women’s Sports Act” into law, barring anyone born a male from competing on a women’s sports team.'

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Australia: Grants to strengthen women in STEM careers

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'The Australian Government has announced $15.9 million in new grants for 17 successful projects that are supporting more women to study and build careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

This latest round of Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WiSE) grants provide between $500,000 and $1 million to expand successful projects that have increased awareness of STEM education and improved opportunities for girls or women to build skills and succeed in STEM careers.

Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic said the Albanese Government is committed to supporting more women into STEM careers, and to encouraging girls to study STEM subjects.

“We want to make sure that more women find lasting, rewarding and successful careers in STEM fields, regardless of their background,” Minister Husic said.'

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UK unions call in cancer expert over fears of asbestos risk to female teachers

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'The threat of asbestos-related cancer to female teachers is to be examined after possible signs of an elevated risk of fatal illness.

Trade unions are to work with one of the country’s leading cancer experts on a study of the exposure women in their late-40s to mid-60s may have had to the material inside school buildings. It comes after researchers detected a possible increase in mesothelioma deaths among the group that could be statistically significant.

Official data has already shown that female former teachers born from 1935 to 1954, working when asbestos was still being installed in schools, have a 40% increased rate of mesothelioma, a cancer related to asbestos exposure that affects the lining of lungs. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reported more than 5,000 asbestos-related deaths in 2019 across the population as a whole, including from cancers like mesothelioma.'

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Male menopause: The silent epidemic

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'Now doctors want to draw attention to a 'silent epidemic' that affects men with extremely low testosterone levels — the male menopause.

Like with women, the term is used to describe the period in an adult man’s life when his hormone levels crash, causing a host of symptoms that shatter sufferers' confidence or are outright debilitating — including erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety and rapid fat gain.
Dr Bob Berookhim, a urologist in New York City and the Director of Male Fertility and Microsurgery at Lenox Hill Hospital, told 'In men, declining testosterone levels tend to occur more slowly and can present at any age, and most men are less likely to present with a sudden onset of low testosterone symptoms.

'I think the name hurts the chances for men to come in for care. The term may be considered emasculating to some, and these symptoms are often and uncomfortable for men to talk about at baseline.

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The Only Private Club for Women Executives Just Opened in SF

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'The organization’s popularity speaks to the critical void the club is filling by creating a support network for women senior executives, striking at the heart of how complicated it can be to work as a female leader.

“It’s lonely at the top, and it only gets lonelier as a woman,” said Kaplan, who now works as the organization’s chief brand officer.

The membership numbers around 20,000 and includes women with C-suite credentials in a broad range of industries—from NASA to Nike and Harvard to Walmart.

The organization is not only diverse in terms of industry—35% of Chief members identify as BIPOC, which is nearly double the number of women of color in executive leadership overall. Chief also welcomes people who identify as trans or nonbinary.'

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Connecticut Law Would Axe Fitness Requirements for Female Firefighters

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'Connecticut Democrats are working to lower the physical fitness requirements for female firefighters, saying that less onerous standards will make fire departments "more diverse."

A law introduced earlier this month in the Connecticut State Assembly would let women skip the Candidate Physical Ability Test, a timed gauntlet used by fire departments across the country. The test, which only 10 to 15 percent of women pass, requires candidates to complete intense physical tasks while wearing a 50 pound vest. It’s designed to simulate the experience of navigating a fire in heavy gear—and to weed out those unable to do so.

The law, introduced by five Democratic lawmakers, would offer women an alternative test based on "revised physical standards," with the goal of ensuring that "additional female candidates" qualify for firefighter positions, text from the bill states.'

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