We can’t address sexual violence if we keep trying to promote ‘healthy masculinity’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Well for Health Promotion has implemented a new event. The MENtality Project Lunch & Learn, the goal of which is to “help engage, educate and empower students to create an open environment to discuss healthy masculinity.”

Though The Well is adopting preemptive measures to combat the serious sexual violence issues on this campus, the intent of this event as expressed by the language used is troubling. To put it simply, there is no such thing as healthy masculinity.

The specific actions that The Well is undertaking to prevent sexual violence — targeting groups that feel that they do not have a part in the conversation about sexual violence, sparking dialogue and promoting engagement — are all steps in the right direction.

The use of the term “healthy masculinity,” however, is steeped in the very structures that have created the violence that threatens college campuses across the country.'

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Leading feminist: 'I want patriarchy to fear women': Mona Eltahawy says the time for being civil, peaceful and polite is over

Article here. She's kind of late. True-believing feminists already often fit this bill. Excerpt:

'Mona Eltahawy urges that radical steps need to be taken in order to dismantle patriarchy, including the use of "justifiable violence" against men.

The Egyptian-American journalist and activist argues that being civil, respectful and polite should no longer be options for women and girls.

"Politeness upholds the power of patriarchy," she told Out in the Open host Piya Chattopadhyay. "I want patriarchy to fear feminism. I want patriarchy to fear women."
In her latest book, The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls, Eltahawy says women and girls need to harness anger, attention-seeking, ambition, power, profanity, lust and violence in order to truly be liberated from what she describes as the "tentacles of the octopus known as patriarchy."

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Nearly 70% of millennial women ‘financially abused’ by partner

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nearly 70% of millennial women have experienced financial abuse by a romantic partner.

Let that sink in for a second.

That means, for every 10 women you know in that age group, odds are that seven of them have had a partner use money to control or manipulate them, according to a 2017 survey of 2,000 people ages 18-35 by CentSai, a financial wellness website.

Sadly, it’s not surprising given that 1 in 4 women will experience intimate partner violence in their lifetime — often for the first time before they are 25 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And financial abuse is present in nearly all domestic abuse cases.

But financial abuse can and does occur absent of any physical violence. And it isn’t strictly a millennial problem, nor is it something that happens exclusively to women. Almost 50% of men in the survey by CentSai said they experienced some form of financial abuse.'

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A 15-Year-Old Girl Was Suspended For "Bullying" After Saying There Was A Rapist In Her High School

Article here. Excerpt:

'Those words, handwritten on a sticky note and posted in a high school bathroom, have led to a Maine teenager getting suspended — not the alleged rapist, but the 15-year-old girl who wrote the note.

Aela Mansmann, a sophomore, was suspended from Cape Elizabeth High School on Friday for "bullying" because she posted the note, which did not name anyone as an accused rapist.
It all started in September when Aela said she'd gotten "pretty fed up" with the amount of sexual assault and harassment her classmates were facing, apparently without consequences for the perpetrators.

So she and a friend put up that sticky note. Soon after, many more students posted similar notes in the bathroom speaking about their stories of sexual violence at the hands of classmates.

Aela's note was not about one singular, specific rapist, she said.

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Girl-only science classes vital for gender balance, says leading Scots engineer

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of Scotland’s leading female engineers wants girl-only science classes in primary schools to stop female pupils being overwhelmed by “pushy” boys and “brainwashed” into thinking they are useless at technical subjects.

Dr Carol Marsh, deputy head of electronic engineering at the Edinburgh site of Leonardo, one of the UK’s leading aerospace companies, and a former president of the Women’s Engineering Society, said women were missing out on professional STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) jobs because of being deterred at an early age.

Just 22 per cent of the UK’s STEM workforce is female according to the Office for National Statistics Labour Force Survey.'

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LA Metro Says Its System Is Riskier And Harder For Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'In theory, Los Angeles County's public transit system serves everyone. But in reality, not everyone is served equally — especially women.

In a recent report, Metro officials said that women are subjected to "outsized burdens and risks" when navigating L.A.'s transportation systems, and their needs "have not been critically accounted for."

The agency issued the 167-page report, "Understanding How Women Travel," in late August. It revolves around five "themes" related to how and why women use public transit and other modes of travel through L.A. County. The agency looked at travel behavior, safety, access, reliability, and convenience and comfort.

Metro surveyed 2,600 county residents, oversampling women and transit riders. The agency also logged more than 100 hours observing how women use its system, ran a series of focus groups, workshops and "pop-up engagements," plus analyzed data from nine existing regional and federal sources to compile for this report.

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More Title IX Lawsuits by Accusers and Accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'Universities and colleges are increasingly experiencing legal challenges to their institutions' Title IX enforcement processes, a trend that higher education law experts say is a natural reaction to proceedings that declare “winners” and “losers.”

The societal pressures from the Me Too movement and repercussions from the Obama administration’s 2011 guidance for how colleges should adjudicate sex assault cases have led to more civil complaints from both alleged victims and accused perpetrators of sexual misconduct who feel they were treated unfairly during Title IX hearing processes. Legal challenges in federal courts exploded following the guidance, which called on universities and colleges to vigorously root out campus sexual assault and harassment with a preponderance of evidence standard, leaving officials to determine if “it is more likely than not that sexual harassment or violence occurred.”'

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School rewrites apparent female-only scholarship advertisement after College Fix inquiry

Article here. Excerpt:

'A majority-women private college recently advertised a new scholarship as being only available to females before claiming that the single-sex designation was a mistake. When pressed, the school would not explain how the mistake was made and whether or not it was wrongly advertised elsewhere.

Ursuline College, a Roman Catholic school located in Ohio, boasts that more than 90 percent of its undergraduate students are female. It offers a variety of scholarships to undergraduate students. The school advertised what appears to be its newest scholarship, Say Amen to College, on Sept. 19 on its website.
The College Fix reached out to the college to inquire about the legality of the scholarship, asking if the school had any concerns that it violated federal Title IX regulations, which prohibit sex discrimination. A recent study found that a majority of American colleges and universities “facially violate” federal law by offering female-only aid.'

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UK: Police are ordered to carry on believing anyone who makes an abuse claim is a victim

Article here. Excerpt:

'Detectives investigating historic sex crimes are still being trained to believe anyone who says they are a victim, despite being ordered to stop by a damning report into Scotland Yard's bungled VIP paedophile ring investigation.

Senior officers were issued with new rules just last month by the College of Policing, which say that anyone who makes abuse claims should automatically be considered a 'victim', with 'the intention that victims are believed'.

The advice ignores recommendations from retired High Court judge Sir Richard Henriques, who wrote a devastating report exposing how officers relentlessly pursued false claims of historic abuse by a fantasist known as 'Nick'.

Sir Richard's report on Scotland Yard's investigation, Operation Midland, advised that 'the instruction to believe a victim's account should cease'.'

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Appeals court upholds $130,000 judgment against Pomona College for railroading accused student

Article here. Excerpt:

'Lawyers for “John Doe” wanted Pomona College to pay at least $250,000 in attorney’s fees for repeatedly violating its own policies to find the accused student responsible for sexual assault.

They got about half that from Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mary Strobel, who said Pomona’s conduct was so egregious that she couldn’t “conclude that the factual scenario was unique and unlikely to recur.” (Pomona attempted to retry Doe with the same approach Strobel struck down.)

The private college appealed. The result? More money for Doe.

A California appeals court upheld the $130,000 judgment against Pomona in a ruling Thursday and awarded Doe “his costs on appeal,” concluding “there was no abuse of discretion” by Judge Strobel.'

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Why Rossview parents are being told they can't build a second baseball practice house

Article here. Excerpt:

'What started as an fundraising effort to give student athletes at Rossview High School more room for batting practice has turned into a dispute between parents and the school system over Title IX gender discrimination concerns and fair distribution of taxpayer money.
Once it became a standalone facility, legal issues arose. Under Title IX regulations, boys and girls must have equal access to athletic resources. So a baseball team can't have two indoor practice buildings when the softball team doesn't have one at all.

"If we were going to allow for a standalone facility it would need to be equally accessible for girls and boys," House told The Leaf-Chronicle. "I wanted them to be able to move forward but in a way that we don't put ourselves in a situation where we don't put ourselves at risk" of a Title IX lawsuit.'

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Uni student accused of false rape report going to trial

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Douglas County judge Thursday denied two motions to dismiss and suppress portions of the case against a KU student accused of falsely reporting a rape to Lawrence police.

The case, which was brought in January, will go to trial Oct. 28. The woman faces up to 23 months in prison for three felony counts of making a false report.

The woman’s attorneys say she is innocent and has been mistreated by the Lawrence Police Department and the Douglas County District Attorney’s Office after she reported being raped by a friend of her ex-boyfriend in September 2018.

District Attorney Charles Branson says she fabricated the story out of regret and to get back at her ex-boyfriend. Text messages the woman sent the night of the incident indicated to police that the sex had been consensual, according to court documents.'

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Doctor says donated sperm used to father at least 17 children, sues uni for $5.25 million

Article here. Lesson: don't had your sperm yo a bunch of strangers. Excerpt:

'An Oregon doctor who says he discovered that his donated sperm was used to father at least 17 children in violation of an agreement that allowed for the creation of no more than five children filed a $5.25 million lawsuit Wednesday against Oregon Health & Science University.

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Federal Review Finds Immigrants Fraudulently Claim Domestic Abuse to Gain Citizenship

Article here. Excerpt:

'A federal program that grants immigrants a faster track to citizenship after filing a domestic abuse claim is vulnerable to fraud, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office.

In 2018, nearly 13,000 immigrants filed claims using a provision in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) as a path to gain legal permanent residence in the United States. The program allows immigrant abuse victims to self-petition and removes the alleged abuser who sponsored them into the country from the process.

The report says fraud referrals involving VAWA self-petitions have more than quadrupled in the past five years.

"They're now using VAWA as a means by which to escape the two-year requirement to remain in the marital relationship without drawing any suspicion to themselves," said retired ICE Agent John Sampson, who told the News4 I-Team he was interviewed by GAO in conjunction with the report.'

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Model to stand trial for fraud in Neymar’s rape accusation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Brazilian judge says the model who accused soccer superstar Neymar of rape will face trial on charges of fraud.

Another judge dropped serious charges that followed a decision to reject her rape complaint for lack of evidence.

Attorney Cosme Araujo said Sunday he will appeal the decision to charge Najila Trindade and her ex-husband with procedural fraud. The judge found evidence the model and ex-husband Estivens Alves tried to tamper with the investigation.

Trinidade had accused Neymar of raping her at a Paris hotel in May.'

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