Why Boys and Men Are Failing | Forward with Andrew Yang

Video here. Andrew and Zach discuss our nation's masculinity crisis.

Wikipedia on Yang here.

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More men than women are leaving US labour force

Article here. Excerpt:

'This pattern has emerged in a growing number of American households lately. During each recession for the last 40 years, a sizable number of men — more than women — have left the labor force and not come back. So far, this has been true for the pandemic too, despite rising wages and the best job market in decades. The male prime-age labor force participation rate — the share of men age 25 to 54 who are either working or looking for work — has fallen over the years from 96% in 1970 to about 89% in 2020 before the pandemic.

And despite plentiful opportunities now, the numbers haven’t recovered to pre-pandemic levels. As of the last estimate in November 2021, only 88.2% of prime age men are participating in the U.S. labor force. Which makes it clear we need a new approach to jobs.

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Nicola Sturgeon claims world would be a ‘better place’ if ruled by women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nicola Sturgeon has claimed the world would be a “better place” if it were ruled by women.

The Scottish first minister also said females are still forced to work “twice as hard” as men to be taken “even half as seriously”.

But the 51-year-old SNP leader believes it a good thing women have to be so industrious - as they end up being better and working a lot harder than their male counterparts.
“But when you see women, and I’m not talking about myself here I’m talking about other women in senior positions: by and large, they’re better than their equivalent man and, more often than not, they’ve had to push themselves a lot harder to get to where they are.

“I often think the world would be a much better place if it were ruled by women.'

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Opinion: Modern feminism destroys American societal values

Article here. Excerpt:

'Modern “woke” feminism, despite claiming to fight for the betterment of the female gender, is a destructive movement that has strayed away from the original motives of feminism. It has become a media-hype term that nobody understands, and everyone ardently supports.

Modern feminism influences women to constantly fight against the allegedly suppressive patriarchy that has haunted them since the beginning of time instead of inspiring women to become happy individuals who benefit future generations over seeking revenge for the mistreatment of past ages.
As all movements do, feminism has evolved greatly since its beginning in the late nineteenth century. First-wave feminism had a fairly simple goal: recognizing women as humans as opposed to property. Second-wave feminism challenged the role of women in society, and third-wave feminism symbolized the importance of individuality and autonomy.

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UK: Covid vaccine: Women-only and quiet sessions to boost uptake

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'South Worcestershire Healthcare will be running the sessions across Worcestershire over the coming week.

Female-only staff will deliver Covid-19 jabs to women during "women's hour" and "quiet hour" will see lights dimmed and noise minimised to attract people who have sensory disabilities or autism.

The provider said "a lot of people can be put off" by walk-in clinics.

Women's hour "is basically for women who may feel more comfortable in a female-only environment, be that for religious reasons, cultural reasons or just in general", said Finn Nolan, outreach manager for South Worcestershire Healthcare.

He said all male staff would be taken off the floor for one hour a day and the centres would be female-only spaces.'

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Court: Women-only gym areas violate state discrimination law

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'Women-only exercise areas in gyms and fitness clubs violate a state law banning discrimination based on gender, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.

The 6-0 decision written by Chief Justice Richard Robinson overturned a lower court ruling and an earlier decision by a state human rights official. The case involved two men who complained about women-only exercise areas at two gyms — an Edge Fitness Club in Stratford and a Club Fitness in Bloomfield.

The case drew high interest from a variety of advocacy groups that submitted briefs to the court.
Several questions arose. Should women be protected from the ogling of men they believe are objectifying them? Do women-only workout areas discriminate against men who have to wait in line to use equipment in the general public area? Should lesbian women be barred from the women-only areas because they might objectify women?

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Israel: Bereaved families fight to use deceased child's sperm to be grandparents

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'Bereaved families who lost their sons during military service are fighting the state to allow them to become grandparents by using posthumously retrieved sperm from their child and a surrogate.

A bill put forward by MK May Golan (Likud) that would allow bereaved parents to use the sperm of their dead children was voted down last summer by the Ministerial Committee for Legislation.

However, lawmakers including MK Zvi Hauser (New Hope) are giving it a new push and are expected to bring it to a vote within a month.

Calling it one of the most complicated and sensitive issues that he has ever worked on, Hauser said it would be groundbreaking should the bill pass and that many other countries could follow suit.'

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Breakdown services must ‘do better’, says Labour MP after claims the AA no longer prioritises lone women

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'Labour MP Rosie Duffield has called on breakdown services to “do better” after claims one of them no longer prioritises lone women.

The MP for Canterbury said women should be able to put their trust in these companies particularly at a time of heightened violence towards women.

On Wednesday evening, feminist academic Helen Mott took to Twitter to accuse the AA of leaving her alone for an hour and a half after her car broke down.
The AA replied to her tweet, writing: “Hi Helen, you’ve been advised correctly. We don’t prioritise based on gender, we do consider the location so as an example we would prioritise someone on a motorway over someone in a supermarket car park.”'

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UK: Civil servant who was sacked over claim she lied about photo of her gagged and bound loses claim

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'A civil servant who was sacked over a claim she lied about a photo of her gagged and bound to a chair has lost her £500,000 compensation claim for unfair dismissal after a tribunal ruled it was just 'high jinks'.

The image of Marine Scotland worker DeeAnn Fitzpatrick went viral in 2018 after she claimed she was subjected to the ordeal for blowing the whistle on abusive and misogynist behaviour in the office.

The Senior Fishery Officer said in a BBC interview that tape was placed over her mouth to 'shut' her up as she was told 'that's what you get for speaking out about the boys.'

Bosses later fired Ms Fitzpatrick for lying about when the photo was taken so she could claim it was punishment for her whistle blowing complaint.

She then attempted to sue her employer for £500,000.

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State wins trial over bias claims at Michigan's only women’s prison

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'A jury has ruled in favor of the state Corrections Department in a trial about work opportunities for male officers at Michigan’s only prison for women.

The men sued in 2011, claiming to be victims of discrimination. They said they were denied certain jobs at the Huron Valley prison in response to sexual assaults by others many years earlier.

The officers were seeking millions of dollars in overtime and other lost compensation. But the trial ended Friday in Washtenaw County with a verdict for the Corrections Department.

“I’m floored,” James Fett, an attorney for the men, said of the verdict.

The assignments sought by male officers at the time were not in the prison’s housing units but in food service, the yard, school, infirmary, gym and other areas, according to the lawsuit.

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Woman Accuses Husband Of Rape But Maltese Police Find Out She Attacked Him With Kettle Of Hot Water

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'After a foreign woman reported her husband for rape, investigations conducted in Malta uncovered an 18-minute video that revealed she was actually physically abusing him.

TVM reported that 36-year-old woman, who works with the Foundation of Educational Services but whose name and nationality cannot be reported by court order, has been charged with domestic violence, assaulting her husband and subsequently causing him slight injuries. She is pleading not guilty.

Her alleged abuse came to light after investigations, that were sparked by her own claim of rape, found a camera in her home which had video footage of the man being subject to domestic violence, with his wife attacking him with her hands, a baton, a frying pan and a kettle of hot water.'

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Aurora food pantry sets women-only giveaway Jan. 20

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'Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry will hold its third monthly Women's Empowerment Mobile Pantry, a distribution of free food and household items for women only, on Thursday, Jan. 20.

The women's pantry will run from 2 to 3 p.m. at Santori Aurora Public Library, 101 S. River St. in Aurora. IDs are not required.

In addition to food, diapers, formula, baby food and feminine hygiene products will be distributed. The pantry's December distribution at Two Rivers Head Start in Aurora served 72 families.'

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What Is the Fear of Men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fear of men is an extreme, persistent fear of men. The presence or image of a male can stimulate this prolonged emotional response in some individuals. While fear of men is not a standalone phobia mentioned in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. (DSM-5), it is a type of specific phobia that can affect people of every gender.1 Specific phobias have their own DSM-5 categorization.

Androphobia is the scientific name for fear of men. It comes from "andros," the Greek word for man, and "phobia," which means fear or dread.

Fear of men is a type of anxiety disorder. Unchecked, it can provoke abnormal behaviors and physical reactions. Professional intervention can help alleviate these symptoms.'

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Ontario mother given 18 months house arrest for drowning death of 3-year-old son

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'The Ontario woman who drove herself and her three-year-old son onto a flooded road and failed to save him was sentenced to house arrest for the incident.

38-year-old Michelle Hanson pleaded guilty in November to one count of criminal negligence causing death over the tragic incident, admitting to drinking alcohol and taking her young son, Kaden Young, for a drive because he could not sleep.
Hanson was sentenced by Justice Gisele Miller for 18 months house arrest, followed by six months with a nightly curfew. Hanson will also attend grief counselling and substance use counselling, according to CP24.'

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What Justice Gorsuch's masklessness says about society

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Friday, we witnessed an unusually ugly spectacle at the US Supreme Court. Neil Gorsuch sat on the bench maskless (as he also has on other occasions), while his colleague Sonia Sotomayor -- who as a diabetic is at higher risk of severe disease if she contracts Covid-19 -- participated remotely from her chambers. A Court spokesperson didn't respond to a question from The Washington Post about the incident. But it would make sense for Sotomayor, who usually sits next to Gorsuch and has reportedly expressed concerns about contracting Covid-19, to be uncomfortable that he wasn't wearing a mask. The episode was a shocking display of male entitlement.

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