The University as the Woke Mission Field: A Dissident Women’s Studies Ph.D. Speaks Out

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have a Ph.D. in Women’s Studies, but I’m not woke anymore. I write under a pseudonym because, if my colleagues were to find out about my criticisms of this field, I would be unable to find any employment in academia. That someone who critiques the axioms of a field of study feels compelled to write under an assumed name tells you everything you need to know about the authoritarianism underpinning this ideology. I no longer believe that the fundamental ideas of Women’s Studies, and of Critical Social Justice more generally, describe reality; they are at best partial explanations—hyperbolic ideology, not fact-based analysis. I have seen this ideology up close and seen how it consumes and even destroys people, while dehumanizing anyone who dissents.

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Princeton punished him after he said a female sexually assaulted him. A judge refused to toss his suit.

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'Several months after a federal judge tossed a punished student’s anti-male discrimination claims against Princeton, the court has put the Ivy League university on the defensive.

U.S. District Judge Brian Martinotti refused to dismiss due process, breach-of-contract and good-faith claims under New Jersey law on Wednesday, citing a 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision from May on “fairness” in Title IX proceedings.

It was a reversal of fortune for “John Doe,” who failed to convince Martinotti in February that his federal Title IX claims were plausible. The judge also ordered the accused student to show why his court even had jurisdiction over John’s state-law claims.'

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Duke University Official Admits ‘It Would Be Easy’ To Remove Due Process Protections From Accused Students Under Biden Administration

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'A Duke University administrator that the school limits due process protections for students accused of sexual misconduct and plans to remove those protections all together once Democrat Joe Biden becomes president.
Hewitt, however, said that Duke has avoided providing those due process protections by maintaining a broader definition of sexual harassment and only providing protections for those cases that meet the DeVos definition. She claimed to the Chronicle that the Supreme Court’s definition more narrowly defined “what we think of, traditionally, as sexual harassment.”'

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Family sues school that won’t let student out of class promoting anti-white racism

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'A Nevada mother has followed through on her threat to file a civil rights lawsuit against her son’s charter school for refusing to let him opt out of a mandatory class that promotes hostility toward whites as a race.

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Court grants injunction in Title IX case, blocks University of Iowa from dropping women's swim team

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'A federal judge announced Tuesday she will grant an injunction blocking the University of Iowa from dropping women's swimming for the 2021-2022 school year.

The decision by District Judge Stephanie Rose came at the end of a two-day hearing on a Title IX complaint filed by four female Hawkeye athletes. The four, all members of the swimming team, said the university is violating Title IX, exacerbating the already fewer opportunities for women athletes by dropping women's swimming and diving teams, according to the lawsuit.
Iowa athletic director Gary Barta announced in August that the university would be cutting three men's sports and one women's sport starting after this academic year because of financial losses caused by the pandemic.

Cutting men's gymnastics, men's tennis and men's swimming, in addition to the women's swimming and diving teams will affect 64 male and 38 female athletes.'

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Ijeoma Oluo on why it's time for white male mediocrity to lose its power

Article here. Excerpt:

'When the author Ijeoma Oluo’s first book “So You Want to Talk About Race” was published in 2018, the world did not know the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor or Ahmaud Arbery, nor the fates that would befall them.
Now comes “Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America,” (Seal Press) which examines white male supremacy and its impact on America for generations.

In one passage, Oluo writes: “I do not believe that white men are born wanting to dominate. ... We need to do more than just break free of the oppression of white men. We also have to imagine a white manhood that is not based in the oppression of others. ... We must start asking what we want white manhood to be, and what we will no longer accept.”'

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Survey: Over 20 Million Have Been Falsely Accused of Abuse

Press release here. Excerpt:

'A recent national survey conducted by YouGov reveals 8% of Americans report being falsely accused of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, or other forms of abuse. The 2,407 survey respondents were representative of the U.S. adult population. The 8% figure represents 20.4 million adults.

In 62% of cases, the false accusers were reported to be females. Often, the false allegation was made in the context of a child custody dispute — 27% of cases.

Similar percentages of falsely accused persons were seen among the various age groups, racial/ethnic categories, and geographical areas. In other demographic categories, however, substantial differences were unearthed.'

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Denmark strengthens rape laws, outlaws sex without explicit consent

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'Denmark strengthened its rape laws on Thursday by criminalising sex without explicit consent.

The new law passed by parliament widened the circumstances that could constitute rape - under the old legislation, prosecutors had to show the rapist had used violence or attacked someone who was unable to resist.

"Now it will be clear, that if both parties do not consent to sex, then it's rape," justice minister Nick Haekkerup said in a statement.

A similar law introduced in neighbouring Sweden in 2018 resulted in a 75% rise in rape convictions.

Around 11,400 women a year are raped or subjected to attempted rape in Denmark, according to the ministry's figures.'

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Canada Stimulus Package: Second Stimulus Checks Plus A Dose Of Sexism

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'The stimulus includes continued support for parents with young children. A close read of the Canada Revenue Agency policy on qualifying for the Canadian Child Benefit, however, reveals anachronistic language that harbors a subtle dose of sexism.
What follows is an outmoded perpetuation of gender stereotypes. Canada’s policy states that “when both a female and male parent live in the same home as the child, the female parent is usually considered to be primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child. She should be the one applying for the CCB.” Surprised? So was I. One would expect more gender-neutral language from a government spearheaded by a progressive like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

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Princeton finally faces scrutiny for anti-male bias in Title IX probes

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'Barrett authored the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision against Purdue University last year that eliminated “doctrinal tests” in judicial evaluations of Title IX claims against colleges.

The only consideration for a court should be whether the alleged facts “raise a plausible inference” that a college in Illinois, Indiana or Wisconsin – public or private – discriminated against an accused student “on the basis of sex.”
John’s lawyer Andrew Miltenberg told The College Fix in an email Thursday: “Coupled with yesterday’s decision, this is a great 1-2 blow to Princeton.”

And it affirms that the defenders of kangaroo courts were right to be fearful of Barrett’s influence when she was nominated for the high court.

The persuasiveness of her Purdue opinion has made it “nearly impossible” for colleges to quickly get Title IX lawsuits by accused students dismissed, one lawyer told The Chronicle of Higher Education at the time.'

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Paris given 'absurd' fine for employing too many women

Article here. When is better-than-parity still unequal? Excerpt:

'Paris city authorities have been fined for employing too many women in senior positions, a decision mocked as "absurd" by mayor Anne Hidalgo on Tuesday.

The fine of 90,000 euros ($110,000) was demanded by France's public service ministry on the grounds that Paris city hall had broken national rules on gender parity in its 2018 staffing.

"I am happy to announce that we have been fined," Hidalgo told a city council meeting, adding she had been filled with "joy" when she learned of the penalty.

Hidalgo said she was faulted because 11 women and only five men were named to management positions in city hall in 2018, meaning that 69 percent of the appointments went to women.

"The management of the city hall has, all of a sudden, become far too feminist," laughed the Socialist, who was re-elected for a new term at the helm of Paris last year.

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MeToo double standard: Evidence required when accused is a Democrat

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'Gov. Andrew Cuomo is lucky he’s a Democrat — otherwise Lindsey Boylan’s charge that he “sexually harassed” her might lead to political challenges and media shame.

“Yes, @NYGovCuomo sexually harassed me for years. Many saw it, and watched,” the former Cuomo aide, now running for Manhattan beep, tweeted.

It’s a serious charge, one Cuomo flatly denies. The details? Boylan won’t say. She cites no specific allegations and provides no evidence. She won’t even respond to requests for further comment. “I have no interest in talking to journalists,” she declares. “I am about validating the experience of countless women and making sure abuse stops.”

Clearly Boylan thinks it’s now OK to level a broadside against a famous man without having to back it up with . . . anything.

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Ireland: Single-sex education 'part of the problem' of gender inequality - Ó Ríordáin

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'According to Labour’s Education Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, the challenges in tackling the problem are exacerbated by children being separated on the basis of gender in schools.

Speaking in the Dáil on Tuesday, the TD Dublin Bay North said there is a disproportionate amount of schools in Ireland separated on the basis of gender.

He added that "nobody can convince me that that isn't part of the problem" of gender inequality.

He said the issues of domestic violence and image-based sexual assault cannot be effectively discussed when boys and girls are being taught in separate buildings.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin stated: "There can be a toxic masculinity that builds up in a single-gender male school."'

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UK: Sacked Eton teacher loses appeal

Article here. Excerpt:

'His dismissal, for reportedly refusing to take down his lecture from his personal YouTube channel, sparked outrage among students, who immediately launched a petition for Mr Knowland to be reinstated.

It also plunged the private school, which is currently closed due to a Covid-19 outbreak, into a row over its supposedly 'woke' values under current headmaster Simon Henderson.

However the school governing body has now upheld the decision to sack Mr Knowland, following an appeal hearing chaired by Princes William and Harry's ex-housemaster.

Today Mr Henderson told parents in a letter that Mr Knowland's sacking was 'regrettable' and called on staff to 'continue positive dialogue between those who hold opposing views'.

Meanwhile, the Free Speech Union described the ruling as a 'betrayal' of the school's history and vowed to take the fight to Parliament.'

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