Boy Scouts of America changes its name after 114 years to boost inclusion

Article here. Don't hold your breath waiting for the GSA to go co-ed. They'll go out of business before letting those icky boys anywhere near them. Excerpt:

'Boy Scouts of America is changing its name for the first time in its 114-year history in a bid to 'boost inclusion'.

The Texas-based organization is set to become Scouting America as it hopes to improve participation amid flagging membership.

The historic change is the latest in a series designed to take the troop into the 21st century, including allowing gay youth and welcoming girls throughout its ranks.

It comes as the organization is emerging from bankruptcy following a flood of sexual abuse claims.

'In the next 100 years we want any youth in America to feel very, very welcome to come into our programs,' Roger Krone, who took over last fall as president and chief executive officer, said in an interview before the announcement.'

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Heaven forbid males have any spaces just for males! More evidence of our "privilege." Derp derpa Dee!

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