Federal judge bans low evidence standard in Title IX cases with ‘significant consequences’ for accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hearing with cross-examination, evidence in his defense ‘essential to basic fairness’

It’s one judge’s ruling, but if it catches on, it’s a dagger in the heart of the Obama administration’s Title IX guidance, still widely used by universities even though it’s been rescinded.

U.S. District Judge James Browning refused to dismiss due process claims against the University of New Mexico in a five-page order last week.

He told the taxpayer-funded institution that plaintiff “J. Lee” has “alleged facts sufficient to state a plausible Fourteenth Amendment procedural due process claim” against the board of regents and president of the university. (Robert Frank was the original named defendant but has since been replaced by President Garnett Stokes.)

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“Toxic masculinity” blamed for New Zealand’s high construction suicide rate

Article here. Excerpt:

'A report published by the Building Research Association of New Zealand (Branz) has found that the suicide rate in the country’s construction industry is the highest of any industrial sector, and is largely the result of a “toxic” culture of on-site bullying.

Construction workers account for 6.9% of all suicides in New Zealand, marginally higher than that of farming and forestry, which sits at 6.8%.

Chris Litten, head of industry research at Branz, said a consistent message emerged from its survey of the industry. “We found that the culture of toxic masculinity is really rife. The ‘take a concrete pill and harden up’ attitude is really prevalent in the industry.”

He added that construction’s boom-and-bust cycle played a part by giving workers either too much work or too little, calling it “really draining and stressful on people”, because booms result in long hours, fatigue and a greater incidence of separation and divorce.

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'Distracted boyfriend meme' is sexist, rules Swedish advertising watchdog

Article here. Excerpt:

'The image, known by online communities as 'Distracted Boyfriend Meme', is based on a stock photo of a man turning away from his appalled to girlfriend to look at an attractive woman. Swedish internet service provider Bahnhof used the image alongside a jobs advert; in their take on the meme, the boyfriend was turning away from "your current workplace" to stare at Bahnhof.

Sweden's advertising watchdog RO has now ruled that the use of the meme was "gender-discriminatory", both due to presenting women as "interchangeable" and "sex objects" and presenting "a stereotypical picture of men seeing women as interchangeable".'

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Russia: Feminist Pours Bleach On Over 60 Men's Crotches To Fight 'Manspreading'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminist activist and Russian law student Anna Dovgalyuk has taken to pouring a bleach and water mixture on the crotches of unsuspecting men on the St. Petersburg Metro for their anti-feminist sin of "manspreading."

How this fights The Patriarchy exactly remains unclear.

In the "video manifesto," Dovgalyuk dumps the mixture contained in a water bottle onto over 60 men's crotches. Most are too stunned to react, but others attempt to confront her for her abhorrent actions.

"This solution is 30 times more concentrated than the mixture used by housewives when doing the laundry," she claims in the video, per The Sun. "It eats colours in the fabric in a matter of minutes — leaving indelible stains."'


Spread your legs? Get it! (video manifesto of Anna Dovgalyuk) / Spread your legs? Here you go (Translated from Russian)

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Chuck Schumer on Judge Kavanaugh: “There is no presumption of innocence.”

Article here. Excerpt:

'After asserting that this shameful circus is a “fact-finding proceeding,” here’s what Schumer ultimately said — after tap-dancing around the question — when asked if Brett Kavanaugh deserves the presumption of innocence:

“There’s no presumption of innocence or guilt when you have a nominee before you.”

Well, ackshually, Senator, there is a presumption of innocence. Are you new here?'

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Feminism’s Male Enablers

Article here. Excerpt:

'Michael Kimmel is the founder of the journal Men and Masculinities, the voice of the National Organization for Men Against Sexism, distinguished professor of sociology at Stony Brook, author of many popular books, and a committed feminist. His Angry White Men: American Masculinity at the End of an Era, described in his university bio as “a comparative study of the extreme right, White Supremacists, and neo-Nazis in the United States, Germany, and Scandinavia,” has acquired near-legendary status. His reputation in the field of gender studies is immense and, until recently, untouchable. Now, Kimmel has himself been accused of sexual harassment, a case of a strenuous advocate for women’s rights hoist on his own petard.

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Now #MeToo is coming for your thought crimes

Article here. Excerpt:

The #MeToo movement’s search for demons to slay has expanded well beyond just those accused of sexual misbehavior. Now, if you’ve done anything to disseminate the accused’s side of the story, they’re coming for #YouToo.
In a new front for the mob, it’s not enough to target the perpetrator of the misdeed. They are now targeting those who offer them a platform like Buruma did, or say anything warm about them at all.

Norm Macdonald learned this recently when he urged forgiveness for his friends Louis CK and Roseanne Barr. “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” canceled Macdonald’s upcoming appearance. Fallon told Macdonald that producers were “crying” over allowing Macdonald to appear.

Macdonald had an appearance on “The View” a few days later where he pointed out that he had not actually been accused of any action and his offense was words on behalf of those who were. “I don’t want to be tossed in with people who did, not crimes, but sins,” he said. “I barely have consensual sex.”

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Hey hey, ho ho, the Militia Act has got to go!

The Militia Acts of 1792 made all free white men soldiers on call.  A similar Act updated the law in the 19th century to include black men.  Read here. In 1903 another Militia Act (known as the Dick Act) was passed that nullified the 18th and 19th C Acts but retained the designation of every man as being in essence a soldier.

The US Con'n gives Congress the authority to raise an army.  But it doesn't give them the right to conscript.  Courts have upheld the presumed right to do so as a matter of necessity.  If the enabling Acts were rolled back however, the basis of the argument would be void.  I wonder... has anyone argued against these Acts on the basis of necessity?  That is, since the advent of nuclear weapons, can the US gov't really make this claim?
SCOTUS held that workers placed on call must be paid for that time even when not working.  Since virtually all men are on call to the US gov't and by state law to their states, should we not have received compensation as soldiers?  There are other approaches one can take.

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#WhyIDidntReport isn't a debate (or, "Men are the problem")

Article here. Excerpt:

'This right here, right now is about men. Men sexually assaulting women, and men normalizing sexual assault. It may be the strategy of the White House and patriarchy to deny, deny, deny, but #WhyIDidntReport is undeniable. Yes, there is a problem, and yes, it is men.

And yes, this sounds familiar. Remember #YesAllWomen, the viral hashtag that sprang up after Eliot Rodger killed six people in California because he was angry he hadn't had sex? Women from everywhere came forward to talk about being assaulted and living with the threat of physical violence from men as an everyday given. (To quote Margaret Atwood, "Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them." Hey wait, what else did she write?) It was in response to #YesAllWomen that #NotAllMen sprang up, a retort that said, "Well actually, let me just interrupt you talking about your systemic gender-based trauma to center the narrative around me."'

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Men’s awareness of cervical cancer: a qualitative study

Article here. Excerpt:

'As HPV is a sexually transmitted virus, men are crucial in the prevention of cervical cancer, but research about men’s awareness on cervical cancer is limited. Therefore, in this study, we investigated men’s awareness toward women’s cervical cancer, to thoroughly understand the viewpoints of men, and to emphasize the centrality of the role of men in the prevention of cervical cancer.


How HPV is causing more than just cervical cancer

'Cancers caused by the human papillomavirus are on the rise but not necessarily among the demographic groups employers might expect, a speaker told delegates at Benefits Canada’s Healthy Outcomes conference in May.

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Southern New Hampshire University: What Is a Scholarship and What Types Are Available?

Page here. Excerpt:

'Scholarships for Women - There are many scholarships available for women, and you don't need to be a traditional 18-year-old to be eligible for them. Some are designated to offer support for single mothers, women pursuing specific academic disciplines, female veterans and women over 40 who are looking to return after a break in their studies, according to Scholarships & Grants.'

Southern New Hampshire University Diversity: How Good is it?

'At Southern New Hampshire University, the disparity between men and women on campus is higher than the national average. The undergraduate student body at Southern New Hampshire University is predominantly female.

This university is ranked at #1,571 in male to female diversity nationwide. The undergraduate population is comprised of 19,553 males and 34,597 females.'

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Kavanaugh opponents tar all men with same brush

Article here. Excerpt:

'Even if it could be proven that Christine Blasey Ford deliberately slandered Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh — and I am not saying that’s the case — that act of willful character assassination wouldn’t be the worst thing about this horrid chapter in American life.

Donald Trump has received an enormous amount of criticism for the damage he’s done to constitutional and democratic norms. I have been among those critics at times. But few of his transgressions can hold a candle to the mob assault on many of those norms in recent days.

Over and over, elected officials and leading commentators alike have insisted Ford’s allegation that Kavanaugh attempted to drunkenly rape her must be true because other men have done such things. “But really,” said Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), “guess who is perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up and step up, do the right thing for a change.”

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Joe Biden: Women’s Claims Of Sexual Assault Should Be Presumed To Be True

Article here. Excerpt:

'Former Vice President Joe Biden said the claims of assault leveled against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh bring “back all of the complicated issues that were there” in 1991 when Anita Hill accused then-federal judge Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment, reported The Washington Post.

Biden, then-chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, presided over Thomas’ confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court that year and faced widespread criticism for allowing ― and some said abetting ― an all-white and all-male committee to badger Hill with probing and skeptical questions.

Speaking to reporters Monday at an event at the residence of the U.S. ambassador to Ireland, Biden again expressed regret for how Hill was treated and insisted he’d believed her allegations against Thomas from the very start.

“I thought she was telling the truth at the beginning,” Biden said, according to the Post. “I really did.”

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American girls read and write better than boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'As early as the fourth grade, girls perform better than boys on standardized tests in reading and writing, and as they get older that achievement gap widens even more, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

"The common thinking is that boys and girls in grade school start with the same cognitive ability, but this research suggests otherwise," said David Reilly, a doctoral student at Griffith University and lead author of the study published in American Psychologist. "Our research found that girls generally exhibit better reading and writing ability than boys as early as the fourth grade."

Reilly and his colleagues analyzed information from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a nationally representative data sample of standardized test scores from more than 3.4 million students in the fourth, eighth and 12th grades in the United States over a span of 27 years.

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Judge said Title IX official may have helped rape accuser lie, university settles

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ohio State University had terrible luck with U.S. District Judge James Graham over the past few years.

The day before Donald Trump’s election, the federal judge refused to dismiss the lawsuit against the public university by a student found responsible for sexual assault.

It claimed that the student’s hearing panel got “biased training” – dubious statistics about most men admitting to “sexually aggressive behavior” – and administrators hid “exculpatory evidence” from “John Doe,” including the suspicious timing of his accuser’s claim.

A year and a half later, Judge Graham hit a Title IX official with distressing news: She could be held personally liable for helping the accuser lie to the panel.'

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