NZ: False rape claim: Teen serves 10 years

Article here. Excerpt:

'A teenage boy wrongly accused of rape spent nearly 10 years in prison even though the so-called victim confessed to making up the sex allegations shortly after the trial.

The 17-year-old, Patrick*, was labelled a "dangerous sexual predator" by the judge who sentenced him to 4½ years in prison in 2005.

He was found guilty of multiple sexual assaults against another teenage boy, despite his adamant denials, in a trial where the the jury also heard Patrick - a victim of sexual abuse himself - admitted indecently touching a young girl.

Less than a year later, the teenage complainant, Mark*, admitted to his Child Youth and Family caregivers he "made it all up" because of jealousy.'

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UK: MP claims men have ‘lost their voice’ ahead of debate on International Men’s Day

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'Political correctness has “neutered” men to such an extent that they have lost their voice, a Tory MP has claimed ahead of a debate on International Men’s Day.

Philip Davies, the Conservative MP for Shipley, made the comments hours before a general debate in the Commons, which will discuss International Men’s Day for the first time.

Last year Labour MP Jess Phillips said she felt as though “every day” was International Men’s Day when Mr Davies asked the backbench business committee in Westminster to allocate time to a discussion. International Women’s Day itself dates back to the early 20th century and in some countries is observed as an official holiday.'

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Women-only wealth manager network rolled out in the UK

Article here. Excerpt:

'Raymond James has launched the Women Wealth Manager Network (WWMN) in the UK, with the aim of supporting and retaining female wealth mangers and to encourage women into becoming wealth professionals.

Women’s share of wealth is growing rapidly – as a recent Credit Suisse report showed. Women account for 40% of the world’s wealth and female investors are more likely to choose and work with a diverse wealth management team.

As a result of this demographic shift, Raymond James has set up the WWMN, established for women by women to share best practice, mentor, network and develop events.

The UK launch marks the third such Raymond James’ network, following ones in the US and Canada. The US Women Adviser Network started 24 years ago.

The WWMN is also open to paraplanners and women working through their qualifications.

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UK: March For Men, London, November 18

Site here. Excerpt:


A conference conveying positive messages for men by activists, academics and authors.

Join us as we peacefully March For Men in London, UK on 18th November 2018. Then follow on to the Messages for Men conference.

The march meets at 11am outside the Royal Courts of Justice to leave at 12, the conference is ticketed – and sold out last year, so please purchase a ticket before the day to avoid disappointment.'

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Pelosi warns against ousting a woman

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nancy Pelosi is making gender a central part of her bid to reclaim the speaker’s gavel — leaning hard into the pitch that Democrats cannot oust the only woman at their leadership table following a historic election for women.

In addition to arguing she’s the best qualified for the job, the California Democrat and her allies are also framing a Pelosi victory as a matter of protecting political progress for women at a critical moment. Push her out, and men may take over the party at a time when more than 100 women are heading to Capitol Hill and after female voters have been thoroughly alienated by President Donald Trump. Embrace her, and she’ll prioritize legislation empowering women on issues ranging from equal pay to anti-harassment legislation.

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Italy: Why activists believe Italy's divorce reforms would be terrible for women and children

Article here. Excerpt:

'In Rome, 100 women from feminist movement Non Una di Meno made their way from the Colosseum to the Capitoline Hill dressed as handmaids from Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. From Milan to Naples, women’s associations, trade unions and more joined together to request that the bill, proposed by conservative senator Simone Pillon of the League, be withdrawn amidst fears that it risks turning the clock back 50 years for women, children and survivors of domestic abuse.

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Director of film about domestic violence faces criticism from mens rights activists for focusing on women

Article here. Excerpt:

'“It is impossible to have an open discussion about something as black and white as men shouldn’t be killing women,” he said. “All you get are so-called men’s rights activists shouting everything down and saying ‘what about men’, even though the statistics clearly show that six of every seven victims of abuse are women, and men use violence and kill far, far more often than women do.”
Anthea Sully, chief executive at White Ribbon UK said: “For real change to occur, men must understand the systems in place that give rise to toxic masculinity and male violence towards women.

“This film powerfully shows the impact of abuse in all its forms in relationships. White Ribbon UK asks men to take responsibility in ending male violence against women by being active bystanders, calling out abuse and sexism among their peers; talking openly about the male cultures that can lead to abuse and why men must take a stand against them”.'

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UK: Very mad men: We’ve been forced out, say white male advertising execs

Article here. Excerpt:

'A group of “white, male, straight, British” executives have claimed they were victims of discrimination after being made redundant by one of London’s top advertising agencies.

They reportedly lost their jobs at J Walter Thompson (JWT) agency in the summer following a speech by creative director Jo Wallace saying she wanted to “obliterate” its reputation as a “Knightsbridge boys’ club”.

Shortly after the conference in May the men went to JWT’s HR department to express concerns about the implications for their career prospects, according to the advertising industry magazine Campaign.

The executives are understood to have engaged lawyers about bringing a possible discrimination case on grounds of gender, race, nationality and sexuality.

If a legal case goes ahead it is likely to be seen as a major test case at a time when many employers are trying to boost female representation at senior levels to close the gender gap.'

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Ireland: Female-only university posts set to be challenged in courts

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Government is braced for legal challenges to its plan to fund women-only posts in universities.

But a solicitor who specialises in employment law has said the plan would likely stand up to any challenge under equality legislation.

"There may be an equality issue there. But they are allowed to have a bias towards female roles if there is specific policy there," said Claire McDermott, of the Flynn O'Driscoll law firm.'

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Ireland to Establish ‘Women-Only’ College Teaching Positions

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an op-ed for the Irish Independent, Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor writes that in order to “accelerate” gender equality in Irish Higher Education Institutions, she is creating “female-only professorial posts within our universities and institutes of technologies.”

These “radical changes” are necessary, Ms. Mitchell O’Connor insists, to ensure a more equal playing field.

Many women, “who are as capable and efficient as their male peers,” Mitchell O’Connor writes, “still work in an environment where their gender holds them back. Let’s call it what it is: gender inequality.”

Anticipating some “minor backlash,” Ms. Mitchell O’Connor argues that the move does not discriminate against men but simply addresses the “paltry proportion” of women in senior third-level positions.'

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Sex doll parties on the rise

Article here. Well women have dildo parties, right? Fair's fair. Excerpt:

'Sex doll enthusiasts, including single and married men, descended on the exclusive gathering in Texas last weekend to meet like-minded hobbyists who share the same fascination with fake plastic women.

At the three-day meet-and-greet, more than 30 human-like sex dolls were displayed by attendees in a pageant-style presentation.

Guests did not have sex with the dolls, but “checking them out” and fondling with their breasts was “very much an accepted thing”, one party-goer said.

Besides from admiring and touching each other’s dolls, guests drank beer, shot guns and “did guy stuff”.

These gatherings, which happen two to three times a year in different US states, are part of the burgeoning sex doll zeitgeist currently sweeping the globe.

Men in the US and across the world are starting to chose sex dolls over real women in growing numbers, with manufacturers such as RealDoll capitalising on the booming demand.'

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Donna Zuckerberg: ‘Social media has elevated misogyny to new levels of violence’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Donna Zuckerberg didn’t expect to spend two years trawling through the corner of the internet defined as “the manosphere”, unpicking the grim alliance between pick-up artists, men’s rights activists, incels (involuntarily celibate men), the far right and the most ardent Make America Great Again advocates.

“It started as a curiosity,” she says, as we video call from her home in Silicon Valley, which she shares with her husband and two children. “But it took on a life of its own.” A classicist with a PhD from Princeton, Zuckerberg edits the online journal Eidolon, publishing scholarly essays on the Greco-Roman world from academics and students.

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Michigan professor challenges women-only UVA scholarships

Article here. Excerpt:

'A University of Michigan at Flint professor has complained about eight University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business scholarships, saying they discriminate against men.

Mark Perry, a professor of economics, sent a complaint to U.Va.’s Title IX office last week about the single-gender, women-only scholarships at Darden, as well as the Forte Foundation Fellows program, which connects females who receive merit-based scholarships to networking and leadership opportunities. He asked the office to investigate whether U.Va. “is engaging in ongoing, systematic and illegal sex/gender-based discrimination, in violation of Title IX standards and U.Va.’s own stated policy of non-discrimination based on gender,” according to his complaint. Male students and students who do not identify with either gender are being denied equal access to financial aid, he said.'

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University wants to help white men deal with whiteness

Article here.

'A health services initiative at Brown University is promoting the idea that men are socialized only to express anger, which then causes men to show their emotions through violent behavior that must be unlearned.

The health services program wants to create "safe spaces" so male students can express themselves and unlearn the things they've been taught about manhood.

Linda Harvey, president of Mission America, says there are many men of high character and such a demand doesn't reflect reality.

"Nobody wants to be lectured to about some widespread issue of all men are evil," she says. "Most people can see right through that."

Campus Reform reports Brown has the "Unlearning Toxic Masculinity" guide to help those men afflicted with male toxicity.'

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Women nearly as 'distressed' as men over compulsive sexual urges and behaviour, study finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'Of 2,325 U.S. adults surveyed, 10 per cent of men and seven per cent of women met the clinical cut-off point for “compulsive sexual behaviour disorder,” a newly named category of sexual pathology that involves a persistent inability to control intense, repetitive urges and feelings, resulting in repetitive sexual behaviour “that causes marked distress or social impairment.”

Until now, rough estimates pegged the condition’s prevalence at somewhere between one and six per cent of the population, with men assumed to be between two and five times more likely to suffer from the disorder than women.

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