MSU says business boot camp that excluded White males now open to all ‘irrespective’ of race, sex

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'A business boot camp at Missouri State University that excluded White males is now offering the program to everyone "irrespective of their race and/or sex" after a government watchdog organization urged the state Attorney General to investigate for discrimination.

The Spring 2023 Early-Stage Business Boot Camp was an eight-week course offered exclusively to "aspiring and/or women small business owners who have recently started or are in the idea phrase."

White males were ineligible to apply.

On Tuesday, the Equal Protection Project (EPP), filed a complaint to Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, urging him to investigate.

The group alleged that MSU was "engaging in racial- and gender-based discrimination through its sponsorship, promotion, and hosting of a small business training ‘boot camp’ that limits participation" to women and people who identify as "BIPOC" – an acronym for non-white "Black, Indigenous and Persons of Color."'

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Reference to ‘white male’ advantages booed on Oklahoma House floor

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'Boos pierced an otherwise quiet afternoon in the Oklahoma House of Representatives on Monday after a relatively routine bill on small-business development turned into a debate on “reverse discrimination” and the plight of white males.

Senate Bill 119, by Sen. Michael Bergstrom, R-Adair, would somewhat broaden eligibility for the Oklahoma Supplier Diversity Initiative, a state Department of Commerce program intended to connect small businesses with potential customers, including state agencies.

It especially targets small businesses owned by minorities, women and U.S. military veterans by providing some technical assistance on applications and the like and by listing them on a website promoted to potential clients.

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Russian army launches campaign encouraging men to join

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'A wide-ranging advertising campaign appears to have been launched in Russia urging citizens to join the military.

It comes as the Russian armed forces have reportedly been suffering heavy losses and struggling to make progress in Ukraine more than a year after invading it.

The Defence Ministry in Moscow released a video appealing to Russians to give up their civilian jobs in favour of a contract with the military.

The video features a supermarket guard, a fitness instructor and a taxi driver - all apparently disillusioned with civilian life and finding fulfilment after joining the army.

The video promises a monthly salary of at least 204,000 roubles ($2,500, £2,000), four times Russia's average.'

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Arkansas SB 365 means year-round due process rights for college students

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'Last week, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed into law SB 365, a bill that codifies crucial due process protections before, during, and after campus disciplinary proceedings. FIRE Legislative Counsel Greg Y. Gonzalez testified in support of the bill in the Senate Education Committee.

SB 365, the Arkansas Student Due Process and Protection Act, provides an array of due process protections for students and student organizations facing suspension or expulsion. And it improves what was the status quo: Arkansas previously explicitly required a right to counsel only during an appeal of a disciplinary proceeding. This law amends that statute and provides far greater protections.'

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Houston Rescuers Prove the Lie of ‘Toxic Masculinity’

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'Men. We are just the worst, with our toxic masculinity and patriarchal privilege. We are the source of literally all of the world’s problems, from war, income inequality, and “rape culture” to the misogynistic microaggressions of “mansplaining” and “manspreading.” If we are ever to create a nonviolent, truly gender-equal world, we must rip away the false, culturally constructed façade of masculinity. We must free ourselves from the strictures of macho posturing, embrace vulnerability, and redefine what it means to be strong.

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A silent crisis in men’s health gets worse

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'A silent crisis in men’s health is shortening the life spans of fathers, husbands, brothers and sons.

For years, the conventional wisdom has been that a lack of sex-specific health research mainly hurts women and gender minorities. While those concerns are real, a closer look at longevity data tells a more complicated story.

Across the life span — from infancy to the teen years, midlife and old age — the risk of death at every age is higher for boys and men than for girls and women.
The topic of men’s health simply hasn’t caught on as something that advocates, corporate sponsors and politicians want to get behind. While the pink-ribbon has been elevated to iconic status to signal breast cancer awareness, nothing in men’s health has achieved the same level of attention.

“There is an empathy gap,” Henry said. “There are people who shrug and say, ‘Yes, men die younger. That’s the way the world is.’ It doesn’t need to be that way. If we devote attention and resources, we can change the outcomes for men.”'

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Boys have been left devastated by the woke attitude to masculinity

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'Society is in danger of demonising boys and young men. They are lambasted in schools by toxic masculinity crusaders and denigrated in popular culture. This environment is having a crushing impact. According to the Health Department, suicide is the biggest cause of death in men under the age of 50 and around three-quarters of deaths from suicides each year are men. Research from Future Dads last year showed that around a third of young men felt left behind by society.

Commentary routinely seems to present boys as inherently bad. The impression is given that parents cannot be trusted to raise them as good citizens, leading to the worrying conclusion that outside organisations should do the job for them. But some organisations which come into schools and talk to boys have developed a habit of telling them to move away from “toxic” masculinity. That, in my view, feeds into a sense of uneasiness.

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Feminists don’t believe in feminism either

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'Feminist activist Gloria Steinem may not have coined the phrase, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle,” but she did popularize it. And Brookings Institution scholar Richard Reeves correctly identifies the sentiment as “the goal of that wave of the women’s movement.” But just how independent of men do most women really want to be?

As Reeves recounts on a recent podcast promoting his new book Of Boys and Men, even feminists want men to support them.

Reeves’s admission came after Progress Network podcast co-host Emma Varvaloucas noted that women aren't really readapting to a world where most childless women actually earn more than the average man.

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‘Wealthy White Men’ Most Likely to 'Repeatedly Violate the Rights of Others,' University of Texas Psych Quiz States

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'A University of Texas psychology professor is apologizing to her students after including a question on a quiz that stated "wealthy white men" are "most likely to repeatedly violate the rights of others."

The quiz was a part of Professor Kirsten Bradbury’s Personality Psychology course and asked students which demographic is most likely to be diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder.

After stipulating the disease itself is "a racist diagnosis in the way that it has been applied," Bradbury’s quiz stated: "Neither race nor gender is determinative in Antisocial Personality Disorder. However, if we must go there, which sociodemographic group is most likely to repeatedly violate the rights of others in a pattern of behavior that includes violence, deceit, irresponsibility, and a lack of remorse?" The answer: wealthy white men.

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At least 6 female teachers arrested for sexual misconduct with students over two days across US

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'At least six female teachers were arrested in a span of two days this week for having sex with students — including a Kentucky staffer who allegedly had trysts with a pair of 16-year-old boys.

Ellen Shell, 38, of Danville, was arraigned in Garrard County District Court on Thursday after prosecutors said she had sex with the teens on two separate occasions in July and August of last year.

Shell worked as a teacher’s aide at Woodlawn Elementary School and was employed at Lancaster Elementary School prior to that, according to WTKR.
The bust was just one of at least six recent cases of female teachers engaging in sexual misconduct with their teen charges in recent days, according to reports from across the country.'

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Putin signs a tough new military draft law, banning conscripts from fleeing Russia

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'On a basic level, the new law makes it very difficult for Russians — mostly men but also women with specialized skills — to avoid being drafted or conscripted.

Until now, military recruitment officers have had to go in person to deliver a paper summons to a draftee's home or workplace.

That system will now be supplanted by electronic notifications — i.e. emails — issued through systems including the web portals that Russians use to pay their utility bills, taxes and other services.

The electronic notification will be binding from the moment the government hits send.

And with the new law, draftees are immediately banned from leaving the country.

Those who fail to show up at a recruitment office promptly will soon face a raft of new restrictions related to banking, selling property and even gaining access to a driver's license.

Already before the reform, people who refused orders to serve in the military have faced a possible prison sentence of up to 10 years.'

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Rep. Katie Porter scalded ex-husband’s scalp with potatoes: documents

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'The former husband of Rep. Katie Porter said the California Democrat frequently abused him verbally and threw “toys, books and other objects” at him during their marriage — even pouring scalding-hot mashed potatoes on his head during a fight, according to divorce records.

Matthew Hoffman, who filed for divorce from Porter in 2013, said in a request for a restraining order dated April 30 of that year that he was “routinely” called a “f—ing idiot” and “f—ing incompetent” by his rage-prone spouse, who also shattered a glass coffee pot on their kitchen counter in March 2012 when she felt their house wasn’t clean enough.

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Massachusetts now discriminates against white males who want to start a non-profit

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'In Massachusetts, you can start a non-profit with a board that is 100% women and/or designated minority members, but the board can’t be more than 49% white male.

For nearly a decade, my brother and I have helped thousands of cats and dogs return home. With the help of our followers, I used the New Bedford Guide and New Bedford Pet Detective Facebook pages to reunite missing pets with their owners. I feel we’ve done a lot of good for the community and decided to look into starting a non-profit to raise funds to boost the posts on Facebook and potentially add a paid person to assist. We’ve never taken a penny and have dedicated countless of hours to the cause.

After two minutes of research and to my surprise, white males can’t be the majority of a new non-profit in Massachusetts. To start a non-profit, we’d have to give up complete control of the cause to other people because we are white men.'

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The Meaning Of The “Sex War” – by Wyndham Lewis (1926)

Book excerpt here. No text excerpt is possible because images are used to render the text.

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Penn State Gender Equity Center hosts activist with history of racist, antisemitic comments

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'Penn State University’s Gender Equity Center recently hosted a far-left race activist who has a history of racially insensitive and antisemitic comments.

The Daily Collegian reports Feminista Jones (pictured), an “educator, feminist writer, public speaker, community activist, and retired social worker” according to her website, spoke about how “preventions demand equity” for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Jones told her April 3 audience that the “standard of masculinity put forth by white men” is responsible for males’ desire to control women and hence “elevated rates of sexual violence.”'

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