Another Sexual-Assault Acquittal Reaffirms the Need to #BelieveEvidence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yesterday a Texas jury found former Baylor football player Shawn Oakman not guilty of sexual assault. As my Tennessee neighbor Clay Travis notes, the charges against Oakman were heavily publicized, and carried serious repercussions for the Baylor football program:
At this point, how many more court cases do we need before we return to sanity and reason in the battle over campus sexual assault? As I wrote last month, judges across the country (including, most notably, California judges) are rebuking colleges and universities for establishing campus kangaroo courts designed to secure more punishments for young men. And now we’re seeing real courts demonstrate once again the power of due process.

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How Do We Save the World from the White Man?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In his autobiography Malcolm X described racism as a psychosis in the white psyche. White people, he said, were able to function in all other ways as human beings should, but on the question of race white people lost all ability to reason rationally and instead deferred to insanity. As a result Malcolm asserted that for the non-white peoples of this nation, there was never an American dream but rather an American nightmare. Malcolm would never live to see the horrors of mass incarceration, he never lived to witness the massive wars of imperialism in non-white nations that the U.S. would wage overtly and covertly in the 21st century, he never came to know for himself the absurdity of the neo-fascist government that we have in our current administration. Yet in our current racial climate Malcolm’s diagnosis reads just as true now as it did then.

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Australia: SA gov. tendering for "Women's Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service"

Link here (archived here due to the dynamic nature of the site). Exerpt:

'A legal service provider with expertise in domestic and family violence is required to operate the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service (WDVCAS). The WDVCAS will provide specialist legal advice and support to victims of domestic and family violence, particularly in relation to intervention orders. The WDVCAS will be open to women across South Australia, at no cost to clients and with no eligibility criteria.'

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New Zealand: Man falsely accused of rape backs call for Blenheim's first men's refuge

Article here. Excerpt:

'A man tied up in a false rape claim has backed a call for a men's refuge after he was kicked out of his flat and left homeless for a week.

Brett, who has asked for his last name to be kept secret, says he had nowhere to go after his ex-girlfriend reported a rape that never happened, and rumours began to spread.

Since speaking about how the allegation "destroyed" his life, Brett has thrown his support behind a call for an agency to support men, similar to Women's Refuge.

Another Marlborough man mooted the idea of a men's refuge earlier this month when he was left homeless after leaving an abusive relationship.

There was no homeless shelter in Blenheim, though people could apply for emergency accommodation through Work and Income.

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#MeToo and today's McCarthyism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Which is more scrupulous, the #MeToo movement or McCarthyism?

The original McCarthyism, I mean — that of the blacklist and the Hollywood Ten, of which the junior senator from Wisconsin was only ever a small part. The anti-Communists whose banner he picked up were, on the whole, more serious and conscientious than Joseph McCarthy himself. For all the publicity and energy he brought to their cause, it was ultimately their misfortune to have become entangled with a namesake whose tactics were not always befitting the seriousness of the threat against which they fought.

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Report: Colleges Now Dominated by Women, Men Lagging Behind

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to a report from The College Fix, women are earning significantly more college degrees than men. Data published in 2016by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) highlighted a surprising trend in higher education. While almost half of American women between the ages of 18 and 24 were enrolled in an institution of higher learning, less than 40 percent of all males were also enrolled. A similar gender breakdown exists at the graduate level.
This trend can be found at universities around the country. Take, for example, the University of Wisconsin, where 55 percent of all degrees are earned by women. At the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, women make up almost 70 percent of the student body.

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More teenage girls than boys plan to attend college, so why the pay gap?

Article here. Excerpt:

'New research suggests that the college gender gap is expected to widen between young men and women. According to a recent survey from Pew Research Center, 68 percent of teenage girls plan to attend a four-year college, compared to 59 percent of teenage boys.

College enrollment among 18- to 20-year-olds who are no longer in high school mirror this trend. In 2017, Pew found that 64 percent of women in this age group who were out of high school were enrolled in college, versus 55 percent of men in the same age group.

While this may be reassuring news to feminists decrying the gender wage gap, data revealed that money was a larger motivator for teenage men than teenage women. Boys are much more likely than girls to say that “having a lot of money when they grow up would be extremely or very important to them” — 61 percent versus 41 percent. This is probably why male college students typically find themselves in majors that end up paying more.

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Feminist Philosophy Class Was 'Indoctrination,' Says Columbia Student

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you’ve ever taken a Women’s Studies class, this might not surprise you. Women’s studies classes operate on conformity and agreement, while philosophy classes operate on debate and logical analyses. If a class draws from both disciplines, appreciation of debate may not carry over. Indeed, in this case, it didn’t.
Not only did his professor fail to explore alternative views, but Hughes said his professor also ridiculed students who held dissenting viewpoints and suggested that they were evil, citing an in-class debate the professor facilitated on whether biological sex differences exist.

“The assumption that alternative viewpoints are prima facie stupid and evil is the opposite of critical thinking, yet it was a very common teaching method for this particular philosophy professor,” Hughes concluded.'

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UK: Merseyside's deputy police commissioner welcomes women-only review court

Article here. Excerpt:

'The women-only review courts will take place monthly from tomorrow (Friday, March 1) at the Complex Case Court at Sefton Magistrates Court.

They will examine the cases of females sentenced to community orders or suspended sentences with requirements, who will be invited to attend hearings where progress reports will be provided by their offender manager.

The hearings will provide an all-female environment where cases can be evaluated and where issues can be identified and addressed, with the aim of preventing problems from escalating to the point where the women may breach their orders, potentially triggering a prison sentence.

Up until now, the Complex Case Court has provided a system for reviews where both men and women's orders were considered, but by providing dedicated women-only courts the aim is to create an atmosphere which encourages better communication and understanding of the issues facing female offenders.'

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Bumble is launching a women-first networking tool that lets recruiters exclude men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Bumble is launching a women-only filter for its professional networking tool, Bumble Bizz.

The Women in Bizz feature, which can be turned on or off in app settings, excludes men from a user’s pool of potential connections. The idea is to help a traditionally underrepresented workforce connect and build support systems outside the office.

The tool is a sort of extension of Bumble’s core women-first mission. The popular dating app lets women make the first move and message their romantic matches first. Now it’s helping traditionally outnumbered female employees build out a women-only network.

“Representation is critically important for women, especially in traditionally male dominated industries,” CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd said in a statement to CNBC. “We’re helping women connect with other women to show them what’s possible and give them resources as they build their careers.”'

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Australia: Male candidate pre-selected by local party branch forced to defend against unsubstantiated gender-bias claims

Link here. Excerpt:

'The man picked by the Liberal Party to run in the hotly-contested Western Australian federal seat of Stirling has defended the process which saw him chosen over four female nominees, saying preselectors were given complete freedom.
He was chosen to run after frontbencher Michael Keenan announced he would retire at the next election.
Mr Keenan today acknowledged he had wanted to see a female candidate succeed him in Stirling, but said it was the local party branch's decision and Mr Connelly was a friend and an "exceptionally good candidate".

Mr Connelly, a vice president of the Stirling branch and a Scarborough local, said each nominee was given the same opportunity to convince preselectors.'

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Teacher had sex with boy in classroom while other student watched

Article here. Excerpt:

'Records obtained by The Arizona Republic provide additional detail about Zamora's alleged sexual misconduct with the student. Video, police interviews and Zamora's arrest captured on body-worn cameras describe how Zamora and the boy had sex multiple times in her car and classroom — once with another male student in the room.

The two even sexually touched each other while oblivious students watched a video, records show. 

Zamora was arrested in March 2018 on suspicion of sexual misconduct after a monitoring app on the boy's cellphone alerted his parents to illicit texts between the two.

Zamora, now 28, surrendered her state teaching certificate in December. She continues to be held in a Maricopa County jail on a $250,000 bond, according to public court records.'

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Amazon header features "Shop women-run businesses"

As of writing, Amazon is running a banner that reads "Shop women-run businesses" with a link to businesses on Amazon's site that are run by women.

The road to Hell, as they say. Imagine "Shop whites-run businesses" or similar? Never "Shop man-run businesses", not in a million years. This is an effort to appeal to gender discrimination and anti-male sentiment. I wonder how Jeff Bezos would have taken it if when he just started Amazon his site was somehow pushed down in search results, for example, because he was male?

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Tajik Doctors Come Knocking For Uncircumcised Baby Boys, Angering Parents

Article here. Excerpt:

'In Tajikistan, where the government often tries to micromanage people’s daily lives, authorities are now even trying to regulate the circumcision of newborn boys.

Family doctors from state-run clinics have been going door-to-door in the capital, Dushanbe, in recent days to make a list of uncircumcised baby boys, several parents have complained.

The doctors then tell the parents to bring their young boys to clinics to have them circumcised as soon as possible, the families claimed.

A mother of two, Jamila, who didn’t want to give her full name, told RFE/RL that she was surprised when a family doctor paid an unexpected visit to her home in Dushanbe and asked if her toddler son was circumcised.

“The doctor told me that the medics have been instructed by [authorities] to register all uncircumcised boys,” Jamila said on February 24.'


Wikipedia on T-stan here.

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A Dark and Gripping PSA Shows How ‘Boys Will Be Boys’ Breeds Toxic Masculinity

Article here. Google the first paragraph to jump the paywall. Excerpt:

'The roots of toxic masculinity and gender violence run deep in “Boys Don’t Cry,” an affecting short film from Canadian social-advocacy group White Ribbon, agencies Bensimon Byrne and Narrative, and Academy-award nominated documentary director Hubert Davis.

Told in gripping quick-cut style, the narrative packs plenty of punches—literally and figuratively—into its 3-minute runtime, taking us through key events in a boy’s life, from early childhood through his late teen years. This smart, shy, sensitive kid grows increasingly troubled against a backdrop domestic discord, as well as bullying by his classmates. Making matters worse, he’s repeatedly told that he must remain strong—and never cry.

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