2018 Sex Scandal Teacher Starting Lineup

Article here. Funny in its own way but also telling. If he were showcasing male teachers caught nailing their students, I am pretty sure the tone would be different. Excerpt:

'In 300 B.C., Aristotle famously said, “Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach.” In 1933, Albert Einstein said, “Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty.” And in 2018, 53-year-old teacher Deborah Lowe said to her 15-year-old student, “Who else can I be a slut with?”

Who else, indeed? That time is upon us once again. When we look back at the year just past in Sex Scandal Teachers, a tradition truly unlike any other.

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The "Green New Deal" seeks gender-based social justice

Article here. Well you have to hand it to the young lady, she really is a pistol! Not even 30 yet and she seeks to take over the US economy. Alexander the Great's got nothin' on our Alex. Excerpt:

'It's [sic] scope and mandate for legislation authority amounts to a radical grant of power to Washington over Americans’ lives, homes, businesses, travel, banking, and more.

Early on, under “Jurisdiction,” the document makes clear its grandiose philosophical vision: “The select committee shall have authority to develop a detailed national, industrial, economic mobilization plan for the transition of the United States economy to become greenhouse gas emissions neutral and to significantly draw down greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and oceans and to promote economic and environmental justice and equality.”

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Doctors bravely declare the sexes to be different

Article here. Sacrilege! Not only does it report on a disease that kills men more aggressively than women, but the article actually admits that the sexes are profoundly different. Unthinkable! Bet the doctors quoted in this article get assailed and the article's author gets pilloried. Excerpt:

'Men are more likely to die of brain cancer than women and a new study helps explain why. Glioblastoma tumors are fundamentally different in men and women, the researchers found.

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Relationship Coach: 'Modern-Day Feminism is Killing Romance'

Video here. Description:

'DeAnna Lorraine, a relationship coach and author of the book titled 'Make Love Great Again' blames modern-day feminism for the large amount of singles in the U.S.'

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Lawsuit Claims SPLC Abetted Theft, Spread Lies to Destroy Lawyer for ‘Thought Crime’

Article here. Posted because the SPLC has named MRM groups as "hate groups". Why, even MANN has been put on one of their lists! Oh my. Excerpt:

'In December 2018, a Baltimore lawyer filed a devastating lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and two of its employees. The SPLC targeted Glen Keith Allen over his former ties to the National Alliance (NA), a white nationalist group. In doing so, the liberal group allegedly violated laws and legal codes of conduct by receiving and then paying for stolen documents in violation of confidentiality agreements. The group went after Allen with the intent of getting him fired by the City of Baltimore and permanently destroying his future prospects.

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Six Young Men, Given Adult Sentences for “Minor” Infractions, Are Freed in Illinois

Article here. Somehow I doubt female prisoners would have drawn multi-year sentences for similar offenses. Excerpt:

'Six young men who had been sentenced to lengthy adult prison terms for committing what were described as minor infractions at a southern Illinois youth correctional facility went free Friday after outgoing Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, in an unannounced move, commuted their sentences.

The young men, whose cases were documented in a ProPublica Illinois investigation last year, had only learned they would be released the day before. By Friday afternoon, all had walked out of the prisons where they were being held.

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Warren fundraising off 'sexism' in tweet referring to her likability

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is fundraising off a "gendered nonsense" tweet from Politico, which linked to an article drawing comparisons between Warren and former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

The Politico tweet, which has received significant pushback online, posed the question, "How does Elizabeth Warren avoid a Clinton redux — written off as too unlikable before her campaign gets off the ground?"

It was posted shortly after Warren announced she will be forming an exploratory committee to run for the White House in 2020.

"Every woman who’s ever put her name forward for something – and every sensible person who recognizes how smart, powerful women are written about, and the names they’re called – knows what’s going on here," Warren's team wrote in the fundraising email sent out Wednesday.'

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"The secret not yet told": Women describe alleged abuse by nuns

Story here. Excerpt:

'The gathering comes as CBS News has also learned of several cases involving nuns accused of sexual misconduct. The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests – or SNAP – said it doesn't keep count of sexual abuse allegations, but CBS News' Nikki Battiste has spoken with several women who recently reported misconduct, ranging from forceful kissing to molestation, all carried out by nuns.

When Trish Cahill was 15 years old she said she confided in Sister Eileen Shaw at a convent in New Jersey. Cahill said she told Shaw things she'd never revealed to anyone about her now-deceased uncle – a priest – whom she claims sexually abused her, starting at age five.

"I would have done anything for her. I would have died for her," Cahill said. "She gave me everything that was lacking that I didn't even know I was lacking. I was so broken. She filled in all those pieces."

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Ladies, even in your love life, you better get that commitment to gender equality in writing

Article here. Excerpt:

'The question women need to ask is, why are we entering into contracts (ahem, marriages) that aren’t fair to us? Why aren’t we negotiating? In the same way that women’s reticence to negotiate at work has contributed to the pay gap, women’s reticence to negotiate at home may be contributing to the domestic-workload gap. Marriage is the only contract we sign without any terms or conditions. Prenuptial agreements are the exception. Perhaps women need a “prenup” to protect their non-tangible assets — their career aspirations and, most of all, their time.
Dear single women, get it in writing. As for married women, the negotiation is trickier because precedents have been set. Not all is lost, terms and conditions can be established with the help of a good therapist who can set up ground rules, draft a contract and assist in course correction.

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UK: Prosecutor Who Withheld Evidence In Rape Cases Becomes First In Position Not To Receive Nation’s Top Honor

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the United Kingdom’s former top prosecutors will not be made a Dame, becoming the first in the position not to receive the honor during their tenure or shortly after they depart.

Alison Saunders, former Director of Public Prosecutions, resigned earlier this year after it was discovered the Crown Prosecution Service withheld exculpatory evidence in multiple rape cases. One of those cases involved 22-year-old Liam Allan, a London resident who three years ago was accused of rape. A year went by before Allan finally obtained information about where his case stood, and was told the detective in charge recommended no charges be filed. But two hours later, he was told he was being charged for allegedly raping the woman 12 times.'

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A Non-Exhaustive List Of The Worst Men Of 2018

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men had another pretty poor showing in 2018, continuing their centuries-long slump. A man disastrously led the most powerful nation in the world. A man ― several men, in fact ― had the gall to mount comebacks after having been accused of sexual assault. Men inflicted their emotional inadequacies on everyday women, leaned on subway poles, sent terrible text messages, spearheaded fascist counter-revolutions in fragile democracies and just generally found diverse ways of not coming correct.

In the spirit of calling out these failures, both big and petty, we’ve rounded up a list of (a handful of) the worst men of 2018. This list is by no means exhaustive, and I’m sure we’ve forgotten hundreds of terrible males who made the year so much worse. Please feel free to make your own lists and then ritually burn them.'

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Calif. organizers cancel Women's March for being too white

Article here. I posted this for the humor value. Excerpt:

'Organizers of the Women’s March in Humboldt County, California, announced Friday that they have canceled the local Jan. 19 event because the marchers are overwhelmingly white.

In a Facebook statement, the group said it opted to nix the third annual march “after many conversations between local social-change organizations and supporters of the march,” saying they would work on how to “broaden representation in the organizing committee.”'

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Ex-Times Now employee apologises 3 yrs after ‘molestation’ case

Article here. Media persons should think before labeling a Man as a Pervert. This man has been suffering for the last 3 years since a girl falsely implicated in harassment case. Reporters who demonized the man have now apologized but a mere sorry is not sufficient. The Girl who has been lying has not even attended court hearing (because she escaped to Canada) while the boy's career has been compromised and life is in ruins. Excerpt:

'A former Times Now employee, who claims to have put out the story on the alleged molestation of St Stephen’s student Jasleen Kaur, has now apologised (in a personal capacity) to the accused, Sarvjeet Singh Bedi, saying he is “ashamed” and “regrets” the episode.

The apology came soon after ThePrint published a story on Sarvjeet Singh’s struggles as proceedings in the case are yet to begin, with Jasleen not having attended a single hearing in the matter till date.'

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Lawsuit: Michigan State suspended man for sexual assault to 'avoid further bad publicity'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former Michigan State University student who was suspended for sexually assaulting a woman is suing the school, saying his rights were violated during the investigation.

The student, who is only identified in the lawsuit as John Doe, was suspended for two years from MSU in May, after finishing his sophomore year. He alleges in the lawsuit that the university sided with the woman simply to "avoid further bad publicity" amid harsh criticism for its handling of sexual assault cases.

MSU spokesperson Heather Young said the university's legal counsel is reviewing the lawsuit and declined to comment.'

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The ACLU loves due process (unless it's on campus)

Article here. Excerpt:

'The American Civil Liberties Union’s recent statements on due-process should worry those liberals, conservatives, and libertarians concerned about due-process rights. It should also give pause to supporters of a so-called "Living Constitution" approach, which argues that the meaning of the Constitution can change to adapt to the times.

Recently, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and the Department of Education released new proposed rules on how colleges should handle sexual harassment and sexual assault claims, proposing a rollback of some Obama-era rules. In a series of tweets, the ACLU laid out its opposition to the proposed rules -- shocking for an organization which claims to be devoted to due-process, as they actively oppose the effort to balance the proceedings to give better due-process protection to accused students.

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