America’s best colleges get even worse on due process for accused students, report finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'Despite growing public attention to the importance of due process in college disciplinary proceedings, more elite colleges earned rock-bottom reviews from an education civil-liberties organization this year.

The third annual review of due process on U.S. News & World Report’s top 53 “national universities,” conducted by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, reported an increase in lackluster grades compared to previous years.

In fact, the number of colleges receiving “D” or “F” grades increased from 47 in 2018 to 49 in 2019, according to FIRE.

“Disappointingly, we did not see a significant change overall in the safeguards the rated universities guarantee students from 2017 through this year,” the group said.

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MSU camp for girls subject of discrimination complaint

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'A federal agency is investigating a Mankato man’s claim that a summer camp for girls at Minnesota State University violates federal gender equality law.

Charlie Hurd filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights in August 2018. Hurd recently received notice the office will investigate his claim that the university violated Title IX law by hosting the Girls Explore STEAM camp for sixth through ninth graders.

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits gender discrimination in education programs that receive federal funding.

A number of universities across the country have been the subject of similar complaints in the last two years, according to media reports.'

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'Love Island' host Caroline Flack quits show days after assault arrest: reports

Article here. Excerpt:

'Police responded to Flack's home based on reports that a man was assaulted. The man injured was Flack's boyfriend, tennis player Lewis Burton, BBC reported at the time.
When reached by People magazine for comment, a spokesperson for the television star confirmed the arrest to the outlet.

“We confirm that police attended Caroline’s home following a private domestic incident. She is co-operating with the appropriate people to resolve matters. We will not be making any further comment for legal reasons.”'

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Feminists now seek supremacy. They’re winning.

Article here. Excerpt:

'History is marked by milestones. Like signs on the road, they have no intrinsic significance except to signal change. Such as this statement by Barack Obama – two-term President, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, best president of this era (per 44% of Americans), rated the twelfth best US President in C-Span’s 2017 survey of historians. He tells us that sexism is respectable again!

“Now women, I just want you to know; you are not perfect, but what I can say pretty indisputably is that you’re better than us [men]. I’m absolutely confident that for two years if every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything …living standards and outcomes.”

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California Companies Are Rushing to Find Female Board Members

Article here. Excerpt:

'In September 2018, California became the first state to legally compel corporate board diversity with a law mandating that every public company in the state have at least one female director by the end of 2019. The law set off a scramble to find hundreds of female directors, many of whom don’t fit the traditional mold.

If companies fail to comply with that mandate, they face a one-time fine of $100,000.

By the end of 2021, the law’s requirements ramp up, compelling companies with five board members to have at least two female directors and at least three on six-person boards. If companies continue to break the law, they face a steeper penalty of $300,000 for every seat that should be filled by a woman.'

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Stop telling men they're defective women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Read carefully, and you'll notice that almost every article on the struggles couples face with respect to the work-family battle blames men. The cultural narrative is that women do it all, while the men in their lives are Neanderthals who need to get with the program.

The saddest part of this bogus message, aside from the obvious damage it creates, is that it's so far from the truth it's ridiculous. Men actually have kept up with the times. Fathers today spend triple the amount of time on childcare than they did in 1965 and roughly six hours more per week on household chores. They’ve also bent over backward to accommodate the demands of the modern household.

One reason for the relentless male-bashing is that women have been taught to believe the sexes are the same and, as a result, assume that when men don't behave the way women do, men are somehow failing.'

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By pretending the world is uniquely cruel to women, smug feminists only enrage men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The activist behind the campaign to make Jane Austen the face of the £10 note has published a 432-page encyclopaedia of feminist grievances. But do women really get a bad deal in what is still a man’s world?

Feminist author Caroline Criado-Perez’s ‘Invisible Women Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men’ has won the 2019 Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award.
And despite saying that men get to design their own workplace environment, according to the WHO, men have greater levels of occupational exposure to physical and chemical hazards. In 2010, almost 750,000 men died globally from occupationally related causes, as opposed to just over 102,000 women.

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Western-style third-wave feminism hits China

Story here. Short hop I guess from S. Korea to China. Excerpt:

'State feminism has been an integral part of the China’s ideology ever since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. The Communist Party has brought tremendous advancement concerning the involvement of Chinese women in all spheres of life. They invented International Women’s Day, which is now celebrated in most countries around the world.

Now, however, Western-style feminism is getting in. Intersectionality, division, divisiveness, the entire gender mess, and the feminist violence are now being seen in China.

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Dad Allegedly Beat College’s Title IX Coordinator With a Baseball Bat Over His Daughter’s Rape Case

Article here. Excerpt:

'A father was arrested on Friday for allegedly beating up his former co-worker, a Title IX coordinator at the University of Portland, over the handling of his daughter’s sexual-assault investigation.

Patrick Ell, 52, was charged with second-degree assault of Matthew Rygg, who also serves as associate vice president for student development at the private Roman Catholic university. On Friday, Ell allegedly waited outside of Rygg’s home around 9 p.m., hit him over the head with a baseball bat, then chased him down the street.
Ell and his daughter, Clara Ell, have publicly spoken about the allegation that she was raped in her University of Portland dorm by a classmate and their belief that the investigation was mishandled. The university’s formal conduct hearing process reportedly found that Clara’s purported rapist was “not responsible” and that the case did not warrant further looking into.

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Less of a Man

Article here. Excerpt:

'While common sense suggests an obvious answer, two recent explorations of that question demonstrate the extent to which our culture is in fact deeply conflicted about acknowledging sex differences and deeply confused about how to handle them.

Writing in a recent issue of Scientific American, Columbia University psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman argues, “It’s time to take sex differences in personality seriously.” Describing the results of four large-scale, cross-cultural studies of personality differences between the sexes, Kaufman notes, “All four studies converge on the same basic finding: when looking at the overall gestalt of human personality, there is a truly striking difference between the typical male and female personality profiles.”

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Men are showing up to The Wing and women are pissed

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Wing was supposed to be the ultimate sanctuary for women: decidedly feminine in design, with walls and furniture in shades of millennial pink and a thermometer set at a women’s-clothing-friendly 72 degrees. Conference rooms and telephone booths are named after feminist icons like Anita Hill and fictional literary heroines such as Hermione Granger of “Harry Potter” fame. It offers perks that other co-working spaces can’t match — showers stocked with high-end beauty products and events featuring big names such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Critics of the Wing were quick to point out the lack of diversity in the spaces, but the company’s expansion and popularity has brought up a completely different issue that was never expected to arise: straight men wanting to come in and hang out.

Sure, it’s not against the rules for men to be at the lady lair, which costs anywhere from $185 to $250 a month in the US to join. But that’s only because legally the company can’t ban men.

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Title IX doesn’t give accusers the right to dictate how colleges respond, appeals court says

Article here. Excerpt:

'On any given campus, making an accusation of sexual assault is taken on faith as true, and failure to immediately punish the accused party is taken as an intolerable delay in justice.

In any given federal court, however, you have to prove your case.

Four female students came up short in their Title IX lawsuits against Michigan State University, which alleged the administration’s response to their sexual assault claims was “inadequate, caused them physical and emotional harm, and consequently denied them educational opportunities.”

Last week the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a lower court that allowed Title IX claims to move forward against the university. It also determined that a university official deserved “qualified immunity” from liability.

The three-judge panel was reviewing whether the taxpayer-funded institution had violated the so-called Davis precedent from the Supreme Court.'

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Michelle Obama tells girls to resist man's 'presumption' to power

Article here. Excerpt:

'Former U.S. first lady Michelle Obama on Thursday urged girls to resist the “imposter syndrome” she had felt on the way up and fight men for power, saying plenty of them didn’t deserve it.

On a trip to Asia to promote girls’ education, Obama contrasted her path to the top as a black woman with the easy presumption many men feel on their route to high office.

“I am telling you, there are a lot of people who don’t belong there,” Obama said, drawing laughter from the crowd.'

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Barack Obama: Women are better leaders than men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Speaking in Singapore, he said women aren't perfect, but are "indisputably better" than men.

He said most of the problems in the world came from old people, mostly men, holding onto positions of power.

He also spoke about political polarisation and the use of social media to spread falsehoods.

Speaking at a private event on leadership, Mr Obama said while in office he had mused what a world run by women would look like.

"Now women, I just want you to know; you are not perfect, but what I can say pretty indisputably is that you're better than us [men].

"I'm absolutely confident that for two years if every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything... living standards and outcomes."'

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Are There Still Safe Passages Left for Men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In Adam Shankman’s film, “What Men Want,” Taraji P. Henson’s character solicits a compliment from a man. “My ass doesn’t look good in this skirt?” she asks rhetorically. The man replies, “In the current cultural climate it feels inappropriate for me to comment on your body.” A sharp reminder from her that she wants approval prompts his candor: “Tight as a snare drum; you could bounce a quarter off that thing!”

Henson’s callipygian talent agent is out to rebuke and conquer her white male bosses and rivals, though when she still wants flattery from males, she’ll ask for it — or demand it. But this is a comedy; in the real-life cultural climate, no rational man would risk making a remark about a woman’s backside in public.'

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