Title IX suit filed to block Iowa from cutting women's swim team

Article here. Excerpt:

'Members of the University of Iowa women's swimming and diving team filed a legal complaint against the school Friday, arguing that a decision to eliminate their program violates a landmark gender equity law.

The complaint argues that Iowa is not offering equal opportunities for female students to participate in sports as required by Title IX, the 1972 law that bars sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs.

The plaintiffs, including senior captain Sage Ohlensehlen and teammates Christina Kaufman, Alexa Puccini and Kelsey Drake, are asking a federal judge to stop their program's termination. In addition, their lawsuit requests class-action status on behalf of all female undergraduates who they say are legally entitled to additional sports opportunities.'

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$540 bail for woman accused of injuring 2-year old boy in road rage incident

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Marston Mills woman was arrested after police said she threw a cup of iced coffee during a road rage incident that went through a woman's car window and struck her sleeping 2-year-old son, leaving his face bloodied.

Emma Silva, 20, was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon on a child under 14 and negligent operation of a motor vehicle.
Following the incident, the mother drove to the Barnstable Police Department, where fire officials treated her son's cut and bloody nose.
Silva was arraigned in Barnstable District Court Thursday morning. She was released on $540 bail and is due back in court on Nov. 4.'

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Former deputy gets 6 months in jail for stat. rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'A California sheriff’s deputy accused last year of having sex with a teenage boy has been sentenced to six months in jail.

The sentence was imposed Wednesday in the case of Shauna Bishop, 44, a former member of the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office, according to reports.

The sentence also requires her to serve probation and register as a sex offender, KCRA-TV reported.
Court documents accused Bishop of having sex with the 16-year-old son of another deputy, whom she had previously dated, Fox 40 Sacramento reported last year.
The documents say Bishop told investigators she did not have any memory about what happened because she had taken Ambien, according to the station.

The documents also quoted the boy as telling investigators that Bishop blamed their sexual activity on adult movies she had watched.'

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Jail for misogyny? UK govt advised ‘gender’ should be added to ‘protected characteristics’ under hate crime laws

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sex or gender should be made legally "protected" characteristics in England and Wales, particularly to provide more protection to women, the Law Commission – a government advisory body – has said in a report.

Hate crime laws in England and Wales should be extended to ensure equal protections for all the existing "protected characteristics" and to include some new ones. The report issued on Wednesday proposed extending protection to women "for the first time" in history.

The Law Commission is an independent statutory body tasked with advising the government on legal reforms. It is set to hold public consultations on the issue following the publication of the report.
Gender should be added to the list, the commission said, urging the government to consider some additional criteria such as "age." It also called on the government to create a unified legal protection mechanism for all existing and future characteristics to ensure that a hate crime against any of them would carry the same penalty.

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UK: Male domestic abuse victims 'sleeping in cars and tents'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Respect Men's Advice Line said some victims had told them they had sought refuge by sleeping in cars or in tents in the gardens of friends or relatives.

The charity said it had received 13,812 calls and emails between April and July in lockdown compared to 8,648 in the same period in 2019.

Respect's Ippo Panteloudakis said the pandemic had made the problem worse.

He said: "It was absolutely clear the lockdown period exacerbated everyone's domestic abuse experiences.

"They were talking about increases in violence, increases in psychological abuse and becoming homeless as a result of the domestic abuse and not having anywhere to go.

"We had reports from men sleeping in their cars overnight or sleeping in their friends' or parents' gardens in tents."'

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Australia: NSW considers crackdown on 'dominating' husbands

Article here. Excerpt:

'To reduce the stubbornly high number of women emotionally and financially abused by their husbands, NSW is considering a fundamental change in the way marriages are policed: by prosecuting spouses who control their partners' behaviour.

State Attorney-General Mark Speakman has, under pressure from domestic violence advocates and the Labor opposition, promised to fast-track a review by the NSW Department of Justice into laws that criminalise what is known as coercive control.

On Tuesday, Labor MPs agreed to propose their own bill that would make it a crime to engage in a "pattern of domination", including degrading, frightening or controlling someone, cutting them off from friends, relatives, doctors or lawyers, or monitoring their day-to-day activities.

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India: Releasing female prisoners must be a priority during COVID-19

A sexist and prejudiced article by Gopalkrishna Gandhi, advocating women to be treated as first-class prisoners and men to be treated as second-class prisoners. This is the kind of anti-men and biased attitude still prevalent in India. Excerpt:

'The first reason can, for sheer simplification of argument, be called ‘biological’. Though crime is crime and a prisoner is a prisoner, the woman does happen to be different from the man just ‘in the way she is’. I am not attempting a biomedical stance here, nor entering some arcane zone of biochemistry. And I am not portraying her as the ‘weaker sex’, the quintessential abala. Women are in a sense less strong than men but they are not weaklings, or less ‘abled’ than men.

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Amy Coney Barrett, potential Supreme Court nominee, wrote influential ruling on campus sexual assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'Amy Coney Barrett, a leading contender for the Supreme Court seat held by the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg, wrote an influential appellate decision last year that made it easier for students accused of sexual assault to challenge universities’ handling of their cases.

Barrett led a three-woman panel of judges that said Purdue University may have discriminated against a male student accused of sexual assault when it suspended him for a year, a punishment that cost him his spot in the Navy ROTC program.

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Biden v. the Courts on Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Any number of federal constitutional and statutory provisions reflect the proposition that, in this country, we determine guilt or innocence individually—rather than collectively, based on one’s identification with some demographic group,” wrote U.S. Appeals Court Judge Raymond Kethledge in a late June opinion. “That principle has not always been perfectly realized in our Nation’s history, but as judges it is one that we take an oath to enforce.”
Without recorded dissent from House or Senate Democrats, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has promised to restore the guidance that these summer decisions have resisted. Neither Biden nor any congressional Democrat has acknowledged these recent Appeals Court rulings—nor, for that matter, any of the 189 state or federal rulings favorable to accused students since the 2011 policy change.

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Employee Punished After Criticizing White Male Reeducation Seminar Could Sue Nuclear Weapons Lab

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Last year, Sandia National Laboratories—which designs America’s nuclear weapons—hosted a" segregated "3-day reeducation camp for 'white males,' with the goal of exposing their 'white privilege' and deconstructing 'white male culture.'" So reports the Manhattan Institute's Christopher Rufo. "Last year, the national laboratory sent its white male executives to the La Posada luxury resort to undergo a mandatory training called 'White Men’s Caucus on Eliminating Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia in Organizations.'"

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Boys being groomed online to hate women, British author warns

Article here. Excerpt:

'Young men and boys are being radicalised into hating women, the British author behind the Everyday Sexism Project has warned, saying online groups are targeting boys as young as 11.

Laura Bates, an author and campaigner best known for setting up an open archive that allowed women to report their everyday experiences of sexism, said she had become aware of the scale of the problem while visiting schools to talk about women's rights.

Over the last couple of years, she said, she noticed a major increase in school-age British boys expressing ideas and using language she had seen on radical online hate groups.

"They were parroting verbatim the same myths and misconceptions in schools across the country," Bates, whose new book, "Men who Hate Women", was published on Thursday, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in an interview.

"They were quoting the same figures, they were giving the same false statistics."

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Australia: NSW Labor proposal could see domestic violence perpetrators jailed for up to 10 years for coercive control

Article here. Excerpt:

'Domestic violence perpetrators could be jailed for up to 10 years under proposed new coercive control laws set to be introduced to New South Wales Parliament next week.

The bill, being put forward by the NSW Labor Opposition, is the first attempt by a major party on the Australian mainland to criminalise the dangerous behaviours underpinning many abusive relationships.

Sometimes referred to as "intimate terrorism", coercive control is a form of domestic abuse in which a perpetrator uses a system of behaviours to dominate and control victims.

This includes isolating them from their friends and family, enforcing rigid rules, humiliating or insulting them or monitoring their movements.

As a result, victims often report feeling trapped and helpless.'

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University of Oklahoma removes wall of retired faculty because it only includes 'white male faces'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Oklahoma Department of Political science has decided to remove and relocate a wall showcasing "retired members" of the department because it only includes "white male faces."

In an open statement addressing the racial turmoil around the United States, the University of Oklahoma Department of Political Science unveiled eight changes it believes will address racial inequalities within the Department, including the removal of the wall portraits of "retired members" of the department, noting that they only include "white male faces."

The statement, written by Department Chair Scott Robinson and signed by 32 members of the department, specifically addresses the ideas of criminal justice reform, social inequalities, and police brutality. Robinson acknowledges that the political science department has never spoken out on current socio-political issues before, but feels it is necessary to “speak for myself (and invite others to join me)”.'

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Title IX issues make cutting three men's sports necessary

Article here. Jump the paywall by Googling the first paragraph. Excerpt:

'The Gophers stand to lose $75 million in revenue without fall sports after the Big Ten canceled them a month ago. Cutting the three men’s sports after the 2020-21 season will save the department only $2 million in fiscal year 2022 and an annual savings of $2.7 million once all the athletes with scholarships in those sports have graduated.

But reducing the number of male athletes by 58 will help the department’s ratio better match that of the undergraduate population, which is 54% female.
Regent Thomas Anderson asked why the Gophers weren’t adding women’s teams to balance the Title IX numbers. Coyle, though, didn’t really see that as an option. He said adding a women’s team would cost millions to start up for scholarships, coaches, athletic medicine staff, strength and condition personnel and more. And that’s still not enough.

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Man Ordered To Pay Spousal Support Even Though He Wasn’t Married, Had No House Or Children

Article here. Excerpt:

'A wealthy Toronto businessman is on the hook to pay his ex-girlfriend more than $50,000 a month for the next 10 years after a court determined they were long-time spouses despite never being married and never living together.

Michael Latner, a reported multi-millionaire, was in a relationship with List Climans for 14 years. Latner was a divorced father of three while Climans was a separated mother of two when they began their romantic relationship in October 2001, the National Post reported. Throughout their 14-year relationship, the couple lived in separate homes, but would regularly stay over at each other’s houses. They also went on vacation together, and Latner showered Climans with expensive gifts, including a 7.5-carat diamond ring and other jewelry. He also gave Climans “thousands of dollars each month, a credit card, [and] paid off her mortgage,” the Post reported. Climans reportedly quit her job and would sleep at Latner’s house often.

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