Revolting Mother Busted For Series Of Vile Snapchat Vids

Article here. Keep your barf bag handy. Seriously, there are some graphic descriptions you may want to brace yourself for. Excerpt:

'In a series of vile Snapchat videos, a 26-year-old mother of two recorded herself engaging in sexual activity with her three-year-old son and, while breastfeeding her younger child, filmed the family dog licking her private parts, according to Florida court records.

Natalie Wagner, 26, is facing scores of felony counts in connection with 15 separate videos that investigators received last month from Snapchat following the issuance of a subpoena. Wagner, seen at right, is being held in the St. Lucie County jail in lieu of $1.2 million bond.

Until her arrest last month, Wagner shared a Port St. Lucie home with her husband and the couple's two young boys. At the time of Wagner’s bust, the minors were removed from the residence by child welfare officials. A judge has barred Wagner and her spouse--who has not been charged--from having any contact with the children.'

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Male Poverty Increases according to U.S Census Bureau Report

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Tuesday, September 13, the U.S. Census Bureau released its Poverty in the United States: 2021 report. The number of males who fell below the poverty line increased by 398,000 from 2020 to 2021 while the number of females declined by 13,000. Although the percentage of females living in poverty in the report was higher by 2.1%, (12.6% to 10.5%) there are other factors that impact our understanding of poverty thresholds and eligibility for programs.

Poverty thresholds, which is the purpose of the Census Bureau report, simply measure poverty and does not determine eligibility for certain federal programs. Guidelines for eligibility is more a function of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This difference may explain some of the reason males tend to have a harder time when it comes to eligibility, particularly when government and state agencies form councils on women in an important attempt to quantify the challenges facing them. The same agencies do not exist for boys and men, so their eligibility is often understated.'

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Texas A&M diversity policies discriminate against white, Asian men - lawsuit

Article here. Excerpt:

'Texas A&M University has been hit with a proposed class action claiming its employment policies unlawfully discriminate against white and Asian men.

Richard Lowery, an associate professor of finance at the University of Texas at Austin, said in a complaint filed in Houston federal court on Saturday that Texas A&M's affirmative action policies bar him from getting a faculty job with the university system because he is white.

Lowery says policies adopted by the school favor women and non-Asian minorities in hiring, promotions and pay. That includes setting aside some faculty positions for members of underrepresented minority groups, according to the complaint.

"These discriminatory, illegal, and anti-meritocratic practices have been egged on by woke ideologues who populate the so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion offices at public and private universities throughout the United States," Lowery's lawyers wrote.'

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Anonymity for men falsely accused of rape

Article here. Excerpt:

‘No man should have to go what I went through,’ said the teary John Jarratt, after a jury took 15 minutes to decide he was not guilty of an alleged rape forty years earlier. He’d been through twenty months of what he called ‘media death row’, with the worldwide press coverage traumatic for his entire family.

The accusation came from a former flatmate – Jarratt admitted he had sex with the woman, but said it was consensual. She said she’d been inspired by #MeToo and took action when the well-known Australian actor was at the peak of his career, starring in Wolf Creek II. Even after the jury tossed the case out and Jarratt successfully sued The Telegraph for reporting he had ‘got away with rape’, the incident will always be part of his history.

‘The woman who perpetrated the evil lie against me walked away scot-free,’ said Jarratt, calling for laws to be changed so that neither party is identified unless someone is convicted.'

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Mom in abuse case charged with false rape accusation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A mother who was recently arrested for allegedly abusing her infant is now facing another set of charges for falsely accusing her ex-boyfriend of rape, police say.

Kimberly Elizabeth Lander, 31, called police on Jan. 23 to report that she’d been raped by her ex-boyfriend, George Spickard, the previous night. Lander told Berwick Det. Reagan Rafferty that she’d gotten into a fight with her current boyfriend, Christopher Lindsay, and had left their house on Catherine Street around 4 p.m.

Spickard happened to be driving by, saw her walking, and picked her up, Lander allegedly told police. Spickard drove her to his house, where he strangled her and forcibly raped her, according to Lander. He then drove her to Buckhorn and dropped her off, she said.

Lander was taken to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville and evidence for a sexual assault collection was taken, court records show.'

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Why boys and men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have been worrying about boys and men for 25 years. That comes with the territory when you raise three boys, all now grown men. George, Bryce, Cameron: I love you beyond measure. That’s why, even now, I sometimes worry about you. But my anxiety has spilled over into my day job. I work as a scholar at the Brookings Institution, focusing mostly on equality of opportunity, or the lack thereof. Until now, I have paid most attention to the divisions of social class and race. But I am increasingly worried about gender gaps, and perhaps not in the way you might expect. It has become clear to me that there are growing numbers of boys and men who are struggling in school, at work, and in the family. I used to fret about three boys and young men. Now I am worried about millions.

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UK: Sexual harassment includes sitting in rooms with more male officers than women, says police chief

Article here. Excerpt:

'Female police officers can suffer sexual harassment simply by being in a room with a majority of their male colleagues, a leading police chief has claimed.
Asked to describe what incidents she had witnessed, she said: "This is not about me, but I think sexual harassment is about sitting in rooms where you have more male officers than women. Where you're in a male-dominated environment for any woman - that's always challenging."'

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Why Are Men in Crisis? | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Video here.

Scott Galloway and Matt Welch join Bill to discuss the factors driving young American men toward toxicity.

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Falsely Accused

Article here. Excerpt:

'For many, this day is essential, in great part, because it vindicates the innocent and spurs groups like the Innocence Project, Title IX for All, and a host of others working to ensure organizations and institutions are not violating equal protections and the essential importance of the rule of law. Falsely Accused Day, and the stories many will share, are a reminder of the importance of due process and the need to get it right.

Things fall apart and lives are ruined when the law falls prey to systematic practices that remove protections in favor of expediency and “compromised justice.”
Cases where people are wrongly accused of rape, homicide, and aggravated assault do not speak to the other forms of false accusations that lead to students being removed from schools, parents losing custody disputes, and people losing jobs, just to name a few.

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"Self-Made Man"

Rarely does MANN get a submission of a book or movie review. Possibly this is because there are no posts asking for them! Well time to change that. I am asking for a review of Self-Made Man by Norah Vincent. If anyone has read it and would like to review it, please submit a review. Thank-you.

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RAF chief's regrets over drive for diversity as he insists plan to favour women and ethnic minority candidates would not have led to drop in standards

Article here. Excerpt:

'The head of the RAF has told of his regret over its plan to favour women and ethnic minority candidates over better qualified white males.

The ‘woke’ diversity drive was scrapped after the RAF’s recruitment chief refused to implement what she called an ‘unlawful’ selection policy.

Last night Chief of the Air Staff Sir Mike Wigston said the RAF had launched an inquiry into how such a controversial policy was devised and very nearly implemented.

He acknowledged for the first time the fall-out from the extraordinary row after a tense meeting with Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, and revealed that Group Captain Elizabeth Nicholl, who walked out rather than put the plan into practice, had requested the investigation.'

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How we boosted the number of female faculty members at our institution

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 2016, Aleks Owczarek, who was then head of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, undertook an affirmative-action strategy (also known as positive discrimination) to recruit women as faculty members. This was a controversial move, but it was prompted by a clear lack of diversity in the school. The strategy was designed as a catalyst for change. It aimed specifically to increase the number of women in faculty positions; improve the professorial pipeline; and provide female role models for students. Only women were eligible to apply for positions in areas in which women were under-represented. It ran for one recruitment round in the school, but had beneficial secondary effects.

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Misogynistic influencers are trending right now. Defusing their message is a complex task

Article here. Excerpt:

'The jumble of groups and philosophies that center around ideas of toxic masculinity is commonly referred to as the "manosphere." Within lie incels (involuntary celibates), men's rights activists, pick-up artists, and the content creators that spread these ideas to the masses. Brette Steele, senior director for Preventing Targeted Violence at the McCain Institute, says men usually flock to the manosphere because they are unhappy in some way and searching for a sense of belonging, and younger audiences are drawn in by a similar need.

"Youth are searching for that sense of belonging, that kind of grounding to explain what's happening to them," she tells CNN.

"In the last few years, more youth have had to turn to communities online. We've seen a degradation of in-person social skills, and in middle school, that's when those social skills are first coming into play."'

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Media and Advertising Isn’t Doing Men Justice

Article here. Excerpt:

'Whilst recent years have seen a dramatic shift in society for women across the UK (and, indeed, the world), the ideology of masculinity has largely been left behind. The term ‘modern masculinity’ is frequently thrown around in today’s world, yet people struggle to define what it actually is or looks like - in many instances - simply defaulting to the clunky application of 'feminine' traits to the modern male identity to try to make sense of it. This suggests - unfairly, we would argue - that perhaps not much has changed about the representation of male identity at all.

Academic frameworks such as David and Brannon’s ‘Four Rules of Masculinity’ and Promundo’s ‘The Man Box’ show that little has overtly evolved over the years with how men might define themselves, leaving more traditional ideals of ‘maleness’ in place.

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White men can’t jump: Or decide what’s racist?

Article here. Excerpt:

'We had to re-read the quote to make sure we had it right. A Manchester Black Lives Matter leader said that Chief of Police Allen Aldenberg “is a White man; he should have no say over whether or not” something is racist.

What does Ronelle Tshiela know of the content of Chief Aldenberg’s character? Or, for that matter, what does she know about any and all White people in order to presume that they are incapable of judging something as racist?

Isn’t such a view itself racist?

Manchester NAACP president James McKim disagrees with Tshiela. He told our newspaper that he trusts Chief Aldenberg to make the right call in the matter of one of his officers sending a controversial text message to others in the department. The text contained a meme, not created by the officer, that has been described as racist or insensitive.

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