The ghosts of British politics: poor white boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'In terms of diversity, what do the two governments in London and Edinburgh have in common? On the face of it, they could not be more different. Yet absent from both are the pale, forgotten ghosts of British politics.

After reshuffles in both Westminster and Holyrood last month, Boris Johnson has 16 men and just six women in his cabinet, while Nicola Sturgeon has chosen the first female-dominated cabinet in Britain. The SNP cabinet is still overwhelmingly white, while the Tory cabinet has more senior ministers from ethnic minorities than ever before. In Holyrood, the SNP and Scots’ Tories have promoted more LGBT ministers, with both sides vying to be more “woke” than the other. In Westminster, the LGBT presence has been emphasised less than the rise of a new, youthful generation of Conservatives — notably the 39-year-old chancellor Rishi Sunak.

Women, ethnic minorities, LGBT, youth — how much more diversity could we hope for from the two front benches, north and south of the border?

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American farmers suicide crisis

Article here. If the bulk of these farmers committing suicide were women, the outcry would be defeaning. Instead, one story in one MSM outlet. Excerpt:

'One by one, the three men from the same close-knit community took their own lives.

Their deaths spanned a two-year stretch starting in mid-2015 and shook the village of Georgetown, Ohio, about 40 miles southeast of Cincinnati.

All of the men were in their 50s and 60s.

All were farmers.

Heather Utter, whose husband’s cousin was the third to die by suicide, worries that her father could be next. The longtime dairy farmer, who for years struggled to keep his operation afloat, sold the last of his cows in January amid his declining health and dwindling finances. The decision crushed him.'

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Pelosi: 'I usually always cast my vote for a woman'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday that she “usually” casts her votes for female candidates when possible, though she declined to say if she had backed Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) in the Democratic presidential primary.

Pelosi was asked during an event at Northeastern University if her reluctance to back the “Medicare for All” proposals advocated by Warren and fellow progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is an indication of whom she supports in the Democratic presidential primary.

“That has no reflection on who I would support for president of the United States. I'd just say, just generally, I usually always cast my vote for a woman. I just do,” Pelosi said in response to the question from WBUR’s Meghna Chakrabarti.'

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UK: Tory MP’s hate crime Bill ‘ridicules’ gender-based abuse – Lib Dem

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Tory MP has been accused of taking a “dismissive” and “ridiculing” approach to gender-based abuse after he tabled legislation calling for prejudice against men to be made a hate crime.

Liberal Democrat Wera Hobhouse will present a Bill in the Commons on Monday which seeks to require police forces to record hate crimes motivated by misogyny, and make motivation by misogyny an aggravating factor in criminal sentencing.

But Conservative Philip Hollobone has tabled identical legislation – with “misandry” also included.
She said that making misogyny a hate crime could enable the crimes to be prosecuted more severely and show how prejudice against women influences crime.

However Mr Hollobone said her Bill “reflects blatant gender bias”.

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'Toxic masculinity' is a fantasy weaponized by the media

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Toxic masculinity” is an idea that lives in the anxious minds of social justice maniacs and really nowhere else.

The New York Times on Friday ran a truly pathetic op-ed by author Teddy Wayne who professed that when his wife got pregnant, he hoped the baby would be a girl, in part, so that he might not be faced with the challenge of “raising a nontoxic man.”
Toxic masculinity is yet another concept born of the sick social justice ideology infecting every part of American culture, serving as yet one more way to reinforce the spread of victimhood, grievance, and oppression.

A separate article in the Times last year attempted to define toxic masculinity as “what can come of teaching boys that they can’t express emotion openly; that they have to be ‘tough all the time’; that anything other than that makes them ‘feminine’ or weak.”'

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Ballet dancer admits sending nude of gf two years ago, gets #MeTooed

Article here. Excerpt:

'A revival of "West Side Story" has been roiled in protests as one of its stars faces renewed heat for admittedly exchanging nude images of two women years ago without their consent.

For the past several weeks, protesters have gathered ahead of performances at the Broadway Theatre in Manhattan's Times Square District, where the musical recently opened. They carry signs that read, "Boo Bernardo" and "Keep Predators Off The Stage."

Their target is Amar Ramasar, who plays Bernardo, one of the lead roles.

Ramasar admitted in 2018 to receiving nude images of Alexandra Waterbury, one of the protesters, from a fellow New York City Ballet dancer.

Ramasar, 38, responded with nude images of his own girlfriend, Alexa Maxwell, he also acknowledged. The women, who are also ballet dancers, were unaware at the time that the photos had been exchanged, they told CNN.

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India: No entry fee for women at ASI monuments on Women's day

Yet another example of gender bias against men in India. Excerpt:

'The Archeological Survey of India (ASI) has decided to make women’s entry free to all centrally protected monuments including Taj Mahal on International Women’s Day on Sunday. For the first time women will get free access to the 142 monuments across the nation.

Confirming this, Superintending Archaeologist in ASI Agra circle Vasant K Swarankar, said that all women including foreigners will get free entry to the monuments. He said eight such monuments exist in Agra including three world heritage sites.'

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Nine gender-biased Indian laws that are unfair to men

There are many more such laws. It is time to change these sexist, anti-men laws and end the discrimination faced by men in Indian society. We need equality and justice for men.

1. The father of the deceased doesn't inherit property, but the mother does.
2. A boy is entitled to maintenance only till he turns 18, whereas a girl is entitled to maintenance till she gets married.
3. Only the man is prosecuted for adultery.
4. If a man has sex on the pretext of marriage and doesn't marry, it amounts to rape.

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AU: How $200,000 of your taxes is being spent on teaching public servants about 'mansplaining' and becoming radical feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'Scott Morrison's own government is spending $200,000 on workshops teaching public servants in Canberra about radical feminism and 'mansplaining'.

The Prime Minister and his Treasurer Josh Frydenberg this week admitted the summer bushfires and the coronavirus were likely to jeopardise his government's promise of delivering a surplus budget in 2020.

Despite that, the public purse is still generously funding radical feminist workshops run by Future Women, a training company which former Australian Women's Weekly editor Helen McCabe founded in 2017 to capitalise on the 'Me Too' movement.

She describes her workshops as a 'safe space to motivate women as we push for a gender equal world'.'

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A Woman Falsely Accused a Navy Sailor of Rape. It Wasn’t her First False Report

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Chesapeake woman falsely accused a Navy sailor of raping her 18 months ago inside his Naval Station Norfolk barracks.

And it wasn’t the first time she’d told such a lie.

Miranda S. Overton, 21, pleaded guilty Tuesday to making a false statement to Naval Criminal Investigative Service investigators. She is set to be sentenced June 3 in U.S. District Court in Norfolk.

A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia declined to comment on the case, but state and federal prosecutors seldom file charges in such matters.'

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Ohio State Responds to Complaint of Male Discrimination

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a Dec. 5 letter to Ohio State, the Cleveland office notified the university of the complaint and that the department would be opening an investigation. Because Ohio State receives federal financial assistance, the university must comply with Title IX, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity.”

However, Alexandra Tracy-Ramirez, an attorney who specializes in Title IX and its dynamics in higher education, said some of the programs might not be in violation because of Title IX exemptions that say separation by sex is allowed if it offers “remedial or affirmative action” and that programs can be offered to just women “to overcome the effects of conditions which resulted in limited participation therein by persons of a particular sex.”

Perry’s complaint said men and boys were not permitted to apply for the nine scholarships and programs, an issue he said represents a “blind spot” and a double standard in higher education.

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New bill aims to expand due process rights for students accused of sexual misconduct

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 1996, Virginia was thrust to the forefront of an emerging movement focused on sexual assault at colleges and universities. That year, a Virginia Tech student sued the school, accusing administrators of mishandling her sexual assault complaints against two football players.

Over the next two decades, ending and preventing sexual assault on campus has become a nationwide effort. But as schools draft policies to protect survivors, some argue another group has been ignored: the students accused of sexual misconduct.

“Title IX is a broken system,” Joshua Farmer, a Glen Allen-based attorney, said in an email. The federal civil rights law, which prevents discrimination based on sex, has been the basis for hundreds of lawsuits surrounding alleged sexual misconduct on college campuses.'

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The #MeToo balancing act in school

Article here. Excerpt:

'At some point in the discussion, some of his classmates asked questions, including one that challenged the “double standard” where girls could hit boys but “boys weren’t supposed to hit back to defend themselves,” said Chris, who, like others in this article, did not want his last name used because he feared online and offline retribution.

“They were shut down,” he said. “The girls kept saying that they shouldn’t have to answer any questions” because the boys should already know.

A similar clash played out last year between an all-boys and an all-girls school in Adelaide, Australia. I was in Australia conducting research for a book about healthy masculinity and working as a visiting scholar and lecturer at some boys schools.

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UK: Still waiting for misogyny to be a hate crime

Article here. Excerpt:

'When talking about policy and legislation it can be easy to lose sight of what misogyny actually is, and what it would mean for it to be a hate crime. Hannah explained that “it’s victim based rather then perpetrator based” meaning if the victim views an instance as misogyny it should be treated as such. However, for “something to be a misogyny hate crime, it has to be a crime to begin with.” But if something happened “that is not a crime, but is due to my gender, I can report that to the police so they can record that” to provide the police with a better picture of where these incidences are occurring.

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Where Feminism's Neoprudery Has Taken Us

Article here. Article link is to Excerpt:

'These days, it can take surprisingly little for a good man to lose everything.
Of course, he’s just one of many men recently deemed guilty without the slightest bit of legal or social due process. What his accusers have in common, like so many women today, is festering passivity turned poisonous.

Bizarrely, their behaviour is a gift from what feminism has become. Feminists have gone from fighting for equal rights to demanding that women be treated like eggshells, not equals. Feminism has become a movement that disables women, ruins men’s lives, and destroys professional and romantic relationships between men and women.

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