The Divorce Monster Has Its Claws in Both Parties

Article here. Excerpt:

'DeSantis has impeccable credentials as a defiant conservative. The fact that even he was hoodwinked demonstrates how conservatives are outmaneuvered on many issues, especially the family. The bill exemplifies how Republicans are routinely fooled into enacting Democrats' measures. In fact, it lays the groundwork for understanding how they invited the extreme left to seize control of the U.S. government two years ago.

The bill can do nothing for either fatherhood or the family. It is modeled on useless programs devised by the Clinton administration based on the distorted research of liberal house intellectuals like David Popenoe and especially David Blankenhorn and his federally funded Institute for American Values. Blankenhorn describes himself as a liberal Democrat. His background is in Saul Alinsky community organizing (quasi-communism). Yet for years he dominated family advocacy groups like the Family Research Council and Heritage Foundation before endorsing the redefinition of marriage.'

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We overlook a significant factor in mass shootings: fatherlessness

Article here. Excerpt:

'We do everything possible to find the root cause of a broken man showing such disregard for life — yet we consistently overlook a significant contributing factor: fatherlessness.
The world can at times be harsh for young men, but your father is supposed to be your source of security, a builder of confidence and a teacher for how to regulate your emotions in stressful situations. Most crucial, the father is the son’s purpose compass as he helps guide him throughout the trials of adolescence towards purposeful adulthood.

But what happens when there is no father in a child’s life? What happens to those boys when their compass is nowhere to be found? They all too often become lost boys and grow into lost men.'

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Teacher's assistant sentenced to 30 days in jail for sexual assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'A former teacher's assistant at a private Monroe County school has been sentenced to jail for having inappropriate sexual contact with a student.

Marissa Lee Beadle, a former teacher's assistant at State Line Christian School on Lewis Ave. in Temperance, was sentenced to serve 30 days in the Monroe County Jail, with the possibility of the a 90-day period being served in a boot camp program designed to prevent similar behavior. Beadle will then serve five years’ probation with sex offender treatment and was ordered to not have any contact with the victim or the family of the victim.
According to the Monroe County Prosecutor’s Office, Beadle was a 20-year-old teacher's assistant at the school when she engaged in inappropriate contact with a then-13-year-old student.'

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No matter who 'wins' the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial, America has lost

Article here. Excerpt:

'Wagatwe Wanjuki, an anti-violence advocate who helps communities prevent and respond to sexual abuse, believes that the trial’s reception is a symptom of a culture that still needs to be educated on the complicated realities of intimate partner violence. “We need to show and encourage a better way to talk about abuse, abusers and victims,” she said. “We do not teach people what domestic violence is, so most are ill-equipped to talk about abuse with the proper care and education needed to avoid upholding a culture of abuse.”

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Consequences of intimate partner violence for male victims: findings from Norway

Article here. Excerpt:

'Most of the men have suffered a variety of psychological problems both during and after the relationship, such as insomnia, difficulties in concentration, and a deep sense of insecurity and unease. Some struggle with trauma and social anxiety.

The men who experienced a pattern of violence over a longer period of time describe more serious health complaints than those who got out of the relationship relatively early on. Five men said they had gone so low psychologically that they played with the idea of ending their own lives. Three actually attempted suicide.'

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Men abducted en masse in Chechnya and sent to fight against Ukraine

Article here. Excerpt:

'Several Chechen human rights organisations, as well as bloggers, are talking about appeals from Chechen residents regarding men being abducted to be sent as "volunteers" to the war against Ukraine.

According to human rights activists, the abducted men are forced to sign a contract under threat of spending an indefinite time in secret prisons.

In particular, the opposition movement 1ADAT reports on hundreds of people being abducted from different regions of Chechnya. According to the representative of the movement, 100 people are being held in one of the illegal prisons, and 30 in the other. These data are reported by men who witnessed such "mobilizations".'

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Appeals court allows expelled DU student to sue over allegedly unfair sexual misconduct inquiry

Article here. Excerpt:

'A male student who the University of Denver expelled for sexual misconduct may sue the school for its alleged failure to conduct a fair and impartial investigation, the state's second-highest court ruled on Thursday.

"John Doe," as the student is identified in court documents, claimed that DU investigators refused to interview his witnesses, did not question his accuser's motivations and overlooked inconsistencies in the alleged victim's statements. Because the university's procedures at the time promised that sexual misconduct investigations would be "thorough, impartial and fair," Doe sued the school for breach of contract after believing its investigation into his case failed to live up to that standard.'

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UK: It's very bad time to be a man

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yes, that’s how it feels to be a man in today’s increasingly hostile climate. The inflated outrage over misogyny in Parliament feeds into the simplistic and inaccurate stereotyping of men as universal perpetrators, and women as perpetual victims. It feels as if the issue has been hyped up as part of the current campaign to make misogyny a criminal offence.

Male MPs - with an old fashioned sense of chivalry and shame - will no doubt want to 'do the right thing’ by their offended female colleagues, to do that would be to improve their own behaviour. However we should also consider the equally unpleasant reality of ‘misandry’ - the dislike of, or contempt for men, and prejudice against men.

Let’s look at the facts.

The paradox of Parliament is that while there is a Minister for Women, there is no Minister for Men co-ordinating a response to the male suicide epidemic, or giving men’s health issues meaningful representation in the House.'

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AOC called out for divisive comments about patriarchy and masculinity after Texas school shooting

Article here. Excerpt:

'Former Rochester, New York police chief La'ron Singletary pushed back on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., for her "characterizations and accusations" while law enforcement continues the investigation of the Uvalde school shooter. On "Fox & Friends First" Friday, Singletary urged politicians to find "viable solutions" instead of spreading divisive rhetoric. Ocasio-Cortez called out America's "patriarchal society" and masculinity "rooted in the subjugation of other people" on the day after the attack.'

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School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas

Article here. Excerpt:

'School shooters are almost always male, mentally ill, fatherless, and lost souls with little purpose, what Dr. Warren Farrell called, the “purpose void.” Despite our well established knowledge of these things, shooters continue to rear their heads again and again with ever increasing loss of lives. Since 2000, there has been approximately 367 school-shooting, related incidents. One school incident involved a child 6-years-of-age.

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Amber Heard on trial: Johnny Depp's defamation case is radicalizing young men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Anti-feminism makes good bait to pull young men deeper into authoritarian — and even fascist — politics.

Polling demonstrates that a distressingly large number of young men long for old-fashioned gender roles. A 2018 poll by Perry Undem, for instance, found that while most teenage girls wanted equality in the workplace and in the home, the majority of teenage boys preferred men to dominate in the workplace while women are stuck at home caring for the family. As feminist Jessica Valenti noted in a 2020 article, male support for female equality has actually gone down in recent years. Not only are young married men still foisting the majority of domestic duties on their wives, but the percentage of men who openly long to have a housewife rose from 17% in 1994 to a whopping 45% in 2014. In reaction, increasing numbers of women are turning their noses up to marriage, preferring to be single rather than be with men who don't respect them.

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Our greatest public-health crisis? The angry young American male

Article here. Here we go. She's not even trying to hide it. Young maleness = dangerously violent. The generalizations are scarcely challenged. I wonder what exactly she propose? Curfews for males under 25? No guns sold to males under 25? Why stop there? No talk of mental health issues and where they may come from (e.g. no father at home). Excerpt:

'We are continuing to create, more than twenty years after Columbine, young male mass shooters who target schoolchildren.

Only in America. No other country suffers this sickness but us. America, land of milk and honey. Born here and you’re born on third base. Yet we are cultivating a cohort — young men hellbent on killing our children.
The Lone Wolf is no more, not since the Internet. Now any disaffected young man can become, with anonymous encouragement and advice, a killing machine.

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Distinguished Gentleman's Ride raises awareness for men's mental health, prostate cancer

Article here. Excerpt:

'Almost 200 bikers dressed in their finest clothes headed downtown on their vintage motorbikes to take part in Austin’s Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Sunday afternoon.
The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride takes place on the same day every year in cities across the world to raise money and awareness for men's mental health and prostate cancer research.

"There's not a lot for raising awareness for men's prostate cancer and mental health goes hand in hand with that because it's kind of a big deal and we're happy to be able to contribute funds, raise awareness and have this lovely event," she said.'

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Woman charged in war vet’s murder gets time served after plea deal

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who was charged in an Afghanistan War veteran’s murder caught a lucky break Thursday, striking a plea deal that let her off on time served after Manhattan prosecutors claimed they couldn’t prove their case.

Mary Saunders, 41, pleaded guilty to a downgraded charge of second-degree assault for her role in the 2018 stabbing death of Hason Correa in Harlem.

At the time, authorities alleged Saunders had tried to hold the 35-year-old married dad down as her two brothers repeatedly stabbed him in front of his father Wesley Correa.

But in court Thursday, Assistant District Attorney Dafna Yoran said Saunders only kicked and tried to punch the victim, and that those “did not appear to cause any damage.”'

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U.S. Women’s Soccer ‘Equal Pay’ Agreement Includes Men’s Team Now Subsidizing Their Pay

Article here. Excerpt:

'In what is being called an “equal pay” agreement between the U.S. Soccer Federation and the U.S. men’s and women’s national teams, the men’s team will soon begin subsidizing the women’s team’s bonuses with their own international prize money.

The landmark agreement was reached after years litigation between U.S. Soccer and members of the U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT), who claimed they were unfairly paid differently than the U.S. Men’s National Team (USMNT). The women made this claim even though each team had their own separate collective bargaining agreement about their pay structure.

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