Robots might be bad for men, but give women more bargaining power

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 741 U.S. regions that were more exposed to industrial robots, his team found a statistical decline in men’s wages and workforce participation. They also saw a decline in marriage stability, marriage fertility and the earning power of men.

There’s some good news for women, though: Men’s decreased income translated into a reduction in the gender income gap by 4.2% and the workforce-participation gender gap by 2.1%, meaning that women in these regions gained greater bargaining power.

“Male income fell at a substantially higher rate than female income, decreasing the gender income gap. Moreover, robot exposure has increased female labor force participation significantly while leaving the labor force participation of men unchanged,” Giuntella said. “We argue that these labor market effects affected men’s marriageability and women’s willingness to long-term commitments with a decline in marriages and marital fertility.”'

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Pushback grows but so do opportunities for anti-feminist BSU professor

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'Students are planning a rally, signing petitions and sharing their stories on social media in the aftermath of anti-feminist comments made by Scott Yenor, a Boise State University political science professor.

Yenor himself spoke out on Twitter to defend himself, doubling down on his claim that feminism makes women “angry ... meddlesome and quarrelsome.”

“When feminists celebrate the revolutionary anger of modern women, they are applauded. When they celebrate their nastiness, they applaud one another,” Yenor said in a video he posted to Twitter on Nov. 30. “Things must change if this country is to rebuild the family.”'

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Urban feminism: the answer to the failures of our blokey built environment?

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s a blokey thing to play with cars and trucks, dig things up, and build towering skyscrapers. The opposite of a blokey built environment — I’ll call it “blokey urbanism”—is “feminist urbanism”. Sounds sexist, but it’s more about egalitarianism than it is about suffragettes and women’s rights.

Feminist urbanism is urbanism without a gender bias, founded on the premise that our cities and neighbourhoods and other pseudo-urbanised enclaves like remote mining sites have been shaped by our patriarchal past. Thus, historically, consigning women to a footnote in the planning and design of our urban form.'

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SGA committee proposes 'women-only hour' at rec center

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Student Government Association’s Student Life Committee announced they are working on an initiative to create a daily women-only hour at the recreation center, according to Molly Cleary, who was committee chair until her resignation last week.

“This initiative would be the creation of women's only gym hours,” Cleary said. “It would consist, ideally, of one hour a day for women to work out in peace without being worried about male harassment.”

The initiative began in response to concerns of harassment by men.

“This is an initiative driven by students and was undertaken on behalf of students who reached out to SGA to share their experiences of feeling harassed and unsafe while using the Rec Center,” Cleary said.

It is currently unclear how the proposed ban on men would be enforced.'

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UK - Only perfect parents permitted?

In a discussion that failed to cover the huge harms to both children and parents when children are ripped from families unnecessarily, and in what could be the biggest move towards our dystopian future to be revealed yet, a UK government minister has announced that children should be taken from parents under any pretext of belief in their danger, without hesitation.

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UK's Sussex University: students don't believe in what they know are facts

Turning Point UK COO Nick Tenconi exposes the whacky beliefs of students at what he calls Britain's wokest University, Sussex.

See it on YouTube

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In need of a baby boom, China clamps down on vasectomies

Article here. Excerpt:

'For more than three decades, Chinese authorities forced men and women to undergo sterilization to control population growth. Now, as the government tries to reverse a plummeting birthrate that it fears could threaten social stability and the economy, hospitals are turning away men seeking vasectomies.
Chinese family-planning law says citizens’ reproductive rights, including choosing birth control, are protected. There is no official ban or specific restriction on the surgery, though hospitals and doctors conducting vasectomies, along with tubal ligations and abortions for women, must be approved by county-level health departments. The National Health Commission did not respond to faxed questions.

The worry for some couples is that authorities could turn to more forceful or restrictive measures akin to those used to enforce the one-child policy. Guidelines released by the State Council in September said local governments should try to reduce the number of abortions for “nonmedical reasons.”'

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UK: Misogyny and Misandry to be recorded as hate crimes in West Yorkshire

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'Misogyny and misandry will now be recorded as hate crimes in West Yorkshire, it has been revealed.

As of today (December 1), West Yorkshire Police will join a number of other forces across the country, in recording instances of misogyny - the dislike or prejudice against women.

Misandry is the dislike or prejudice against men.'

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UMBC pays $450,000 to settle defamation case of ex-baseball players who were accused of rape

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'The University of Maryland, Baltimore County will pay three former baseball players a combined $450,000 to settle a defamation case they brought against the college after they said they were wrongly accused of rape and had the false allegations printed in the college’s newspaper.

Ron Schwartz, one of the attorneys representing the trio, confirmed Thursday that school officials agreed to pay the three men $150,000 each and would move to remove their names from an online article detailing the rape allegations that ran in the college’s student-run newspaper, The Retriever.

The three men, who The Sun is not naming, were accused by a then-Towson University student of raping her in 2017. According to police records, she and another female student were drinking with the men before they all went to an apartment and engaged in sexual acts.'

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In Denver, Suicide Among Black Men is Soaring

Article here. Excerpt:

'When discussing the issues that young Black men are going through on a daily basis, what mainly comes up is gun violence. Deservedly so, it’s an important issue that needs to be resolved. There are young Black men across the country who are taking preventative measures to make sure gun violence decreases in our communities.

What is not discussed enough is the increasing suicide rates among young Black men. Why the increase? No one is exactly sure, but Halim Ali is doing his best to ensure suicide decreases in Denver, Colorado.

According to the Denver Post, Ali is the founder of the non-profit organization From The Heart Enterprises, which is an organization that helps Black men face the trauma and stress that can result in other vicious acts, such as gun violence and suicide.'

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The Vilar narrative, a debate that would have saved much pain

Article here. Excerpt:

'The notion of a culture defined by men alone was always ludicrous. The notion of women without power- where they largely controlled the early years of childhood – is laughable.

Now we will face a reality – where the essence of her narrative is being considered (even conjured without any awareness of her work by those who never heard her name) as the distortions of a feminist narrative are being regularly unmasked. How did the idea – of only men are violent, actually come to be accepted? It was clearly not understood that way – by the researchers in the 1970s and prior.'

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An Erection Is Not Consent

Article here. Excerpt:

'When he was seventeen years old, my dear male friend was raped by a middle-aged woman. She approached his bed as he was waking, dropped her clothing, and grabbed his crotch beneath his sheets. He got hard, she mounted him, and he never forgot the trauma and confusion he experienced.

Rape of men by women is far more prevalent than was previously thought. New research shows that men are as likely as women to experience non-consensual sex and that the perpetrators of most male rapes are women. These shocking findings exist despite the likelihood that men underreport nonconsensual sex coerced by women because they fear the shame of being regarded as failures of masculinity.

When all forms of sexual abuse are included, one in six male adults reports having been raped or otherwise coerced into sexual action.

When females rape males, they tend to coerce erections and attempt to enforce penetration of their bodies by their unwilling victims. Under these conditions, erections are possible.'

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Ghislaine Maxwell's and Elizabeth Holmes' fake feminist defenses are an insult to #MeToo

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Ever since Eve has been blamed for tempting Adam with an apple, women have been blamed for things men have done," Maxwell's lawyer, Bobbi Sternheim, said during her opening statements on Monday. She called Maxwell a "scapegoat," and added, "She is not Jeffrey Epstein. She is not anything like Jeffrey Epstein."

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Internet Backs Teen Refusing Paternity Test After Dad Claims She Isn't His

Article here. Excerpt:

'A young teenager has earned the backing of the internet after refusing to submit to a paternity test.

Though it might seem like the kind of thing reserved for daytime talk shows, paternity tests are more common in the U.S. than many realize.

The National Library of Medicine estimated as many as 300,000 paternity tests are performed in the U.S. annually to include or exclude a male as the biological father of a child.

According to Jared Rosenthal, the CEO and founder of Health Street, "up to 1 in 3 dads who suspect that they are not the father are right" while around 3 percent of all dads in the US are raising children that are not their own.

Rosenthal says that, in many cases, these men have fallen victim to something called "paternity fraud." "Paternity fraud is when a woman intentionally tricks a man into thinking that he is the father of her child, when in fact she knows that he is not," he said.'

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Google is offering scholarships to women studying Computer Science

Article here. Excerpt:

'American tech giant Google has introduced the ‘Generation Google Scholarship’ for the women who are studying Computer Science. The scholarship is open to all students who meet the basic requirement. The last date for applying for the ‘Generation Google Scholarship’ is 10 December.

Selected students will receive $1,000 for the 2022-2023 school year. The scholarship will be awarded based on the strength of each candidate's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, innovation and academic performance.'

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