Toxic Masculinity And What We Can Do To Stop It

Article here. Excerpt:

'Way says that our culture needs to respond, “not in flipping the hierarchy so that stereotypically feminine behavior is on top and masculine behavior is on bottom. We simply have to stop gendering and sexualizing core human capacities and needs. The conversation has to be focused on disrupting stereotypes by listening to young people who tell us explicitly that such stereotypes are not true. The solution, in other words, lies within our nature. We have the natural capacity to find what we most want and need to thrive. Now our task is to create a culture that nurtures our nature rather than gets in its way.”'

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Lawsuit Accuses Betsy DeVos And Her Deputies Of Being Motivated By Sexism

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new filing in a lawsuit against the Trump administration accuses Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and a top deputy of being motivated in part by sexism in their policy decisions.

The lawsuit, originally filed in January, challenged DeVos’ elimination of Obama-era Title IX guidance on how sexual assault cases are handled on campus. But an amended complaint submitted Wednesday says that DeVos’ decision was influenced by discriminatory and stereotyped views of women.

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Top CERN Scientist Suspended for Presentation That Argued There Is No Sexism in Physics

Article here. Excerpt:

'The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), one of the leading physics research institutions in the world, suspended one of its physicists on Monday after he gave a sexist talk at the organization’s first ever “High Energy Theory and Gender” conference last weekend.

Last Friday, Alessandro Strumia, a research associate at CERN, gave a talk at the conference that was later described as a “Damore-esque manifesto against women in STEM” by Jessica Wade, a physicist at Imperial College London widely known for her efforts to increase diversity in scientific fields. The reference is to James Damore, a senior software engineer who was fired from Google last year after he circulated a memo that argued men were biologically better suited to software development.

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Kirsten Gillibrand holding up Navy nominee who criticized her sex assault bill

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Trump’s nominee to be the Navy’s general counsel, who has languished in the Senate for more than 14 months, is being held up by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., her office confirmed Thursday.

The senator did not immediately provide a reason for her hold on Charles “Cully” Stimson. But the senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation was a strong critic of Gillibrand’s attempts in recent years to pass legislation reforming military sexual assault prosecutions.

In 2016, Gillibrand’s Military Justice Improvement Act, a signature piece of legislation for the senator, was facing a third potential vote in the chamber after failing twice before. The bill would have removed sex assault prosecutions from the military chain of command.

Stimson wrote a critical column dubbing the legislation the “Military Justice Destruction Act.”

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Canada: Court says ‘pedophilia does not apply’ — because perpetrator is a woman

Article here. Excerpt:

'Caldwell accepted Pearce’s conclusion that McEwen derived sexual arousal not from acts committed against children but from the “extreme humiliation” of her involvement in those acts, which fed her masochism, described as on the moderately severe end.

The judge wrote (and read aloud in court): “Dr. Pearce testified that the current research suggests that women do not suffer from paraphilic disorders apart from masochism. This fact lends further weight to the conclusion that pedophilia does not apply to you.”

Crown Attorney Lisa Henderson, the judge noted, had “rigorously challenged” Pearce on this assertion.

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Only university in UK with men's officer scraps role after its sole candidate 'suffers harassment'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The only university in the UK with a men’s officer has scrapped the role after the candidate withdrew due to “harassment”.

James Knight put his name forward to be men's officer at the University of the West of England, but claims he was harassed, and has withdrawn. He was the only candidate in the race.

The University of the West of England told The Telegraph that the position has now been suspended pending review.

The roles of transgender and women’s officers have also been brought in this month.

Knight said he stood to highlight "the poor state of mental health services at UWE" and told a student paper: "I know how deeply mental health issues can run in men and how much of a taboo it can be for men to talk about their mental health."'

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Where has all the testosterone gone?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Being a man once meant tackling any and all situations that came your way. This included hitting on girls, enjoying a few cold beers, and assuming control of your environment (which sometimes included throwing ice during a bar fight). Today that kind of behavior might lose you a seat on the Supreme Court. America has turned into a nation of effeminate, chai tea sipping basement boys who can’t handle anything but an iPhone. When a problem rears its ugly head they run to the nearest closet. New Age men are more concerned with how others perceive them instead of actually being the person they want to be. They are nowhere as manly (or human) as Brett Kavanaugh.

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A men’s rights activist sued a women’s beer event

Article here. Excerpt:

'But in November 2017, as Su tells Eater, a man emailed Eagle Rock’s general information line asking for a spot at the ticketed forum. A staff member mistakenly told the man that the event was for women only (in fact, men have attended before), and even after he was offered access to a future women’s beer event, the man ultimately filed a discrimination claim through the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the entity in charge of enforcing California’s civil rights laws.

The man is Steve Frye, a men’s rights activist, or MRA, who is hardly a stranger to filing discrimination cases against California businesses and, at one point, Donald Trump. In 2011, Frye sued one of Trump’s golf courses because it offered a 25 percent discount to “ladies” for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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Content restored to Oct. 18 2018 state

Good news: Working with my content backup service I got the content state restored to Oct. 18, 2018. Not nearly the hit we were looking at earlier today.

I want to thank the Academy... and my agent... and my family, you guys are the greatest... and my fans... and all my wonderful fellow actors and... and... I just can't... thank you, thank you...

Now if I can just figure out how to upgrade to the next version of Drupal without completely hosing my own site, I'll be fine.

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Drake University Expelled Male Student After Female Allegedly Admitted to Sexually Assaulting Him

Article here. Excerpt:

'Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, has come under fire after it was revealed that it expelled a male student for sexual assault even though his accuser allegedly admitted to sexually assaulting him as well.

Drake University is now facing a court battle over their investigation into an alleged incident in which Thomas Rossley Jr. and an unnamed female both accused each other of sexual assault. According to a report from The College Fix, the unnamed female admitted to performing oral sex on Rossley Jr. without his consent. Despite this, Drake University never investigated that portion of the incident. He was ultimately expelled from the university.

Rossley Jr., who has ADHD, dyslexia, and “word-retrieval issues,” requested assistance at the hearing that took place after the investigation. However, Rossley Jr. was not provided with assistance and made to fend for himself during a nine-hour hearing.

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Feminist Ally Accused Of Rape By #MeToo Movement Is Fighting Back

Article here. Excerpt:

'Stephen Elliott founded the left-wing website The Rumpus and is a staunch feminist ally. That, however, didn’t protect him from being anonymously accused of rape on a list of “S****y Media Men” circulated early in the #MeToo movement.

At first, Elliott, according to an article in The New York Times, was going to just take “a bullet for the movement” and let himself be falsely accused. You know, like a good ally.

“Multiple people asked me at first if I was O.K. just taking a bullet for the movement,” Elliott told Bari Weiss of the Times. “Because of their politics and, frankly, because of mine.”

“If I was to come out and say, ‘Hey, I was falsely accused of rape,’ it would be like I was attacking this movement which at the time, was a movement that I believed in,” he added.

But while Elliott accepted his fate, getting “high for three months,” he saw his life crumble.

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UK: Parents 'weaponising' domestic violence orders, claims charity

Article here. Excerpt:

'The number of non-molestation orders – issued by courts to prevent domestic abuse – has rocketed by 37% over the past five years because they are being exploited to secure legal aid, according to the charity Families Needs Fathers.

The “weaponisation” of court procedures by “angry and vengeful parents” is encouraging false allegations and fuelling conflict between separating couples, the head of the organisation has claimed.

The figures are based on the latest quarterly statistics produced by the Ministry of Justice. Since 2013, when the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (Laspo) came into force the number of non-molestation orders issued by English and Welsh courts has increased from fewer than 20,000 to more than 26,000 a year.

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Not All Men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I’ve never attacked my partner. I’ve never sexually harassed someone at work. And I’ve never masturbated into a pot plant while someone watched.
So I set out to make #YesAllMen – a documentary that aims to reframe the debate about masculinity. I wanted to understand some of the key social issues Australian men are facing and find the human stories behind the alarming statistics.'

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Australasian Housing Institute Members: Please vote in upcoming Director elections

Voting form here. Elections are as much about who you vote against as who you vote for, and female candidates are openly appealing to female members to vote on the basis of their gender, despite homelessness/lack of secure housing predominately affecting men in Australia. From the SA candidate profiles:

'Julie Blake, Chief Executive Officer, Westside Housing Association
In a sector where the majority of service delivery staff are female but the top executive roles are predominantly held by men, I am proud to set an example for younger professionals in our sector to aspire to the top roles such as CEO in the sector.'

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High School Girls Admitted to Making False Sexual Assault Accusations Against a Male Student Because They ‘Just Don’t Like Him’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Seneca Valley School District in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is facing a lawsuit from a former male student who was forced out of school—and investigated for sexual assault—due to a series of false accusations made by female students.

The girls—dubbed "mean girls" in the lawsuit, a reference to the 2004 Lindsay Lohan film—admitted on tape that they made up the assault story. One said, "I just don't like him" and "[I] would do anything to get him expelled," according to The Toronto Sun.

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