For boys, all-male environments can be an abusive, toxic place

Article here. Excerpt:

'All-male, fraternal environments such as boys-only schools, sports teams and fraternities magnify these gender dynamics and biases. British psychotherapist Joy Schaverien coined the term “boarding school syndrome” to describe how exclusive, hierarchical boys’ academies such as Eton and Harrow teach young men to be bullies, to be loyal to their clique-ish institution and disdainful of “the other,” to bury their emotions and take pride in their capacity to endure pain, to feel entitled and to dominate those weaker than themselves.

And as would be expected, these hypermasculine societies and arenas not only support a culture of aggression and abuse, but celebrate it as tradition in hazing and initiation rituals that range from mild mortification to severe physical and sexual assault.'

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St. Mark’s Student Creates a Stir With ‘War on Boys’ Editorial

Article here. Excerpt:

'A ridiculous op-ed in the Remarker, St. Mark’s student newspaper, is apparently not going over well at St. Mark’s sister school, Hockaday. The piece is titled “Kavanaugh and the War on Boys.” Click here to read the whole thing, but here’s how it starts:
I’d like to make two points about this op-ed. Well, three. First, it’s terrible. It’s so terrible that I’m not going to bother pointing out precisely why it’s terrible. Because it’s obviously terrible.

Second, no one should be forced to have his high school writing follow him around online for the rest of his life. That’s why I’ve obscured the kid’s name, title, and face in the image of the op-ed I’ve linked to above. I’m so thankful that the internet wasn’t invented until after I got out of college.

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UK: Boys left to fail at school because attempts to help them earn wrath of feminists, says ex-Ucas chief

Article here. Excerpt:

'Britain’s education system is failing to tackle the “astonishing” underperformance of boys as feminists have made the topic “taboo”, the former head of the university admissions service has warned.

Mary Curnock Cook, who was chief executive of Ucas until last year, said the fact that boys are falling behind in education is a national scandal – yet it is such an “unfashionable” topic to discuss that it has become “normalised”.

Girls outperform boys in all aspects of education, from primary school to GCSEs and A-level results. Last year, 57 per cent of women went to university compared to 43 per cent of men, a gap that has widened significantly over the last decade.

“I just find it unacceptable to think that it’s OK to let boys fall further and further behind in education and allow the gap to get bigger,” Ms Curnock Cook said.'

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Misandry: an unwanted epidemic that is certainly not a hate crime

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ah, misandry. A somewhat mythical concept that only crawls out of the woodwork in accusations of ‘sexism against men’ and in classic examples of whataboutism. Within the government’s new initiative to tackle hate crime, Sajid Javid has proposed to enshrine misandry in the ranks of abhorrent prejudice, alongside misogyny. Under this new initiative, prejudice that has led to the murder, rape, enslavement, abuse, harassment, lack of access to institutional benefits and the general mistreatment of women will be made illegal. This, as well as a bit of petty online name calling that leads to men getting hurt feelings.

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How to 'Christine Blasey Ford-Proof' Your Son

Article here. A couple months old but a good reminder. Short memories these days shouldn't win out. A possible rallying cry for the MRM is "Remember Brett Kavanaugh!" Excerpt:

'I never thought I would be the mother of a son. Boys just don't run in our family. My grandmother has thirteen grandchildren, all of them girls. So when my son came along it was like a dream (a weird, crazy dream with a penis no one knew what to do with) and what a blessing he is! My little boy is so precious to me. He's sweet and loving and loud and crazy. He eats dirt. He's MUCH different than his sisters in his aggressive and fierce expression of love for "his girls," as he calls us. Male affection is just different and it's been that way from the beginning. Perhaps that's why mothers and sons have a special bond.

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Australia: "Family violence behind rising homelessness"

Link here. Excerpt:

'The number of Victorian women seeking homelessness assistance because of family violence has risen 70 per cent in four years, new data has revealed.
The statistics come from the Specialist Homelessness Services Annual Report 2016-17 published by federal government body, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

In 2016-17, the data shows that 25,755 women aged 15 and above approached homelessness services because of family violence.

In 2012-13 this number was 15,090 - an increase of more than 10,000 people.

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UK: Growing number of men reporting domestic violence to police, ONS figures reveal

Article here. The article suggests the drop in reports from women isn't real, in a sense. Oy. I also wonder how the report defines DV. Excerpt:

'Record numbers of men are reporting domestic abuse by their partners to police - as the proportion of women victims turning to police has fallen, official figures have revealed.

The proportion of male victims who told police about their domestic abuse increased from 10.4% in 2014-15 to 14.7% this year as charities said more men were shaking off the stigma of talking about their suffering.

However, the figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed it coincided with a sharp drop in the proportion of women victims reporting their abuse to police, down from 25.8% to 18.4% over the same period.

Campaigners suggested one reason could be increasing delays in over-stretched police forces being able to send officers promptly to domestic abuse incidents, giving the perpetrators more time to bully their victims into not making a complaint.

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Moroccan woman in UAE 'killed lover and cooked him'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Moroccan woman has been accused of killing her lover and serving up his remains to Pakistani workers in the United Arab Emirates, prosecutors say.

The woman killed her boyfriend three months ago, they say, but the crime was only recently discovered when a human tooth was found inside her blender.

She confessed to police, calling it a moment of "insanity", state-owned newspaper The National reports.

The woman, who is in her 30s, will go on trial pending an investigation.
According to police, the woman first told the brother she had kicked the victim out of the home. But Dubai-based Gulf News said she later collapsed and admitted the killing under police questioning.

She reportedly said she had enlisted the help of friend to help clear up her apartment after the killing.

The accused has reportedly been sent to hospital for mental health checks.'

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Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian says men are unhealthy, insecure, and paralyzed by patriarchy

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some know Alexis Ohanian as the most supportive husband ever. But the co-founder of Reddit and Initialized Capital, an early-stage venture capital fund, really proved his chops this month when Deborah Barros, a candidate for the Alabama state senate, called out the double-standard between men and women’s ability to publicly express emotion.

“Funny how a black female tennis player is held to a higher standard to keep her emotions in check than a Supreme Court nominee,” Barros wrote in a now-deleted tweet.

She was referring to the tennis phenom Serena Williams, who is Ohanian’s wife, and Brett Kavanaugh, the now-confirmed Supreme Court justice whose emotional US Senate confirmation hearings raised questions about his judicial temperament.

“It’s not funny, it’s bullshit,” Ohanian replied. It was just one of many instancesin which Ohanian uses his platform—as a widely followed tech mogul and as the husband of one of the world’s top athletes—to advocate on behalf of racial and gender equality.'

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Australian Attorney-General's Department: "Supporting women to recover financially after separation"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Women and their families will soon benefit from a new package of measures that will provide expanded legal and social support to victims of family violence, and additional services to help families resolve family law disputes.

On 20 November 2018, the Australian Government announced a package of measures to improve women's economic security – the Women's Economic Security Package (WESP).

The WESP includes $98.4 million in new funding for family law services and initiatives, to commence in the 2019-2020 financial year.'

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Woman arrested for assaulting anti-DV protesters

Article here. Excerpt:

'Authorities arrested left-wing Antifa protester Hannah McClintock on a harassment charge, and arrested five others on other charges, including interfering with a peace officer and disorderly conduct, the Portland Police Bureau said in a statement.

A video of the encounter shot by independent journalist Andy C. Ngo showed McClintock allegedly confronting the male demonstrators attending the rally.

The rally put a spotlight on male victims of sexual abuse and those falsely accused of sexual harassment. Left-wing counter-protesters also showed up to disrupt the rally and harass the attendees of the event.

The female protester allegedly egged on the male demonstrators while she spat on them, repeatedly yelling the word “b****,” according to the video.'



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UK: Student leader who vowed to paint over mural to WWI's 'white men' resigns her post

Article here. Excerpt:

'A university students’ union president who sparked outrage when she called for a mural in memory of First World War soldiers to be painted over has stood down from her role.

Emily Dawes posted on Twitter in October the Rothenstein Mural at the University of Southampton should be removed because it only featured “white men”.

She had tweeted: “Mark my words - we’re taking down the mural of white men in the uni Senate room, even if I have to paint over it myself.”
The mural was painted by Sir William Rothenstein in 1916 as a memorial to members of British universities who served in the war and was presented to Southampton in 1959 by the artist’s son.'

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Ocasio-Cortez: Pelosi opposition mostly white men, doesn't reflect 'diversity of the party'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dismissed the growing opposition to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s potential House speakership as a group of mostly white men who have no vision and no common value.”

A group of 16 Democrats signed a letter Monday vowing to blocking Mrs. Pelosifrom returning to her role as speaker after Democrats reclaimed their majority in the midterm elections. The letter, signed mostly by white men, with the exception of Reps. Kathleen Rice and Linda Sanchez, argues that Democrats won back the House on a “message of change” and that shaking up the party’s leadership would deliver on that message.

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I was fired from union job over ‘anti-male atmosphere’: suit

Article here. Excerpt:

'A union secretary says he was fired for being a guy — citing a female supervisor’s poster that declared, “Women on the Rise” as Exhibit A in an unusual gender-discrimination lawsuit.

Staten Island resident Manuel Garcia was hired as an administrative assistant in 2011 by the Office and Professional Employees International Union, which represents 125,000 white-collar workers.

He was promoted to administrative clerk in a Manhattan office, where he was the only man among a staff of 13, he says in court papers.

Garcia, 52, claims he was “subjected to disparate treatment due to his gender (male), such as not being allowed to perform his responsibilities in QuickBooks and if he made a mistake he was not allowed to correct it, unlike the similarly situated female employees.”

“Female employees were allowed to have a lunch at their desk while [Garcia] was not allowed to do so,” he claims in the Manhattan Supreme Court suit.

He was canned in March and replaced by a woman, according to court papers.

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#MeToo empowers anti-men zealots

Article here. Excerpt:

'Watch out, stay calm, don’t go the way of the French Revolution that replaced tyrants with worse tyrants, chopping off innocent heads by way of self-righteous evil. That’s what some might want to say to the #MeToo movement as it besmirches its truly noble objectives by some telling us that Brett Kavanaugh is guilty until he impossibly proves he isn’t, that women never lie, that masculinity is toxic and that trusting old, white men is swimming with the sharks.

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