ISIS female jihadis filmed slaughtering soldiers in 'Baghdadi revenge strikes'

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'Shocking footage has emerged of female jihadis attacking soldiers in revenge for the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – the first to show women on the ISIS frontline.
Militants afterwards attacked an army outpost in northern Mali and killed 53 soldiers and one civilian, with ISIS claiming responsibility.

Daily Star Online has since obtained video of female terrorists taking part in the assault, recorded by the Islamic State of Greater Sahel (ISGS).
In the disturbing clips, one jihadi totes her rifle in celebration in the immediate aftermath of the massacre.

Another is heard narrating the footage as she rallies round the fanatics.

David Otto, counter-terrorism and organised crime expert at Global Risk International, told Daily Star Online: “This is the first time that we have seen female jihadist fighters on the forefront.'

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In one country, women now outnumber men in college by two to one

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'It’s how overwhelmingly the women in the bar outnumber the men, a visible manifestation of a momentous trend at whose leading edge is Iceland.

The number of women in college around the globe has decisively overtaken the number of men. That includes in almost all of the 36 member nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD, and in 39 of 47 countries of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, which extends to central and western Asia.

And nowhere is the divide as lopsided as in Iceland, where there are now two women in college for every man — the biggest imbalance in the OECD.

The reasons for this, its implications and the thorniness of dealing with it make this sparsely populated nation a laboratory for the countries heading in the same direction — including the United States, where the number of women in higher education has also caught up to and surpassed the number of men.'

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Parents Seek to Bring Due Process to Title IX Sexual Misconduct Cases Following Son’s Plight

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'The couple shared their story with Breitbart News, a harrowing tale about how their son became one of hundreds who have been accused of violating Title IX.

Their son is a victim of a federal law designed to prevent discrimination based on sex that morphed into a secretive process stacked against those accused of sexual misconduct following Barack Obama’s 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter from the Department of Education sent to educational institutions.

Charges of “dating violence” and sexual assault launched against their son by a former girlfriend while he was a student at Washington University in Missouri. The charges caused his eventual expulsion from the school — a decision made without due process, his parents said.

They also said a report from campus police who were called to the dorm room where their son and girlfriend were located found no evidence of physical violence.

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Popular Title IX training techniques ‘are at odds with the available science,’ Iowa State researchers find

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'Iowa State University researchers, including a top Title IX official, concluded that some “trauma-informed” interview techniques taught to administrators with Title IX duties “are at odds with the available science.”

Psychology professor Christian Meissner and philosophy lecturer Adrienne Lyles, also senior deputy Title IX coordinator, published their findings in the Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. Lyles provided a copy to The College Fix.

It questions the scientific basis of common training tips, including that investigators can tell whether subjects are lying by their body language and that accusers and accused experience different neurobiological responses to the same event.

The duo also frowns on presenting evidence of guilt at the start of an interview with accused students and asking leading questions, which can worsen the memory of interview subjects.'

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University of Michigan plans to stop paying anyone accused of ‘sexual and gender-based misconduct’

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'Its press release doesn’t mention it, but the Faculty Senate noticed.

The University of Michigan is proposing to suspend faculty and staff without pay if they are the subject of a “sexual and gender-based misconduct” investigation, under a draft “umbrella policy” released last month. Comments are due Nov. 22.

An email from Faculty Senate leaders forwarded to The College Fix warns faculty that the proposed policy would “give the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) broad discretion to implement sanctions, such as suspension without pay, at the outset of an investigation of a complaint.” Sexual and gender-based misconduct can include speech protected by the First Amendment.'

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As McDonald's CEO learned, workplace romance can be perilous

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'Workplace couples are often romanticized — think Bill and Melinda Gates or Michelle and Barack Obama. But when the relationship involves two people with unequal power, it can also be fraught with peril, especially in the #MeToo era.

McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook is only the latest chief executive to be ousted over a consensual relationship with an employee. Increasingly, U.S. companies are adopting policies addressing workplace romances, a trend that began well before the #MeToo movement galvanized a national conversation surrounding sexual misconduct.

Addressing workplace romance can be complicated, but many companies remove any gray areas by forbidding managers, especially C-suite executives, from having relationships with subordinates given the potential for favoritism or lawsuits if the relationship sours.'

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Kansas prosecutors to drop charges of false rape report

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'Prosecutors in Kansas are dropping all charges against a University of Kansas student accused of falsely reporting a rape, saying they feared publicity surrounding the case could discourage sexual assault victims from coming forward.

Douglas County District Attorney Charles Branson said in a statement Monday that the three felony counts of making a false report were dropped after much discussion. His office believed in the merits of the case, he said, but the "cost to our community and the negative impact on survivors of sexual violence cannot be ignored," reports The Kansas City Star.'

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When in doubt, complain of mansplaining

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'STILL six weeks to go, but already we have a strong candidate for most misandrist television appearance of the election campaign. Part of a trio being interviewed by Sky’s Adam Boulton, Labour MP Catherine West repeatedly resorted to the feminist accusation of ‘mansplaining’ to silence her male opponent scornfully.

A dictionary definition of ‘mansplaining’ is: ‘When a man condescendingly lectures a woman on the basics of a topic about which he knows very little under the mistaken assumption that she knows even less.’ Of course such supercilious behaviour is not unique to men; certainly, UK politics does not lack for disdainful dames. However, Catherine West appears to be under the misapprehension that a mansplainer is any male who does not simply shut up and listen to her.

Demonstrating that gender trumps all her other considerations, here Catherine West even brings in Tory ERG member Maria Caulfield rather than allow the Greens’ Jonathan Bartley to disagree with her: ‘Let Maria speak, stop mansplaining!’'

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Dutch University Defends Women-Only Job Openings

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'A Dutch university and an anti-discrimination organization faced off Monday before the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights over a women-only hiring policy.

“This is an odd case,” Institute chairperson Corrie ter Veer said when she opened the hearing before a nearly full room. The case has attracted a lot of media attention in the Netherlands and most major press outlets were present for the hour and a half session.

It centers on the Eindhoven University of Technology’s change in its hiring policy in June. All teaching staff positions at the university will be open only to women for the first six months. If a suitable candidate isn’t found after that period of time, the position will then be opened to men.

The university plans to run the program for the next five years, though it will evaluate the results in 18 months and adjust the overall number of positions first open to women as necessary.

Of the university’s 613 professors, currently only 20% are women.

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HPV implicated in cancer cases in men

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'Oral cancer rates “have more than doubled in a generation”, with the rise blamed on a virus which can be spread by oral sex, according to a new awareness campaign by UK-based nonprofit Oral Health Foundation, reports the Daily Mail.

The hygiene advocacy group warned people to be aware of the causes of mouth cancer — primarily the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV), drinking alcohol and smoking, as in the past 20 years mouth cancer diagnoses have skyrocketed 135 percent in the UK.
HPV is usually associated with cervical cancer and considered more problematic for women than for men; the NHS states that "nearly all cervical cancers (99.7%) are caused by infection with a high-risk type of HPV." In the UK, the HPV vaccine has been routinely offered to girls aged 12-13 years since 2008; it was only first routinely offered to 12-13-year-old boys in September 2019.


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UK: Labour MP repeatedly accuses Green Party co-leader of mansplaining and confuses everybody

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'As election campaigning kicks off, the political stage is heating up and Labour politician Catherine West accused Green party co-leader Jonathan Bartley of “mansplaining” – much to people’s confusion.

The pair appeared on Sky News yesterday where they discussed Labour’s green vision, with Catherine arguing that leader Jeremy Corbyn was green “before the greens existed” because he rode a bike and had an allotment.
"It’s got to be more than allotments. Let’s look at the facts, in 2017" –

At this point the Green party co-leader was interrupted by West accusing him of mansplaining.

"John could you stop mansplaining, this is the first day of the election and Adam has asked me to respond and if you continue to mansplain then I’ll have to complain."

Jonathan responded:

"Please don’t resort to sexism when we’re trying to have a conversation" –

Again he was interrupted:

-"Well could you stop mansplaining I’ve asked you three times.

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Hill Blasts ‘Misogynistic Culture’ in Exit Speech

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'In a defiant final speech in Congress Thursday, Rep. Katie Hill unleashed on the “double standard” and “misogynistic culture” that she says caused her to step down amid allegations of an improper relationship with a staffer.

“I’m leaving, but we have men who have been credibly accused of intentional acts of sexual violence and remain in boardrooms, on the Supreme Court, in this very body, and worst of all, in the Oval Office,” the congresswoman said in a fiery address, just hours after the House voted to move forward with impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

The House Ethics Committee opened an investigation of Hill last week over allegations that she had a relationship with one of her male staffers in violation of congressional rules. Hill denied that allegation but admitted to having an “inappropriate” relationship with a female campaign staffer.

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Katie Hill’s Resignation Saved Her from Facing #MeToo Law She Claimed to Champion

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'Hill — an outspoken critic of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and a married women who claims to be bisexual — resigned suddenly last Sunday after naked photographs of her and a female campaign staffer and rumors of a sexual relationship with a Congressional aide surfaced.

Hill said her estranged husband, who also was in a three-way relationship with Hill and the campaign staffer, provided those “revenge porn” photographs to the media.

Ironically, Hill departed before she could have faced scrutiny under new laws Congress put in place in the wake of the #MeToo scandals of recent years that led to a number of members of Congress stepping down after sexual misconduct allegations were lodged against them — all of them men.'

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Title IX Has Spawned a Dangerous, Totalitarian Bureaucracy

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'One area where Obama will have a lasting legacy is on our campuses. Owing to the “weaponization” of Title IX, we now a sprawling bureaucracy of leftist ideologues who are eager to use their power to punish those who say politically incorrect things that have even the most tenuous relationship to sexual harassment.

In today’s Martin Center article, Professor Adam Ellwanger explains how bad things are. Speaking from personal experience, he relates that when a student, upset at the grade he’d received, filed a Title IX complaint against him that did not contain a “legitimate” allegation, school officials coached him on how to change it so that it was.

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Nation’s only all-male historically black college accused of ‘toxic’ masculinity

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'Morehouse College, the only all-male historically black college or university in the United States, promotes a “Morehouse Man” ideology based on ideals such as “acuity, integrity and agency.”

This motto has produced civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr. and Howard Thurman, director Spike Lee, actor Samuel L. Jackson, and business-leader-turned-politician Herman Cain, among many other notable alumni from the 152-year-old, Atlanta institution.

But to one professor, the Morehouse Man is actually a “toxic idea.”

So says Georgetown University Law Professor Jill Morrison in a speech on campus last week as part of the Georgetown Women and Gender Studies Program’s “Gender+Justice Annual Faculty Research Colloquium.”

Professor Jill Morrison argued that the standards at Morehouse College create an “exceptionally toxic environment for those who do not conform to the ideal for black masculinity.”

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