The Great Due-Process Revival

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'I was traveling Friday and missed a rather interesting and consequential story. Lisa Borders, the CEO of Time’s Up, an “organization born of the #MeToo movement that advocates for safe and harassment-free workplaces,” has resigned. Why? Because her son was accused of sexual assault. But that’s not what makes the story truly notable. Family troubles can cause people to press pause on their careers all the time. What’s notable is that the CEO resigned in part to advocate for her son’s innocence:

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Daycare provider who hanged toddler in her basement sentenced to probation

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'A former day care provider convicted of hanging a toddler has been sentenced to probation.

Nataliia Karia received 10 years probation on Monday for hanging a toddler in her daycare and running over two men with her minivan, before attempting suicide. She had faced 13 years in prison. All of the victims of the November 2016 incident survived their injuries.
Karia had pleaded guilty to attempted murder and criminal vehicular operation. Karia's attorney argued the cause was mental illness brought on by abuse.

"This offense was aggravated, if not wholly caused, by abuse of Nataliia's husband," defense attorney Brockton Hunter said.

Hunter provided the judge with recordings they say shows her husband's anger.

Karia told the judge, "Please help me back to my children."

The prosecutor argued that mental illness is not a reason to give Karia probation instead of prison.

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CPI: 'Start By Believing:’ Lawmakers Must Act Swiftly to Root Out Police Misconduct and Bias

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Following last week’s announcement of a settlement between the City of Charleston (SC) and a man who had been falsely arrested, the Center for Prosecutor Integrity is warning state legislatures to take steps to rein in use of “victim-centered” investigative methods that presume the guilt of the accused, downplay inconsistencies in witness statements, and bias the investigative report.

These “victim-centered” approaches are known by names such as “Start By Believing,” “believe the victim,” and “trauma-informed.”

Ethical codes require investigators to conduct their work with impartiality, objectivity, and honesty (1).  In contrast, Start By Believing instructs sexual assault investigators to begin the probe with “an initial presumption” of guilt, and then to (2):

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Woman claims victimhood after she assaults man due to his MAGA hat

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'A Massachusetts woman arrested for allegedly assaulting a man in a Mexican restaurant wearing a “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) hat claimed she was the victim in the incident.

Rosaine Santos, a 41-year-old Brazilian national residing in Falmouth, faces multiple charges— including assault, battery, and disorderly conduct— for a Friday February 15 incident where she allegedly harassed the 23-year-old man and pulled his red Trump campaign-issued hat over his face at Casa Vallarta Mexican Restaurant, Mass Live reported.

But Santos, who pleaded not guilty to the charges against her at a Wednesday court hearing before the judge released her on her own recognizance, claims she was actually “the victim” for being “discriminated” against.

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With women in combat roles, a federal court rules the male-only draft unconstitutional

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'A federal judge in Texas has declared that the all-male military draft is unconstitutional, ruling that "the time has passed" for a debate on whether women belong in the military.

The decision deals the biggest legal blow to the Selective Service System since the Supreme Court upheld the draft in 1981. In Rostker v. Goldberg, the court ruled that the male-only draft was "fully justified" because women were ineligible for combat roles.

But U.S. District Judge Gray Miller ruled late Friday that while historical restrictions on women serving in combat "may have justified past discrimination," men and women are now equally able to fight. In 2015, the Pentagon lifted all restrictions for women in military service.

The case was brought by the National Coalition For Men, a men's rights group, and two men who argued the all-male draft was unfair.

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UK: Police Unlawfully Rejected ‘Exceptional’ Recruit for Being Straight White Male, Tribunal Finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'Matthew Furlong, 25, applied to Cheshire Police in order to follow in the footsteps of his father, who is a serving detective inspector on the force — but was ultimately turned down for a role, despite being told “it was refreshing to meet someone as well-prepared as yourself” and that he “could not have done any more” after passing the interview stage of the recruitment process, ITV news reports.

Under the Equality Act of 2010, British employers technically cannot discriminate against people on the basis of certain “protected characteristics” including race, sex, and sexuality, but they can choose candidates from certain groups over others — typically white people, and in particular white men — if they are of “equal merit”.

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How Feminism Is Stifling Our Sons

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'"Mommy, can only girls be legendary?"

My three-year-old son, glued to the Disney Channel's DuckTales, had spotted a commercial break with a group of young female stars dancing around a school campus, singing about how “you can be legendary."

"No baby, of course you can be too," I replied, thinking nothing of his comment.

“Mommy, can you see her?” he asked a few days later during his beloved PAW Patrol.

“Huh?” I stopped folding clothes and looked up at the TV to see Nickelodeon advertising a hashtag: #SeeHer.

A quick Google search revealed that the initiative, launched by Association of National Advertisers and its Alliance for Family Entertainment, aims to show a positive, unbiased portrayal of women in media.

“Basically it means girls can be anything they want to be,” I explained to my son.

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Feminists Screaming about 'Transgenderism,' Their Own Demon Child

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'Say, "Be careful what you wish for" or call it the law of unintended consequences.  For decades, feminists screamed, "I am woman, hear me roar" — now it's "Hear me squeal — a man just walked through our door!"

The issue?  Men claiming womanhood (MCW, AKA "transgenders") are invading women's spaces — such as bathrooms, locker rooms, and prisons — and are entering female competitions, taking away gold and glory.  Examples are MCW who in recent years won "women's" titles in weightlifting, cycling, sprinting, golf long driving, and even a beauty pageant.

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Fired Worker Alleges Firm Owner Wanted White Males Replaced With Chinese Women

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'A former supply chain boss at a Vernon manufacturer of electric vehicles is suing her onetime workplace, alleging she was fired in 2018 in retaliation for complaining about discrimination and other wrongdoing at the company.

Plaintiff Shawn VanAmburg says in her Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit filed Wednesday that the owner of Independent Electrical Vehicles, Shi Hai, once told her to fire all her white male employees and replace them with Chinese women.

VanAmburg allegations include wrongful termination, whistleblower retaliation and racial discrimination. The suit seeks unspecified damages.

VanAmburg was hired at the Soto Street business in November 2017 and had extensive automotive experience, the suit states. She says she met with Hai for the first time in February 2018 and extended her hand to shake his.

However, Hai refused to shake the Rancho Palos Verdes woman's hand, saying instead, "I thought you were going to be a man," the suit states.

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This Photographer Asked Men How They Reject Toxic Masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'We often give short shrift to the ways feminism benefits men.

When men resist the stereotype of what a “real man” should be, they’re free to live life on their own accord: Cry with reckless abandon after a crappy day at work or stay at a home and raise the kids while their partner brings home the bacon.

In a new photo series, photographer Jessica Amity captures just how liberating rejecting gender norms can be for men.

Armed with her Nikon D850 camera, the Nepal-based photographer hopped around the streets of Kathmandu and asked men for their general thoughts on toxic masculinity and its effect on their lives. Then she asked them to finish this sentence: “It’s OK for me to…”
"It's OK for me to be sensitive to intersectionality and to be an ally in fights for social justice, because, as a cis white gay male, I am bombarded with privilege that I definitely don't deserve."'

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‘Walk like a woman’: Men given 7 tips to help women feel safer

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'Australian men are being encouraged to “walk like a woman” in a new ad campaign aimed to make women feel safer.

Women’s rights group Plan International has launched the promotion, which includes seven tips for men on how to behave while walking the streets.

Emily Maguire, CEO at Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria, told Neil Mitchell the tips were most important for good men, because they’re the least likely to realise they pose a threat.

“Most men don’t hurt women and most men do really want to make sure that they are not a threat to other women, and that women feel safe around them,” she said.

“Even if most men know they aren’t going to do anything, that doesn’t stop women being afraid.

“If all you need to do is drop back a few paces, or to pretend you’re talking on your phone, or cross the road, that doesn’t sound to me like a big ask.

“And most men I know would be comfortable about doing that.”'

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New Zealand: Blenheim man says life 'destroyed' after false rape allegation

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'A man falsely accused of rape says the allegation "destroyed" his life as rumour started to spread through the town.

Blenheim man Brett, who asked to keep his last name secret, explained how he got kicked out of his flat because his two female flatmates didn't want him there, and how people he didn't even know would shout "rapist" at him in the street.

Brett claimed his boss stopped giving him hours, as he was on a zero hours contract, and said he was still considering leaving town.

"It destroys you, you don't want to leave the house because you don't want anyone to see you. You're always wondering if they've heard anything, and wondering what she's saying about you to people. She's dragged my name through the mud."'

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"Why Understanding The UK Anti-Feminist Movement Is Vital To Countering The Far Right"

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'“Feminists attack liberty, justice, equality and meritocracy. They attack men, women, and children, and relations between the sexes,” so declared British anti-feminist activists in a 2018 online statement.

Its signatories included key UK far-right vlogger Paul Joseph Watson, Breitbart London writer James Delingpole and Valerie Price, National Director of ACT! For Canada (which is tied to the major US anti-Muslim organisation, ACT! For America). The statement’s impact was nonetheless negligible; exemplifying the marginal nature of organised anti-feminist politics in the UK.

But the operative word there, however, is ‘organised’. Recent events and a glance across thecontemporary far-right landscape will find many voices who share this conspiratorial and hostile view of feminism. Whilst this is not new, HOPE not hate’s newly-released State of Hate report explores how the UK anti-feminist movement is trying to mobilise this support and the role of a particular online community in this.

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Swedish Feminists Demand Govt Action Against Sex Robots

Article here. Excerpt:

'Several prominent Swedish feminist groups have railed against the use of so-called “sex robots” and “sex dolls” and advocate tougher legislation against them, saying the objects normalise violent attitudes toward women.

The demand for action against sex bots came in the form of an opinion article in Swedish newspaper Expressen signed by several feminists representing the national organization for women’s shelters and girls’ homes in Sweden (Roks), the Swedish Women’s Lobby and the anti-female violence group Unizon.

In the article, the groups demand “that Swedish authorities make it difficult for brothels with robots and dolls to open in Sweden,” and that, “research that studies the connection between sexual contacts with robots and dolls and actual abuse should be initiated.”'

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Liberals See Truth as Subservient to Doctrine, Feelings

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'Individuals on both the left and right lie. Individuals on both the left and right tell the truth. And liberalism, unlike leftism, does value truth. But the further left one goes, the more one enters the world of the lie.

Why does the left lie?

There are two main reasons.

One is that leftists deem their goals more important than telling the truth. For example, every honest economist knows women do not earn 20 percent less money than men for the same work done for the same amount of hours under the same conditions. Yet leftists repeat the lie that women earn 78 cents for every dollar men earn.

Why any employers would hire men when they could hire women and get the same amount of work done at the same level of excellence for the same number of hours while saving 20 cents on the dollar is a question only God or the sphinx could answer.

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