UK: Woman, 26, admits falsely accusing a man of raping her - as judge delays sentencing ahead of a psychiatric report

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'A 26-year-old woman has admitted making a false accusation that she was raped.

Jade Wass from Darlington, appeared at Teesside Crown Court to admit perverting the course of justice.

The charge states she made a false report to the police in July 2020 that she had been raped by a man only referred to in court as 'X' to protect his identity.

It was said she repeated the allegation in person to a named police officer the following day, then again two days later during a video interview.

Judge Howard Crowson adjourned sentencing to allow a psychiatric report to be prepared.'

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The Enrollment Crisis for Men Continues to Worsen

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'In October 2021, researchers at the Brookings Institution declared that the gender gap in higher education has widened to the point of becoming a “male college crisis,” with many men lacking the support necessary to achieve a postsecondary degree.

While women have outpaced men in college enrollment and completion rates for decades, the pandemic appears to have worsened this disparity, especially for men of color and those from underserved backgrounds in both urban and rural areas.

In fall 2021, the gender gap hit its peak, with men representing only 4 in 10 college students. Now, more advocates and education experts are joining in the call for policymakers to pay heed to this problem as growing numbers of young men — primarily those who are already low-income and disadvantaged — find themselves left behind academically and financially.

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Couple who asked for female embryo sues fertility clinic over baby boy

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'Heather Wilhelm-Routenberg said she would only have kids with her wife Robin (Robbie) Routenberg-Wilhelm if they could have girls — because Heather was still traumatized from being sexually assaulted on two different occasions after college. Heather and Robbie say that CNY fertility clinic in Latham, NY, assured the Buffalo couple it would not be a problem: The lab could determine the sex of any embryo, created using an egg from Robbie and donor sperm, before it was transferred into Heather.

But when Heather was 15 weeks pregnant — having been assured by the clinic that the embryo was female, she says — they found out she was carrying a boy. The news sent her into a dark depression. After their son’s birth in December 2020, Heather became suicidal and wasn’t able to bond with the baby. Now, with the help of Eric Wrubel of Warshaw Burstein, LLP, Heather and Robbie are suing CNY on 11 counts including breach of contract, medical malpractice and battery.'

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Woman indicted on 18 child rape charges; sheriff says there are more victims

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'A woman faces 23 charges in McMinn County, Tennessee for having sexual encounters with male students at McMinn Central High School, according to McMinn County Sheriff Joe Guy.

Melissa Blair, 38, is charged with solicitation of a person under the age of 18, 18 counts of statutory rape, aggravated statutory rape, four counts of patronizing prostitution, and forfeiture of personal property. Blair posted her $100,000 bond Tuesday night.

According to a press release, Blair was communicating with the victims "on social media, arranging meetings with them, and trading items for sexual encounters with them."

There are nine male victims with incidents occurring from spring 2020 to late 2021, Guy said. Seven of the victims are minors; two were victimized as minors but are now adults, according to a press release.

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Bill Maher hits the nail on the head

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"If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the crisis in Ukraine, it’s that the world still needs manly men."

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Army approves reduced physical fitness standards for women, older soldiers

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'Following a three-year review, the Army has scrapped plans to use the same physical fitness test for all soldiers, choosing instead to have some reduced standards to allow women and older soldiers to pass, the service announced Wednesday.

The decision follows a RAND-led study that found men were more easily passing the new, more difficult Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) compared to women and older soldiers, who were “failing at noticeably higher rates.” That six-event test developed in 2019 was an expansion from the three events — pushups, situps and a run — soldiers had done prior.
The new standards will only be applied to the regular fitness test given to all soldiers annually and will not change the tests troops need to take to qualifying for certain Army jobs such as combat positions or specialties.'

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‘Colonised by boys’: How school playgrounds deter girls from physical activity

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'School playgrounds have traditionally favoured games played by boys, but education experts say redesigning school spaces can encourage more physical activity among girls.

Dean Dudley, associate professor in the Macquarie School of Education, said there was a strong argument to say school playgrounds had been “designed by men based on activities boys are likely to be more engaged in”.

“We provide football-sized space for kids to play soccer or touch football, but no discrete areas for kids to dance or play minor games that are not overrun by larger games,” he said.'

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Can rudeness hide sexism?

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'In a new study that appears in Psychological Science, researchers from the Universities of Virginia and Texas have revealed that by being equally rude to men and women, some men can hide sexist attitudes.

The authors of the study refer to this as the “equal-opportunity jerk defense.”
The study had several parts. In the first, researchers asked 1,100 employed men to self-report their rudeness toward male and female colleagues, as well as their attitudes and beliefs about women.

Men who held sexist beliefs about women were also more likely to be rude to men.

The second part of the study tested how observers judged others. Did people regard a man who was rude to men and women as less sexist than a man who was rude only to women? First, the researchers asked the participants to read tweets by Donald Trump.

They showed the participants two of Trump’s tweets about women, which they followed with varying numbers of tweets aimed at men. All of the tweets were denigrating the woman or man in question.'

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Anti-feminism attitudes linked to falsely remembering information that reflects poorly on feminism

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'False memories, which are memories and beliefs of events that never happened, may be more likely to occur for false information that aligns with one’s political beliefs. In two studies, new research published in Applied Cognitive Psychology finds that pre-existing negative attitudes about feminism are associated with a greater likelihood of falsely remembering news stories that do not reflect well on feminism. Findings also suggest that negative feminism attitudes are associated with a greater likelihood of judging a positive news story about feminists as fake.

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Retiring U.S. archivist to White House: "You better not hire another white male"

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'U.S. National Archivist David Ferriero, who is retiring in April, said on Monday that he urged the White House not to appoint a white man to succeed him.

What he's saying: "That's advice I've given to the White House already: that you better not hire another white male ... We've had ten white males," Ferriero said during an annual Sunshine Week event when the moderator pointed out that there has never been a female national archivist.'

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Australia: Funder bars university from grant programme over white-male award line-up

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'Australian researchers have largely applauded a decision by a powerful research funder to bar academics at the University of Melbourne from winning the foundation’s prestigious million-dollar fellowships over concerns about gender and diversity.

The decision, announced by the Snow Medical Research Foundation on 7 March, comes after the University of Melbourne released a picture of six white men — but no women or people of colour — receiving honorary degrees, one of the university’s highest accolades, in a ceremony on 28 February. Researchers told Nature that the hard line from the foundation — Snow medical is Australia’s largest philanthropic funder of medical research — could prompt universities to tackle gender inequality more aggressively.

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Threat assessment experts highlight danger posed by 'involuntarily celibate' men

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'On a Friday evening in November 2018, 40-year-old Scott Beierle signed up for a hot yoga class in Tallahassee, Florida, and told the receptionist he would wait outside.

When the class began, Beierle grabbed his ear protection and a loaded gun, walked into the classroom and opened fire. He killed two women, injured four others and then turned the gun on himself.

Police, through the course of their investigation of the incident, discovered a long history of hatred toward women, sexual assault allegations, and homophobic and racist comments.

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Biden administration preps new rules covering sexual misconduct at schools, colleges

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'The Biden administration is expected to propose new rules this spring aimed at reversing the controversial Trump administration regulations governing the rights of those accused of sexual misconduct in colleges and schools.

Then-Education Secretary Betsy DeVos in 2017 set off a firestorm over new rules under Title IX that gave additional legal protections to accused offenders.

The Trump White House contended that colleges and universities “have often stacked the deck against the accused, failing to offer protections such as a presumption of innocence or adequate ability to rebut allegations.” But critics denounced the shift, saying the new policies could lead to courtroom-like hearings where accusers could be cross-examined over their credibility. Some observers said the changes would lead to scores of lawsuits.'

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Male-Only Conscription Will Undermine Ukraine’s War Effort

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'But more importantly for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the policy of enforcing the draft on men, including fathers, but not on young, single, able-bodied women is counterproductive to his war aims in several key respects.

First, it’s a puzzling idea in strategic terms. To be sure, in the absence of allies willing to engage Russia militarily, Ukraine’s defense depends on mobilizing as many of its citizens as possible to fight. But why would a 59-year-old man worried about his children and grandchildren be a better fighter than a fit, unfettered and furious 18-year-old woman? Are fathers less important to their children than mothers in rebuilding a traumatized postwar nation? By sheer numbers alone, countries that fail to maximize the potential of their citizenry by excusing half the able-bodied adults from combat duty put themselves at a strategic disadvantage.

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Sheryl Sandberg Says Female Leaders Don’t Go To War. Here’s What Research Says

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'Authors of the book Why Leaders Fight analyzed every world leader from 1875 to 2004 and statistically examined gender differences in military aggression. They found that 36% of the female leaders initiated at least one militarized dispute, while only 30% of male leaders did the same. The authors say, “This does not mean that women are generally more aggressive, however. Men were responsible for 694 acts of aggression and 86 wars while women were responsible for just 13 acts of aggression and only one war (Indira Gandhi).” The authors conclude that women who lead nations likely have the same risk propensity as their male counterparts.'

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