Video report demonizes men who don't go to college

Video here. It reports the trend, then immediately demonizes the men not going to college as being "dangerous", without asking why the trend may be appearing. Further, rather than be concerned with the men not going to college (as if going to college were absolutely necessary to get along in life), it laments the effects this has on women's dating prospects.

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Christine Flowers: The war on poor white boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'The people I worry about are the young men, the boys really, who attract the same sort of vitriol as Kavanaugh. Recently, the Wall Street Journal had a story that highlighted the shocking fact that at the end of the last academic year, there was a huge enrollment gap between the genders: 59.5% of college students are female, while only 40.5% male. Of course, there were a number of reasons cited to explain the deficit, but one stood out: a sense of hopelessness. In fact, the article was entitled “A Generation of American Men Give Up On College: ‘I Just Feel Lost.’”
Beyond the fact that the last 50 years have been spent empowering women and creating a force field called “Girl Power,” something from which I’ve unwillingly benefited, there has been an equally strong yet diametrically opposed trend toward diminishing boys. When I say “boys,” I mean males from toddlerhood to young adulthood. Race changes the dynamic, drastically, so we can add “white” to the mix.

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The Orwelexicon: Neologisms for Bias and Dysfunctions in Psychology, Academia, and the Wider Society

Article here. Excerpt:

'BANNED BY PSYCHOLOGY TODAY! I submitted it there as a blog post and they took it down after I posted it. In 12 short hours, it had garnered well over 1000 views, a bullet of popularity in PsychTodayLand. In fairness to their takedown, this was definitely not their normal fare.

Orwelexicon: Twisting the meaning of words in order to advance a political or policy agenda.
Bropenscience Paradox: The claim that sexism is so powerful in the Open Science Movement that all male scientists must intensely interrogate themselves for any trace of it. Male scientists must also avoid having conversations without women or members of marginalized groups; and they must especially avoid criticizing scientific work by people from such groups. Although sexism is a very serious problem and charge, objecting to being called sexist is proof of defensiveness and pathological fragility.'

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White men are now almost extinct on university campuses – and that’s exactly what feminists want

Article here. Excerpt:

"From Malaysia to the US, women are dominating higher education in record numbers, but don't expect quotas or diversity measures to tackle the inequality. For gender activists, this is just the latest victory in a long-running war.

It was always going to happen. And now it’s official: women outnumber men at American universities on a scale that’s never been seen before. Not just slightly, or by a considerable margin, but by record, unprecedented levels.

By the end of the 2020-21 academic year, women constituted 60% of college students across American campuses, while men made up just 40%, according to the National Student Clearinghouse research group.

Compared to 2016, there are also 1.5 million fewer students in America’s higher education system and, yep, you guessed it, men account for 71% of the decline."
Anyone who’s surprised by this disparity is either a) an idiot or b) is in denial of the war against men. Anyone who’s a feminist simply won’t care.

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Boys and America’s future: Let’s be honest about their achievement, and the broader problems for our society

Article here. Excerpt:

'The punch-counterpunch should not be surprising. Conservative publications have always loved the boy troubles, a backdoor way of striking back at feminists while exploiting male grievances. And progressive publications love to downplay the gender gaps to keep the focus on championing women’s causes. Men still dominate the key majors such as technology and engineering, the writer points out.

So who’s got the right take here?

Because too many powerful constituencies — the female-dominated teachers unions, the American Association of University Women, high school administrators resisting taking on another problem to solve — were lined up to downplay the issue.

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Why women being more college educated than men is troubling for society

Article here. Excerpt:

'A generation of white men who grew up hearing that the problem with American institutions is that there are too many white men in them apparently has been listening.

College attendance by men, and by white men in particular, has declined steeply relative to attendance by women. As a remarkable Wall Street Journal report has it, men today make up only two out of five college students, and the men who do enroll are less likely to graduate than the women.

Over the coming years, two women will earn a college degree for every man who does. Among white men, those who come from low-income households attend college at lower rates than do Latino and African-American men from similar backgrounds. The problem has become so extreme some colleges have started discriminating against female entrants and admitting less qualified men, to maintain a more balanced female-male ratio on campus.

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UK: 'White privilege' a thing of the past? Alarm over fall in white boys going to university

Article here. Excerpt:

'Around 127,250 people in this demographic found a place this year compared to 141,170 seven years ago.

Asian men securing places rose by 26 percent in the same period, and Asian women 39 percent.

The number of mixed-race males climbed 35 percent from 7,290 to 9,850 and mixed-race females by 39 percent to 13,320 from 9,540.'

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Teenager jailed for 35 days on false charge of raping, impregnating minor

Article here. Excerpt:

'A teenager in Kerala had to remain in prison for 35 days on remand after a minor girl falsely accused him of raping and impregnating her.

After the DNA test proved the allegations of impregnating the girl to be false, the youth was released on bail. 18-year-old Sreenath, hailing from a poor family at Thirurangadi in Malappuram district in Kerala, became victim of a false charge.'

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A Generation of American Men Give Up on College: ‘I Just Feel Lost’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men are abandoning higher education in such numbers that they now trail female college students by record levels.

At the close of the 2020-21 academic year, women made up 59.5% of college students, an all-time high, and men 40.5%, according to enrollment data from the National Student Clearinghouse, a nonprofit research group. U.S. colleges and universities had 1.5 million fewer students compared with five years ago, and men accounted for 71% of the decline.

This education gap, which holds at both two- and four-year colleges, has been slowly widening for 40 years. The divergence increases at graduation: After six years of college, 65% of women in the U.S. who started a four-year university in 2012 received diplomas by 2018 compared with 59% of men during the same period, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

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Money Down The Toilet In Afghanistan

Article here. Excerpt:

'So, alongside the billions for bombs went hundreds of millions for gender studies in Afghanistan. According to US government reports, $787 million was spent on gender programs in Afghanistan, but that substantially understates the actual total, since gender goals were folded into practically every undertaking America made in the country.
The initiatives piled up one after another. Do-gooders established a ‘National Masculinity Alliance’, so a few hundred Afghan men could talk about their ‘gender roles’ and ‘examine male attitudes that are harmful to women’.


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China bans men it sees as not masculine enough from TV

Story here. Excerpt:

'Broadcasters must “resolutely put an end to sissy men and other abnormal esthetics,” the TV regulator said, using an insulting slang term for effeminate men — “niang pao,” or literally, “girlie guns.”

That reflects official concern that Chinese pop stars, influenced by the sleek, girlish look of some South Korean and Japanese singers and actors, are failing to encourage China’s young men to be masculine enough."'

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House panel backs making women register for draft

Article here. Excerpt:

'The House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday night approved an amendment requiring women to register for the draft.

The panel voted 35-24 to approve an amendment from Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.) that would strike references in the law requiring a “male citizen” register for the Selective Service System and replace it simply with “citizen.”

“By reforming the Selective Service to be gender-neutral based registration, we draw on the talents of our entire nation in the time of a national emergency,” Houlahan said. “The current male-only registration sends a message to women not only that they are not vital to the defense of the country, but also that they are not expected to participate in defending it.”'

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How a Colorado Nonprofit is Helping Men Fight Mental Illness by Taking Them Fishing

Article here. Excerpt:

'We’re on a pristine section of private water in the middle section of the Colorado River at a fishing retreat hosted by Fishing the Good Fight, a Denver nonprofit founded in November 2019. The organization uses fly fishing to support men struggling with their mental health. Having never heard of a program like this, I was curious to learn more. I contacted founder Jennings Hester, and he invited me to visit on the second day of a weekend retreat in June the group was hosting.

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His Accusers’ Stories All Had Issues. The School Violated Its Own Procedure To Expel Him.

Article here. Excerpt:

'A male student at Grinnell College was accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women. The school expelled him after violating its own policies to find him responsible, and a judge just allowed his lawsuit to move forward.

The case stems from a lawsuit filed by the male student, whom The Daily Wire will refer to as John Doe, who was accused of sexual assault by a female student, henceforth referred to as Jane Roe. Jane claimed to Grinnell’s Title IX office that John sexually assaulted her and possibly other students. She then convinced two other students – who will be referred to as Sarah and Emily (not their real names) – to file reports against John as well. Jane and Sarah claimed John “engaged in nonconsensual sexual intercourse” with them, while Emily claimed he “engaged in nonconsensual sexual contact” with her.'

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S. Africa: Man up! Prince Kaybee dragged for ‘toxic masculinity’ tweet

Article here. Excerpt:

'DJ Prince Kaybee landed himself in hot water after sharing his opinion on masculinity.

The Club Controller hitmaker gave out some advice to the “gents”, telling them that masculinity is a trait they need to possess in order to be successful. He went on to add that men should never have to tone it down to “appear” equal.'

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