Apollo Space Program Guilty of ‘Gender Bias’ Against Women according to NYT

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing should be a celebration that has no trouble getting off the ground -- it’s widely recognized as one of America’s greatest achievements. However, Houston, we have a problem.

There is no milestone or achievement we can commemorate in these woke days that doesn’t provoke a scolding “yes, but,” statement from the unhappy left. Last month, the Washington Post couldn’t let the 75th Anniversary of D-Day go by without a bizarre non sequitur about racism and rape in WWII.

Now The New York Times has hijacked the moon landing with head-scratching complaints of sexism, arguing that the Apollo program’s “gender bias” blocked women from going to the moon, and makes it more difficult for them to this day.

That’s okay, the Apollo space program was never that great anyway.

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"Paternity tests are big business because women aren't trusted"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Most company websites, however, eschew celebrity and sensationalism for a staid and serious tone. Sunny platitudes normalize genetic testing. It’s quick and easy. It’s accurate and affordable. And the benefits! Paternity testing produces “strong and happy” families with “emotionally-expressive children” who exhibit “improved cognitive abilities.” The trite marketing copy can border on the absurd. One DNA Diagnostics Center press release chirps: “Father’s Day can take on a whole new meaning when you’re finding out if you’re really a child’s biological father.” Indeed it can.

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Movie buffs take note: the next 007 is female

Article here. I call this "Doctor Whoifying" a series. It's when you take a patently masculine role and fill it with a woman, like the DW people did. Result: Disaster. RIP DW and now the Bond franchise. Star Wars, too. Excerpt:

'Since Daniel Craig announced he was standing down as James Bond, debate has raged whether the next 007 should be a woman, or black.

Now The Mail on Sunday can reveal that she will be both – thanks to the intervention of feminist TV writer Phoebe Waller-Bridge.

In what's been called a 'popcorn-dropping moment', British star Lashana Lynch, will be given Bond's licence to kill in the 25th movie in the franchise, currently being shot in Italy and the UK.

However, traditionalists can relax: she's not the new Bond, but a new character who takes over his secret agent number after he leaves MI6.'

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Toxic Masculinity Comedy ‘Stuber’ Dies at Box Office

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rather than simply make us laugh, rather than have the decency and graciousness to show us a good time, according to its own stars, Stuber’s true purpose was to wag its finger at the left’s latest bogeymen… masculinity.

Yep, because the men who fight the wars and truck the products and extract the heating oil and unclog the toilets and keep our streets safe and deport the illegal aliens — they are the problem.

“I feel like we’re in a time where we can talk about masculinity and how it’s always been very traditionally defined in a narrow way and how that’s led to problems for everyone for women and for men,” Stuber co-star Kumail Nanjiani told the far-left Hollywood Reporter.

“I felt like it would be interesting to try to talk about that stuff in a traditionally very masculine genre. A buddy cop action-comedy is such a dude movie, so we thought it would be interesting to talk about dude issues that also affect the whole world, in a traditionally male genre,” he added.

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Getting women in the city manager's pipeline

Article here. Excerpt:

'The naming of two white males as finalists for Columbia’s city manager, and five in Springfield, in this day-and-age of diversity caught my attention. Moreover, no women were among the 33 potential applicants identified by the management hiring firm contracted to assist in Columbia’s top executive position. It turns out that Columbia is not alone.
The reasons for gender differences in all governance positions, and in the economy at large, is a topic of much debate but likely includes discrimination, implicit biases, gender differences in risk-taking, gender differences in family responsibilities and differences in personal work-life balance decisions.'

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SAVE: Federal Office for Civil Rights Launches Investigations of Title IX Discrimination Complaints by Male Students

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Following hundreds of lawsuits by male students alleging disparate and unfair treatment by institutions of higher education (1), the federal Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has begun to open investigations into some of these cases. The OCR is known to be conducting 24 investigations at universities in the following states: CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IL, IN, MA, MI, NC, NJ, RI, SC, TN TX, and WI. The cases have been opened by the OCR Regional Offices located in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, District of Columbia, New York, and San Francisco (2).

The most common complaint involves allegations of denial of benefits. One of these investigations is targeting the University of Michigan, which sponsors 11 scholarships, support groups, and medical treatment programs that exclude male students, in direct violation of Title IX sex-discrimination mandates (3).

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Australia: Mining safety committee closed due to lack of "gender parity"; deaths mount up

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Sunday 27-year-old Jack Gerdes suffered fatal head injuries at the Baralaba North coal mine, west of Gladstone.

He was found "entangled in an excavator access ladder" about 2:00am, the Department of Mines and Energy said.

Six hours later, another man in his 50s was seriously injured in fall at a mine in Collinsville in the Bowen Basin.

The death takes the fatality total to six over the last year — making it the worst year for mining deaths since 1997.
Shortly before the State Government headed into crisis talks this afternoon, it was revealed a mining safety committee has been idle for six months because it could not reach a gender quota — during which time four miners have died.

The Mine Health and Safety Advisory Committee was dissolved in late 2018, before a spate of deaths that has thrown the industry into the spotlight.'

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UK: Parole board releases notorious nursery school pedophile

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former nursery worker known as Britain’s worst female pedophile was recently granted parole because she wasn’t considered a “significant risk” to children, according to a new report.

Vanessa George, 49, of Plymouth, Devon, who was the special needs coordinator at the Little Ted’s nursery in Plymouth, abused 64 babies and toddlers in her care in 2009 — and shared the disturbing images with her pervert lover Colin Blanchard, after meeting him on Facebook, The Sun reported.

George confessed to a total of seven sexual assaults of young children and six counts of distributing and making indecent pictures of children, according to the report. She was sentenced to a minimum of seven years behind bars.
George’s lover Blanchard, known as the “hub of the pedophile wheel,” was given a minimum term of nine years in 2011, according to the Sun.

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There are ways to reduce domestic violence that have nothing to do with the patriarchy

Article here. Excerpt:

'The dominant explanation for domestic violence in Australia – repeated by the sector, politicians, police and others – relies on the feminist model, which sees it as a result of rigid gender norms and gender inequality.

That explanation is now barely scrutinised, but Hill outlines at least one alternative explanation – the psychopathology model, that insists that domestic violence is rooted in mental illness, substance abuse and childhood trauma and has little to do with patriarchy. “Unlike the feminist model – which asks, ‘Why do men beat their wives?’ – the psychopathology schools asks: ‘Why did this man beat his wife?’”

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Employment among ‘prime age’ men declining, triggering 'alarm'

Article here. Excerpt:

'While the U.S. economy Opens a New Window. continues to show signs of strength and vitality, employment Opens a New Window. conditions appear to be worsening for one particular group: prime-age males.

According to experts from Deutsche Bank Research, employment for men between the ages of 25 and 54 (considered prime age) has declined by about 100,000 jobs for each of the past three months.

That’s despite the fact that the U.S. created 224,000 jobs in June. The professional and business services sector, health care, as well as transportation and housing were among the sectors with notable job gains.

Torsten Slok, chief economist and managing director at Deutsche Bank Securities, wrote in a note that the employment trend among prime age males was an “alarm bell” in the latest jobs report.

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UK: Judge faces no action over drink-driver 'being a woman' remark

Article here. Excerpt:

'Victoria Parry, 31, collided with three vehicles which caused her Fiat to spin off the A46, near Stratford-upon-Avon.

In April, Judge Sarah Buckingham was investigated after she said Parry would have gone "straight down the stairs" to jail if she was a man.

But the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) said there was now no "outstanding complaint".

Parry, of Bearley, Strafford-upon-Avon, hit a van's rear bumper, a Vauxhall Insignia's wing mirror and the side of a BMW in the crash on 23 May last year.

She was found to be almost three times the legal limit and later admitted dangerous driving and driving while disqualified.

Her lawyers said she had a "considerable drink problem" after a 15-year abusive relationship.'

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NZ: All Blacks coach Steve Hansen sparks criticism by claiming domestic violence 'not a gender thing'

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Having been a policeman I've seen a lot of this... and I know it's not just restricted to the male - women assault males. It's not a gender thing.

“[There are] two types... one, where you have a control freak, male or female...” Mr Hansen said about domestic violence while defending Reece's selection.
Ang Jury, chief executive of the New Zealand Women’s Refuge hit out at Hansen’s comments.

“He's referring to ideas that are old, debunked, based on his experience as a police officer some 20-odd years ago,” she told The AM Show.

The evidence that domestic violence in New Zealand is largely perpetrated by men is unequivocal, Ms Jury said.

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Court: Purdue May Have Discriminated in Sexual Assault Case

Article here. Excerpt:

'Purdue University might have discriminated against a male student who was accused of sexual assault, a federal appeals court said, reviving a lawsuit against the school.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Purdue too hastily sided with the man's female accuser and ignored his attempts to provide evidence in his defense, the Journal & Courier reported . They are identified in the decision as Jane and John Doe.

"It is plausible," Judge Amy Coney Barrett wrote in the June 28 opinion that the Purdue investigation panel "chose to believe Jane because she is a woman and to disbelieve John because he is a man."'

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India: Men cannot legally be stalked

Article here. This is the truth in most part of the world. Even celebrities who supported women movement realize they have always been getting a raw deal. Excerpt:

'The mudslinging match between Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut continues, with her never missing an opportunity to take digs at him in interviews and media interactions.

In an interview with Hindustan Times, Hrithik was asked how he manages to maintain a stoic silence to the constant jibes. "I have come to realise that bullies have to be treated with a certain amount of patience, and not be engaged with. It is upon the civil society and those who claim to be just and fair to see and observe if there is harassment," he said.

"Also, being who I am, if I choose to confront as per laws, I become the aggressor. If I withdraw from a film-clash that I know has been pre-designed, then I become a weakling penning a sob story. I have learned to not get affected by either," he said.'

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Amy Coney Barrett Strikes a Blow against Campus Kangaroo Courts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Whenever I read a court opinion describing a campus sexual-assault proceeding, I routinely find myself shocked at the staggering unfairness and ridiculous bias of campus kangaroo courts. Driven by the need to find more men guilty — and rationalized by a #BelieveWomen ideology — campus administrators have systematically discarded every fundamental notion of due process in American law.

Across the nation, courts on the right and on the left are saying no. They’re blocking biased sexual-assault adjudications, protecting basic fairness, and restoring a degree of sanity to colleges’ procedures. On Friday it was the turn of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals to protect the Fourteenth Amendment, and an all-woman panel, led by Judge Amy Coney Barrett, established a precedent that could be used against woke college administrators nationwide.'

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