Paternity Fraud: Three out of 10 Nigerian men are not biological fathers of their children

Article here. Excerpt:

'A DNA test revealed that Christopher Johnson wasn’t the biological father of the three children he had nurtured and invested in for almost two decades. The children, Esther, 19, Shirley, 17 and Stephen, 15, were born by the same mother who unfortunately was deceased.
The perception that paternity fraud is high in Nigeria is not unfounded. Reports have been making the rounds that Nigeria has the 2nd highest rate of paternity fraud in the world after Jamaica. Many men have been unknowingly raising children that are not theirs and to curb the trend, there have been calls for introduction of mandatory DNA testing at birth'

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New Child Support Law Eliminates Deadline For Paternity Tests

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 2017 News On 6 spoke with a man highlighting a legal flaw when it came to men being ordered to pay child support, even when DNA proved the child wasn't theirs.

That law has now been changed.

Thomas Coleman's high school sweetheart got pregnant. They got married and had a son, but when the marriage fell apart about three years later, he got a paternity test and learned he wasn't the boy's father. He was devastated, then confused when the judge ordered Thomas to pay nearly $500 a month in child support until the child turned 18 because at the time, the law said, you must question paternity within two years or you are legally responsible'

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Lab Owner Arrested for Falsifying Results of Drug Tests

Article here. Excerpt:

'Investigators are scrambling to determine how many parents may have lost jobs, custody of their children and more after the owner of an Alabama laboratory was arrested for altering the results of drug and paternity tests.

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Judge: Parents of Dead West Point Cadet Can Use His Sperm

Article here. Even dead, men have no reproductive rights. Excerpt:

'The parents of a 21-year-old West Point cadet fatally injured in a skiing accident can use his frozen sperm to produce a child, a judge ruled while noting potential ethical considerations.

Supreme Court Justice John Colangelo's ruling, dated Thursday, gives Peter Zhu's parents the ability to attempt conception with a surrogate mother using their late son's sperm. The judge said Zhu's parents have not decided whether they will try to use it.

"At this time, the court will place no restrictions on the use to which Peter's parents may ultimately put their son's sperm, including its potential use for procreative purposes," Colangelo wrote.'

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Police Officer Hired Hit Man to Kill Her Husband and a Young Girl, Officials Say

Article here. Excerpt:

'Isaiah Carvalho Jr. woke up on Friday hopeful that his life was about to turn a corner.

Instead, he was told that his estranged wife, a New York City police officer, had been plotting to kill him all winter.

Five months had passed since the 32-year-old had filed for divorce from his wife, Valerie Cincinelli. But after a messy custody battle, the matter appeared almost settled.

It was, but not the way Mr. Carvalho had hoped.

Law enforcement officers informed Mr. Carvalho that Officer Cincinelli, a mother of two and a 12-year veteran of the Police Department, had arranged to hire someone to kill him and her boyfriend’s school-age daughter.

Instead of going through with the scheme, her boyfriend contacted the F.B.I.

The details provided in court documents paint a troubling portrait of a botched murder-for-hire plot ripped from the pages of a true-crime thriller.'

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Woman's False Rape Claim Led To Man's Death

Article here. Excerpt:

'The false report of a brutal sexual assault set off a bizarre chain of events that ended last week with the self-defense killing of a Florida man, according to police.

The fatal set of circumstances began when Brittany Sorey, a 30-year-old mother of five, last month contacted police to report that she had been sexually assaulted in her apartment in Largo, a town outside Tampa.

Sorey, pictured at right, alleged that a Hispanic man forced his way into her residence and “battered her and vaginally penetrated her with a broken broom handle and a box cutter.” She repeated this claim when later re-interviewed by detectives.

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Unintentional Humor: Botanical sexism behind bad allergies

Article here. Excerpt:

'Male trees are one of the most significant reasons why allergies have gotten so bad for citydwellers in recent decades. They’re indiscriminate, spewing their gametes in every direction. They can’t help it—it’s what evolution built them for. This is fine in the wild, where female trees trap pollen to fertilize their seeds. But urban forestry is dominated by male trees, so cities are coated in their pollen. Tom Ogren, horticulturalist and author of Allergy-Free Gardening: The Revolutionary Guide to Healthy Landscaping, was the first to link exacerbated allergies with urban planting policy, which he calls “botanical sexism.”

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Cheryl Sandberg chastises men to go ahead and risk their careers so women can get ahead

Article here. Sandberg is such a hypocrite. She's also a prime example of the typical modern woman's me-me-me lack of concern for anyone but herself. Excerpt:

'Men are scared of women now. and SurveyMonkey’s new #MentorHer poll reveals Friday that 60% of male managers report feeling “too nervous” about being accused of harassment to interact with women in “common workplace” activities such as mentoring, socializing and one-on-one meetings.

That’s a 32% spike from 2018, with an additional 36% of men saying they now actively avoid women in junior-level positions — effectively chopping down their shot at climbing the corporate ladder.

“The vast majority of managers and senior leaders are men,” says Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO, SurveyMonkey board member and founder of LeanIn.Org, in a statement. “If they are reluctant even to meet one-on-one with women, there’s no way women can get an equal shot at proving themselves.”

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San Diego State Student Shamed by Peers for Saying ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Does Not Exist

Article here. Excerpt:

'“The problem is, by shaming men on a completely subjective scale, you intimidate, which is exactly what the left and most ‘feminists’ want, they want to intimidate the men that go against the grain and reject the weak and feminized version of men you see portrayed everywhere,” he continued.
MacLeod believes that masculinity is under attack because it is a concept that is inherently individualistic. “Masculinity is the application of four traits. Courage, mastery, honor and strength,” MacLeod said. “It’s under attack because all those things are inherently individualistic, and they go against a lot of what is being preached nowadays, which is fearfulness, sensitiveness, timidity, and it’s the exact opposite of what’s being pushed right now,” MacLeod said.'

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And what are the candidates’ positions on men’s issues? After all, we’re people, too

Article here. Excerpt:

'What does this mean for American politics? While some politicians use cliched dog-whistles like the Second Amendment or immigrant-bashing to appeal to men, these no more speak to many men’s difficulties than other politicians and public figures who see men’s problems through the simplistic lens of “toxic masculinity.”

So, here’s a dare to presidential and congressional candidates: Tell us your views on the following:

1. Paid parental leave that lets men, as well as women, to take time off to care for a new baby, with employers prohibited from discriminating by gender.

2. Creating a federal Office of Men’s Health to support research and outreach on physical and mental health problems affecting men.

3. Providing a variant of the earned-income tax credit targeted to those who have been out of the workforce for more than one year.

4. Significantly expanding public-private partnerships to provide training and job placement.'

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Twilight Zone ‘Not All Men’ Episode Gets Called Out For Its Woke Misandry

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jordan Peele’s revival of the Twilight Zone isn’t the one you grew up with back in the day. It’s not about thought-provoking political or social commentary wrapped around clever or dangerous ideas. Well that definitely wasn’t the case with the seventh episode of Twilight Zone titled “Not All Men” that aired on May 8th, 2019 on the CBS streaming service.

There are some obvious spoilers ahead, but the gist of the episode is that a meteor shower hits a small town, including its water supply. The men begin acting strange, more volatile, aggressive and violent. At first it seems like the message is that the meteors are making the men “toxic”, but at the end of the episode we find out that the meteors had no effect on the men’s behavior, because a gay male is not acting “toxic” because he chooses not to.

The message was basically that the men were just acting toxic because that’s how most men are.'

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UK: Open letter calls for cancellation of anti-feminist group’s meeting in Sidgwick

Article here. Excerpt:

'An open letter, signed by over 240 people, is protesting an event scheduled to be held next month by the anti-feminist group ‘Justice for Men and Boys’ (J4MB) in the Alison Richard Building on Sidgwick Site. The open letter is addressed to vice chancellor Stephen Toope.

With the event being organised by J4MB for the 24th May, a description of the event on the group’s website reads: “I am pleased to announce a new strategy for J4MB, engaging with university students and academics, particularly those studying or teaching subjects close to our mission”.

The letter calls for the event to be cancelled, and failing that, asks for it to be “moved to a non-departmental University venue” so individuals can choose to be present at the time of the event. It argues that the event is not “in line with the values and mission of the University, especially our stated core value of “freedom from discrimination”.'

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Want to Dismantle Capitalism? Abolish the Family

Article here. Excerpt:

'Arguably the most infamous demand of The Communist Manifesto is the “abolition of the family.” The family, Marx and Engels noted, was where patriarchy and capitalism worked in tandem to produce willing, alienated workers, where women became little more than “instruments of production” for the men who lorded over them. Radical queer politics in the 1960s and ’70s added to their critique of the bourgeois family when activists challenged the heteronormativity of familial relations. That demand, however, has since almost completely vanished from the leftist imaginary.

Sophie Lewis, a feminist theorist and geographer, takes up this forgotten struggle in her work. Her new book, Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family (Verso, 2019) specifically links family abolition to a radical reconceptualization of pregnancy itself. The act of carrying a child to term, she insists, is work—labor that has long been exploited and overlooked by the academy—and so is mothering.'

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Americana Awards Make a Statement by Nominating Only Women for Artist of the Year

Article here. Excerpt:

'The annual Americana Honors & Awards have faced mounting criticism that they, too, like the Grammys, have seen a preponderance of male winners taking the stage. Last year, the much beloved Brandi Carlile and Margo Price were both nominated in the top three categories — artist, album and song of the year — and many believed it was Carlile’s year, especially. So there was notable groaning in the Americana ranks when those women walked away empty-handed while Jason Isbell won another three awards, like clockwork.

This year, the Americanas have made sure, if nothing else, that a guy won’t win artist of the year — by only nominating women in the category.'

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Therapists need to check their sexism, too (and other recommendations from the APA's new guidelines)

Article here. Excerpt:

'The guidelines focus heavily on the persistence of subtle forms of sexism, including microaggressions. Harvard psychiatrist Chester Pierce, who coined the term in 1970, described them as racially charged "subtle blows ... delivered incessantly." A little more than a decade ago, Columbia psychology professor Derald Wing Sue expanded the concept of microaggressions to include its affects on other marginalized groups, including women.

"There have been changes in how racism and sexism are exhibited. Now it can show up more in terms of microaggressions and sometimes the person who is engaging in the behavior — whether a hetero-sexist, an ageist, a racist — may not be aware they're doing that because of their implicit biases," Comas-Díaz said.'

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