Court rules divorced woman can use fertilized embryos against father’s wishes

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'A divorced woman is entitled to implant some fertilized embryos created before she was married despite the objections of her former husband, the state Court of Appeals has ruled.

In a split decision, the majority acknowledged that the contract Ruby Torres and John Terrell signed with the clinic doing the in-vitro fertilization spells out in the event of separation of divorce the embryos could be used solely with the “express, written consent” of both parties.

Now, Torres who was undergoing chemotherapy at the time, wants to implant the embryos if and when she remarries. Terrell, who does not consent, got a trial judge to rule that she can’t do that.

But appellate Judge Jennifer Campbell, writing for the majority, said that, on balancing the interests of both parties, Torres is entitled to do with the eggs what she wants. And Campbell said it is irrelevant that if Torres gets the embryos, Terrell could be legally responsible for child support.'

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In Trump Criticism, Michelle Obama Slams Divorced Fathers

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'During a press tour event in London to promote her new memoir, “Becoming,” former First Lady Michelle Obama took a swipe at President Donald Trump that also maligned fathers who have gotten divorced.
Obama’s slam on Trump was designed to convey her belief that the country is not being well-tended to. But unquestionably the remark is an unfair swipe at fathers who undergo a divorce and remain committed, attentive, and nurturing parents.'

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Michelle Obama: America under Trump like 'living with a divorced dad' for the weekend

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'Former first lady Michelle Obama compared life in America under President Trump to living with a “divorced dad,” according to The Independent.

“For anyone who had any problems with Barack Obama, let’s just think about what we were troubled by – there were never any indictments,” she said during an interview with late-night host Stephen Colbert in London while promoting her memoir “Becoming,” according to the publication.
“We come from a broken family, we are a little unsettled,” Obama said. “Sometimes you spend the weekend with divorced dad. That feels like fun but then you get sick. That is what America is going through. We are living with divorced dad.”'

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Australia: Push to block companies with no female directors from an IPO

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'There is a new push to ensure that companies looking to join the ASX {Australian Stock Exchange} have women on their boards before they list.

The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)-led “30 per cent Club” is establishing a group with representation from investment bank and private equity companies, specifically those who advise on IPOs, that will look at a range of initiatives but ensure no companies going through an IPO list without female directors.
“We will connect them with executive search consultants and female directors so they have a pool of talented directors they can approach for board roles and we will work with them on promoting the companies that are listing to female directors.”

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College Democrats faces criticism over its new executive board

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'A few social media users pointed out that the new leadership team of the student organization is comprised of an all-female, all-white team and criticized the appearance of a lack of ethnic and gender diversity within the group. Those criticisms led OUCD president-elect Meah McCallister to publish a response on Twitter addressing the issue.

“The reason why people are angry is because men are not included, but if the executive board was comprised of entirely white men, those people would not be making the same comments,” McCallister said. “Privilege shouts for privilege when privilege is left out.”
McCallister said all of the new executive board, including herself, were the only candidates to run for the positions, making the races uncontested and that is rare for the group.'

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Think Progress Supports Sex Discrimination in Hiring — As Long as It’s Against White Men

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'Think Progress took advantage of Final Four weekend – the peak of the college basketball season – to write a story that advocates job discrimination.

But it’s OK because the people it calls for discriminating against are white men.

“Muffet McGraw is done hiring men,” reads the headline on Lindsay Gibbs’ story. “Women need the opportunity. They deserve the opportunity,” reads the subhead.

The story focuses on McGraw, the women’s basketball coach at Notre Dame since 1987, and the decision she made to discriminate against men.'

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Joe Mathews: Gender parity in elected office should be a legal requirement

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'South Pasadena’s new mayor recently appointed 18 people to voluntary local commissions in the San Gabriel Valley city.

Routine? Yes, except for one thing. All 18 appointees were women.

Mayor Marina Khubesrian’s appointments were a small-town stroke for gender parity. Before the appointments, about one-third of all commission appointees in South Pasadena were women; after, more than half of all commissioners were women, just like the population of the city itself.

But the move inspired critical media coverage and public grievance from men claiming discrimination. The mayor later added three men to her list of appointees.'

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California has a new law: No more all-male boards

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'Companies headquartered in California can no longer have all-male boards.

That's according to a new law, enacted Sunday, which requires publicly traded firms in the state to place at least one woman on their board of directors by the end of 2019 — or face a penalty.
It also requires companies with five directors to add two women by the end of 2021, and companies with six or more directors to add at least three more women by the end of the same year.
It's the first such law on the books in the United States, though similar measures are common in European countries.'

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UK: Serial drink-driver avoids jail 'for being a woman'

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'Victoria Parry, 30, hit three other cars after downing a bottle of wine.

Judge Sarah Buckingham said Parry, an alcoholic who had escaped an abusive relationship, would have gone "straight down the stairs" to jail if she were a man.

Although Parry "deserved" a prison term, the judge gave her three months to address her issues.

The comments are being investigated by a judicial watchdog.'

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Seeing sexism everywhere

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'The Council of Europe has decided to redefine the word ‘sexism’. The CoE has a decade-old definition, but the council decided to update it in response ‘to the #MeToo and other recent movements that have heightened awareness of persistent sexism in society’. Worryingly, the new definition looks set to impact on freedom of speech, with its promise to police both public and private attitudes in search of the problem of sexism.
The new definition shifts the parameters in a striking way. It points to the possibility of total surveillance as part of the crusade against sexism. It describes sexism as: ‘Any act, gesture, visual representation, spoken or written words, practice or behaviour based upon the idea that a person or a group of persons is inferior because of their sex, which occurs in the public or private sphere.’

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Swedish Feminist MP Ripped for Assuming 'All Men Are Rapists'

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'Left Party MP Linda Snecker has irked many of her compatriots by claiming that women naturally assume that all men are rapists.

During a parliamentary debate, Snecker also made it clear that men have a "collective responsibility for rape".

"Men's violence against women governs the entire world structure. Men's supremacy, women's subordination", Snecker said in a speech about violent crime.

"Because I refuse to be afraid, I also refuse that my fellow sisters are afraid. That is why the struggle of feminism is everyone's struggle. The violence of men must be stopped", the Left Party MP explained.

Snecker claimed that sexual oppression cut through all layers of society, with the culprits being men of all possible backgrounds and positions.

Snecker's misandic harangue and sweeping generalisations left a bitter taste in many Swedes' mouth.'

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Massachusetts reclaims heritage of witch hunts with bills against campus due process

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'The presumption of innocence might as well be a thing of the past in Massachusetts. More accurately, the Bay State appears to be returning to its roots of assuming the guilt of marginalized communities.
H-1209 and S-764 would require “trauma-informed training” for investigators. This is akin to telling investigators “accusers are never wrong,” and it’s based on “science” that’s about as reliable as Puritan identification of witches. (Even the Trump administration still funds this abomination.)

Zalkind Duncan warns that such training can “instruct investigators to place the burden of proof on the responding student to disprove the complainant’s account, or encourage investigators to ignore or explain away evidence that may call into question a party’s credibility.” The University of Texas police force, for example, is instructed not to collect evidence that could help an accused student.'

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College promotes men's cuddling group to 'redefine masculinity'

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'A Pennsylvania university is promoting the concept of men cuddling as a way to help them deal with stress and "redefine masculinity."

Dr. Christopher Liang, a counseling psychology professor at Lehigh University’s College of Education, recently came out in support of a Philadelphia area “Men‘s Therapeutic Cuddle Group,” a function advertised by Lehigh University in a news release. The page for the group currently has 69 members and the group has held 46 events so far. The meetups are held once every other week.

Organizers have established quite an expansive set of guidelines for attendees. The men attending must be “hygienically sound” and “remain fully clothed at all times.” The group’s organizers state that all cuddling is “non-sexual.” However, they do note that participants may become aroused during cuddling and that if that occurs, it should be treated as a normal thing.'

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Male councilors question all-female Santa Fe commission

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'Does a proposal to create a women’s commission with the intent of advancing opportunities and improving the quality of life for women and girls discriminate against men?

Two men on the City Council think that perhaps it does.

Councilors Mike Harris and Roman Abeyta raised that concern during a Monday meeting of the council’s Public Works Committee.
Harris pointed to the proposed resolution defines “women” as “transgender women, self-identifying women and girls, and gender non-conforming individuals.” Based on that definition, he said he couldn’t understand why men were being excluded.

Harris wondered aloud if there were any other city committees whose membership was determined by age, race, gender or religion. City staff likened the proposed panel to the Mayor’s Youth, Senior Services and Veterans advisory boards, which are made up of children, senior citizens and military veterans, respectively.

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SAVE: Sen. Jackson Defies Judicial Rulings, Ridicules Witnesses in Effort to Fast-Track Controversial Campus Bill

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'Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE), a national leader in campus sexual assault, is today expressing its concern over tactics being used by California Sen. Hannah Beth Jackson in an effort to fast-track her Education: Sex Equity bill. SB-493 would train campus Title IX staff in “trauma-informed” methods; ban the use of direct cross-examination; and allow the use of “single-investigator” investigations in which the same person serves as judge, jury, and executioner.

In 2017, Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed SB-169, the predecessor to SB-493, citing its numerous due process problems. Last November, a working group appointed by Gov. Brown issued a series of recommendations that were intended to guide state lawmakers in crafting legislation designed to combat campus sexual assault.

But SB-493 embodies and even worsens many of the same due process flaws as SB-169. In its Comment in Opposition to SB-493, being released today, SAVE notes the following:'

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