Megyn Kelly says her son's school taught third graders about puberty blockers and getting their genitals 'chopped off'

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'Megyn Kelly said that her son's school was teaching third-grade boys about puberty blockers so they can have their genitals "chopped off."

“OK, so they unleashed a three-week experimental transgender education program on our boys,” Kelly said during The Megyn Kelly Show podcast on Tuesday.
“One of our fellow parents, a man, raised his hand and said, ‘Why did my son come home’ — these are third graders, 8- and 9-year-olds — ‘Why did my son come home and asks if it’s true that he can take a pill to prevent puberty , and then, when he turns 18, he can have his penis chopped off if he wants to become a woman?'” Kelly recounted.'

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Lego bans sex for children, promotes sexuality for children

The latest target in the endless battle against ‘harmful gender stereotypes’ is toys.

You can still walk through a shopping mall and find shops for men's clothes and shops for women's clothes but when it comes to children, it seems they are not allowed to be a boy or a girl. But they are allowed to know about sexual feelings for boys or girls.

Some stereotypes can be harmful, especially if assumed to apply to all individuals. But all too often those behind these campaigns and initiatives want to do away with distinctions of sex altogether. LEGO, for instance, has said it will no longer market any of its products ‘for girls’ or ‘for boys’. The company has announced that it will work to “remove gender stereotypes” from its toys. On its website shoppers can no longer search for products by sex.

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UK: Tweets supporting Accused Muderer Penelope Jackson

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'Penelope Jackson, 66, stabbed David Jackson, 78, three times with a kitchen knife just hours after they fought during a meal to celebrate her birthday.

Mr Jackson, a retired lieutenant colonel, was first stabbed across the chest in a bedroom of the home they shared in Berrow, Somerset, on the night of 13 February this year.

She then stabbed him twice more in the kitchen while he was on the phone calling for help.

Jackson took over the call, telling the operator, "he's in the kitchen bleeding to death, with any luck" - repeatedly acknowledging what she had done as she refused to give emergency aid.

She denies murder but admits killing her husband.'

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UK: St Albans Liberal Democrats call for royal commission

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'Liberal Democrats on St Albans council are spearheading a call for the government and police leaders to take urgent action to curb male violence against women and girls.

In a motion to be debated by the full council on Wednesday, October 13, they are pressing for Chris White, the leader of St Albans in Hertfordshire council, to write to the home secretary and prime minister to demand a royal commission into male violence against women.

The letter will also call for misogyny to be ruled as a hate crime and for increased investment in victims’ services.'

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SA: 'Women only' court directive in Johannesburg just an experiment, says judiciary

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'A directive issued this week by a South Gauteng High Court judge, which stated that female and gender non-conforming people could enter his courtroom while men had to wait outside until called in, was merely a once-off experiment on access control, the judiciary said on Friday.

In the unopposed motion roll dated 20 October 2021, before Judge Gregory Charles Wright, he instructed male litigants to wait outside his courtroom until they were called in.

"Only litigants in person and practitioners who are women and practitioners who identify as gender non-conforming may enter the courtroom. Men practitioners to wait outside the courtroom until called in," read the top of the court roll.'

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Biden says 'women are becoming — not a joke — better educated than men' as male college enrollment drops

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'When touting his economic agenda in his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, President Joe Biden expressed concern for a trend that has been gaining steam recently — the drop in college enrollment among men.

"Women are becoming — not a joke — better educated than men," Biden said during his remarks. "I do about five college commencements a year. Four of those five, the valedictorian out of those classes for the last 10 years has been a woman. And if you read the data now, we're worried about the number of men attending college."

At the end of the last academic year, women made up 59.5% of college students while men made up just 40.5%, according to enrollment data from the National Student Clearinghouse, and US colleges have seen a 1.5 million decline in students enrolled over the past five years, with men accounting for 71% of that decline.'

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Police Scotland's 'Don't be that guy' campaign against male violence should help men understand their power

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'No doubt some men will get defensive about Police Scotland’s campaign, arguing – rightly – that the majority of men are not sexually violent. But the truth is that women and girls fear men.

Men don’t fully understand how their physical strength, their masculinity, can repel a woman just as it can attract her, nor do they properly appreciate how much their blokey banter can intimidate women.

Any effort to help men understand the power of their sex is welcome. But it is up to men to change how they behave. Women have had enough.'

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UK: Boys will be boys: are schools guilty of unconscious gender bias?

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'Teachers rewarded girls more than boys when estimating marks for this year’s Leaving Certificate students, according to a recent report by the State Examinations Commission (SEC). And it wasn’t down to the fact that girls did better than boys, the report suggests, but partly linked to “unconscious bias” in favour of girls.'

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Fact Sheet: National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality

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'The strategy identifies ten interconnected priorities: 1) economic security; 2) gender-based violence; 3) health; 4) education; 5) justice and immigration; 6) human rights and equality under the law; 7) security and humanitarian relief; 8) climate change; 9) science and technology; and 10) democracy, participation, and leadership. These priorities are inherently linked and must be tackled in concert.
Promote the leadership of women and girls in addressing the challenge of climate change and seek to close gender gaps in STEM fields so that women and girls can shape the workforce of the future.'

Boys in crisis: Schools are failing young males. Here's what needs to change in classrooms

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Students sue Texas school district for banning long hair on boys

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'School officials suspended a 9-year-old boy for a month, barred him from recess and normal lunch breaks as punishment for long hair, the lawsuit claims.

He and the other students, aged 7 to 17, say the policy violates the constitution and Title IX - a federal law prohibiting sex discrimination.

The school district said on Thursday it was reviewing the lawsuit.
The suit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas (ACLU) on Thursday on behalf of the students, argues the school district "imposed immense and irreparable harm... solely because of these students' gender".

It details a number of punishments given to the students - six boys and one non-binary child - for wearing long hair.'

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Self-petitioning for a green card under Violence Against Women Act

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'Q. Can I self-petition for my green card under the Violence Against Women Act if my husband is a permanent resident, but not a U.S. citizen?

Name withheld, Brooklyn

A. You can self-petition for your green card. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) self-petitioning is available to spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

VAWA was enacted to protect spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents from spousal abuse. Before VAWA, a spouse petitioner could use the threat of withdrawing the petition to inflict abuse on a spouse seeking legal status.

To get your green card under VAWA, you must prove that you married your husband in good faith. That is, that your marriage wasn’t just so you could get a green card. And you must prove that you are the victim of spousal abuse (or that your husband was abusive to your child).

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Nominees for a science award were all white men. Nobody won

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'Five of the nation’s top ice scientists found themselves in a conundrum.

They’d been tasked with a formidable job: reviewing candidates for the American Geophysical Union’s fellows program, the most prestigious award given by the world’s largest earth and space science society. But when the group looked at its list of candidates, all nominated by peers, it spotted a problem.

Every nominee on the list was a white man.

“That was kind of a bit of a showstopper for me,” said Helen Fricker, a glaciologist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography and one of the five committee members.

The AGU fellows program, established nearly 60 years ago, recognizes members who have made exceptional contributions to their fields through scientific innovation, breakthroughs and discoveries. It’s a high honor. Fellows often serve as “external experts, capable of advising government agencies and other organizations outside the sciences upon request,” according to AGU.

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Stone: Young Men Are Avoiding College. Let’s Build Them Something Better

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'Last month, two higher education stories rocked the news.

One was a video from Arizona State University, where two young men studying quietly on campus were aggressively harassed on video and told to leave by activist Sarra Tekola because one had a “Police Lives Matter” sticker on his laptop. Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters called for the harassers’ expulsion, and Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar tweeted, “I love ASU but this needs to stop.”

Just weeks before, The Wall Street Journal released a lengthy report entitled “A Generation of American Men Give Up on College.” The gender gap between total women and men enrolled this year grew to 60%/40%, while the total number of college students decreased by 1.5 million.

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Biden's controversial Ed Dept nominee Catherine Lhamon confirmed amid expected Title IX due process rollback

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'President Biden’s controversial Department of Education nominee Catherine Lhamon was confirmed by the Senate amid a nationwide battle against critical race theory and an expected rollback of Trump-era Title IX regulations.

The Senate voted to confirm Lhamon as the department’s assistant secretary of civil rights on Wednesday in a 51-50 vote along party lines with Vice President Harris casting the tie-breaking vote.

Lhamon’s confirmation had its fair share of controversy over her view of Title IX regulations implemented under former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos that required colleges to presume innocent students accused of sexual misconduct on campus until proven guilty.'

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Colorado School Board Candidate Says ‘We Do Not Need a White Man Sitting On Our Board’

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'Fox News’ America Reports played on Wednesday a soundbite of a recent school board candidates’ forum in Colorado where a woman said that the school board doesn’t “need a white man” on it.

“First time in the 70-year history of this district that we have five women sitting on the board,” said Kelly Bates, who is a candidate for a seat on the Cherry Creek School District’s board, at a candidate’s forum on Oct. 8. “I think it speaks to the times that we are living in.”

“I also believe that we have diversity. I don’t think we need a man to be on our board just because he’s a man,” she continued. “We have cultural diversity. We have two black women who sit on our board. We are not all wealthy white women who sit at home eating bonbons all day.”

“No, we do not need a white man sitting on our board,” added Bates.'

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