How toxic ideas about masculinity corrode the workplace

Article here. Excerpt:

'Toxic masculinity has shaped many modern-day workplaces for the worse.

In some offices, "dog eat dog" and "work-first" attitudes are heralded and rewarded, and aggression is still viewed as a sign of worthy leadership.
What companies instead have to do is take a hard look at their rewards systems, Glick says. In a system that rains accolades on very specific things — say, the person who stayed the latest versus the person who submitted the best work — people learn to value what wins them acclaim.

"You can't drop a diversity training into 'Game of Thrones' and expect it's going to get better," Glick says. "That's not going to happen. You need to address the underlying, fundamental culture and expose it."'

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Nancy Pelosi mocks Trump's 'manhood' after 'wild' Oval Office meet, says she tried to 'be the mom'

Article here. It was just too good not to post. Anyway, a woman impugning a man's manhood because he doesn't give her her way is as old as the hills. SSDD. But to see those two at it like an old married couple is so worth it. Excerpt:

'Nancy Pelosi mocked President Trump’s “manhood” and questioned his basic understanding of government spending during a closed-door meeting with House Democrats on Tuesday, according to an aide in the room.

The California congresswoman, who’s vying to become the next House speaker, made the blistering remarks after returning to the Capitol from a tense Oval Office sit down with Trump, during which he repeatedly threatened to shut down the federal government if Congress fails to cough up at least $5 billion for his long-sought border wall with Mexico.

“It’s like a manhood thing for him,” Pelosi told the Dems of Trump’s wall obsession, according to the source. “As if manhood could ever be associated with him.”

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More effective than condoms? Seattle-area couples test new birth control for men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The UW School of Medicine is one of three sites testing a contraceptive gel for men, which works by reducing sperm production when applied daily on the upper arms or shoulders, according to researchers. If the trials are successful, the substance may soon be available to people seeking to avoid unplanned pregnancies whose options traditionally have relied on more than a dozen options for women, including pills, implants, shots, patches and rings, compared with just condoms for men.

"We are neglecting 50 percent of the population with our current methods,” Dr. Stephanie Page, a UW School of Medicine endocrinologist and the study’s principal investigator, said in a phone interview. “There’s every reason for men to be more engaged.”

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Eastern Michigan's Title IX Case Highlights Difficulties In Cutting Women's Sports Programs

Article here. Excerpt:

'At first blush, Judge Steeh's decision may seem unfair to EMU because it applies a law designed to promote sex equality so as to allow men's teams to be cut for financial hardship whereas women's teams may not. The decision, however, aligns with the way courts have consistently applied Title IX to situations in which women's teams are cut.
Title IX, however, does not protect opportunities for men’s sports because the law was designed to promote equality in education settings for women. That is why EMU could cut men’s sports without triggering Title IX’s application. Cuts to sport opportunities for women will implicate Title IX and the legality of the cuts, if challenged, will turn on an application of Title IX’s infamous three-part test.'

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Lawsuit: Uni Violated Title IX By Suspending Male Student Accused Of Rape

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'A male student is suing Indiana University for Title IX violations, alleging the school's investigation into rape accusations was biased against him because of his gender.

It's the latest in a series of lawsuits invoking the federal civil rights law on behalf of men accused of sexual assault.
John Doe filed the lawsuit on Nov. 27, the same day IU denied his appeal for the suspension.

In the complaint, John says the IU investigation was unbalanced: "The University sanctioned, tolerated, and endorsed procedures and policies which deprived John, a male student, of the rights and privileges of female students."

The complaint says the sexual misconduct investigation included witnesses on behalf of Jane’s character and sexual history, but investigators refused to include similar witnesses on John's behalf.

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The New Iron Johns Seek Catharsis

Article here. Excerpt:

'On a Monday night in a sparsely decorated room in midtown Manhattan, a group of approximately 20 men including an endocrinologist, a sportscaster, a policeman and an employee of the United Nations were baring their souls.

“I’ve been digging deep with my girlfriend and we are having those talks about moving forward in our relationship, and I’m having nights where I can’t sleep,” said Andrew Cummings, 44, an opera singer in New York who has performed at Carnegie Hall.

“I’m angry that my health is deteriorating. I’m not ready to be an old man,” said Jeff Nichols, 70, a former consultant.

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Modern feminism is no less sexist than the misogyny it claims to fight

Article here. Excerpt:

'Modern-day, third-wave feminism is no less sexist than the misogyny it claims to fight. Often, feminists will place a veil of supposed progress over an actual promotion of inequality in an attempt to appeal to the masses. They believe this makes their message more palatable. In reality, it only highlights what drives them.

Lately, feminists have been promoting the "future is female" idea, as if success as a people or a nation is found in one gender alone. This supremacist mindset does nothing to right the legitimate wrongs of the past. Instead, it overcorrects and declares that sexism is wholly acceptable so long as you're demeaning men.

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Nick Cannon Defends Kevin Hart By Posting Homophobic Tweets from female comedians

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Interesting I wonder if there was any backlash here,” Nick Cannon said, captioning a 2010 tweet posted by Chelsea Handler which said, “This is what a fag bird likes like when he flexes.”

Cannon continued, this time sharing a 2010 tweet from Sarah Silverman that said, “I dont mean this in a hateful way but the new bachelorette’s a faggot.”

Cannon captioned that tweet saying, “And I fucking love Wreck-It Ralph!” — Sarah Silverman stars in the hit animated film, voicing the character Vanellope.'

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UK: Woman in 'man hating' group chat 'murdered sleeping partner then smoked weed'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A girlfriend who was part of 'man-hating' WhatsApp group stabbed her partner to death as he slept then calmly smoked a spliff, a court heard.

Alex Glanfield-Collis, 25, plunged a knife into partner John Maclean's neck at her London Docklands flat on April 12, it is claimed.

She then allegedly left the 35-year-old to bleed to death and wandered out onto the communal balcony, lit up a joint of cannabis, and drank a beer.

The defendant then allegedly went downstairs and calmly told her 16-year-old step-son she had just murdered his dad.

Glanfield-Collis was part of a WhatsApp group of women called 'The C**t Club' who shared insulting and abusive comments about their boyfriends.'

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Boys and Girls Club of Washington Co. hosted their first Future is Female event

Article here. Excerpt:

'For the first time ever the Boys and Girls Club of Washington County put together an event called The Future is Female.

Growing up in a world where social media and online images dominate the minds of impressionable children can be tough, especially young women, that's why the Boys and Girls Club of Washington County put on the Future is Female event.

"A program to help girls build their self esteem and self confidence. Right now they say at the age of 9, young girls begin to say they have low self esteem," said Eric Rollins.

One of the keynote speakers was Hagerstown Councilwoman Emily Keller, who says it's hard to escape bullying, she has had her share of attacks on social media, and she wants the girls to know that you just gotta let it roll off your shoulder.

"Just important to stay above it, and rise above it, and still pursue your dreams, and not let the negativity get to you," said Keller.'

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Male professor fights 'gender apartheid' by targeting women-only programs

Article here. Excerpt:

'A male professor at the University of Michigan-Flint is targeting women-only programs at multiple schools as an example of gender discrimination against men.

Finance professor Mark Perry has written to dozens of schools across the country targeting women-only scholarships and girls-only science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) summer camps, alleging Title IX abuses against men and gender non-conforming students.

“There is this blind spot in higher education where they have accepted discrimination against men and boys,” Mr. Perry told the Star Tribune.

The professor’s efforts recently put a stop to a women-only study lounge at Michigan State University.

“I called it gender apartheid,” he said. “They had this prime space on campus where they were discriminating against half their student body.”'

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Gillibrand's gone 'full woke'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A guest on Tucker Carlson Tonight Thursday took a shot at New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand for a comment she tweeted earlier this week saying the future of the country is “female” and “intersectional.”

“Her ambitions have grown — being Senator, a bad Senator, is not enough, so now she has moved full woke. She now sounds like a sociology professor from SUNY Osweego,” Tucker began. “Half her constituents are men for example and she recently posted a message just for them. ‘There is no future for you,’ she said. On Twitter this week, Gillibrand wrote ‘our future is female. Intersectional and empowered by our belief in one another and we are just getting started.’ What the hell does that mean? Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald might know the answer so we’ve asked her to come on tonight to explain.”

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College settles with accused student after court rules against it

Article here. Excerpt:

'Just weeks after a judge refused to allow a New Jersey college’s attempt to dismiss a lawsuit against it, the school settled with the student who brought the lawsuit.

John Doe, as he is referred to in court documents, brought the lawsuit after he was expelled from Rider University for allegedly sexually assaulting a female student. John met Jane Roe, as she is referred to in court documents, in the early morning hours of October 18, 2015. John and his friend, referred to as Joe Doe, returned from an off-campus party with three other friends. John was the designated driver and “not intoxicated.” Joe began talking to two women (Jane and her friend, referred to as Jane Roe 2) and John joined them.'

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Opinion: VAWA is an insult to fairness

Article here. Excerpt:

'November was Native American Heritage Month. But the focus then and since has been almost entirely upon Native American women. It is rare for the problems of Native American men to receive so much as a nod.

The women deserve attention. An Associated Press headlined “Despite past reforms, Native women face high rates of crime,” explains, “For generations, Native American women have been victimized at astonishing rates, with federal figures showing that more than half have encountered sexual and domestic violence at some point during their lives — even amid a wave of efforts aimed at reducing such crimes.” The men deserve attention, as well.

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How psychologist believes the rise of 'male bashing' could be down to the 'destructive' feminist movement

Article here. Excerpt:

'Psychologist Bettina Arndt has claimed that the global #MeToo feminist movement has granted women a license to 'destroy' men.

The psychologist and author controversially blamed the feminist movement for throwing false accusations of rape and violence at men on Tuesday.

The author went as far as to label feminism as a 'destructive force in our society'.
She went on tell Sunrise co-hosts Samantha Armytage and Natalie Barr that feminism has 'gone off the rails' and is 'all about rules and regulations to advantage women at the expense of men.''

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