Husband-stabbing: When male-haters masquerade as feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'There is a group of dangerous male-hating women on social media pretending to be feminists. They are bitter, bloodthirsty misandrists who hide under the cloak of championing female rights. Some are divorcees and cannot get over it; some are unmarried and unmarriageable; some were dropped by men because of their bad traits; some assumed they had a relationship when there was none; some grew up in violent homes and saw their mothers abused by their fathers; some were sexually molested and still suffering the trauma; some are mentally or psychologically unstable.

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The Atlantic Obviously Doesn’t Have Any Idea ‘What It Means To Be A Man’

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s no secret that many cultural elites condemn manhood (and boyhood) as a serious social problem that desperately needs to be fixed, if not nixed completely. For these folks, manhood itself is inherently cancerous. It’s gotten pretty darn predictable.

It should concern us all that the more these people use the phrase “toxic masculinity” as a fact, the more it gets cemented into the general consciousness. One will not be able to think about “masculinity” without remembering it is “toxic,” and we have largely reached that point.

This is an extremely troubling turn, and people of good will should resist it. Masculinity is a male quality. Machismo is its ugly, toxic twin. Describe any potential date to the average woman as strong, masculine, and in control, and she will not be turned off in the least. Masculinity is a desirable virtue to most women. But this obvious fact does not keep magazines such as The Atlantic from regularly slapping masculinity in the face.'

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Stop Lying About Our Sons

Article here. Excerpt:

'Boys are not bad. Boys do not need to be fixed. Boys do not need to be more like girls. And no matter how many lazy pieces of faux-journalism appear that shame our sons as inherently toxic and expendable, we will fight to ensure that they know that the culture is lying to them.
I never thought we would reach a point where it was commonplace to hear social commentators, journalists and presidential candidates awfulize boys and men — our fathers, brothers, husbands and sons — simply because they are male. There were always those fringe women’s studies professors and radical feminists who made their living by hating on men but I couldn’t have imagined that such ugliness would infect the public discourse and be lauded as brave, let alone enlightened.
It is not enlightened. In fact, it is woefully uninformed. And it is cruel.'

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Should a man get a woman’s consent on video before sex?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Brad Koffel, a Columbus criminal defense attorney in private practice for more than 25 years and managing partner of Koffel Brininger Nesbitt, advises his clients to obtain some sort of written consent for sexual acts, even if it’s just a text message, and added that any sort of audio or video recording indicating consent is good, too.

“I think the best practice for young men is to ask for consent in writing,” he said. “And if they don’t, in this climate, then they’re going to suffer some consequences.”
Earlier this month, a female attorney for Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, who is standing trial for rape and sexual assault, made similar suggestions.

“If I was a man in today’s world, before I was engaging in sexual behavior with any woman today, I would ask them to sign a consent form,” Weinstein’s attorney Donna Rotunno said on The Daily, a New York Times podcast.

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UK: Nicola Sturgeon jokes about electrocuting Trump and Boris' privates in bizarre interview

Article here. Excerpt:

'During the concerning interview, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon joked she would “try to shock Boris Johnson out of his almost criminal complacency on a no-deal Brexit”. She also suggested the Prime Minister was guilty of “mansplaining” as she appeared on political comedian Matt Forde's show at the Edinburgh Fringe show.

Ms Sturgeon, who is pushing to hold a second independence referendum, initially said she "wouldn't electrocute anybody".

But when she was pressed by the comedian over which politicians she would give "a mild shock", she said: "It's tempting to say I would try to shock Boris Johnson out of his almost criminal complacency on a no-deal Brexit”.

And when she was quizzed over"and where on the body?” Ms Sturgeon laughed and suggested the prime minister's private parts.'

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Two fathers demand action against Japan over parental child abduction

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two European fathers who live in Japan will urge EU lawmakers this week to increase pressure on Tokyo to tackle parental child abduction by changing a law that does not recognize joint child custody following divorce.

Frenchman Vincent Fichot and Italian Tommaso Perina will present a petition to the bloc’s legislative assembly in Brussels on Wednesday to demand action against cases of so-called parental child abduction affecting Europeans living in Japan.

The two men — who both became estranged from their children after their Japanese wives took them without consent — say Japan should be sanctioned for breaching its human rights obligation under the EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement.'

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Me Too means the Legislature must investigate lobbyist's claim against Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita

Article here. Excerpt:

'The bombshells just keep exploding at the state Capitol.

Just as the House opens an investigation into love letters sent by Rep. David Cook to a lobbyist, we learn that another lobbyist accused then-Rep. Michelle Ugenti-Rita and her then-boyfriend of soliciting her for a threesome.

The female lobbyist made the claim in 2017, after Ugenti-Rita and several other legislators accused then-Rep. Don Shooter of sexual harassment.'

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The Dark Side Of #MeToo: What Happens When Men Are Falsely Accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'But everything is about balance. And in the wake of the movement came stories of men who were afraid of what might happen if they were falsely accused. Not long after I told my story on Twitter, a Morning Consult poll showed that 57% of U.S. adults were equally concerned for young women and the harassment they could face as they were for young men and the false allegations they could face. Stories have since come out showing that upwards of 60% of men are afraid to mentor women at work, fearing what will happen if they meet behind closed doors without a third party present. According to research from the Pew, a majority of respondents—both male and female—said that the movement has made it harder for men to know how to interact with women in the workplace.

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Amber Heard Allegedly ‘Blackmailed’ Johnny Depp, ‘Threatened’ To ‘Lie’ About Him Every Way

Article here. Excerpt:

'Amber Heard reportedly blackmailed and threatened Johnny Depp if he didn’t agree to the terms of their divorce.

In 2016, the “Aquaman” star accused her ex-husband of domestic violence. Heard even went as far as sharing a photo of her bruised face alongside her court documents.

But at that time, Depp’s good friend, Doug Stanhope was already convinced that Heard was lying. In fact, he tried to expose Heard but not many people believed him. Four years later, the tables have turned and the majority of Depp’s fans are seeking justice for the “Pirates of the Caribbean” star.'

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Governor, Florida House Escalate Inquiry Into Domestic Violence Agency

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Florida House on Thursday intensified an inquiry into Florida’s domestic violence agency, calling for additional investigations and issuing subpoenas over the former head of the taxpayer-backed organization’s compensation.

The governor asked state Inspector General Melinda Miguel to investigate the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s “exorbitant compensation payouts” and “abuse of state dollars” to determine if any criminal wrongdoing has occurred at the organization.

“Governor DeSantis will not tolerate wasteful or fraudulent spending, particularly from an organization that purports to serve the vulnerable victims of domestic violence,” Helen Aguirre Ferre, a spokeswoman for DeSantis, said in a statement.

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"Sex robots may cause psychological damage"

Article here. Odd how no opinion from a man is offered in this piece. What a load of bull-crap. Excerpt:

'US researchers have warned that the availability of sex robots with artificial intelligence (AI) poses a growing psychological and moral threat to individuals and society.

They say the technology is escaping oversight because agencies are too embarrassed to investigate it.

The scientists want action to prevent the unregulated use of such robots.

Dr Christine Hendren of Duke University told BBC News that "the stakes were high".

"Some robots are programmed to protest, to create a rape scenario," she said.'

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Box Office Data Prove It Wasn’t Men Who Tanked ‘Birds Of Prey’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hollywood has yet to learn its lesson that audiences want to be entertained, not lectured. The release of a new movie Friday, “Birds of Prey,” thrust this lesson into the spotlight when the film didn’t do as well as expected — and, of course, men were to blame.
Tracking the film ahead of release, industry experts expected it to do a healthy business, predicting it would earn at least $50 million on the opening weekend. Instead it took in far less, opening with only $33 million. As the studio grappled with what transpired and how this assured hit went sideways, some in media activist circles had little trouble coming up with a cause. It was men’s fault.

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Alabama Democrat introduces bill requiring men to get vasectomies after age 50 or after third child

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Alabama Democratic lawmaker is retaliating against the state's pro-life law by introducing a bill that would require all men to get a vasectomy shortly after turning 50 years old, or after the birth of their third child, according to Yellowhammer News.

State Rep. Roland Hollis filed House Bill 238 in an attempt to place reproductive restrictions on men since the state voted to criminalize abortion. Because the law in Alabama (which is not in effect due to legal obstacles related to Roe v. Wade) makes the killing of unborn children illegal, Hollis apparently believes that men should not be able to father children after a certain point in life.

"Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men," the bill's synopsis reads. "This bill would require a man to undergo a vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first."

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Female pedo, 22, ‘filmed herself raping boy, 14, then used abuse tape to blackmail him into selling drugs for her’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A FEMALE pedophile filmed herself raping a 14 year-old boy and used the abuse tape to blackmail him into selling drugs for her, police say.

Irabelis Carrazana, 22, reportedly began molesting the teen last year – three years before the age of consent in Miami, where they both live.

She allegedly filmed herself raping the boy, who is now 15, before forcing him to sell drugs for her and exposing him to gangs.

Carrazana was arrested on Monday after her alleged victim told detectives she had been abusing him.

It is possible that Carrazana used the abuse footage as a blackmail to get the child to do her bidding.

She reportedly admitted to having videos of her sexually abusing him on her phone when she was questioned by detectives.'

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Not-so-happy V's Day at work

Article here. Excerpt:

'Overall, 56 per cent of all ages say office romances should be banned, a survey revealed.

And 37 per cent do not want people in their office dating as they reckon it would be “insensitive” to singletons and make colleagues feel “very uncomfortable”.

Besides, woke blokes are now too scared to flirt with co-workers in the wake of the #MeToo movement.

Sixty per cent fear they would be seen as predatory if they showed their feelings, the survey by online printing firm Instantprint found.'

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