Woman spared jail for groping man who asked for her to be sentenced like a man

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who drunkenly groped a man has been spared jail despite the victim urging she be tried like a man.

Mum-of-six Jemma Whiteside, 40, sexually assaulted the man at Everton’s game against Manchester City at Goodison Park, Liverpool, on February 26.

A court heard how she grabbed the man’s genitals, ‘rubbed’ up against him and said: ‘I’m going to f**k him and I don’t even know his name.’

The ‘shocked and upset’ victim said in a police report: ‘It should not matter whether the assault was by a man or a woman, it should be treated the same.’'

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UK: Woman calls for men's shelters after son murdered by fiancėe

Article here. Excerpt:

'A mum whose son was stabbed to death by his fiancée is calling for more refuges to open for male victims of domestic violence.

Jose Linnane, 67, screamed "like an animal" when police told her her son Simon Gilchrist had been murdered at his flat in York in 2004.

The 23-year-old's abusive fiancée Caroline Mawhood stabbed him in the heart after she came home from a night of drinking.

Mrs Linnane is now desperately trying to prevent further deaths by calling for new refuges to open.

London does not have a single refuge for male victims of domestic violence, according to the charity ManKind.

Mrs Linnane, from York, told the Mirror: "It makes me spit feathers there's not a single refuge for men in London.'

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So much for equality: Men are less likely to become elementary teachers or nurses because of gender bias, report finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gender discrimination is preventing men from becoming elementary teachers and nurses, experts warn.

They say that while women's struggle to get into science, tech and engineering roles has been well-publicized, professional discrimination against males has not.

Biases against men in early education and healthcare are thought to be linked to a perception that women are more caring and less dangerous.

Two new studies published by the American Psychological Association today sought to gauge the impact of those stereotypes.'

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Female teachers given ‘toolkit’ letters to combat harassment

Article here. Archive accessible link here. Excerpt:

'Female teachers have been issued with template warning letters to send to colleagues who make jokes about women or put their arm around them, in an attempt to tackle sexism in schools.

The National Education Union published the sample letter in a toolkit of resources to be used as part of the union’s ‘It’s Not OK’ campaign against sexual harassment and sexism.

The letter is aimed at teachers who want to take an “informal” approach to an incident of harassment, and its aim is to stop “first instances of sexual or sexist behaviour quickly without the need to use formal procedures”.

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Woman avoids jail for falsely accusing man of rape - and even lied to his family

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman dodged jail after she blackmailed a man for cash, falsely accusing him of rape.

Chelsea Orton left her victim relying on antidepressants after he suffered abuse following her lies.

The 22-year-old confessed to blackmailing the man, who cannot be named, out of £200 between July and August 2019.

Orton went as far as telling the man’s family about the rape lie to try and back up her story.

But the mum-of-one was finally caught out when her victim built up the courage to report her to the police.

Orton, from Nuneaton, Warwickshire, admitted to blackmail and was slapped with an 18-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months at Warwick Crown Court.'

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Chris Murphy introduces bill to strengthen Title IX, promote gender equity in sports

Article here. Excerpt:

'U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy introduced legislation on Tuesday that aims to promote gender equity in college and K-12 sports

The bill, known as "Fair Play for Women Act," is focused on fairness and equity in participation opportunities and institutional support for women's and girls' sports programs to ensure transparency and public reporting of data by college and K-12 athletic programs.

It would also hold athletic programs and associations more accountable for Title IX violations and discriminatory treatment, and improve education of Title IX rights among athletes, staff, and stakeholders.
The Democrat-backed bill would empower the Secretary of Education to issue fines to schools whose athletic departments are out of gender-equity compliance. This bill is being co-sponsored by Reps. Alma Adams (D-N.C.), Lori Trahan (D-Mass.) and Suzanne Bonamici (D-Ore.).

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The State of Our Sons: A Townhall

Ticket info here. Description:

'Learn more about the challenges boys and men face in this first ever townhall on the status of boys and men in California and the nation. More than ever, boys need stable families and a community of caring people to guide them toward happy and healthy lives. We can begin to understand the challenges of boys and men by using verifiable and reliable data to look for solutions that lead to successful, measurable outcomes. Join Sean Kullman, Warren Farrell (Internationally acclaimed author), and the Board of the Global Initiative for Boys and Men for this unique townhall. Learn more at gibm.us.'

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Boys and learning differences during the pandemic

Article here. Excerpt:

'While it’s certainly true we must be vigilant regarding the outcomes of our nation’s daughters, selective narratives can give incomplete impressions. NAEP made a point of identifying declines in male and female math scores and added that “a greater score decline for female students in 2022 contributed to the widening of the gender gap” in math. While there was an average 6-point gap in math for 4th grade girls and a 2-point gap in math for 8th grade girls, there was an average 7-point gap for 4th grade boys and a 9-point gap for 8th grade boys in reading. This boy gender-gap in reading was not identified in the discussion of the report, and this speaks to the ways our institutions think and report on the outcomes of males and females.

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Joe Rogan on the masculinty crisis

Video here.

Joe Rogan and Mark Boal discuss the so-called masculinity crisis with today's men. Is it really just the media feeding us an idea with the content they put out like news, movies, shows, etc.? Men dont agree with these things and that's why the masculine ideas have become so popular; it is going to backfire against them as we are seeing now.

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Well, actually: Mansplaining is a problem in the workplace

Article here. Excerpt:

'Organizations should not dismiss mansplaining as a product of social media rudeness or as a passing fad. Instead, mansplaining should be understood as an issue related to selective incivility where individuals are targeted based on their identity and made to feel like they do not belong.

Once identified as a form of incivility, mansplaining can and should be addressed in the workplace. Interventions that are effective at counteracting incivility might also be effective at mitigating mansplaining.'

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Longtime Tennessee domestic violence leader is out following critical federal investigation

Article here. Excerpt:

'The longtime leader of the Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence has left the organization. The change comes less than a week after WPLN News and the Tennessee Lookout reported on federal findings of whistleblower retaliation at the nonprofit.

Kathy Walsh was executive director of the Coalition for more than three decades, where she helped build its reputation as the leading voice for domestic and sexual violence victims in the state. As a registered lobbyist, she has also helped shape many pieces of legislation.

But a report by investigators from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, finalized in September, concluded that Walsh was involved in forcing out an employee who blew the whistle on the potential misuse of federal grant funds in 2019.'

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UN to investigate use of ‘parental alienation’ tactic in custody cases

Article here. Excerpt:

'The UN special rapporteur on violence against women and girls is to investigate how family courts around the world approach “parental alienation” (PA) and how this may lead to the double victimisation of those who have suffered domestic abuse.

There is no single agreed definition of parental alienation but a generally accepted description is a child’s rejection of one parent as a result of psychological manipulation by their preferred parent.

Reem Alsalem will examine what is behind an increase in allegations of PA in highly acrimonious child custody cases, in particular when used to counter claims of domestic abuse.

Alsalem claims the majority of parents accused of “alienating” their child while alleging abuse are women. In some cases, mothers who have been accused of alienation have had their children permanently removed from their care or faced imprisonment.'

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“Why Is the Men’s $400 Million” – Megan Rapinoe Hits Back at the Massive Prize Money for the FIFA World Cup

Article here. Excerpt:

'While talking about the prize money of the FIFA World Cup she said: “It is a little bit of a complicated issue and it is a little bit more nuance than you know at times we would even express it so I will concede on that. But it is also like ok, why is the men’s 400 million and why is the women’s 400 million?”

She added” ” It’s so frustrating because the investment peace is just like astronomically different and so until that is equal like I don’t wanna talk about you know whether it’s TV rights or sponsorship dollars or anything like that. And I actually think the Women’s National team is a really amazing example of this. Like considering that we haven’t been paid as much and as much attention and effort haven’t been put towards you know from our own federation or sponsors or TVship rights and we are still successful”.

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The Unseen Faces of the Men’s Rights Movement

Article here. Excerpt:

'Peter is a gay, British writer who supports the Labour Party and grew up in a stable, middle-class household — and he’s an active member of the men’s rights movement.

Now in his late twenties, Peter began sympathizing with the movement as an adolescent after experiencing what he sees as the education system’s disparate treatment of boys and girls.

“In school I saw a lot of double standards in the ways men and boys were treated socially,” Peter told National Review. He found that boys were often disciplined unfairly while administrators and teachers turned a blind eye to the misbehavior of girls.'

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Barcelona invests for masculinity workshops

Video here. Excerpt:

'Questioning our preconceived notions about gender can be crucial to overcoming bias. Last year, a Centre for New Masculinities opened in Barcelona, Spain aiming to break down old - and often harmful - models of manhood.'

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