Reporter Posts Private Email From Candace Owens Threatening Him With Sexual Innuendo Over Negative Story

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'A prominent reporter said Candace Owens threatened him with sexual innuendo over a 2016 story that cast her as a conspiracy theorist.

Writer and author Jesse Singal said on Twitter that after he penned a New York magazine piece about Owens in 2016, she reached out to Singal and his editor at the time, then-New York editor Adam Moss, to claim she did not “feel safe” and threaten him with baseless allegations of sexual misconduct.'

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I heard my son make a sexist comment, so I canceled his birthday

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'A furious mom overheard her teenage son make a sexist comment in front of his friends – and has decided to punish him in a controversial way.

His birthday party was coming up, so she thought it would be the perfect occasion to teach him a lesson.

Without a second thought, she canceled it. But when she posted about the incident in an online parenting forum, the internet encouraged her to reconsider her decision, telling her it was “overkill.”
“They’re asking him about his bisexuality, things like when did he come out, when did he first date a guy, what were the differences between guys and girls,” the mom continued.
Eventually, they asked him what his preference is and he said, “Naturally, I don’t have a preference. I’m attracted to guys and girls the same, but after dating girls and guys, I can say women aren’t worth the trouble.”'

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UK: Online misogyny set to be outlawed

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'Misogynistic abuse should be banned online, the Government believes.

Michelle Donelan, the Culture Secretary, is understood to believe the Online Safety Bill has the power to stamp out attacks on women on the internet.

The plans to crack down on online misogyny come as leading Tory peers including Baroness Morgan, a former culture secretary, are pushing for the law to go further to include a legally-enforced code of practice requiring social media firms to prevent online violence and abuse against women and girls.

Under the new Online Safety Bill, which is currently being finalised, social media firms will be required by law to abide by their terms and conditions, which generally bar misogynistic abuse.

Failure to enforce the terms and conditions will result in fines, and their services could be blocked by Ofcom, the online watchdog.

Further measures require big social media platforms to provide users with optional online tools that would allow women to screen out misogynistic abuse.

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The Tragic Disconnect Between Men And Women – No Sex, No Babies, Lots Of Loneliness, Shrinking Populations

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'The news is full of seemingly disparate themes that urgently need connecting. The first is the nerdy macro-economics of demographics. China is shrinking for the first time in 60 years. South Korea’s birthrate is plummeting towards levels never seen before while that of the US is at a hundred-year low. The second strand is the toxic masculinity seeping across the planet, from the Tates and the Trumps, to the beleaguered backlash from women-repressing regimes in Iran and Afghanistan, and the general rise of gender-based violence across the world. The third is the crescendo of mental health and loneliness among the young. What’s the connection between demographics, toxic masculinity and epidemic levels of loneliness? Women.

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Progressivism, at war with masculinity

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'The cultural battle is fundamental for the left, and that’s why it’s been very concerned lately about the recent rise of all kinds of thinkers, creators, and influencers who reclaim the concept of masculinity.

Jordan Peterson —from academia— and Andrew Tate —from gyms and social media— are perhaps the two perfect examples to demonstrate how much this male reaction to the insistent Marxist gender ideology of recent years encompasses.

The left is aware of the danger of reinforcing the classic concept of masculinity that goes against the Marxist New —deconstructed— Man. That is why, in the cultural battle, they are working hard to destroy the likes of Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate.'

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Journalists reject objectivity as an 'outmoded,' 'failed concept:' 'World view of middle-aged white men'

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'A new report featured dozens of journalists and media experts who widely reject the concept of "objectivity," which was once a longstanding principle in the news industry.

The lengthy piece, titled "Beyond Objectivity," published last week by Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication put a spotlight on what it deems a "generational shift" when it comes to objectivity.

"[W]hen misunderstood, journalistic ‘objectivity’ or ‘balance’ can lead to so-called ‘bothsides-ism’ – a dangerous trap when covering issues like climate change or the intensifying assault on democracy," co-authors Leonard Downie Jr. and Andrew Heyward wrote in the report's introduction.
"If the term objectivity means the world view of middle-aged white men, it has become attacked as a word that is used to keep the status quo," Buzbee said.'

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Australia: "Police arrest hundreds in new war on domestic violence"

"Sometimes, the only thing a predator understands is a bigger predator". More proof that if you're a normal heterosexual male, ozzie cops aren't your friends (and why it will take them 40 minutes to respond if someone is breaking into your home). Video here. Description:

'Hundreds of alleged domestic violence offenders have been arrested in sweeping raids across New South Wales. The multi-agency Operation Amarok One, with officers from every police district in the state and specialised domestic violence teams, ran from last Tuesday to Friday. A Current Affair's Simon Bouda got a look inside the operation. (Broadcast 31 Jan, 2023)

If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, call...'

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The Future of Hogan Lovells—and Maybe Big Law—Is Female

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'I find most of Big Law’s efforts promoting gender equality to be lame, but Hogan Lovells’ new partnership class got my attention: It is 58% women.

What’s thrilling is that women at Hogan not only beat the odds—the 2,800-lawyer firm only made 38 partners—but also came up on top. It sure is nice to see more firms announcing new partnership classes that are close to 50% women. But it’s much more satisfying when women cream men at their game.
For women, it’s also critical to support them when they are mid-level associates, a time when many leave. “The important thing is making sure they’re engaged in the work, that at the mid-level point they can see a path,” Shaw said.

And to keep the partnership pipeline pumped with women and diverse candidates, Hogan has a program called “Momentum” that provides training and support for senior associates who show promise for partnership. “Our DEI provides the support to ensure that there’s stickiness to keep them,” Shaw said.'

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RAF chief admits mistakes over 'discrimination' against white men

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'Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston, appearing before a committee of MPs on Wednesday for the first time since the scandal broke last year, said it had been wrong for "stretching aspirational" goals - that he set to improve diversity in the RAF - to end up as "unattainable" recruitment targets for his recruitment teams.

"That put intolerable stress on them and that was a failing of the organisation - where an aspirational goal becomes an individual's target," he said.'

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The media only celebrates masculinity when feminized like 'The Rock in a tutu': Dr. Phil guest

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'Author Rollo Tomassi talked to Dr. Phil on Friday about how an entire generation of young men or "lost boys" are neglected and demonized for being males.

Dr. Phil's recent episode titled "The Demise of Guys" discussed how young men in America are facing an existential crisis of what it means to be a man, with many seeking masculine self-help gurus online. Debate raged over what constitutes "toxic masculinity" and what qualifies as demonizing masculinity itself.

Dr. Phil asked Tomassi about past statements, "What do you mean when you say media celebrates masculinity as equally acting feminine?"

"That’s the only time that the mainstream media will ever celebrate masculinity is when you see The Rock in a tutu," Tomassi responded. "Whenever you see men behaving conventionally feminine, that’s when the media decides to celebrate them. But yet when a guy is acting in a conventionally masculine way, we do not celebrate that, they find some way to demonize that."'

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Is there a place in the American heart for the white male?

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'Identity politics plays a critical role in the way the left and the right address social issues, and it has seemed more amplified than usual, even as data is telling us to slow down and take a more in depth look.

Mentioning the challenges of white males in America must make some people cringe until you learn over 305,000 white males committed suicide from 2010 to 2020, more than 190,000 have died from alcohol induced causes unrelated to suicide, another 264,000 have died from accidental poisoning and exposure to noxious substances, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control’s Wonder Database. And the list goes on.

Although some legislators are sympathetic, most know a narrative that addresses white males as part of a larger discussion on boys and men is unpopular and unlikely to gain traction in the mainstream media, educational institutions, and with policymakers.

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College removes photos of white males from entrance to prove commitment to diversity

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'Texas A&M’s School of Medicine removed photos of graduating seniors who are white males, which were prominently displayed at the entrance of the school, as an example of the university’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

The school indicated such in a survey completed last year for the Association of American Medical Colleges, a nonprofit accrediting organization. The survey responses, which touted the school’s commitment to DEI, were obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request by the medical watchdog group Do No Harm, which passed along the completed survey to The National Desk (TND).

In the survey, the school cited the fact that it removed "predominantly white male photos of graduating class prominently displayed on the entrance" as an example of promoting inclusive communications and branding.

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Left's equity push has 'deeply demoralized' men and the consequences are 'huge': Douglas Murray

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'DOUGLAS MURRAY: Even the left is starting to concede there's a problem with young men in particular. Their way of doing it is to say, 'it's more complex than these right-wingers are saying.' It is quite complex, and it's also quite straightforward. Young men, particularly in America, have been for a generation now deeply demoralized… They have grown up in this culture which everyone from politicians to Gillette and major firms have said, ‘Men are the problem. Masculinity is the problem. That nothing will be right in America or equal until absolutely everything is fair between the sexes.' And the problem that they always encounter with this is there are certain high-profile professions which women have been underrepresented in and minorities have been underrepresented. And the answer to this is not a zero-sum game…

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‘Some of the more extreme expressions of feminism have been harmful both to women and to men,’ says Bishop Doran

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'The Catholic Bishop of Elphin, Dr Kevin Doran, has questioned if “toxic masculinity” is linked to “aggressive feminism” as he called for “gentleness” between the sexes.

In his homily on Sunday, the Sligo-based prelate suggested that “some of the more extreme expressions of feminism have been harmful both to women and to men.”

Toxic masculinity, Dr Doran said, meant that characteristics which are traditionally associated with masculinity, “good things like strength and courage and honour, can sometimes become distorted and exaggerated in such a way that young men feel that it is ok to be violent and rude and to treat women disrespectfully”.
Asking what caused toxic masculinity, he stated, “I may be wrong, but I wonder if ‘toxic masculinity’ might be, in some way related to aggressive feminism, like two sides of the same coin.”'

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Dad's six-month turmoil after 'false rape allegations' made in bitter custody battle

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'A dad who says he was falsely accused of raping his ex-partner during a child custody battle feels he is a 'victim in a broken system'.

The man, who asked to remain nameless, has told of the "most difficult six months of his life" after he was arrested and investigated on suspicion of rape and assault. He says his entire life was turned upside down and fears the stress could have tragic consequences for others in a similar position.

His current partner, who has been with him throughout the bitter custody battle, was called to her local police station and informed of the allegations, which she was already aware of, under Clare's Law. Also known as the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS), it allows anyone to ask police about a partner - this can also be done by a member of the public who can ask about a close friend or family member's partner.'

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