The Rise of the Anti-Feminists

Article here. Can't say I agree with everything here but it's a good piece no matter. Excerpt:

'Five years after #MeToo dominated the news, anti-feminism is on the rise. In South Korea, anti-feminist coalitions helped tip the recent presidential election; in the United States, young men are pledging allegiance to internet stars who peddle aggressive masculinity. But these discontented young men aren’t maladjusted “incels.” They haven’t arbitrarily adopted a hateful ideology. Their grievances are intelligible and coherent, in part because young men in both countries are facing increasingly daunting prospects in education, employment, and marriage, although in somewhat different ways.

Faced with these conditions, anti-feminist men are adopting one of two strategies, either attacking the systems they deem oppressive, or internalizing the libertine ethos of the men who sit atop the pecking order. These responses will continue to spread, remaking relations between the sexes and disrupting our politics.'

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