Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2023-07-08 16:40
Article here. Excerpt:
'Founder Hunter Johnson reckons the personal care category for men has been ripe for disruption after decades of dominance from tired old brands.
“For so long it has been dominated by outdated conglomerates who perpetuate tired and toxic stereotypes that don't represent modern masculinity,” he tells Broadsheet.
“We’ve witnessed an amazing amount of innovation and evolution in the female space, but next to nothing for men. It’s a white-space opportunity to provide a positive narrative for men in a time when there aren’t many.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2023-07-08 16:39
Article here. Excerpt:
'I can’t know what it feels like, as a man, to watch any of this unfolding around me. But as a woman watching from the sidelines, it’s been both revelatory and often moving, triggering a desire to hear more. Which brings us rather awkwardly to the writer Caitlin Moran’s hotly awaited new book What About Men?, whose breezy argument that modern men just can’t share their problems or their deeper feelings like women supposedly do seems to be provoking something of an unexpected backlash.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2023-07-08 15:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'It’s a brave soul that dares offer advice to the opposite sex these days. Women authors tend to stick to listing men’s flaws so that female audiences can enjoy the resulting catharsis. Men are pretty much banned from making any generalisation about women, good or bad.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2023-07-06 18:17
Article here. Excerpt:
'There are two commonly understood reasons why we fail to comprehend women’s victimization of men as abuse. The point of this post is to present a third compelling reason, then unpack the implications for professional helpers—attorneys, investigators, therapists, victim’s advocates, and so on—who, in their work, may come across male survivors of abuse by women.
While this under-discussed problem warrants more visibility for many reasons, chief among them is the reality that we create more misogynists—someone with a strong hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women—by neglecting the healing of male survivors of abuse by women. Lacking the tools and language to unpack and articulate their pain can lead male survivors of abuse to scapegoat all women and, sometimes by extension, gender non-conforming folks, too.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2023-07-06 07:25
Article here. Excerpt:
'Sexual harassment of girls is “a scourge” in England’s schools, according to MPs, who have called for a government-led strategy to focus on boys who are failing to engage with relationship and sex education.
MPs on the women and equalities committee said in a report that there should be training for all teachers to help them hold conversations with boys and young men about sexual harassment and gender-based violence, in a way that challenges prevailing gender norms and ideas of masculinity.
They have also called for relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) to be compulsory up to the age of 18 in sixth forms and colleges, warning that without it young people take their first steps in the adult world “undersupported and less equipped to navigate potentially harmful and dangerous situations”.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2023-07-06 07:23
Video here.
"Boys must be taught how to tackle toxic masculinity, MPs say"
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2023-07-05 00:38
Article here. They posted an updated version saying they were wrong to say white males were excluded. But based on the article content I'd say that is indeed the case. Maybe a white male can apply but will he even be considered? Excerpt:
'To help fill thousands of job vacancies in the trucking industry, the Ontario government is investing in a trucker training program where participants receive up to $1,000 for transportation and childcare reimbursement and a $400 weekly allowance.
The program will accept over 50 participants that are “women, newcomers and others from underrepresented groups.”
“This innovative program will help break down barriers to attract more women into the trucking industry,” said Premier Doug Ford, who leads the Progressive Conservative party.
“As we build Ontario, we’re going to need all hands on deck. That’s why our government is working hard to ensure that all skilled occupations are more accessible and welcoming for women and all under-represented groups.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2023-07-02 16:29
Article here. Excerpt:
'An online survey of over 10,000 circumcised men shows that the market for men willing to pay to regrow their foreskin is over 200 billion dollars in the United States and potentially between half a trillion and 2.5 trillion dollars worldwide.
An online survey conducted by the sex researcher Aella asked “If you could get your foreskin back, with full function and sensation, how much would you pay for it?” with options for $0-20,000, over $20,000, and “Wouldn't want it back.”
The survey received a total of over 19,172 responses. Of these, 47.4% were removed, since the respondents did not identify as circumcised men. The remaining votes comprised 52.6% of respondents or 10,084 votes.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2023-07-01 23:40
Article here. Alimony shouldn't exist, period. But this is a start anyway. Excerpt:
'Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday signed a measure that will overhaul the state's alimony laws, after three vetoes of similar bills and a decade of emotional clashes over the issue.
The measure (SB 1416) includes doing away with what is known as permanent alimony. DeSantis' approval came a year after he nixed a similar bill that sought to eliminate permanent alimony and set up a formula for alimony amounts based on the length of marriage.
The approval drew an outcry from members of the "First Wives Advocacy Group," a coalition of mostly older women who receive permanent alimony and who assert that their lives will be upended without the payments.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2023-07-01 13:23
Article here. Excerpt:
'A jailed fantasist who lied about being raped and trafficked by an Asian grooming benefited from nearly £55,000 in taxpayer's money, legal aid figures reveal.
Some £54,834 went to the legal team of Eleanor Williams after she concocted a twisted web of lies accusing she had been groomed, trafficked and beaten.
Williams, 22, posted pictures on Facebook claiming to show injuries sustained at the hands of a gang - although she was later found to have inflicted these on herself.
The post, made during the Covid lockdown in May 2020, was shared more than 100,000 times online and sparked national outrage, leading to demonstrations in her hometown of Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria.
In March she was sentenced to eight and a half years for her false rape claims.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2023-07-01 13:20
Article here. Excerpt:
'Is the female/feminist perspective always right just because it was allegedly ignored by Western society until recently?
It seems so, at least implicitly; for feminism itself is rarely criticized or even disagreed with by anyone other than people “on the right.” The rest of us have been cowed into submission. We dare not speak up, even in defense of our boys.
I have been aware of some of the excesses of feminism for a while now—since Rush Limbaugh bravely coined the term “feminazi.” I thought it was silly at the time, but it was a convenient and accurate descriptor for the spittle-flecked, foaming-at-the-mouth, butch abortion activist, screaming in unhinged protest against the latest feminist outrage du jour. This caricature was easy to identify and oppose, and many people of good will realized it, even if they went along with it because it was easier than speaking out and becoming the latest target of their screed.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2023-07-01 13:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'In Men Without Men, Ferrara frames men’s isolation as a product and project of patriarchy, arguing that the very qualities that patriarchal masculinity emphasizes are at odds with the things men most need to thrive. Patriarchal virtues of stereotypic masculinity – like hyper-independence, stoicism, strength, control, and rationality – inhibit the forming of friendships between men. Consequently, this manifests into severe forms of social isolation, which result in increased suicide risk, depression, stress-related death, and (for men specifically) increased rates of domestic violence and incarceration.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2023-07-01 13:06
Article here. Excerpt:
'It was the response I got on social media that made me think I’d stumbled on to something bigger than I initially thought. On Twitter a few years ago, I asked what I thought was a pretty simple question: “Men – lovely men of Twitter. Hello! The last 10 years of feminism means we’re always discussing the problems of women on here. But what are the problems of men? What do you find makes your man-life difficult?”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2023-07-01 13:03
Article here. Excerpt:
'Steven Pinker, a Harvard professor of psychology, has expressed concerns about the oversimplification of the term ‘toxic masculinity’. He argues that repressing emotions is not inherently detrimental, and expressing emotions isn’t inherently beneficial.
He points to a vast body of research demonstrating that individuals with greater self-control, including those who suppress anger, tend to lead healthier lives in various aspects, such as academic performance and interpersonal relationships.
Similarly, British psychologist Christian Jarrett supports Pinker’s assertion that emotional self-control is linked to positive health outcomes. Jarrett critiques the APA’s stance that traditional masculinity is harmful, citing a recent APA journal article which found that young men who endorsed the masculine ideal of competitiveness, for instance, exhibited higher psychological well-being scores.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2023-06-30 20:09
Article here. Excerpt:
'A member of San Francisco’s reparations committee, which has proposed paying the city’s black inhabitants millions of dollars in compensation for slavery, has described straight white men as a “danger to society” and claimed “white supremacy is ingrained in the DNA” of America.
In an interview with this newspaper, Ms Cunningham said “even though” straight white men were “privileged, he [sic] has a lot of s--- wrong, and I say that because even straight white men are abusive, straight white men are serial killers”.
She said: “They have the most, I watch these shows, the most serial killers. Straight white men are the ones who are shooting up schools, right?
“So they are a danger to society. Not all of them.”'
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