Yes, women's equality will come at the expense of some men — that's the point

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new report by the Pew Research Center shows that one in four American men believe increased equality for women has come at their expense. My initial reaction to these survey results is frustration and a compulsive urge to convince these men that gender equality is not a zero-sum game. But I can't. Because the truth is that gender equality does hurt white, cisgender-men in some ways. The real question is: so what?

From the economy to public health, we all stand to gain when women win. And while wins for women means that mostly white, cis-men will lose more often, this isn't an injustice — it's what justice actually looks like. It might be difficult to discern at first because for white, cis-men in America, the loss of privilege will hurt. But don't mistake a loss of privilege for unfairness. Men aren't being punished for women's equality — they're just no longer benefiting as much from the lack thereof.'

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Australia: Woman Spends One Week in Jail for Sex with 15-Year-Old Student

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Melissa Nosti, 33, who lives in a suburb of Sydney, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 18 months in the slammer for having sex with the student at the school where she worked in 2010,” the New York Post reported Friday.

However, when the ex-flight attendant appeared in court via video from the Silverwater jail, her lawyer made a bail appeal, saying Nosti was at “low risk” for exhibiting similar behavior a second time based on a doctor’s assessment.

“She has had an employment history after this. She was in the airline industry,” her lawyer stated.

Following the appeal, Nosti was released on bail, according to the Daily Star.'

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“I Hate Men” is the New “Boys Will be Boys”

Article here. Excerpt:

'For a very long time, it’s been an understood social and comedic norm that you can target people with privilege as the butt of jokes or derision without it being considered politically incorrect or problematic.
The question, though, is how can you believe men should be allowed to be soft, show emotions and be sensitive, but then still say things like “Kill every man!” to your male friends? Should they be expected to toughen up and allow it to just roll off their shoulders?
We cannot simultaneously expect men to be sensitive while yelling at them that we hate them and telling them our words shouldn’t impact them. Words matter.'

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Lawsuit Against DeVos, Title IX Rules Is Dismissed

Article here. Excerpt:

'A judge for the United States District Court for the District of Maryland dismissed a lawsuit on Tuesday that was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of organizations that advocate for survivors of sexual assault and challenged the new federal rules for how colleges handle sexual misconduct allegations. The organizations do not have standing under the U.S. Constitution to sue, the court concluded.

The lawsuit against U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos claimed that the Department of Education’s regulations implemented in August under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the law prohibiting sex discrimination at federally funded institutions, were themselves discriminatory against students who report sexual assault or harassment. It also claimed the department overstepped its authority in developing the regulations, which ultimately would harm the organizations that defend the rights of survivors, such as Know Your IX and Stop Sexual Assault in Schools.'

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Portland NAACP chapter president resigns amid sexual abuse allegations

Article here. Glad to see sexual abuse of men being taken as seriously for once. Though I wonder if there'll be criminal charges? Excerpt:

'The president of the Portland chapter of the NAACP resigned Tuesday, effective immediately, amid allegations of sexually abusing three men years ago.

Rev. Elbert Mondainé, who has denied the allegations against him, resigned more than a week after an explosive story by the Portland Mercury detailing the accusations made against him.

In a statement Tuesday, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People said Elbert Mondainé’s resignation was effective immediately.

“The NAACP is firmly opposed to all forms of abuse, assault, harassment, or discrimination. Such behavior has no place in the Association, regardless of whether these instances occurred in previous or current administrations,” the civil rights organization said. “We are continuing to investigate the matter in accordance with our bylaws, and if necessary, will take additional and appropriate action.”'

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Phil Collins' ex-wife has allegedly taken over his mansion with armed guards

Article here. Excerpt:

'Then in August, Cevey broke up with Collins again via text message, informing him that she had apparently gone to Vegas and married a businessman / musician 15 years her junior.

And now — according to a lawsuit filed by Collins — Cevey and her new husband, Tom Bates, are allegedly living in his $33 million dollar Miami beachfront mansion. And they've hired four armed guards to protect them. According to the Miami Herald:

The new couple are "threatening, implicitly and explicitly, to prolong their unlawful occupation of the property through force," the filing states. "An injunction is urgently needed to end an armed occupation and takeover of the Phil Collins home by his ex girlfriend and her new husband, the defendants in the action."'

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William & Mary will keep women's sports in order to comply with Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'The College of William & Mary on Monday reinstated the women’s sports among the seven teams it cut in September, without resolution on severed men’s sports. Women’s gymnastics, women’s swimming and women’s volleyball will continue, allowing W&M to comply with Title IX, according to the school.

W&M’s shift comes as it faces a lawsuit that points out flaws in the school’s discontinuation plan. W&M in previous statements said it would comply with Title IX following the cuts through adjusted roster management: more women’s participation slots and fewer in men’s sports. But in Monday’s announcement, the school said it wasn’t certain its strategy would result in compliance.'

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Where have all the male teachers gone?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Should it matter whether a teacher is male or female? Research out on Monday from the Education Policy Institute shows that teaching is becoming an overwhelmingly female-dominated profession. Men are far less likely than women to become teachers in the first place and those that do take the plunge are much more likely to quit the classroom than their female colleagues.'

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Canada: 100 teenage boys turned up to school in skirts to protest sexism, homophobia and toxic masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Explaining the protest on Instagram, Paulin wrote: “Today, you probably saw that a lot of guys, including me, were wearing a skirt.

“Well, let me explain [to] you the reason behind this movement. Basically, the fact that a boy wears a skirt is a sign of resilience, solidarity and support to the intersectional battle for gender equality.

“The double standard on the way society views our women and men is blatant; if a woman decides to wear a suit or pants, clothes associated with masculinity, it’s not a big deal.

“But the moment a man will do anything remotely feminine, whether it is to put nail polish, makeup or in our case, a skirt, fingers are pointed and he gets insulted.
Paulin said that skirts were often used to discriminate against girls, with the “aggressors” excusing their actions “by sexualising women unnecessarily and blaming THEM for THEIR actions”.

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UK: Exodus of male teachers fuelled by ‘drop in proportion of white men in class’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The proportion of male teachers in secondary schools in England has fallen steeply over the last decade – and now just over a third of the workforce are men, a report has found.

The decline of male teachers has been fuelled by a significant fall in the proportion of white male teachers in schools, according to an analysis by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) think tank.

Despite the workforce becoming more female-dominated, the proportion of black and minority ethnic (BME) male teachers has risen to 17% – which, for the first time, is broadly representative of the wider population (16%).

Since 2010, the number of BME male teachers has increased in both primary schools (by 114%) and secondary schools (by 34%).

Meanwhile, the number of white men in secondary schools has fallen by more than 12,800 since 2010 – a fall of 17%, the analysis has found.'

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Women Arrested After Drugging Men At Chicago Bars In Order To Rob Them, Similar Crimes Reportedly On The Rise

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two women have been arrested after police and federal agents witnessed them drugging men in order to rob them.

CWBChicago reported that the women, both from the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area, were caught drugging men at bars in the North River section of Chicago over the weekend. Charges haven’t been announced, so the outlet isn’t naming the women, but reported they are expected to be charged with “robbery and operating a continuing financial crimes enterprise.” A source alerted the outlet to the arrests.
Apparently, drugging and robbing men in nightclubs is a crime on the rise, after the 2019 movie “Hustlers,” starring Jennifer Lopez, was released. “Hustlers is about a group of female strippers who drug and rob their clients. Hollywood loved it.'

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Judge refuses to toss kangaroo-court lawsuit against University of Delaware for rape finding

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Delaware may have committed breach of contract in a Title IX investigation, a federal judge said Wednesday. But the accused male student suing the university, “John Doe,” has not shown he was targeted because of his sex.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Jennifer Hall downplayed the relevance of a recent 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on anti-male discrimination in Title IX proceedings. Her report and recommendation to U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, however, says the lawsuit should be not be dismissed at this stage.

Crucial to Hall’s ruling was the taxpayer-funded university’s alleged refusal to show John his accuser’s complaint, even though its procedures require it to provide those documents to accused students from the start.'

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After Bellevue man survived July shooting, King County prosecutors say his ex-wife continued to plot his killing

Article here. Excerpt:

'Baron Li, a sales manager at a Burien car dealership, said he was walking to his car to go to work on July 10 when an unknown assailant shot him 9 times from point-blank range in the parking lot of Li’s Bellevue apartment complex.

He spent a week at Seattle’s Harborview Medical Center and had to use a wheelchair for a month after he was discharged, Li said in a phone interview on Tuesday, the same day King County prosecutors charged his ex-wife and two teenage alleged accomplices with premeditated attempted first-degree murder.

Li and his ex-wife have been involved in an acrimonious custody battle over their son, who has special needs and who turned 6 in April, according to Li and court records. Police say there may be a financial motive behind the murder-for-hire plot and Li confirmed his son has a special-needs trust fund that contains “quite a bit of money.”

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UK: 'Elitist curriculum not serving white working classes'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Conversations about issues like "white privilege" and "toxic masculinity" could further alienate them.

Academics told MPs the white working classes faced a "status deficit" as the national conversation had become "much more consumed" with other groups.

They said these pupils were "stuck" in terms of their achievement at GCSE.

The Education Select Committee was taking evidence on Tuesday about the issue of white pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds being left behind.'

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‘Clown Car Vagina’: Feminists Hurl Sexist Attacks at Amy Coney Barrett’s Motherhood

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ah, feminists -- they’re all class and empathy. Sorry for the joke. We all know they often are the most vulgar people in the world. When it comes to dealing with pro-life, conservative women vying for SCOTUS positions, feminists like Jill Filipovic refuse to apply their convictions and end up hitting these pro-life women with sexist attacks all the same.
Feminist author Lauren Hough uttered the most disgusting, sexist insult towards Barrett imaginable. She tweeted, “It’s a very weird thing to watch these old creeps congratulate a handmaid on her clown car vagina.” Wow. That is vile.

Hough also added “You can tell a lot about how a judge will rule by her fertility so I’m glad she’s already proven hers because the cervix check really shouldn’t be done live.” These women are pretty hateful, and are proof that feminism excludes and even hates conservative women.'

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