Young men just more interested in STEM fields, poll finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'Young men are more interested in science and technology careers than young women even though both equally report receiving opportunities and encouragement to enter STEM fields, a new Gallup survey found.

The poll by Gallup and the Walton Family Foundation found that 85 percent of young men ages 12 to 26 are interested in physical science, technology, engineering, or math careers. In contrast, 63 percent of young women said the same.

“Women make up half of the total college-educated workforce in the U.S. but only 34% of the workforce in science, technology, engineering and math sectors,” according to Gallup.

The poll comes amid a wealth of programs aimed at encouraging more girls to study STEM fields and research exploring why so few do.'

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Froma Harrop: Blaming white men for problems is political stupidity

Article here. Excerpt:

'An effective way of handing elections to right-wing Republicans is to label large blocs of voters as wrong by virtue of their gender, race, ethnicity, age. Those are physical characteristics, not walking opinions.

Yet this self-destructive habit is routinely practiced by some on the left, especially the feminist left. They casually cite "white men" as the reason reproductive rights are under attack.
Arguing a position based on the holder's race, gender or age isn't just dumb politically. It's no argument at all.'

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UK: Hormone-free contraceptive pill for men being trialed

Article here. Excerpt:

'Pre-clinical studies have found YCT-529 is "99% effective and 100% reversible, with no side effects", according to experts at its manufacturer, YourChoice Therapeutics, based in San Francisco.

The new hormone-free drug is being tested by 16 British men, with the initial trial phase conducted by Nottingham-based drug development company, Quotient Sciences.

Men are currently limited to using condoms or having a vasectomy to prevent unwanted pregnancies, while women can choose from the pill, coil, contraceptive injection and female condoms or diaphragms.'

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Narcissists may engage in feminist activism to satisfy their grandiose tendencies, study suggests

Article here. To be fair, this may be applicable to a lot or even all cause-related movements in general. I've noticed in such groups there are those there for the gospel, then there's those there for themselves. Excerpt:

'A recent study has found that individuals with higher levels of narcissistic traits are more likely to be involved in feminist activism. This research suggests that for some, activism may serve not just as a platform for societal change, but also as a means to fulfill personal, egocentric needs. The findings have been published in Current Psychology.

The study was inspired by the idea that while many engage in activism for altruistic reasons or due to direct personal impact by the issues at hand, others might be motivated by less noble desires, such as the fulfillment of narcissistic needs. This notion aligns with the concept that activism can be used as a vehicle for individuals to achieve personal gains, such as attention, status, or fame.'

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Genital Cutting as Gender Oppression: Time to Revisit the WHO Paradigm

Article here. Excerpt:

'In response to these concerns, scholars of genital cutting have increasingly undertaken a more comprehensive, cross-cultural and cross-sex comparative approach, particularly in the last several years. For example, in a recent publication, a large group of scholars from diverse countries, cultures, and disciplinary backgrounds highlighted the following shared aspects of non-therapeutic female, male, and intersex child genital cutting (FGC, MGC, and IGC, respectively), that seemed to them to be morally—and perhaps also legally—relevant:

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UK: ‘Non-diverse’ candidates are not hired without my sign off, says Aviva boss Amanda Blanc

Article here. Excerpt:

'Amanda Blanc, the chief executive of Aviva, has said all senior white male recruits must get final sign-off from her as part of a diversity drive to stamp out sexism in the financial services industry.

Ms Blanc, who became Aviva’s first female chief executive in 2020, told a parliamentary committee that there was “no non-diverse hire at Aviva without it being signed off by me and the chief people officer”.

She said: “Not because I don’t trust my team but [because] I want to make sure that the process followed for that recruitment has been diverse, has been properly done and is not just a phone call to a mate saying, ‘would you like a job, pop up and we’ll fix it up for you’.”'

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Why White Men Resist IE&D Training and Initiatives

Article here. Excerpt:

'"The largest demographic group I've trained in 30+ years of DE&I consulting has been white males," said Eric Ellis, president and CEO of Integrity Development in Cincinnati. "I've gained valuable insights from them, including an understanding of key factors that often make them feel excluded from DE&I conversations." These include:

  • Addressing bias: "Why am I the only one expected to acknowledge my biases when everyone has them?"
  • Stereotyping: Expressing frustration about being generalized as the "stereotypical white man" who doesn't value IE&D and whose career success is solely attributed to their race and gender.
  • Lack of advocacy and support: Being concerned that IE&D advocates rarely stand up for them when they experience discrimination in the workplace based on their identity or characteristics.'
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“A White Male Would Probably Already Be Gone”

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yesterday, journalist Christopher Brunet and I broke a story examining evidence that strongly suggests that Harvard president Claudine Gay plagiarized multiple sections of her Ph.D. dissertation, according to Harvard’s own academic integrity policies. One of the scholars that Gay used material from in at least two instances was Carol Swain, who has served as a professor at Princeton and Vanderbilt. Swain is also known as one of America’s most prominent black conservatives and has published scholarly work criticizing race-based preferences and affirmative action.

This morning, I spoke with Swain, who said that she saw “a clear pattern of what one would consider plagiarism in Dr. Gay’s thesis” and called into question Gay’s continued service as Harvard’s president. The following transcript has been lightly edited for length and clarity.
Christopher Rufo: What are your thoughts about the Claudine Gay plagiarism accusations?

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Men now face more hiring discrimination than women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Variations of the familiar quip, “Women have to be twice as good to go half as far,” date back to the early 20th century. This sentiment was true enough in its day, but a lot has changed in the generations since. While women have not reached parity with men in all ways, men have fallen behind women — in some cases far behind — in many domains, including in grade school, all levels of higher education and academia, and “adulting” (e.g., living with parents). As college degrees translate into higher-paying jobs, women now outearn men in several US cities — a trend that will likely continue as the credential gap widens.

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White knighting in the recent GOP debate

Article here. Excerpt:

'At the debate, Christie furiously defended fellow GOP candidate Nikki Haley, the former U.N. ambassador, after she was attacked by Ramaswamy onstage.

'It's not me forming an alliance with Nikki Haley,' Christie told CNN's Dana Bash.

'Look, I am a truth teller, Dana. And I am going to tell the truth. If someone is insulting Nikki Haley in a way that was personal. It was nothing about issues. He said she is not smart enough to know where things on the map, that somehow his 3-year-old son is smarter than a woman who served as a two-term governor and U.N. Ambassador.'

He argued that he defended her because she is an 'accomplished woman and worked incredibly hard both in South Carolina and in the U.N.'

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Debunking the myth of steady male employment

Article here. Excerpt:

'Steady employment has long been the assumed standard associated with the American man, especially by the baby boomer generation. New research is pushing back on the archetype and shedding light on the potential consequences of upholding the “breadwinner” ideology in a labor market in which reality is strikingly different.

In work recently published in Socius, researchers at Penn State and Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine found that only 41% of baby boomer men who were studied followed a trajectory of continuous high employment over the duration of their prime earning years. Instead, most men in the study followed less stable employment paths that included increasing unemployment, time out of work but not seeking employment due to personal reasons or periods of intermittent work.'

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UK: Jail, but Only for White Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'In radical plans, the Sentencing Council for England and Wales (the body tasked with advising the judiciary on sentencing criminals fairly and consistently) is suggesting that judges and magistrates eschew short-term jail sentences in favour of more rehabilitative community orders. The consultation, published on Wednesday and running until February 2024, proposes a major revision to the imposition of community and custodial sentences guidelines, which date back to 2017—specifically, that unpaid work or drug treatment programmes should be handed down in lieu of prison time.

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No White (ie, White Male) Faculty Allowed

Article here. Not just white, but white and male. "Male" is the additional unspoken criteria. Excerpt:

'A recent internal investigation into faculty hiring at the University of Washington reveals the exhaustive efforts that universities make to discriminate against white job applicants. After the university’s Department of Psychology identified a white candidate as best qualified for a tenure-track professor position in early 2023, the department’s Diversity Advisory Committee pressured the hiring committee to re-rank candidates in accordance with the methodology laid out in an internal handbook titled “Promising Practices for Increasing Equity in Faculty Searches” so that a black woman would receive the job instead. This handbook, obtained by the National Association of Scholars, spells out how to exclude candidates of undesirable races and ensure that candidates of preferred races get hired.'

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Does a cap on boys' sports mean equal treatment? Sioux Falls district officials won't say

Article here. Excerpt:

'Since a cap on boys sports was made public last week, officials with the Sioux Falls School District have refused to answer specific questions about whether Title IX's requirement for equal treatment in sports also means capping student participation numbers.

The Sioux Falls School District and its Board of Education won’t say whether board members knew about the decision to start capping boys’ sports before it was brought up during public comment time at last week’s board meeting.

And district officials haven’t answered why the decision was made by administration instead of by the school board. They also haven’t cited what policy allows the district to supersede its board in such a decision, which affects the budget board members passed in July.'

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Hamas raped men as well as women during October 7 attack

Article here. Excerpt:

'Israeli investigators probing the fallout of the brutal October 7 attacks have found evidence that men as well as women suffered sexual violence and rape at the hands of Hamas and Islamic Jihad attackers, activists have claimed.

Yael Sherer, a spokeswoman for Israel's Survivors of Sexual Violence advocacy group, said there was physical evidence as well as eyewitness accounts of sexual violence perpetrated against both sexes amid the attacks.

'There was sexual violence and rape in these communities in the south of Israel... we have a few living survivors - not a lot - of both genders. It didn't only happen to women, it happened to men as well,' she told BBC Radio 4.

'Aside from finding bodies of people who were murdered, a lot of the bodies were mutilated... terrorists made sure to disgrace these people and dishonor them,' she added.'

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