Woman who accused Wash. police chief of sexual assault now faces criminal charges

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Issaquah woman who accused Bellevue Police Chief Steve Mylett of sexual assault earlier this year now faces several criminal charges for allegedly making up her claims against the chief and another officer.

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Australia: Why are our prisons full of domestic violence victims?

Article here. Excerpt:

'One emerging but "alarming" phenomenon leading to women's criminalisation, lawyers and advocates say, is the growing number of domestic violence victims being misidentified by police as primary aggressors — and named as respondents on family violence intervention orders.
The trend is also being observed in Queensland and New South Wales, with the chief executive of Sisters Inside Debbie Kilroy advising the Australian Law Reform Commission last year that her organisation was seeing, "rising rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women charged with breaches of domestic violence protection orders, often in circumstances where the police (rather than the intimate partner) have applied to impose the order".'

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Barbara Kay: SNL could never smear another group like it does fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Dec. 1, SNL mounted a skit called “Dad Christmas.” One blogger commented on it, “I don’t remember SNL ever sinking to this depth to disparage divorced dads in an attempt to provoke a laugh.” I agree. It was an act of vile misandry.

The skit begins with two adolescent children enjoying a warm and festive Christmas with their mature, beautifully groomed and loving divorced mom. Then they are shown in an alternate Christmas scenario — with “Christmas Dad,” i.e. an allegedly generic divorced father.

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73% of Top U.S. Universities Do Not Guarantee the Presumption of Innocence in Title IX Sexual Misconduct Trials

Article here. Excerpt:

'Among the top-ranked universities in the country, only about half require impartial fact-finders in sexual misconduct adjudication—and three-quarters make no guarantees that accused students will be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Those findings are included in a timely report from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) that surveyed U.S. News & World Report's top 53 universities' due process protections for students involved in disputes relating to Title IX, the federal statute that governs campus sexual misconduct. According to FIRE, just 30 percent of the schools guaranteed accused students a hearing, and only 10 percent mandated some form of cross-examination. As a result, 86 percent of surveyed institutions received a D or F grade for failing to safeguard the civil liberties of the accused.'

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Scottish Parliament Bans ‘Gingerbread Men’ in Coffee Shop Due to Sexism Concerns

Article here. Excerpt:

'Scotland’s Parliament has made the decision to ban “gingerbread men” from a coffee shop at its capitol over concerns that the name of the cookie perpetuates sexism.

Each of these cookies will now instead be called a “gingerbread person,” according to an article in Express.

According to the news source, the change was made after it was discovered that more than 30 percent of female ministers in Holyrood said that they had suffered some sort of sexual harassment.'

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More Australians need to call out sexism when they see it, says Our Watch

Article here. Excerpt:

'And while Our Watch research shows nearly 80 per cent of Australians want to know what to do when they encounter sexism, only about 14 per cent of people would do something — indicating they either don't recognise sexism, or don't know how to intervene.

The organisation's new interactive online campaign, Doing Nothing Does Harm, hopes to shift those figures.

Ms Kinnersley defines sexist behaviour as "anything that makes a woman feel uncomfortable".'

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Sweden Shuts Down Controversial Equality Body Run Exclusively by Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The authority disparagingly dubbed "Feminism Ministry" has attracted massive criticism over its feminist slant, being led entirely by women despite its commitment to gender equality and, last but not least, controversial projects involving periods.

The Swedish Gender Equality Agency, proudly unveiled by the government in January, will close down as a result of the parliament adopting a new budget by centre-right Moderates and Christian Democrats.

"We will reduce the allocations to the agency by SEK 40 million in 2019 and grant no funds at all in 2020. This means they will be given one year to wind up the business", Moderate MP Hans Rothenberg told Swedish Radio.'

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Sweden's 'Man-Free' Feminist Festival Ruled Discriminatory

Article here. Excerpt:

'The feminist Statement festival with no admittance for "cis-men", held in Gothenburg in August this year, has ultimately received a formal condemnation from Sweden's anti-discrimination authorities. During the festival, men were relegated to a cordoned-off area called the "manpen".

Describing the Statement festival as "male-free" is a violation of anti-discrimination legislation, the Swedish Discrimination Ombudsman (DO) found in a belated ruling.

The European Court of Justice's established practice is that public statements that discourage some people from engaging in an activity constitute grounds for discrimination, the DO found.

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Movie: They Shall Not Grow Old

Playing in select theaters and very limited runnings, They Shall Not Grow Old is an innovative kind of documentary by the Lord of the Rings trilogy producer that uses painstakingly colorized footage shot at the western front during WWI. It turns grainy shadows of men into actual men whose eyes and faces are clear. There is no narration, but instead the voices of WWI veterans talking about their experiences during the war with joining, in training, and at the front.

It honors the sacrifices of the millions of men on both sides who suffered and died not that long ago. These men, those who survived, fathered what is often called The Greatest Generation. Watch this film and you will see why.

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Study says men prefer time with their male friends over girlfriends

Article here. Incessant criticisms and feminist blatherings make the choice easy. Excerpt:

'Ladies, we have some bad news for you. No, you are not imagining it– the verdict is out. Studies show that your boyfriend would rather watch football with his friends, than watch a marathon of The Crown with you. Don't worry, it's not your choice of Netflix series that's keeping him away, it's you.

You could be watching any show on any afternoon, and your boyfriend still would be sitting there thinking about how much more fun he would be having if he was doing something with his bros.'

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Gillibrand says she's worried about top options in Dem 2020 poll being white men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said during a televised interview on Friday night that she was worried about a lack of diversity among top potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.

Gillibrand was asked by CNN’s Van Jones about a poll from the network released this week that found that the top three candidates for the Democratic nomination were white men.

The poll showed former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) as the top three potential 2020 Democratic candidates.

"In a party as diverse as ours, does it worry you to see the top three being white guys?" Jones asked Gillibrand, herself a potential presidential candidate, in front of the live audience.

"Yes," Gillibrand responded.

“I aspire for our country to recognize the beauty of our diversity at some point in the future and I hope someday we have a woman president," she continued, when asked to elaborate.'

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MRAs are attacking women's scholarships and programs and the DOE is listening

Article here. Excerpt:

'Critics say that Pekgoz profoundly misunderstands Title IX. The Department of Education allows schools to use affirmative action to correct for historical sex discrimination. It’s true that men may be underrepresented in, say, nursing — but not because of the same institutional discrimination that barred women from certain disciplines, said Jocelyn Samuels, a former director of the Office of Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services.

And while women may have achieved parity in many educational fields, that classroom success isn’t always replicated in the real world, said Suzanna Danuta Walters, director of the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies program at Northeastern University.

Female managers earn 77 percent of male managers, for instance, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Women make up just 30 percent of university presidents and 5 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs.

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DOJ has opened Title IX investigstions for male students

Video report here. Excerpt:

'In the last year, the Department of Education has opened several investigations, after complaints that those universities are systemically discriminating against male students.'

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UK: Woman jailed for carrying out determined stalking campaign before staging own kidnap

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jessica Nordquist – described as ‘intelligent, resourceful and well educated’ – launched a terrifying campaign against her ex-boyfriend.

Nordquist, an American citizen, waged an extreme hate campaign after her brief relationship with Mark Weeks ended.

She sent messages to his clients accusing him of rape, and set up a fake account for him so she could send out a ‘confession’ email to make it appear he was owning up.

The relentless campaign also saw her set up at least 20 fake Instagram accounts and post similar claims online.

In April she faked her own kidnap and said her abductors had assaulted and raped her – but she was discovered safe and well in Scotland by police.'

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NYT Writer: Cancel Office Christmas Parties So Women Avoid Harassment

Article here. Excerpt:

'"It’s the least wonderful time of the year," says New York Times columnist Jennifer Weiner in a recent op-ed. The source of her Scroogey disposition: office Christmas parties (she uses the politically correct term "Holiday" party) because of all the sexual harassment that women face.

According to Weiner, the prospect of the "Holiday" party is a difficult one for women due to the difficult task of "choosing clothes that signal that you are polished without being boring, attractive without being provocative, and that you’re looking to be promoted, not propositioned."

"For women, it’s never easy," she says, adding that men "have it all figured out" when it comes to festive wear.

In an appearance on CBS "This Morning" on Monday, Weiner said that she would prefer it if the office "Holiday" party was canceled entirely so that women could have more money in their paycheck instead of having to stress over what to wear.'

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